Major changes
- #10838 - Remove support for GraalVM 19.3
- #10630 - Reactive routes - add @param, @Header and @Body
- #10524 - Deprecate support of hibernate.properties
- #10487 - Add ability to disable security on a per test basis
- #10456 - Reactive routes - arguments are optional for non-void route methods
- #10379 - Add support for mutiny types in reactive routes
- #10349 - DB2 JDBC extension
- #10062 - Support extension registry when adding or listing extensions in plugins
- #9370 - Add a Redis extension
- #8769 - Hibernate Envers Extension
Complete changelog
- #11119 - Update Blaze-Persistence guide
- #11113 - Serve index.html for sub directories
- #11112 - Change security annotations to use recorders
- #11111 - Init Quartz with the correct CL
- #11110 - Fix cache key in CI
- #11109 - Use protobuf-maven-plugin for generating gRPC stubs
- #11105 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.13.63 to 2.13.64
- #11104 - Release fail with extensions present in the BOM and missing in the descriptor
- #11100 - NativeImageBuild: Add --user flag to podman
- #11099 - Fix misspelling in oidc extension
- #11098 - Avoid installing multiple extensions with multiple matches
- #11097 - Substitute attributes where necessary.
- #11093 - Qute: Introduce template extensions with namespaces
- #11090 - Print the URL where the Openshift application can be found
- #11088 - Don't use --no-server on Mandrel
- #11087 - Make s2i use Java 11 as the default
- #11086 - In tooling, do not install any extension when there are multiple matches
- #11082 - Wire up Server Push
- #11081 - Upgrade SmallRye OpenAPI to 2.0.6
- #11080 - Add ability to directly specify endpoints in tests
- #11077 - Implement some BeanManager methods
- #11075 - Large numbers of security annotations will cause deployment to fail
- #11074 - Add quarkus table prefix prop
- #11071 - Removing ldap build time config at runtime
- #11069 - Bump mockito-core from 3.4.4 to 3.4.6
- #11068 - Bump flyway-core from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3
- #11067 - Bump mockito.version from 3.4.4 to 3.4.6
- #11066 - Bump mockito-core from 3.4.4 to 3.4.6 in /devtools/gradle
- #11065 - Retire includeAllTimeZones for native executables entirely
- #11063 - Improve documentation and error message when using Quartz JDBC store and Agroal is not present
- #11060 - Warning about unsupported argument is thrown into the console when running with Mandrel
- #11058 - Fix MongoClient handling in Mongo Panache
- #11057 - Upgrade Quarkus HTTP to 3.0.13.Final
- #11054 - Native image build shows
-H:IncludeAllTimeZones and -H:IncludeTimeZones are now deprecated
message - #11052 - Qute: introduce template extensions with namespaces
- #11051 - Add prepare and prepare-tests to the pom templates
- #11050 - Qute - improve content type detection
- #11049 - add gradle label notifier
- #11046 - Fix explicit composite cache key elements values and improve doc
- #11044 - made ldap server test resource reusable
- #11042 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.13.46 to 2.13.63
- #11041 - Update to SmallRye Config 1.8.5
- #11040 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.4.19.Final and Hibernate Reactive 1.0.0.Alpha8
- #11039 - Fix artifactId and name of Redis Client IT artifact
- #11038 - Upgrade to Quarkus HTTP 3.0.13.Final
- #11037 - Go back to previous behavior regarding Surefire and Maven IT
- #11033 - Updating the GraphQL Guide with latest SmallRye features
- #11031 - Bump aws-alexa-sdk.version from 2.30.0 to 2.31.0
- #11030 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.13.46 to 2.13.62
- #11027 - Use a link instead of an empty reference
- #11022 - Add quickstart link to the Google Cloud Functions HTTP guide
- #11019 - Remove nonexistent qute-mutiny from the bom
- #11017 - Quartz - scheduling jobs programmatically fails when running from IDE
- #11015 - Fix Qute ValueResolver generated in wrong CL
- #11014 - If no Accept header is set default to the first 'produces' type
- #11013 - Remote dev clean up
- #11012 - Custom configuration converter for arrays are ignored
- #11011 - Make sure REST clients are closed
- #11010 - Fix build
- #11009 - Add URL test for QuarkusClassLoader
- #11008 - ignore jax-rs Response.StatusType for reflection
- #11007 - Qute dev-mode Classloader issue
- #11006 - Document usage of QuarkusTest*Callback
- #11005 - Updating the OpenAPI Guide with latest SmallRye features
- #10999 - Adding SmallRye GraphQL in MAINTAINERS.adoc
- #10998 - remote:dev plugin not working
- #10997 - Improve the building native image doc
- #10996 - Improve the guide and add a link to the quickstart
- #10995 - Get rid of lambdas in InfinispanClientProducer
- #10994 - Fixed Maven test pom property values
- #10992 - Reactive routes - register return/body types for reflection if needed
- #10991 - Qute: Unknown media type for suffix: .graphql
- #10989 - Upgrade Infinispan to 11.0.1.Final
- #10986 - Apply minor polish to Kafka Streams extension
- #10985 - SmallRye CP - replace ManagedExecutor producer with synthetic bean
- #10984 - NativeImageBuildStep fails if 'docker' is not installed
- #10980 - Adding OpenAPI in the Reactive Routes Guide
- #10978 - Add support for cache-from in Docker extension
- #10977 - Remote Dev Fixes
- #10975 - Generating Kube manifests in dev mode breaks remote dev
- #10974 - Fix IllegalRefCountException
- #10973 - Return URL with a trailing / if required
- #10972 - io.netty.util.IllegalReferenceCountException: refCnt: 0, decrement: 1 when refreshing a page
- #10969 - Remote development does not resync on application.properties change
- #10968 - Funqy HTTP query parameter binding
- #10967 - Added support to Quartz Plugins And Listeners
- #10966 - [container-image-docker] Add additional params to docker build command
- #10963 - Can't inject ManagedExecutor since quarkus 1.6.0
- #10962 - add a way to configure "plugins" and "listeners" for the quartz scheduler
- #10960 - Produced MIME type declaration not honoured in reactive routes
- #10959 - Update to proton-j 0.33.6
- #10958 - OptaPlanner guide: fix mvn quarkus-maven-plugin:create
- #10957 - Prevent misuse of modify* in dev mode tests
- #10956 - Fixes Elasticsearch doc generation error
- #10953 - Absolute paths in pom.xml
- #10952 - put renamed jar extension in a String constant so it could be safely …
- #10951 - update protobuf and grpc dependencies
- #10950 - Make the runtime config class actually runtime config
- #10949 - Clarify how to configure Kafka connector
- #10947 - Update Protocol Buffer library
- #10945 - Bump mariadb-java-client from 2.6.1 to 2.6.2
- #10944 - Initial OpenAPI support for Vert.x
- #10943 - Spring PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver does not return the subdirectory of a URL resource.
- #10940 - Add a section on Cache guide about negative caching and null values.
- #10939 - Allow reading configuration from Kubernetes secrets
- #10937 - Make security.adoc the main Quarkus Security document
- #10936 - Implement container-managed concurrency for beans
- #10935 - Unregister Vert.x codecs in dev-mode
- #10934 - Update smallrye reactive messaging to version 2.2.1
- #10931 - fixed lost OIDC refresh token when performing a refresh
- #10930 - Warn when JAX-RS @path is used along with MP Health annotations
- #10928 - Hot reload : Failed to start quarkus, Already a default codec registered for class class java.util.UUID
- #10926 - Make sure that minikube manifests have all env vars
- #10925 - Kubernetes extension doesn't properly populate env vars for Minikube
- #10924 - OIDC refresh token lost if not resent by provider
- #10923 - Container-managed concurrency for beans
- #10920 - Clarify in JavaDoc that logging does not work in test LifecycleManager
- #10919 - Fix duplicate surefire plugin build warning
- #10918 - Bump flyway-core from 6.5.1 to 6.5.2
- #10917 - Bump swagger-ui from 3.28.0 to 3.30.0
- #10916 - Regression: Various YAML configuration issues in 1.6.1.Final
- #10914 - Dev mode: don't include local projects of irrelevant versions
- #10913 - Add DefaultExtensionRegistryTest
- #10912 - Handle static resources in vertx-http
- #10911 - Fix typo in Hibernate ORM documentation
- #10910 - Enforce jar packaging by default in BuildMojo
- #10906 - enable gradle grpc devmode test
- #10904 - Update to Keycloak 11.0.0
- #10902 - Remove standalone module
- #10900 - Bootstrap Maven workspace: local parent and support locally configured build dirs
- #10899 - Improve error message for UnsatisfiedResolutionException
- #10898 - Misleading error messaging from quarkus-rest-client when missing an annotation
- #10895 - Upgrade RESTEasy to 4.5.6.Final
- #10893 - Reactive Routes result are not registered for reflection
- #10892 - Revert "Simplify fast jar dockerfiles by only using a single copy com…
- #10890 - Change to align UI to Health UI
- #10887 - Add Vault System Backend Engine Policy and Kubernetes Auth method provisioning services
- #10886 - gRPC code gen to generate health and reflection stubs
- #10885 - No logs on exception in QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager.start
- #10883 - Fix broken trustStore usage in RestClient in native mode
- #10882 - Enabling dev mode for jandex plugin
- #10881 - Fix typo in Arc's log message
- #10880 - Bump mockito-core from 3.4.2 to 3.4.4
- #10877 - Rest-Client TrustStore Configuration no longer possible via properties in native (regression)
- #10871 - Reactive routes - handle RC.getBodyAsJson() returning null correctly
- #10868 - Synchronize JUnit Jupiter version in bootstrap
- #10867 - Removed repeat content
- #10866 - Bump jandex from 2.2.0.Final to 2.2.1.Final
- #10865 - Bump debezium-core from 1.2.0.Final to 1.2.1.Final
- #10864 - Bump kubernetes-client-bom from 4.10.2 to 4.10.3
- #10863 - Bump mockito-core from 3.4.3 to 3.4.4 in /devtools/gradle
- #10862 - Typo error in INFO message when @Alternative bean is ignored
- #10860 - Support multi-release JARs
- #10858 - Reactive routes - io.vertx.ext.web.RoutingContext.getBodyAsJson() may return null
- #10856 - Doc that JAX-RS filters with custom SecurityContexts have to be Pre-Matching
- #10851 - Integrate Vert.x 3.9.2
- #10850 - Move MongoDB extensions to stable state
- #10847 - Added support for mocking void methods in PanacheMock
- #10845 - Properly espace properties in archetype generation
- #10843 - Apply tiny polish to Kubernetes extension
- #10842 - Remove invalid module from cron job
- #10840 - Don't trigger a native-image warning about using -H:+IncludeAllTimeZones explicitly
- #10839 - Removed support for GraalVM 19.x
- #10838 - Remove support for GraalVM 19.3
- #10837 - Bump to Gradle 6.5.1
- #10835 - Allow overriding trust store properties in the Infinispan client
- #10831 - Update Reactive Messaging to version 2.2.0 and Integrate health support
- #10830 - Experimental support for Avro in native mode.
- #10828 - Upgrade SmallRye Health to 2.2.3 and add Health UI
- #10824 - Knative fixes
- #10823 - Redeploying knative resources fails
- #10818 - Bump neo4j-java-driver from 4.0.1 to 4.1.1
- #10817 - Bump cron-utils from 9.0.2 to 9.1.0
- #10816 - Bump mockito-core from 3.4.2 to 3.4.3 in /devtools/gradle
- #10813 - Resource not closed warning with rest client
- #10812 - Can't use MongoDB with Panache with multiple clients on the same instance
- #10811 - Check OIDC token type and return 401 for invalid bearer tokens
- #10810 - Re-subscription must re-trigger the operation
- #10808 - Small clean up in GraphQL Extension
- #10807 - Improve errors on attempt to run a Quarkus application packaged as a WAR type
- #10805 - Add the ability to generate Kubernetes resources in dev mode
- #10800 - Remove unused method
- #10799 - Apply tiny polish to test extension
- #10794 - Don't send remote-dev mode password over the wire
- #10791 - Introduces native.surefire.skip to skip unit tests with -Dnative
- #10788 - Bump jandex from 2.1.3.Final to 2.2.0.Final
- #10787 - Bump mockito-core from 3.4.0 to 3.4.2
- #10786 - Bump mockito-core from 3.4.0 to 3.4.2 in /devtools/gradle
- #10784 - fix source path in maven resolver
- #10782 - Route annotations with the same values share a single handler instance
- #10781 - The smallrye reactive streams operators project is in maintenance mode.
- #10780 - Update to smallrye-jwt-2.2.0
- #10779 - Update to Vert.x 3.9.2, Mutiny 0.7.0, SmallRye Reactive Utils projects 1.1.0
- #10778 - Add x86_64 to the architecture detection
- #10767 - Bump debezium-core from 1.1.2.Final to 1.2.0.Final
- #10766 - Bump mysql-connector-java from 8.0.20 to 8.0.21
- #10764 - Upgrade SmallRye GraphQL to 1.0.5
- #10756 - Quarkus classloader doesn't support multi-release jars
- #10745 - Introduce extensions for the Elasticsearch clients
- #10744 - Kubernetes resource generation should optionally work in dev mode
- #10742 - Jandex warning at boot time about JsonString
- #10741 - Added maven.settings system property
- #10736 - Allow recording of immutable objects
- #10732 - Added Flyway properties for placeholders prefix and suffix
- #10722 - Hibernate does not load lazy onetone entity attributes with activated batching
- #10721 - Document SyntheticBeanBuildItem
- #10720 - @Liveness probe doesn't work with @path
- #10717 - quarkus-oidc NullPointerException
- #10715 - Improve the OIDC/OAuth2 documentation
- #10714 - Remove quarkus-bom-deployment deprecated in 1.6.0.Final
- #10712 - Quarkus resource not found on subdir
- #10706 - Document usage of QuarkusTest*Callback
- #10703 - DevMojoIT: Remove superfluous first mvn install to avoid race condition
- #10701 - Bump mockito-core from 3.3.3 to 3.4.0
- #10700 - Revert "Improve the OIDC/OAuth2 documentation"
- #10694 - Repurpose Quarkus Security Page
- #10692 - Support Spring Data JPA's isPersistable
- #10691 - Document SyntheticBeanBuildItem
- #10690 - Quarkus bootstrap resolver can't resolve spi / deployment 999-SNAPSHOT dependencies when running integration-tests
- #10688 - Bump flyway-core from 6.5.0 to 6.5.1
- #10686 - Bump formatter-maven-plugin from 2.12.0 to 2.12.1
- #10685 - Bump mockito-core from 3.3.3 to 3.4.0 in /devtools/gradle
- #10679 - Qute message bundles - add @MessageParam
- #10678 - Add and remove extension from single module project
- #10677 - Development Mode with multiple maven modules not working
- #10676 - update to mutiny 0.6.0
- #10674 - Add support for specifying the namespace of the generated k8s resources
- #10672 - Logging doc
- #10670 - Reactive Routes should contribute to the OpenAPI descriptor
- #10668 - Add launched profile to output when startup failed
- #10666 - Throw an error if uber-jar is set but a different package type is selected
- #10662 - Add configuration for Flyway new feature, to make it selectable whether to create schemas or not.
- #10660 - Access-Control-Allow-Credentials default value
- #10657 - Knative autoscaling
- #10654 - Display HTTP request contents in the log in a long format
- #10653 - Improve the OIDC/OAuth2 documentation
- #10652 - [Qute] Allow nested content for user defined tags
- #10651 - Oidc Code Flow options for SPA's
- #10650 - Bump mutiny from 0.5.4 to 0.6.0
- #10647 - Re-enable DevMojoIT.testResourcesFromClasspath()
- #10645 - CDI: Document that @interceptors is not yet supported
- #10637 - Quarkus NativeImageBuildStep fails with perm denied with podman 2.x
- #10632 - Change inner class modifier in quartz docs
- #10631 - Code gen/gRPC reload enhancements for Gradle
- #10630 - Reactive routes - add @param, @Header and @Body
- #10626 - Remove/reduce usage of MetricBuildItem
- #10621 - Add default to http max chunk size
- #10619 - Fix Spring Data JPA Query Methods for big hierarchy
- #10618 - Flyway: add configuration for new createSchemas flag
- #10613 - Better support for OIDC without the discovery endpoint
- #10611 - Rename entityManager() to getEntityManager()
- #10610 - Add configuration for http max initial line length
- #10608 - Using fast-jar without uber-jar results in no runner.jar beeing built
- #10602 - Quarkus cant be launched with Main-Class with gradle
- #10601 - add remove extension test
- #10597 - Generate a RouteHandler per reactive route
- #10596 - Allow injecting parameters and body in reactive routes
- #10587 - Document how to get the roles with quarkus-oidc
- #10581 - Quarkus Spring JPA Repository query methods is not working, at least like in Spring Boot
- #10574 - Envers extension
- #10569 - Update to smallrye-jwt 2.2.0
- #10565 - Disable failing Windows test
- #10556 - Dev mode: fixed discovery of local dependencies inherited from parents
- #10554 - Allow QuarkusDevModeTest to be run from IntelliJ
- #10548 - Exit in dev mode if port is in use
- #10547 - Re-enable WebsocketTestCase.testSendMessageOnOpen
- #10542 - If no challenge is generated return 401
- #10541 - Introduce entityManager() in PanacheEntityBase and PanacheRepositoryBase
- #10539 - Bump smallrye-health from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2
- #10538 - Allow user-providers-directory outside the output dir
- #10536 - set info log level on gradle
- #10534 - Add support for nested interfaces in @ConfigProperties
- #10533 - grpc client interceptors
- #10532 - HTTP 'authenticated' policy returns HTTP 200 for empty SecurityIdentity
- #10529 - Docs - add "Introduction to CDI"
- #10526 - Deprecate hibernate.properties resource
- #10524 - Deprecate support of hibernate.properties
- #10523 - Don't generate docs when "quickly" sys prop is set to true
- #10511 - Support configuration with nested interfaces
- #10510 - Improve CDI guide
- #10508 - Make sure --no-daemon does indeed get used when quarkus-platform-descriptor-json module is built
- #10507 - Remove unused AbstractDelegatingConfigSource
- #10506 - Skip OIDC authentication if the tenant is disabled
- #10505 - Remove leftovers from infinispan-embedded removal
- #10503 - Update asciidoctor-maven-plugin to latest stable v2.0.0
- #10502 - Bump picocli.version from 4.3.2 to 4.4.0
- #10497 - Allow Arc to deal with final methods of beans that need to be proxied
- #10494 - Created uber-jar test for multi-module projects
- #10492 - Make Spring Security play with @testsecurity
- #10490 - Update Spring Security to work with @testsecurity
- #10489 - Reactive routes - set content-type from Route#produces()
- #10487 - Add ability to disable security on a per test basis
- #10484 - Devmode, Maven: Broken classpath when a local module depends via its parent on another local module
- #10482 - Switch liquibase dependency to 3.10.1 version
- #10474 - Update Docs for native-image Commons Logging
- #10465 - Reactive routes - if no Content-Type header is set try to use RoutingContext#getAcceptableContentType()
- #10464 - Bump gizmo from 1.0.3.Final to 1.0.4.Final
- #10463 - Upgrade Infinispan extension
- #10459 - init custom gradle tooling model
- #10457 - Qute - replace TemplateInstance.publisher() with TemplateInstance.createMulti()
- #10456 - Reactive routes - arguments are optional for non-void route methods
- #10455 - Implements count() for named queries
- #10451 - Scheduler - make tests for concurrent execution more robust
- #10449 - Add useful constructor for TestResource usage
- #10447 - Security Issues: "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" should be false by default when using "quarkus.http.cors=true"
- #10444 - Fix race condition in scheduler and quartz's ConcurrentExecutionTest
- #10442 - Deprecate RecorderContext#classProxy method
- #10440 - Replace all @configitem of type Optional to OptionalInt
- #10439 - ClientInterceptor not applied to gRPC Channel
- #10438 - Bump liquibase-core from 3.10.0 to 3.10.1
- #10436 - @Cachekey depending on order of properties
- #10434 - Allow openshift to work with docker and jib container images
- #10427 - Quarkus Oauth2 quarkus.oauth2.enabled doesn't seem to work
- #10425 - Add helpful message for QuarkusDevModeTest logging
- #10423 - Created UberJarFormatWorksTest
- #10417 - OIDC UserInfo support
- #10415 - GeneratedResourceBuildItem may also be filtered and ignoredEntries from plugins is now used
- #10406 - Specifying ignoredEntries for quarkus-maven-plugin has no effect
- #10397 - Reactive routes - make the RoutingContext param optional for non-void method return type
- #10394 - fix missing quarkus gradle dependency
- #10384 - Bump formatter-maven-plugin from 2.11.0 to 2.12.0
- #10383 - Bump swagger-ui from 3.27.0 to 3.28.0
- #10379 - Add support for mutiny types in reactive routes
- #10378 - Qute throws very sparse exceptions
- #10375 - forkMode is deprecated since Surefire 2.14
- #10372 - Codestarts phase 1: Allow extensions to influence newly generated apps
- #10369 - ArC - introduce CacheGet annotation
- #10368 - Allow the use of QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager with @testprofile
- #10363 - Improve Authentication Documentation
- #10361 - Improve Security documentation to open a unauthenticated subpath
- #10360 - Remove Flyway transformer by providing tighter integration
- #10356 - Bump caffeine from 2.8.4 to 2.8.5
- #10355 - Bump flyway-core from 6.4.4 to 6.5.0
- #10352 - Bump to Jackson 2.11.1
- #10349 - DB2 JDBC extension
- #10344 - [#10295] Allow using the informer interface, and trace down all types
- #10343 - Disabled default quarkus-oidc tenant blocks access to the public resources
- #10339 - @JsonIgnore on fields in panache entity not working
- #10338 - Scheduler - add Scheduled#concurrentExecution() strategy
- #10335 - Push workflow tips a bit further
- #10330 - Make it possible to switch off Authentication on the dev environment easily
- #10328 - Devmode: introduce quarkus.live-reload.watched-resources
- #10324 - Updating FarJarTest for Gradle
- #10319 - Unable to perform a count operation on a named query
- #10315 - Update surefire from 2.22.0 to 3.0.0-M5 in independent-projects
- #10311 - Add defaultGoal clean install to quick-build profile
- #10305 - Qute - remove standalone lines by default
- #10304 - Close inputStream in tests that use @TestHTTPResource
- #10301 - Enhancement : add Prometheus annotation when extension : metrics + kubernetes are used
- #10300 - Removed non-existing quarkus-amazon-lambda-resteasy-deployment from quarkus-bom
- #10295 - Kubernetes Client informer not working in native mode
- #10294 - Add the ability to print the startup time of each build step
- #10291 - Fixed link rendering in Contributing.md
- #10290 - RequestScoped beans keeping property values from previous requests when using kotlin.
- #10272 - Ensure that QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager properties are propagated to run
- #10269 - quarkus grpc - multiple server instances
- #10266 - Enable forwarded for prefix header configuration
- #10253 - @Blocking hides exception
- #10243 - Fast Jar Improvements
- #10234 - Dev-mode: Add property/parameter to define extra files to watch for changes
- #10231 - spring-data-jpa: Support org.springframework.data.domain.Persistable.isNew()
- #10230 - quick-build profile that sets various system props to skip tests and validation steps
- #10218 - Fix quarkus-extension-processor race conditions when modules are built in parallel
- #10217 - quarkus-extension-processor race conditions when modules are built in parallel
- #10214 - Quarkus project compilation fails when && is present in path - e.g. 'RHEL8 && large'
- #10213 - Apicurio added to Avro test
- #10203 - Allow Quarkus Scheduler to handle concurrent execution
- #10185 - CORS Error when Keycloak Token Timesout
- #10174 - QuarkusTestResources all started no matter what
- #10150 - Document allowed parameter types for bytecode recording
- #10128 - ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogFactoryImpl
- #10123 - Launching Quarkus Kotlin Gradle App from IDE fails
- #10081 - Support Surefire 3.0.0-M5
- #10062 - Support extension registry when adding or listing extensions in plugins
- #10057 - No options to scale gRPC server
- #10055 - OpenShift deployment with kubernetes & container-image-docker extension does not work
- #10046 - Support for Specifying the default namespace in application.properties
- #10014 - Bootstrap Maven: replace the met runtime extensions but not their child deps
- #9963 - Align buffer size for Azure and AWS functions
- #9917 - code gen with gRPC
- #9883 - Missing skip- or exclusive-feature for Scheduler system
- #9842 - quarkusDev task fails with "Unable to find quarkus-gradle-plugin dependency"
- #9738 - QuarkusTest does not work in Gradle projects when invoked from IDE
- #9737 - Setup reactive and blocking and non-blocking routes the same way
- #9728 - feature: reading namespaced ConfigMaps
- #9719 - Bump to Jackson 2.11.0
- #9667 - Better document the logging levels
- #9663 - Improved OpenShift Deployments
- #9655 - Funqy Google Cloud Function
- #9622 - Support
- #9593 - Add initial implementation of list/add/remove extension utilizing registry
- #9574 - VertxRequestHandler cleanup code changes
- #9490 - Deployment BOM is not enforced on the build classpath
- #9478 - Add Avro support to the Kafka connector
- #9477 - Integrate reactive routes and Mutiny
- #9458 - quarkus:dev finds duplicate beans if a different version of the dependency is in the maven reactor
- #9370 - Add a Redis extension
- #9328 - Improve developer experience and hot reload support
- #9327 - Add interceptor to enable hot reload on incoming gRPC requests
- #9252 - JWT guide: rewrite token generation part
- #9251 - JWT validation logs no error
- #8950 - Quarkus should be able to run tests in different folders than the "preset" ones
- #8769 - Hibernate Envers Extension
- #8753 - Qute: remove whitespace around type declarations
- #8737 - Add support for running Unit Tests in Gradle project with IntelliJ builder/runner
- #8719 - Cannot get roles with oidc on web application
- #8659 - knative generated files are not compliant to the new knative protocol
- #8656 - Display HTTP request contents in the log in a long format
- #8516 - Type-safe message bundles powered by Qute
- #8416 - if something is already running on port startup has no warning /signs of problems
- #8396 - OIDC code flow fails when Auth0 returns a binary access token
- #8272 - Decouple internal Metrics SPI from MP Metrics API
- #7791 - Environment Variable KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS not being read by smallrye client
- #7233 - Add access to the entityManager from a JPA PanacheEntity / Repository
- #6293 - Offer DB2 JDBC extension
- #6265 - Make Neo4j transport encryption configurable
- #5827 - Verify OIDC can work with IDPs which do not have a discovery endpoint
- #5789 - In logging guide, DEBUG should not be a valid log level
- #4996 - quarkus-maven-plugin does not obey --file -f command line flag
- #4629 - Clarify which logging APIs are supported and what do we recommend
- #3120 - Add native support for Hibernate Envers
- #3113 - Decorate reactive messaging connectors with health and metrics
- #1971 - Native image charset encoding UTF-8