Major changes
- #13194 - Update SmallRye Reactive Messaging to version 2.5.0
- #13118 - Support multiple datasources for reactive SQL clients
- #13053 - Hibernate ORM 5.4.23 and Hibernate Reactive 1.0.0.Alpha11
- #13037 - Support micrometer StatsD meter registry
- #13034 - Upgrade to Mutiny 0.10.1
- #13016 - Allow disabling the Swagger/GraphQL/Health/OpenAPI UIs at Runtime
- #12949 - Allow to define part of the Hibernate ORM config at runtime
- #12907 - Qute: display custom error page during dev mode
- #12782 - Add Swagger UI Options via config
- #12759 - Add a Deploying to Google Cloud guide
- #12744 - Export Micrometer metrics to Signalfx
- #12692 - Changed the usage from slf4j-jboss-logging to slf4j-jboss-logmanager.
- #12566 - Change default media type to JSON
- #12473 - Use Codestarts as default project generation tool
- #12372 - Adding an IAM Amazon-service extension
Complete changelog
- #13207 - Quartz - replace Arc.container() with Instance
- #13204 - Add possibility to configure LDAP referral mode
- #13202 - Allow releasing runner class loader resources
- #13201 - Bump flyway-core from 7.1.1 to 7.2.0
- #13200 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.23 to 2.15.24
- #13199 - Bump quarkus-http.version from 3.0.15.Final to 3.0.16.Final
- #13194 - Update SmallRye Reactive Messaging to version 2.5.0
- #13191 - Fix Micrometer configuration documentation issues
- #13190 - Upgrade REST Assured to 4.3.2
- #13189 - Avoid ObjectMapper CDI warning in Funky Google Cloud Functions
- #13184 - Add referral mode config property to the quarkus.security.ldap.dir-context
- #13182 - Upgrade SmallRye GraphQL to 1.0.15
- #13181 - Fix the name of registerHealthUiHandler method
- #13177 - Bump ubi minimal version to 8.3
- #13175 - Propagate system property in gradle sub command
- #13173 - Fix return type in the kafka guide
- #13172 - Remove private modifier from injection point in MP FT guide
- #13167 - Upgrade to SmallRye OpenAPI 2.0.14
- #13162 - Bump testcontainers-bom from 1.14.3 to 1.15.0
- #13160 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.22 to 2.15.23
- #13159 - Bump aws-lambda-java-events from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0
- #13157 - Optimise memory retention in production: tuning of RunnerClassLoader
- #13153 - General Quarkus Platform doc describing how a platform is defined
- #13152 - Qute: fix template extension validation
- #13151 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.21 to 2.15.22
- #13148 - Forbid caching annotations on private methods
- #13147 - Deprecate field- and ctor-based BuildProducers
- #13143 - Vert.x event-loop threads start as "vert.x-eventloop-thread-"
- #13142 - REST Clients JSON extensions should produce RESTEASY_JSON capability
- #13140 - Check X-Forwarded-Prefix when building OIDC redirect_uri
- #13139 - Improve documentation of quarkus.http.access-log.pattern
- #13138 - Example should use lambda variable
- #13137 - Support intermediate Spring repositories
- #13136 - Explicitly set gradle local repo in test projects
- #13135 - Bootstrap Maven resolver: resolve pom.xml from the workspace only if the main artifact is also available
- #13134 - Simplify container testing
- #13132 - Revert Funqy root handling commit and add a new commit only for Funqy Knative
- #13131 - Qute docs: fix section names
- #13130 - Qute: fix parsing of section parameters
- #13127 - Fix various doc issues
- #13126 - Missing reference in qute-reference.adoc
- #13125 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.18 to 2.15.21
- #13121 - Use Uni to resolve TenantContextConfig
- #13120 - Use conventional artifact file naming for the generated platform properties and descriptor files
- #13118 - Support multiple datasources for reactive SQL clients
- #13117 - Knative traffic splitting
- #13112 - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.0.0.CR1 / Elasticsearch 7.9.2
- #13111 - Qute: add @CheckedTemplate#basePath()
- #13107 - Qute: fishy
expressions - #13104 - QuarkusBootstrap can't resolve quarkus-bom-quarkus-platform-properties:properties:999-SNAPSHOT when running integration-tests
- #13101 - Upgrade Gizmo to 1.0.6.Final and ASM to 9.0
- #13099 - Bump flyway-core from 7.0.4 to 7.1.1
- #13098 - Bump aws-alexa-sdk.version from 2.35.1 to 2.36.0
- #13096 - Make sure Maven commands use the effective project deps, props and managed deps
- #13095 - Regression/Change of behavior for root path when using quarkus-funqy-http on master
- #13090 - Qute: support non-public @CheckedTemplate methods
- #13087 - Gradle devmode: if the resources dir is empty the corresponding resources output dir won't exist
- #13083 - Remove ExtensionState shutdown hook upon close()
- #13082 - Explicitly set maven local repo in gradle command
- #13077 - Bump mutiny from 0.9.0 to 0.10.1
- #13066 - Document the limitations of CDI request context with Context Propagation
- #13064 - Mark quarkus-core extensions as hidden in the descriptor
- #13062 - OIDC not appending X-Forwarded-Prefix to redirect_uri
- #13056 - keycloak-admin-client extension imposes quarkus-oidc extension properties
- #13053 - Hibernate ORM 5.4.23 and Hibernate Reactive 1.0.0.Alpha11
- #13045 - Add useCurrentDirectory parameter in CreateExtensionMoJo
- #13040 - OIDC Extension - resolve method of TenantConfigResolver is getting invoked twice for every request
- #13038 - Add search-recursive property in Elytron LDAP config
- #13037 - Support micrometer StatsD meter registry
- #13036 - Revert "Run OIDC Challenge in the blocking mode if needed"
- #13034 - Upgrade to Mutiny 0.10.1
- #13030 - invalid warning in ResteasyCommonProcessor when using rest-client
- #13028 - Improved Quarkus platform detection mechanism
- #13027 - Support for BouncyCastle providers
- #13026 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.17 to 2.15.18
- #13025 - Bump aws-lambda-java-events from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0
- #13022 - Verify project build tool before creating Gradle model
- #13021 - Quarkus should verify that build.gradle or pom.xml exists rather than defaulting to gradle
- #13019 - Avoid retaining empty instances of HashSet
- #13016 - Allow disabling the Swagger/GraphQL/Health/OpenAPI UIs at Runtime
- #13013 - Request scope sometimes not propagated to ManagedExecutor.runAsync()
- #13012 - Add native service providers for SR Config.
- #13011 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.16 to 2.15.17
- #13009 - Bump micrometer.version from 1.5.5 to 1.5.6
- #13004 - Quarkus JBang project type
- #12999 - Use the project object as the source of dependencies instead of 'connecting' to the project
- #12994 - Bump mockito.version from 3.5.15 to 3.6.0
- #12992 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.15 to 2.15.16
- #12989 - removed System.out.println from DevMojo
- #12988 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.15 to 3.6.0 in /devtools/gradle
- #12987 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.15 to 3.6.0 in /integration-tests/gradle
- #12979 - Init container probes
- #12977 - Reimplement the QuarkusJTAPlatform to avoid leaking the ORM registry
- #12976 - Hibernate ORM's JTAPlatform implementation is leaking a reference to its registry
- #12973 - Respect Maven toolchains launching dev mode
- #12970 - Introduced io.quarkus.restclient.NoopHostnameVerifier
- #12969 - Improve pom.xml changes in remote dev mode
- #12967 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.14 to 2.15.15
- #12966 - Remove duplicate gradle test
- #12964 - Confirming that combining tika and narayana-jta has no native image build failures
- #12958 - Upgrade REST Assured to 4.3.1
- #12955 - Rename bind-param config property to bind-parameters
- #12954 - Bump assertj-core from 3.17.2 to 3.18.0
- #12953 - Bump rest-assured.version from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1
- #12952 - Bump assertj-core from 3.17.2 to 3.18.0 in /devtools/gradle
- #12951 - Bump assertj-core from 3.17.2 to 3.18.0 in /integration-tests/gradle
- #12949 - Allow to define part of the Hibernate ORM config at runtime
- #12945 - Add xml-apis:xml-apis as parentFirstArtifact to io.quarkus:quarkus-core
- #12942 - Add the ability to enable/disable Swagger UI and OpenAPI at runtime
- #12937 - Mark the extension-descriptor goal as thread-safe
- #12934 - fix typo
- #12932 - Ensure that k8s integration tests don't use locally configured cluster
- #12921 - Added example of using OpenSSL to generate keys in the JWT RBAC docs
- #12917 - Propagate AWS context to RESTEasy Undertow
- #12916 - Update pom files if create mojo is called inside a parent project
- #12915 - Kubernetes Invoker tests deploy to OpenShift cluster if logged in
- #12913 - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError when using json-schema-validator and quarkus-resteasy-jackson
- #12911 - Common dev mode launcher API for Maven and Gradle
- #12910 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.13 to 2.15.14
- #12907 - Qute: display custom error page during dev mode
- #12906 - Scope of java env vars for OpenShift builds
- #12903 - Set a higher timeout in BasicRestProjectGeneratorTest
- #12902 - Fix RedisClientName and MongoClientName can't be applied to parameters
- #12901 - Update to Keycloak 11.0.2
- #12900 - Micrometer: support StatsD registry
- #12899 - Restore code.quarkus.io master compatibility
- #12898 -
can't be applied to parameters - #12896 - CDI: programmatic lookup problem detected - Nayarana - 1.9.0.Final
- #12895 - Improve the Cloud-Native Codestarts experience
- #12894 - deployment-target=knative not working with Quarkus 1.9
- #12893 - Add stricter validation for bytecode recorders
- #12891 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.12 to 2.15.13
- #12890 - Minor BuildMojo refactoring
- #12886 - Change quarkus.hibernate-orm.log.sql to run time property
- #12885 - Bump dekorate to 0.13.5
- #12884 - feat: Introduce 3.x and 4.x style of openshift manifests.
- #12868 - Relax the Quarkus core compatibility check for individual extensions
- #12867 - Bump smallrye-common-bom from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1
- #12866 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.11 to 2.15.12
- #12865 - Catch and log when project and container image info can't be created
- #12864 - Recorder must fail fast when it can't find the getter/setter instead of siliently replacing a field with null
- #12863 - Funqy HTTP handles root URI
- #12860 - Extract gRPC common stuff
- #12858 - Failure to boot in kubernetes in dev mode
- #12857 - Optimize OIDC code flow to do one less redirect when the original path has to be restored
- #12853 - fix: remove un-used config properties
- #12852 - Add support for blocking annotation
- #12851 - Remove unnecessary kotlin path declaration in gradle build file
- #12849 - Gradle Kotlin codegen: do not execute the test code generating task unless the tests need to run
- #12847 - spring data - support manual method implementations in intermediate interfaces
- #12840 - Propagate AWS context to RESTEasy standalone
- #12839 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.10 to 2.15.11
- #12838 - Memory leak via MojoLogger.logSupplier
- #12837 - Memory leak via MojoLogger.logSupplier
- #12835 - Correcting the micrometer quick start example
- #12834 - Add property expansion and dotted secret config kv path name in Vaut Config Source
- #12833 - Check Reactive Redis Client for healthcheck
- #12829 - Maven plugin should be able to create a new Quarkus module when there is a root pom.xml file
- #12828 - Use buildtool build command in Dockerfile documentation
- #12827 - Add OpenTracing support for Kafka
- #12825 - Upgrade MySQL Connector to 8.0.22
- #12824 - Kubernetes extension does not generate init containers properly
- #12822 - Add oidc-wiremock to CI Security2 category
- #12818 - Quarkus Caching extention: Invalidation does not work
- #12817 - fix dockerfile documentation
- #12816 - Use buildtool data to generate requested dockerfile buildtool command
- #12815 - Invalid dockerfile fast-jar doc
- #12814 - Gizmo 1.0.5.Final
- #12812 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.9 to 2.15.10
- #12811 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.13 to 3.5.15
- #12810 - Replace recursiveDeleteAndThenCreate(dir) with createOrEmptyDir(dir)
- #12809 - Ignore amazon deps when validating extensions json
- #12807 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.13 to 3.5.15 in /integration-tests/gradle
- #12806 - Bump mockito-core from 3.5.13 to 3.5.15 in /devtools/gradle
- #12803 - Duplicated root-path in OpenAPI document for JAX-RS sub-resource
- #12797 - grpc code generation - option to scan dependencies for imports
- #12793 - Inject any number of gRPC stubs per configured client
- #12791 - Feat/doc and test traced
- #12790 - Rename extension hibernate-search-elasticsearch to hibernate-search-orm-elasticsearch
- #12788 - Enable Maven extensions for the Quarkus Maven plugin
- #12787 - BuildMojo - Delete .jar.original for both file and directory case
- #12786 - devtools/cli generates quarkus-cli-999-SNAPSHOT.jar.original as directory and BuildMojo code can't handle it
- #12785 - Externalized Quarkus platform properties
- #12783 - Clean up the config of service integration
- #12782 - Add Swagger UI Options via config
- #12781 - Improved MongoHealthCheck to include reactiveClients
- #12772 - Added config for disabling HTTP policies
- #12767 - Bump guava from 27.0.1-jre to 30.0-jre
- #12765 - Bump flyway-core from 7.0.3 to 7.0.4
- #12764 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.8 to 2.15.9
- #12762 - Simplify dockerfile declaration in codestart
- #12759 - Add a Deploying to Google Cloud guide
- #12754 - oidc use Programmatically Resolving Tenants Configuration BUT hangs
- #12752 - Request scope performance improvements
- #12750 - Bump flyway-core from 7.0.2 to 7.0.3
- #12749 - Bump postgresql from 42.2.17 to 42.2.18
- #12748 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.7 to 2.15.8
- #12744 - Export Micrometer metrics to Signalfx
- #12742 - Improve OAuth2 security guide
- #12738 - Support disabling HTTP policies
- #12737 - Assorted fixes to making JSON the default
- #12734 - Fix syntax highlighting for all code examples in guides
- #12733 - Some documentation examples are not correctly highlighted
- #12731 - Create a "Deploying to Google Cloud" guide
- #12729 - Added OIDC Wiremock Integration Test
- #12728 - Bump picocli.version from 4.5.1 to 4.5.2
- #12725 - Common Maven Quarkus app bootstraping Mojo
- #12720 - Security documentation improvements
- #12719 - grpc compile fail with google-protobuf
- #12718 - Upgrade Flyway to 7.0.2
- #12716 - MongoHealthCheck doesn't work with ReactiveMongoClient
- #12713 - Update to Agroal 1.9
- #12711 - Update to Agroal 1.9
- #12706 - Dockerfile codestart could be factorized to ease maintenance
- #12704 - Change the version when the creation of test structure was introduced in create-extension mojo
- #12702 - Add integration test for kafka reactive messaging
- #12698 - Make sure class names don't start with /
- #12692 - Changed the usage from slf4j-jboss-logging to slf4j-jboss-logmanager.
- #12690 - Re-enable creation of the test structure (unit and devmode test) when using create-extension Maven Mojo.
- #12687 - Revert "create the test structure (unit and devmode test) when using create-extension Maven Mojo"
- #12686 - Export Micrometer metrics to SignalFX
- #12684 - Allow custom path and class for spring-web codestart
- #12682 - Remove/Replace deprecated additionalBuildArgs from integration-tests and enhance docs
- #12681 - Use RouteBuildItem instead of DefaultRouteBuildItem
- #12678 - Unable to add a channel config property from an environement variable inside smallrye reactive messaging Kafka
- #12668 - Bump awssdk.version from 2.15.6 to 2.15.7
- #12666 - NativeImageMojo: Make
not overridequarkus.native.additional-build-args
property - #12665 - Updated tests to remove the use of deprecated properties
- #12664 - Make deployment class loader resettable and coordinate the reset via a BuildItem
- #12663 - Disable REST Client encoding test on Windows
- #12660 - Add default values for Hibernate ORM properties
- #12657 - Devmode: throw an error if a hot-reloadable module hasn't been compiled before the launch
- #12656 - Qute Template - add convenient data() methods
- #12655 - Kubernetes cleanup
- #12654 - Document Hibernate config property default values
- #12652 - Consolidate all UI related extensions.
- #12645 - Fix exception message typo
- #12641 - Bump postgresql from 42.2.16 to 42.2.17
- #12637 - Bump aws-alexa-sdk.version from 2.35.0 to 2.35.1
- #12625 - quarkus-elytron-security-oauth2 does not work as described in documentation
- #12623 - Rename application-config.properties to application.properties
- #12622 - Upgrade to Hibernate Search 6.0.0.Beta11
- #12613 - Kubernetes Container Resources Management
- #12611 - Update Micrometer to 1.5.5
- #12610 - Externalize gradle/maven wrapper command from codestart template
- #12609 - Replace use of shell syntax for dates with extended JSON syntax
- #12604 - Add a system to allow custom path and class for spring-web codestart
- #12602 - Extract grpc-common for Quarkiverse Google Cloud Services
- #12590 - Added detailed for deploying to OpenShift and how to test the app
- #12589 - Bump wildfly-elytron.version from 1.13.0.Final to 1.13.1.Final
- #12588 - Bump rxjava from 2.2.19 to 2.2.20
- #12587 - Revert "fix(redis): re-introduce "ssl", "database" and "password" configuration for backward compatibility"
- #12577 - SwaggerUiProcessor leaves behind non-empty temporary directories in dev mode
- #12571 - remote-dev: LiveReloadConfig is not always properly initialized
- #12566 - Change default media type to JSON
- #12559 - Codestarts: Spring code examples aren't generated
- #12555 - Create default OIDC TokenStateManager
- #12545 - Split KubernetesProcessor into pieces
- #12528 - NullPointerException in UnixPath.normalizeAndCheck()
- #12500 - Create Extension mojo should allow creating the project structure from the current working directory
- #12497 - Remote-dev with mutable jar throws connection errors
- #12494 - Create RESTEasy Jackson codestart
- #12473 - Use Codestarts as default project generation tool
- #12464 - Update liquibase to 4.1.1
- #12438 - Make sure github action codestarts works without maven/gradle wrapper
- #12398 - Ability to declare Kubernetes resources requests and limits through properties
- #12386 - Create Logging JSON Codestart
- #12372 - Adding an IAM Amazon-service extension
- #12337 - Create the JSON logging Example codestart in Java & Kotlin
- #12334 - Create the RESTEasy Jackson Example codestart in Java & Kotlin
- #12254 - [OIDC] Too large JWT cookie cause infinite redirect loop
- #12190 - RESTful Lambda should expose the execution context
- #12158 - Panache REST Data with MongoDB
- #12139 - Create an integration test for kafka reactive messaging extension
- #12113 - Activate Codestart as the default Quarkus project creation option
- #12082 - Set a injected CDI CommandListener to the mongodb configuration.
- #11975 - Import.sql not trimming blank space at the end of an sql statement
- #11969 - Separate REST Data Panache controller from resource
- #11921 - Wrong work is parsing configuration VaultRuntimeConfig
- #11689 - Limit the amount of memory surefire can use
- #11664 - Enable the implicit cascading delete for Spring data jpa
- #11535 - Quarkus GRPC with blocking objects such as Hibernate EntityManager
- #11524 - NullPointerException reading mongodb bson date (native image)
- #11410 - SmallRye Context Propagation 1.0.16
- #11398 - Spring Data JPA deleteAll incompatibility with Spring
- #11391 - REST Data with Panache paging parameters should be visible at Swagger/OpenAPI
- #11378 - Allow to autogenerate no-args constructor for synthetic beans
- #11348 - Introduce
ensure-only-one: name
to example codestarts - #11342 - Add Amazon Services transport truststore configuration
- #11096 - Externalize default builderImage URL for native image
- #10896 - Register PropertyCodecProvider automatically
- #10763 - Creates maven profiles for integration tests
- #10564 - Reorganize quarkus-kubernetes source
- #10528 - Mongo Panache : PropertyCodecProvider not registered
- #10390 - VaultConfigSource in quarkus-vault cannot be configured with properties requiring property expansion
- #10246 - REST client encoding test
- #10110 - ldap - setRecursive
- #9195 - Added a new property to support more algorithms
- #9122 - Security: Support password algorithms besides MD5 in elytron-security-properties-file extension
- #8756 - Qute: nice error page
- #8700 - Implements Panache REST for MongoDB
- #8202 - Update JWT guide with how to generate a key pair with openssl
- #7788 - Create custom properties for Knative generation
- #7427 - Add Gradle support in multi-stage docker build for native images
- #7359 - Build error when using quarkus-tika and quarkus-narayana-jta extensions, provider com.ctc.wstx.stax.WstxInputFactory not found
- #6513 - Provide Gradle GraalVM compatible builder image
- #5639 - [openapi] Add Ability to Configure Swagger UI
- #5438 - create the test structure (unit and devmode test) when using create-extension Maven Mojo
- #4766 - swagger-ui is not mapping oauth2-redirect.html
- #3585 - Create the test structure when using
Maven Mojo.