Commit(s): JuliaLang/julia@b9de0781120ef3e41e8096b77fe7cc697b9222da vs JuliaLang/julia@7f28d91b70b43ed948ac0e02c3ebbe78e010e030
Triggered By: link
Package Selection: ALL
In total, 3238 packages were tested, out of which 2081 succeeded, 857 failed and 300 were skipped.
41 packages failed tests only on the current version.
Package has test failures:
- AMRVW v1.1.0 vs. AMRVW v1.1.0 (successful)
- ApproxBayes v0.3.2 vs. ApproxBayes v0.3.2 (successful)
- BayesianOptimization v0.2.2 vs. BayesianOptimization v0.2.2 (successful)
- Bridge v0.11.0 vs. Bridge v0.11.0 (successful)
- ChaosTools v1.9.0 vs. ChaosTools v1.9.0 (successful)
- CombineML v1.3.0 vs. CombineML v1.3.0 (successful)
- DiskDataProviders v0.1.0 vs. DiskDataProviders v0.1.0 (successful)
- FastIOBuffers v0.3.1 vs. FastIOBuffers v0.3.1 (successful)
- FunctionOperators v0.2.0 vs. FunctionOperators v0.2.0 (successful)
- HomotopyContinuation v1.4.1 vs. HomotopyContinuation v1.4.1 (successful)
- KrigingModel v0.1.2 vs. KrigingModel v0.1.2 (successful)
- LazyArrays v0.15.0 vs. LazyArrays v0.15.0 (successful)
- LikelihoodProfiler v0.2.0 vs. LikelihoodProfiler v0.2.0 (successful)
- MultiModalMuSig v0.1.0 vs. MultiModalMuSig v0.1.0 (successful)
- MultistartOptimization v0.1.0 vs. MultistartOptimization v0.1.0 (successful)
- Nabla v0.12.1 vs. Nabla v0.12.1 (successful)
- QuantEcon v0.16.2 vs. QuantEcon v0.16.2 (successful)
- RigidBodyDynamics v2.2.0 vs. RigidBodyDynamics v2.2.0 (successful)
- Rocket v1.1.2 vs. Rocket v1.1.2 (successful)
- SMM v1.4.0 vs. SMM v1.4.0 (successful)
- Tracker v0.2.6 vs. Tracker v0.2.6 (successful)
- YAJL v0.2.0 vs. YAJL v0.2.0 (successful)
The process was aborted:
- Automa v0.8.0 vs. Automa v0.8.0 (successful)
- Bio3DView v0.1.0 vs. Bio3DView v0.1.0 (successful)
- BioAlignments v1.0.1 vs. BioAlignments v1.0.1 (successful)
- BioSequences v1.1.0 vs. BioSequences v1.1.0 (successful)
- BioStructures v0.9.2 vs. BioStructures v0.9.2 (successful)
- BioSymbols v3.1.0 vs. BioSymbols v3.1.0 (successful)
- ConstituencyTrees v0.1.0 vs. ConstituencyTrees v0.1.0 (successful)
- GeneticVariation v0.4.0 vs. GeneticVariation v0.4.0 (successful)
- GenomicAnnotations v0.1.2 vs. GenomicAnnotations v0.1.2 (successful)
- GenomicFeatures v1.0.4 vs. GenomicFeatures v1.0.4 (successful)
- PhyloModels v0.3.1 vs. PhyloModels v0.3.1 (successful)
- QuartetNetworkGoodnessFit v0.1.0 vs. QuartetNetworkGoodnessFit v0.1.0 (successful)
- SExpressions v1.0.0 vs. SExpressions v1.0.0 (successful)
- SubstitutionModels v0.4.0 vs. SubstitutionModels v0.4.0 (successful)
A segmentation fault happened:
- EfficientGlobalOptimization v0.1.0 vs. EfficientGlobalOptimization v0.1.0 (successful)
- TensorKit v0.2.2 vs. TensorKit v0.2.2 (successful)
- TerminalLoggers v0.1.1 vs. TerminalLoggers v0.1.1 (successful)
GC corruption detected:
- MixedModels v2.2.0 vs. MixedModels v2.2.0 (successful)
- OptiMimi v2.0.0 vs. OptiMimi v2.0.0 (successful)
Click here for the Nanosoldier invocation to re-run these tests.
@nanosoldier `runtests(["AMRVW", "ApproxBayes", "Automa", "BayesianOptimization", "Bio3DView", "BioAlignments", "BioSequences", "BioStructures", "BioSymbols", "Bridge", "ChaosTools", "CombineML", "ConstituencyTrees", "DiskDataProviders", "EfficientGlobalOptimization", "FastIOBuffers", "FunctionOperators", "GeneticVariation", "GenomicAnnotations", "GenomicFeatures", "HomotopyContinuation", "KrigingModel", "LazyArrays", "LikelihoodProfiler", "MixedModels", "MultiModalMuSig", "MultistartOptimization", "Nabla", "OptiMimi", "PhyloModels", "QuantEcon", "QuartetNetworkGoodnessFit", "RigidBodyDynamics", "Rocket", "SExpressions", "SMM", "SubstitutionModels", "TensorKit", "TerminalLoggers", "Tracker", "YAJL"], vs = ":master")`
816 packages failed tests on the previous version too.
Package has test failures:
- ADCME v0.4.5
- AWSS3 v0.6.8
- AbaqusReader v0.2.4
- AbstractNumbers v0.2.1
- AcuteBenchmark v0.1.0
- AdventOfCode v1.0.0
- AlgebraicMultigrid v0.2.2
- Alpine v0.1.15
- AmplNLWriter v0.5.0
- ApplicationBuilderAppUtils v0.1.2
- ArchGDAL v0.3.1
- ArnoldiMethod v0.0.4
- BTCParser v0.1.0
- BasicTextRender v0.1.0
- BayesNets v3.2.2
- Beauty v0.1.0
- BinaryProvider v0.5.8
- Bitcoin v0.1.12
- BoundedStreams v0.2.1
- BrkgaMpIpr v1.0.0
- CBinding v0.7.0
- CBindingGen v0.1.0
- CMBLensing v0.1.0
- CalibrationTests v0.3.0
- Cassette v0.3.1
- CategoricalArrays v0.7.7
- ChainRules v0.4.1
- ChainRulesCore v0.7.1
- CircularArrays v1.0.0
- ClickHouse v0.1.0
- CloudWatchLogs v1.1.3
- ClustForOpt v0.4.2
- CombinatorialBandits v0.1.3
- ConditionalDists v0.1.0
- ConditionalJuMP v0.1.0
- ContinuousTransformations v1.0.0
- CorpusLoaders v0.3.1
- CountdownLetters v0.1.1
- Coverage v1.0.0
- CoverageCore v0.1.0
- CurrentPopulationSurvey v1.0.3
- DPMMSubClusters v0.1.8
- DSGE v1.1.3
- DataDepsGenerators v0.5.0
- DataStreams v0.4.2
- Debugger v0.6.4
- DecisionTree v0.10.1
- DiffEqFlux v1.7.0
- DiffEqGPU v1.2.1
- DiffEqParamEstim v1.12.0
- DiscreteDifferentialGeometry v0.1.0
- DispatcherCache v0.1.2
- Documenter v0.24.6
- DotEnv v0.2.1
- DotNET v0.1.0
- DrWatson v1.10.2
- DropboxSDK v1.0.0
- Dualization v0.2.2
- DustExtinction v0.6.0
- DynamicGrids v0.5.0
- Econometrics v0.2.4
- Embeddings v0.4.2
- EntropicCone v0.0.1
- Erdos v0.7.0
- ExperimentalDesign v0.1.0
- FeedbackParticleFilters v0.2.0
- FilePathsBase v0.8.0
- Fire v0.1.0
- FixedPointAcceleration v0.1.0
- FixedPolynomials v0.4.0
- ForTheBadge v0.1.0
- ForneyLab v0.10.0
- ForwardDiff v0.10.9
- ForwardDiff2 v0.2.2
- Franklin v0.6.8
- FunctionalTables v0.3.1
- GCP v0.1.2
- GFlops v0.1.0
- GPUifyLoops v0.2.9
- GaussianMixtures v0.3.2
- GenerativeModels v0.1.0
- GeoArrays v0.2.0
- GeoEfficiency v0.9.3
- GeoStatsBase v0.7.1
- GeometricIntegrators v0.2.3
- GeometryBasics v0.1.3
- GitCommand v1.1.0
- Granular v0.4.3
- GuessworkQuantumSideInfo v0.1.1
- HORIZONS v0.2.0
- HalfEdges v0.2.0
- HurdleDMR v1.3.0
- HypothesisTests v0.9.1
- IPNets v0.6.0
- ImageBinarization v0.2.1
- ImageFiltering v0.6.11
- ImageNoise v0.1.1
- IntervalArithmetic v0.16.6
- Iris v0.3.0
- JLSO v2.1.0
- JellyMe4 v0.1.0
- JuMP v0.21.1
- JuliaFormatter v0.3.6
- JuliaInterpreter v0.7.13
- JuliaManager v0.1.1
- JupyterParameters v0.1.2
- KernelAbstractions v0.1.5
- KernelMethods v0.1.3
- KnetLayers v0.2.0
- KongYiji v0.1.0
- KrigingEstimators v0.3.3
- LargeMovieReviewDataset v0.1.0
- LazyStack v0.0.7
- LibPQ v1.1.1
- LightQuery v0.5.0
- Lilith v0.1.0
- LinQuadOptInterface v0.6.0
- LowLevelFloatFunctions v0.1.0
- LowLevelParticleFilters v0.4.1
- LsqFit v0.10.0
- MIToS v2.4.0
- MLDataPattern v0.5.0
- MLJModels v0.9.0
- MagneticReadHead v0.3.0
- MappedArrays v0.2.2
- MathOptInterfaceMosek v0.5.2
- MatrixNetworks v1.0.0
- Matte v0.1.0
- MeshCat v0.10.0
- MicroCoverage v0.1.2
- Mill v1.0.6
- MinAtar v1.0.0
- Missings v0.4.3
- ModelSanitizer v0.3.0
- MomentOpt v0.1.0
- Mongoc v0.4.1
- Mosek v1.1.1
- MosekTools v0.9.3
- MultiScaleArrays v1.6.0
- MultipleTesting v0.4.1
- NCEI v1.1.1
- NFLTables v0.1.1
- NLIDatasets v0.2.0
- NamedDims v0.2.20
- Neo4j v2.0.0
- Notifier v0.3.0
- OSQP v0.6.0
- OceanDistributions v0.1.0
- OceanTurb v0.3.0
- Onda v0.8.1
- Optim v0.20.4
- POMDPModelTools v0.2.2
- Pandoc v0.2.5
- Parametron v0.9.1
- PassiveTracerFlows v0.2.0
- Petri v0.1.3
- Photon v0.1.0
- Phylo v0.3.3
- Pio3d v0.0.2
- PkgSkeleton v0.4.0
- PkgTemplates v0.6.4
- Polyhedra v0.6.1
- PotentialFlow v0.1.7
- PowerDynamics v2.3.0
- PressureFieldContact v0.0.1
- PriorityChannels v0.1.0
- ProfileSVG v0.1.0
- ProxSDP v1.2.0
- PyCall v1.91.4
- QPDAS v0.2.0
- Quadrature v1.0.0
- QuantumLattices v0.0.1
- RandomBasedArrays v0.1.0
- RandomizedProgressiveHedging v0.1.0
- RayTracer v0.1.1
- Rebugger v0.3.3
- RecursiveArrayTools v2.1.0
- ReferenceFrameRotations v0.5.4
- RegistryCI v1.0.0
- RegistryTools v1.3.1
- ReinforcementLearningBase v0.6.5
- ReinforcementLearningZoo v0.1.1
- RemoteSemaphores v0.2.0
- ReplMaker v0.2.3
- Reproduce v0.6.2
- ResourceBundles v0.1.0
- Revise v2.5.4
- RigidBodySim v1.3.0
- RigidBodyTreeInspector v0.6.1
- RoundingIntegers v0.2.0
- SDPAFamily v0.1.1
- SMCExamples v0.6.0
- SMTPClient v0.3.1
- SchattenNorms v0.1.0
- Sched v0.1.1
- SemanticModels v0.3.0
- SemidefiniteOptInterface v0.5.1
- SimpleDiffEq v1.1.0
- SimpleMock v1.1.1
- Spark v0.4.0
- SparsityDetection v0.1.2
- StanBase v2.0.3
- StanDiagnose v2.0.0
- StanMCMCChains v5.1.0
- StanOptimize v2.0.0
- StanRun v0.2.1
- StanSample v2.1.1
- StaticArrays v0.12.1
- StaticGraphs v0.1.0
- StaticUnivariatePolynomials v0.6.0
- Stheno v0.6.1
- StochasticBlockModel v0.1.0
- StrBase v1.0.3
- StructDatabaseMapping v0.3.2
- StructDualDynProg v0.2.0
- SurrealNumbers v0.1.1
- SymArrays v0.2.1
- TERMIOS v0.2.0
- Taarruz v0.1.0
- TemporalGPs v0.1.0
- TimeSeriesClustering v0.5.3
- Traceur v0.3.0
- Transformers v0.1.3
- Trello v0.1.0
- Tulip v0.3.0
- TuringModels v1.0.0
- TypeSortedCollections v1.1.0
- TypedTables v1.2.0
- UnbalancedOptimalTransport v0.1.2
- UpROOT v0.2.2
- ValidatedNumerics v0.11.0
- WebIO v0.8.13
- WebSockets v1.5.2
- WeightedOnlineStats v0.4.0
- WeightsAndBiasLogger v0.2.0
- WikiText v0.1.0
- XGBoost v0.4.2
- XYZFiles v0.1.0
- YOLO v0.1.0
- YaoSym v0.4.0
- Yota v0.2.4
- Zarr v0.4.2
- Zygote v0.4.10
- jlpkg v1.1.2
- uCSV v0.1.3
Package is using an unknown package:
- ADCMEKit v0.1.1
- AdjacentFloats v0.1.0
- Algencan v0.3.3
- AltDistributions v0.2.0
- AtariAlgos v0.0.2
- BackwardsLinalg v0.1.1
- BioTools v1.0.0
- BoltzmannMachinesPlots v1.0.0
- BranchAndPrune v0.1.0
- Catsay v0.2.0
- ConicNonlinearBridge v0.2.1
- CuthillMcKee v0.1.0
- DiffEqMonteCarlo v1.0.0
- DoubleEnded v0.1.0
- DutyCycles v0.1.0
- Dyn3d v0.1.1
- DynamicIterators v0.4.1
- ElectricalEngineering v0.4.5
- ExactWrightFisher v0.1.0
- ExoplanetsSysSim v1.0.1
- Extremes v0.1.1
- FeynmanKacParticleFilters v0.1.0
- FwiFlow v0.1.1
- GLPK v0.12.1
- GLPKMathProgInterface v0.4.4
- GPFlux v0.1.0
- GoogleCloudObjectStores v0.1.0
- HackerNews v0.1.0
- HardSphereDynamics v0.1.1
- HttpCommon v0.5.0
- ICOADSDict v0.1.0
- ImageSegmentationEvaluation v1.0.0
- Infinity v0.1.0
- Jacobi v0.4.2
- Kalman v0.1.2
- LocalFunctionApproximation v1.1.0
- LocallyCompetitive v0.1.0
- LowRankModels v1.0.2
- MCAnalyzer v0.1.0
- MUMPS v1.0.0
- ManifoldLearning v0.4.0
- MatrixImpute v0.3.1
- MatrixOptim v0.1.0
- MeCab v0.2.0
- MemoryBasedCF v0.1.1
- Merly v0.2.1
- MicrostructureNoise v0.11.0
- Mixers v0.1.0
- ModelConstructors v0.1.8
- MultivariateStats v0.7.0
- NumberIntervals v0.1.0
- OMJulia v0.1.0
- ONNX v0.1.1
- Omega v0.1.1
- ParSpMatVec v0.1.1
- ParameterizedFunctions v4.2.1
- ParserCombinator v2.0.0
- PiCraft v0.2.0
- Pitchjx v0.0.4
- PlanarConvexHulls v0.3.0
- PowerGraphics v0.2.0
- ProbabilisticCircuits v0.1.0
- QNaNs v0.3.1
- QuantumInformation v0.4.6
- QuartzImageIO v0.7.0
- ROCAnalysis v0.3.1
- Retriever v0.0.2
- SIMDPirates v0.7.2
- Scryfall v0.1.3
- SeisReconstruction v0.1.0
- SenseHat v0.3.0
- SeriesAccelerators v0.2.0
- ShaderAbstractions v0.1.4
- StaticOptim v0.2.0
- SteadyStateDiffEq v1.5.0
- StochasticDelayDiffEq v0.1.0
- StorageGraphs v0.3.1
- SurfaceTopology v0.1.0
- TSAnalysis v0.1.2
- Tachyons v0.2.0
- TakagiFactorization v0.1.0
- TeaSeis v0.3.0
- TextAnalysis v0.6.0
- TrackingHeaps v0.1.0
- Trajectories v0.2.1
- UnicodePlots v1.2.0
- VisualDL v0.1.1
- WaterFlows v0.1.0
- Web3 v0.2.2
- XGrad v0.2.0
- XXhash v0.7.0
Package does not have any tests:
- ADSeismic v0.1.0
- Absynth v0.3.1
- Ant v0.1.0
- BERT v0.1.0
- Backtester v0.1.0
- BigG v0.1.0
- BigMacro v0.1.2
- CVortex v0.1.0
- CapacityExpansion v0.2.0
- CapacityExpansionData v0.1.0
- Ccluster v0.1.1
- Config v0.2.0
- ConjGrad v0.1.0
- CornerPlot v0.0.1
- DBnomics v0.2.0
- DFTforge v1.1.0
- DynamicTerminal v0.1.0
- EasyPlotting v0.1.0
- Edlib v0.1.1
- FastActivations v1.0.0
- Firestore v0.1.0
- FourierAnalysis v1.0.1
- FranklinTemplates v0.5.5
- FredApi v0.2.0
- GAPTypes v1.0.0
- GenieAuthentication v0.3.0
- GenomicMaps v0.1.2
- GigaScatter v0.1.1
- Hanabi v0.1.2
- Hawkes v0.1.0
- HigherOrderDerivatives v0.1.0
- HubCLI v0.1.0
- JqData v0.1.0
- JuDocTemplates v0.3.2
- Kwant v0.1.0
- LTWA v0.1.0
- LaguerreVoronoi v0.1.0
- Lathe v0.0.9
- LiBr v0.2.0
- LorentzDrudeMetals v0.1.0
- MLSuiteBase v0.1.0
- MemoryMutate v0.0.4
- Microwaves v0.1.0
- MixFit v0.1.1
- ModularFormsModuloTwo v1.0.0
- MofonBase v0.1.0
- MultiFloats v0.4.0
- NormalMaps v0.1.0
- OMRemote v2.10.0
- OpenPixelControl v0.1.1
- PosDefManifold v0.4.7
- ScanDir v0.2.0
- SearchLightMySQL v0.1.1
- SearchLightPostgreSQL v0.1.0
- SearchLightSQLite v0.1.1
- SeisPlot v0.1.0
- SententialDecisionDiagrams v0.1.0
- ShapeFactory v0.1.0
- SpinnakerGUI v0.1.4
- TopicModelsVB v1.3.0
- Trebuchet v0.1.0
- UnivariateDensityEstimate v0.1.0
- WebToys v0.1.2
- XSteam v0.3.0
- XboxController v0.1.0
- mlpack v3.2.3
There were unidentified errors:
- AMDGPUnative v0.2.0
- AMQPClient v0.3.0
- ASDF v1.1.3
- ASE v0.5.1
- AWSCore v0.6.8
- AWSSQS v0.6.2
- AbstractIndices v0.1.1
- AdaptiveDistanceFields v0.1.0
- Alpaca v0.0.1
- AndersonMoore v0.1.0
- AppleAccelerate v0.3.0
- ApproxManifoldProducts v0.1.2
- ApproximateBayesianComputing v0.0.2
- AprilTags v0.7.1
- ArcadeLearningEnvironment v0.2.1
- ArviZ v0.4.0
- AutoHashEquals v0.2.0
- AutoMLPipeline v0.1.8
- BARON v0.6.0
- BasisFunctionExpansions v1.0.1
- BayesianTools v0.0.1
- BeaData v0.3.1
- BinDeps v1.0.0
- BinaryBuilder v0.2.3
- BioMedQuery v0.6.6
- Bioinformatics
- BitBasis v0.6.1
- BlackBoxOptimizationBenchmarking v0.1.0
- BlobTracking v0.1.1
- CDCS v0.1.1
- CLBlast v0.2.0
- CMPFit v0.2.1
- CPLEX v0.6.3
- CUDAatomics v0.4.0
- CVXOPT v0.3.1
- CairoMakie v0.1.2
- CalculusWithJulia v0.0.1
- Cameras v0.3.0
- CanDecomp v0.3.0
- CausalInference v0.4.0
- CherenkovDeconvolution v0.1.0
- ClassImbalance v0.8.7
- CloudGraphs v0.1.2
- Coluna v0.2.0
- Complementarity v0.6.0
- ComplexPhasePortrait v0.1.0
- CompoundPeriods v0.4.0
- CoupledFields v0.1.0
- Crazyflie v0.1.0
- CuYao v0.2.0
- DFOLS v0.2.0
- Dashboards v0.2.6
- DataArrays v0.7.0
- DataKnots v0.9.0
- DensityRatioEstimation v0.4.0
- DependenciesParser v0.2.0
- DiffEqPDEBase v0.4.0
- DiffEqTutorials v0.3.0
- DiffieHellman v0.3.0
- Ditherings v0.1.0
- DocumentationGenerator v0.2.6
- DrakeVisualizer v0.4.0
- DynamicGridsGtk v0.3.0
- ECharts v0.4.0
- EdgeCameras v0.1.0
- Eirene v1.3.4
- ElectromagneticFields v0.3.0
- Elemental v0.5.0
- EllipsisNotation v0.4.0
- Elly v0.4.0
- ExcelFiles v1.0.0
- ExcelReaders v0.11.0
- ExtremeStats v0.2.1
- FCA v0.2.4
- FEMMaterials v0.1.1
- FEniCS v0.4.0
- FLANN v1.0.1
- FTPClient v1.0.1
- FTPServer v0.2.0
- FieldMetadata v0.1.1
- FirstOrderSolvers v0.2.0
- FixedEffectModels v0.10.4
- FixedEffects v0.7.1
- FluxJS v0.2.0
- FluxUtils v0.1.5
- FocusedBlindDecon v2.6.4
- FortranFiles v0.5.0
- FoundationDB v0.1.0
- FreqTables v0.3.1
- FstFileFormat v0.1.1
- GBIF v0.1.4
- GLFixedEffectModels v0.1.0
- GeometricIntegratorsDiffEq v0.1.0
- Gnuplot v1.0.0
- GridapGmsh v0.3.0
- GridapPETSc v0.2.0
- Gurobi v0.7.5
- Gym v1.1.3
- H5SectionsArrays v0.7.0
- HDF5Utils v0.1.15
- HTTPClient v0.2.1
- HighLevelTypes v0.0.2
- HigherOrderKernels v0.1.0
- Hive v0.3.0
- Homebrew v0.7.1
- IndexableBitVectors v1.0.0
- InfoZIP v0.2.0
- InteractiveFixedEffectModels v0.6.2
- InterpretMe v0.1.0
- JSCall v0.2.0
- JWAS v0.8.2
- JuliaBerry v0.1.0
- JuliaPetra v0.2.0
- KDEstimation v0.1.0
- KNITRO v0.8.0
- Kuber v0.3.1
- LCMGL v0.1.0
- LRSLib v0.4.1
- LaplaceBIE v0.1.0
- Laplacians v1.1.1
- LazySets v1.32.1
- Levenshtein v0.2.0
- LibFTD2XX v0.3.0
- LibSndFile v2.3.0
- LightGraphsExtras v0.3.0
- LinearDynamicsModels v1.0.1
- LoadTensorDecompositions v0.2.0
- LuxurySparse v0.5.4
- MATLAB v0.7.3
- MATLABDiffEq v0.1.0
- MFrontInterface v0.2.0
- MLInterpret v0.1.2
- MLStyle v0.3.1
- MLSuite v0.1.4
- MPI v0.12.0
- MPIClusterManagers v0.1.0
- MXNet v1.5.0
- MackeyGlass
- Mamba v0.12.2
- Marconi v0.1.0
- Match v1.1.0
- MathLink v0.1.0
- MathPhysicalConstants v0.0.5
- Maxima v0.1.2
- Memcache v0.3.1
- MicroscopyLabels v0.1.0
- MirrorUpdater v0.3.0
- MolecularTrajectories v2.1.0
- MultiDimEquations v1.0.0
- MultiJuMP v0.5.0
- MulticlassPerceptron v0.1.1
- MultivariateFunctions v0.1.7
- MultivariateSeries v0.1.0
- MySQL v1.0.1
- NES v0.1.1
- NIRX v0.1.3
- NLPModelsKnitro v0.2.0
- NLreg v0.2.0
- NTFk v0.2.1
- NTNk v0.2.0
- NamedTuples v5.0.0
- NarrativeTest v0.3.0
- NetworkDynamics v0.2.0
- NeuroCore v0.1.3
- NewsAPI v0.1.0
- NonlinearEigenproblems v1.0.2
- Nuklear v0.1.1
- NumericalMethodsforEngineers v1.2.1
- ODBC v0.9.0
- ORCA v0.3.1
- Octo v0.2.6
- OhMyQSIM v0.1.0
- OmniSci v0.9.0
- OpenStreetMapPlotter v0.0.2
- Oracle v0.1.0
- PATHSolver v0.5.2
- PEG v1.0.0
- POMDPs v0.8.1
- PackageCompiler v1.1.0
- Pandas v1.4.0
- PandasLite v0.1.2
- PartialSvdStoch v0.1.0
- PencilFFTs v0.4.0
- PiGPIO v0.1.0
- PkgMirrors v1.3.0
- PkgUtils v0.4.0
- Plasmo v0.2.0
- PlotShapefiles v0.2.0
- PoincareInvariants v0.2.0
- PolynomialAmoebas v0.1.1
- PolynomialFactors v0.3.0
- PolynomialZeros v0.3.0
- PostgresCatalog v0.1.0
- PowerModelsACDC v0.2.0
- PowerModelsAnalytics v0.2.0
- PowerSimulations v0.3.0
- PyCallUtils v0.2.1
- PyDSTool v0.6.0
- PyRhodium v0.1.0
- QHull v0.2.0
- Queryverse v0.5.0
- RBNF v0.1.0
- REPLCompletions v0.0.3
- REPLTetris v0.0.2
- RHEOS v0.9.2
- ROCArrays v0.1.0
- RTLSDR v0.0.1
- Random123 v1.2.0
- RandomProjectionTree v0.1.0
- RayTraceEllipsoid v1.0.0
- ReactionMechanismSimulator v0.1.0
- Readables v0.3.3
- RealNeuralNetworks v1.0.1
- Reduce v1.2.5
- ReduceAlgebra v0.1.0
- ReinforcementLearningEnvironmentAtari v0.2.0
- ReinforcementLearningEnvironmentClassicControl v0.2.0
- ReinforcementLearningEnvironmentDiscrete v0.2.2
- ReinforcementLearningEnvironmentGym v0.2.0
- ReinforcementLearningEnvironments v0.2.3
- RepoSnapshots v0.3.0
- Reproject v0.3.0
- RequiredKeywords v0.1.1
- RobotOS v0.7.1
- Roots v1.0.0
- RunMyNotes v0.0.1
- SCIP v0.9.3
- SDDP v0.3.1
- SDPNAL v0.0.1
- SDPT3 v0.0.2
- SGP4 v1.0.0
- SMC v0.1.8
- SciPyDiffEq v0.2.0
- ScikitLearn v0.5.1
- SeDuMi v0.2.0
- Seaborn v0.4.1
- SearchLight v0.18.0
- SeisIO v1.0.0
- Serd v0.2.0
- SerialPorts v0.2.2
- SimilarityNetworkFusion v0.1.0
- SimpleDifferentialOperators v0.6.1
- SimpleGraphAlgorithms v0.4.0
- SimpleSDMLayers v0.0.1
- Slack v0.1.1
- SolverBenchmark v0.2.0
- Soss v0.10.0
- Spectra v0.4.2
- StagedFilters v0.1.0
- Stan v6.0.2
- StanModels v2.0.1
- StanVariational v2.0.0
- StandardMarketData v0.1.2
- StataCall v0.1.0
- StatisticalRethinking v2.1.3
- Steganography v0.0.2
- StochDynamicProgramming v0.5.0
- Swagger v0.2.3
- Symata v0.4.8
- SynchronicBallot v0.2.1
- SyntheticGrids v0.1.0
- TSML v2.5.0
- TSMLextra v0.1.9
- TableReader v0.4.0
- Taro v0.8.0
- TensorDecompositions v1.1.0
- TensorOperations v2.1.4
- TetGen v0.1.0
- TextUserInterfaces v0.0.1
- Twitter v0.7.0
- TwoFAST v0.1.0
- UnalignedVectors v0.0.2
- UnitfulIntegration v0.1.0
- UnitlessFlatten v0.0.1
- ValueOrientedRiskManagementInsurance v1.0.0
- VariantVisualization v0.4.0
- VariationalInequality v0.2.0
- VerTeX v0.0.2
- Vimes v0.1.0
- Vinyl v0.2.0
- WORLD v0.6.0
- Wynn v0.0.3
- XFloats v0.1.0
- XMLDict v0.4.0
- XPA v0.0.1
- Xpress v0.11.0
- Yao v0.6.2
- YaoArrayRegister v0.6.1
- YaoBase v0.13.2
- YaoBlocks v0.10.2
- YaoExtensions v0.2.0
- YaoQASM v0.1.0
- Z3 v0.3.0
- ZOOclient v0.1.3
- deSolveDiffEq v0.1.0
- vOptGeneric v0.2.1
- vOptSpecific v1.0.0
Test duration exceeded the time limit:
- AbstractPlotting v0.9.26
- AgnosticBayesEnsemble v0.1.6
- ApproxFunOrthogonalPolynomials v0.3.2
- BayesianIntegral v0.1.0
- Bijectors v0.6.3
- BufferedStreams v1.0.0
- DataVoyager v1.0.0
- DistributionsAD v0.4.6
- DynamicPPL v0.4.2
- Electron v2.0.1
- ElectronDisplay v1.0.0
- ElectronTests v0.1.8
- FastTransforms v0.8.2
- FourierFlows v0.4.1
- GLMakie v0.0.17
- GaussianRandomFields v2.0.0
- GeophysicalFlows v0.3.3
- ImageInpainting v0.2.0
- ImageQuilting v0.9.1
- JSServe v0.4.6
- JuLIP v0.8.2
- JuliaDB v0.13.0
- KrylovKit v0.4.1
- Libtask v0.3.3
- MRIReco v0.2.1
- Makie v0.9.5
- MakieGallery v0.1.7
- Mimi v0.9.6
- NeuralNetDiffEq v1.4.0
- ProgressMeter v1.2.0
- SimpleGraphs v0.3.0
- SparsityOperators v0.1.5
- StatsKit v0.3.0
- StochasticDiffEq v6.19.1
- Turing v0.9.0
- Variography v0.5.0
- WGLMakie v0.1.9
- Weave v0.9.4
The process was aborted:
- AdmittanceModels v0.2.0
- BitIntegers v0.2.2
- CAOS v0.1.2
- GPMLj v0.0.1
- GPnet v0.0.1
- GenomicVectors v0.4.1
- OptionalArgChecks v0.3.0
- PhyloNetworks v0.11.0
- PhyloPlots v0.2.1
- ResultTypes v3.1.0
Test log exceeded the size limit:
- AdvancedMH v0.4.1
- CUDAnative v2.10.2
- Callbacks v0.1.0
- CuArrays v1.7.3
- GeometricFlux v0.3.0
- Knet v1.3.4
- Oceananigans v0.27.1
- Parquet v0.3.0
- RoME v0.6.1
- RoMEPlotting v0.2.1
- TCX v0.1.1
- TrafficAssignment v0.6.0
Package is missing a package dependency:
- AffineArithmetic v0.1.0
- Batched v0.1.0
- Boltzmann v0.7.1
- CrimsonDagger v0.1.0
- Dolang v3.0.2
- Dolo v0.4.0
- EAGO v0.2.1
- FEMBeam v0.3.1
- HeatTransfer v0.3.1
- ImageHistogram v0.1.5
- JuliaFEM v0.5.1
- LinearAdjoints v0.1.0
- MCMCBenchmarks v0.6.0
- MortarContact2D v0.3.1
- MortarContact2DAD v0.2.0
- MotionCaptureJointCalibration v0.3.0
- PersistentHomologyTransfer v0.1.4
- PiecewiseDeterministicMarkovProcesses v0.0.1
- PowerDynBase v1.0.0
- PrairieIO v0.1.0
- VulkanCore v1.1.11
Package requires a missing binary dependency:
- ArrayFire v1.0.6
- CrystalInfoFramework v0.1.0
- Cxx v0.4.0
- Flux v0.10.3
- HnswAnn v0.0.1
- ITK v0.1.0
- MKLSparse v1.0.0
- MolecularGraph v0.4.0
- NIDAQ v0.5.0
- NOMAD v1.0.3
- NaiveGAflux v0.2.0
- ObjectDetector v0.1.5
- Spot v0.1.0
- TensorFlow v0.11.0
- VSL v0.2.0
- WinReg v0.3.1
Package has syntax issues:
A segmentation fault happened:
- ChipSort v0.1.0
- CxxWrap v0.9.0
- DiffEqBayes v2.5.0
- FastJet v0.3.0
- HomalgProject v0.1.7
- LCIO v1.3.0
- OpenSpiel v0.1.0
- OrdinaryDiffEq v5.31.0
- Polymake v0.3.1
- SDPA v0.2.1
- Singular v0.2.0
- ViZDoom v0.1.0
- Xtensor v0.8.2
Package could not be installed:
11 packages passed tests only on the current version.
- BioServices v0.3.2 vs. BioServices v0.3.2 (unsuccessful, package has test failures)
- BoltzmannMachines v1.2.0 vs. BoltzmannMachines v1.2.0 (unsuccessful, there were unidentified errors)
- DIVAnd v2.5.1 vs. DIVAnd v2.5.1 (unsuccessful, package has test failures)
- DiffEqOperators v4.8.1 vs. DiffEqOperators v4.8.1 (unsuccessful, package has test failures)
- Graph500 v0.1.0 vs. Graph500 v0.1.0 (unsuccessful, package has test failures)
- InfiniteLinearAlgebra v0.2.0 vs. InfiniteLinearAlgebra v0.2.0 (unsuccessful, test duration exceeded the time limit)
- Reactive v0.8.3 vs. Reactive v0.8.3 (unsuccessful, package has test failures)
- SpatialJackknife v1.0.1 vs. SpatialJackknife v1.0.1 (unsuccessful, package is missing a package dependency)
- Surrogates v1.0.1 vs. Surrogates v1.0.1 (unsuccessful, test duration exceeded the time limit)
- ThreadPools v1.0.1 vs. ThreadPools v1.0.1 (unsuccessful, package has test failures)
- YAAD v0.1.0 vs. YAAD v0.1.0 (unsuccessful, package has test failures)
2070 packages passed tests on the previous version too.
- ACME v0.9.3
- AIBECS v0.4.13
- AIControl v0.0.1
- AMD v0.3.1
- ANOVA v0.1.0
- ARCHModels v1.0.1
- ARules v0.0.2
- AWSSDK v0.5.0
- AbstractAlgebra v0.9.0
- AbstractFFTs v0.5.0
- AbstractInstances v0.1.0
- AbstractLattices v0.1.2
- AbstractLogic v0.10.36
- AbstractMCMC v0.5.3
- AbstractOperators v0.2.2
- AbstractRationals v0.1.0
- AbstractTensors v0.4.4
- AbstractTrees v0.3.2
- AbstractWallets v0.1.1
- AcceleratedArrays v0.3.0
- AccurateArithmetic v0.3.3
- Actors v0.1.0
- ActuarialScience v0.1.1
- AcuteML v0.8.5
- Adapode v0.1.0
- Adapt v1.0.1
- AdaptiveFilters v0.1.0
- AdaptiveRejectionSampling v0.1.0
- AdobeGlyphList v0.1.1
- AdvancedHMC v0.2.21
- AffineInvariantMCMC v0.6.0
- Agents v2.4.0
- AgentsPlots v0.2.1
- AhoCorasickAutomatons v0.3.0
- AirSeaFluxes v0.1.1
- AlgebraResultTypes v0.2.0
- AlignedBinaryFormat v0.5.3
- AllanDeviations v0.2.0
- AlphaStableDistributions v0.1.0
- Amb v0.1.0
- AmplNLReader v0.8.0
- Anasol v0.6.0
- AngleBetweenVectors v0.3.0
- Animations v0.3.3
- Ansillary v0.1.0
- AntColony v0.1.1
- ApplicationBuilder v0.4.0
- ApproxFun v0.11.9
- ApproxFunBase v0.3.2
- ApproxFunFourier v0.2.2
- ApproxFunRational v0.1.0
- ApproxFunSingularities v0.1.7
- ApproximateComputations v0.3.3
- ApproximationAnalysis v0.1.0
- Aqua v0.4.1
- ArbFloats v0.3.2
- ArbNumerics v1.0.2
- Arbitrary v0.2.2
- ArgCheck v2.0.0
- ArgParse v1.1.0
- ArgoData v0.1.2
- ArnoldiMethodTransformations v0.1.3
- Arpack v0.4.0
- ArrayAllez v0.0.6
- ArrayInterface v2.5.1
- ArrayLayouts v0.1.5
- ArraysOfArrays v0.4.4
- Arrow v0.2.4
- Arrowhead v1.0.0
- AsmMacro v0.1.0
- AssetRegistry v0.1.0
- AssociativeArrays v0.0.3
- AsterReader v0.2.3
- AstroImages v0.2.0
- AstroLib v0.4.0
- AstroTime v0.3.0
- AsyPlots v0.2.1
- AtBackslash v0.1.0
- AtlasRobot v0.4.0
- Atmosphere v0.1.0
- Atom v0.12.9
- AtomBase v0.1.0
- Attrs v0.0.3
- AuditoryFilters v0.1.0
- AugmentedGaussianProcesses v0.7.0
- Augmentor v0.6.0
- Authorization v0.2.0
- AutoGrad v1.2.1
- AutoPreallocation v0.2.0
- Autologistic v0.4.2
- AutomaticDocstrings v0.1.1
- AverageShiftedHistograms v0.8.2
- AxisAlgorithms v1.0.0
- AxisArrays v0.4.2
- AxisIndices v0.2.3
- Azure v0.2.1
- BAT v1.0.1
- BBI v0.1.1
- BDF v0.4.1
- BEAST v1.1.0
- BEncode v0.3.0
- BFloat16s v0.1.0
- BGZFStreams v0.3.0
- BHAPtfem v1.0.3
- BHAtp v1.0.3
- BIDSTools v0.1.2
- BIGUQ v0.8.0
- BKTrees v0.0.1
- BSDiff v1.0.0
- BSON v0.2.5
- BSONMmap v0.2.1
- BSONqs v0.6.3
- BSplines v0.2.2
- BackedUpImmutable v0.0.1
- BandedMatrices v0.14.3
- BangBang v0.3.19
- BarycentricInterpolation v0.1.2
- Base58 v0.3.0
- BasisMatrices v0.6.0
- BatchedRoutines v0.2.1
- BayesOpt v0.1.0
- BayesianLinearRegressors v0.2.1
- BayesianNonparametrics v0.1.0
- Bedgraph v2.1.0
- BedgraphFiles v2.3.0
- BeliefUpdaters v0.1.2
- BenchmarkCI v0.1.2
- BenchmarkProfiles v0.3.1
- BenchmarkTools v0.5.0
- BernoulliFactory v0.0.1
- BetweenFlags v1.1.0
- Bhaskara v0.1.1
- BigArrays v1.3.0
- BigCombinatorics v0.1.4
- BilevelOptimization v0.2.2
- BinningAnalysis v0.3.4
- BioCore v2.0.5
- BioEnergeticFoodWebs v1.1.2
- Biomodelling v0.2.3
- BisectPy v0.1.0
- BitConverter v0.1.1
- BitFlags v0.1.1
- BitFloats v0.0.3
- BitOperations v0.2.0
- BitcoinPrimitives v0.1.2
- Bits v0.2.0
- BitsFields v0.2.1
- BlackBoxOptim v0.5.0
- Blades v0.1.0
- Blink v0.12.2
- Blobs v0.3.0
- BlochSim v0.3.0
- BlockArrays v0.11.1
- BlockBandedMatrices v0.7.1
- BlockDecomposition v1.2.0
- BlockDiagonalFactors v0.1.0
- BlockDiagonals v0.1.6
- BloomFilters v0.3.0
- Blosc v0.6.0
- BlossomV v0.4.2
- BlsData v0.1.0
- Bobby v0.9.0
- Bootstrap v2.2.0
- BotCoreLCMTypes v0.3.0
- BoundaryValueDiffEq v2.4.0
- BoundingSphere v0.2.0
- BracedErrors v0.6.0
- BridgeDiffEq v0.1.0
- BridgeLandmarks v0.3.0
- BridgeSDEInference v0.3.1
- BritishNationalGrid v0.3.1
- BrowseTables v0.3.0
- Bukdu v0.4.13
- BulkSMS v0.0.1
- BusinessDays v0.9.8
- BytePairEncoding v0.1.1
- C3D v0.5.2
- CALCEPH v1.0.4
- CBOR v0.1.1
- CDDLib v0.6.0
- CEnum v0.2.0
- CFTime v0.1.0
- CImGui v1.75.0
- CMPlot v1.0.0
- CMake v1.2.0
- CMakeWrapper v0.2.3
- COBRA v0.3.2
- COBS v0.0.1
- COESA v0.1.0
- CORBITS v1.0.1
- COSMO v0.7.1
- CPUTime v1.0.0
- CQLdriver v0.9.5
- CRC v3.0.0
- CRlibm v0.8.0
- CSDP v0.5.4
- CSFML v0.1.1
- CSSUtil v0.1.0
- CSTParser v2.2.0
- CSV v0.5.26
- CSVFiles v1.0.0
- CSVReader v1.0.2
- CSyntax v0.3.0
- CUDAapi v4.0.0
- CUDAdrv v6.2.0
- CUDD v0.1.3
- CUTEst v0.9.0
- CUnion v0.1.0
- CaNNOLeS v0.1.1
- CacheServers v0.2.0
- CacheVariables v0.1.0
- CachedFunctions v0.1.1
- Caching v0.1.1
- Caesar v0.5.0
- Cairo v1.0.2
- CalculatedABC v0.1.1
- Calculus v0.5.1
- CalibrationErrors v0.4.0
- CancerImagingArchive v1.0.1
- CancerSeqSim v0.2.0
- CanonicalTraits v0.2.1
- Cascadia v0.4.0
- CatIndices v0.2.1
- CatViews v1.0.0
- Catlab v0.6.0
- CatmullClark v0.0.1
- CatmullRom v0.3.2
- CausalityTools v0.9.9
- CausalityToolsBase v0.7.4
- Cbc v0.6.7
- ChainRulesTestUtils v0.2.1
- ChangePrecision v1.0.0
- Changepoints v0.3.1
- CharSetEncodings v1.0.0
- ChartParsers v0.0.1
- ChebyshevApprox v0.1.0
- CheckedArithmetic v0.1.0
- Chemfiles v0.9.3
- ChemometricsTools v0.5.11
- Chess v0.1.0
- ChrBase v1.0.0
- Circuitscape v5.5.5
- CircularList v1.0.0
- Clang v0.9.2
- Classes v1.2.0
- ClassicalCiphers v2.0.1
- Cliffords v0.6.0
- ClimateBase v0.3.0
- ClimateERA v0.4.0
- ClimateEasy v0.3.0
- ClimatePlots v0.2.2
- ClimateSatellite v0.3.1
- ClimateTasks v0.1.1
- ClimateTools v0.18.3
- ClinicalTrialUtilities v0.2.3
- Clipper v0.5.1
- ClosedIntervals v0.2.0
- Cloudy v0.1.0
- Clp v0.7.1
- ClusterManagers v0.3.2
- ClusterRunner v0.1.0
- ClusterTrees v0.2.0
- Clustering v0.13.5
- ClusteringDifferences v0.1.0
- ClusteringGA v0.0.2
- CmdStan v6.0.2
- CoDa v0.2.0
- CodeTools v0.7.0
- CodeTracking v0.5.8
- CodeTransformation v0.1.0
- CodecBase v0.3.0
- CodecBzip2 v0.7.1
- CodecLz4 v0.4.0
- CodecXz v0.6.0
- CodecZlib v0.7.0
- CodecZstd v0.7.0
- Codecs v0.5.0
- CollisionDetection v0.1.2
- ColorBrewer v0.4.0
- ColorSchemeTools v1.0.0
- ColorSchemes v3.6.0
- ColorTypes v0.10.0
- ColorVectorSpace v0.8.3
- Colors v0.12.0
- Combinatorics v1.0.0
- CommonSolve v0.2.0
- CommonSubexpressions v0.2.0
- CommunityDetection v0.1.0
- CompEcon v0.4.0
- CompScienceMeshes v0.2.5
- Compat v3.8.0
- CompatHelper v1.2.0
- ComplexRegions v0.1.1
- ComplexValues v0.2.1
- Compose v0.8.1
- CompressHashDisplace v0.1.0
- ComputationalResources v0.3.1
- ComputedFieldTypes v0.1.0
- ConcaveHull v1.0.0
- ConceptnetNumberbatch v0.1.5
- Conda v1.4.1
- CondaBinDeps v0.2.0
- ConfParser v0.1.1
- ConformalMaps v0.0.3
- ConicBenchmarkUtilities v0.4.0
- ConjugatePriors v0.4.0
- ConsistencyResampling v0.2.0
- ConsoleInput v0.1.1
- ConsoleProgressMonitor v0.1.2
- ConstraintProgrammingExtensions v0.0.1
- ConstructionBase v1.0.0
- ContinuousTimeMarkov v0.2.0
- ContinuumArrays v0.2.1
- Contour v0.5.2
- ControlSystemIdentification v0.1.12
- ControlSystems v0.5.7
- Controlz v0.1.3
- Convex v0.13.2
- ConvexBodyProximityQueries v0.1.6
- ConvolutionalOperatorLearning v0.1.0
- Cookbook v0.3.0
- CoordinateConverterGK v0.1.1
- CoordinateDescent v0.2.0
- CoordinateTransformations v0.5.1
- Corpuscles v0.2.2
- CorrNoise v1.0.1
- CorrectMatch v1.0.1
- CorticalSpectralTemporalResponses v0.4.1
- Cosmology v1.0.0
- Coulter v0.2.0
- CountdownNumbers v0.1.2
- Counters v0.2.1
- CovarianceEstimation v0.2.3
- CovarianceMatrices v0.9.1
- CoverageTools v1.1.0
- CpuId v0.2.2
- Crayons v4.0.1
- CrossMappings v0.4.0
- CrossfilterCharts v3.0.0
- CryptoGroups v0.1.2
- CryptoSignatures v0.2.2
- CryptoUtils v0.1.0
- Cthulhu v1.0.0
- Cuba v2.0.0
- Cubature v1.4.1
- CubicSplines v0.1.1
- Cumulants v1.0.3
- CumulantsFeatures v1.3.0
- CumulantsUpdates v1.0.2
- Currencies v0.12.0
- CurrenciesBase v0.1.0
- CurricularAnalytics v0.6.6
- CurveFit v0.3.2
- CurveProximityQueries v0.1.5
- CustomUnitRanges v1.0.0
- CutPruners v0.1.0
- D3Trees v0.3.1
- D3TypeTrees v0.1.1
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- LengthChannels v1.0.0
- Lens v0.1.1
- Lerche v0.1.0
- LevelDB v2.1.0
- Lexicographic v0.1.0
- LibCURL v0.5.2
- LibExpat v0.6.1
- LibGEOS v0.6.1
- LibPSF v0.3.2
- LibSerialPort v0.3.0
- LibSpatialIndex v0.1.1
- LibSymspg v0.4.0
- LibYAML v0.1.1
- Libxc v0.1.3
- Libz v1.0.1
- LifeTable v0.2.3
- LightGraphs v1.3.1
- LightGraphsFlows v0.4.0
- LightGraphsMatching v0.2.0
- LightXML v0.8.1
- LimitedLDLFactorizations v0.3.0
- LineSearches v7.0.1
- LinearAlgebraicRepresentation v1.0.0
- LinearCovarianceModels v0.1.2
- LinearFractional v0.6.2
- LinearFractionalTransformations v0.0.1
- LinearMaps v2.6.1
- LinearMapsAA v0.4.0
- LinearOperators v1.0.1
- LinearTimeVaryingModelsBase v0.2.1
- LinkedLists v0.1.1
- LispSyntax v0.2.1
- Literate v2.3.0
- LiterateOrg v0.1.1
- LittleEndianBase128 v0.3.0
- LiveServer v0.3.6
- LocalCoverage v0.1.0
- LocalDiskObjectStores v0.4.0
- LocalFilters v1.0.0
- LocalizationMicroscopy v0.1.0
- LocallyWeightedRegression v0.4.2
- Loess v0.5.1
- LogDensityProblems v0.10.3
- LogDensityTestSuite v0.5.2
- LogParser v0.7.0
- LogProbs v1.1.0
- LogRoller v0.2.0
- LogarithmicNumbers v0.4.1
- LoggingExtras v0.4.0
- LogicCircuits v0.1.0
- LombScargle v0.5.0
- LoopThrottle v0.1.0
- LoopVectorization v0.6.21
- LorentzVectors v0.4.0
- LossFunctions v0.5.1
- LowRankApprox v0.4.0
- LoweredCodeUtils v0.4.3
- Luxor v1.11.0
- MAT v0.7.0
- MCHammer v0.1.3
- MCMCChain v0.2.3
- MCMCChainSummaries v0.1.0
- MCMCChains v3.0.4
- MCMCDiagnostics v0.3.0
- MD5 v0.2.1
- MDBM v0.1.4
- MDCT v1.1.2
- MDDatasets v0.3.1
- MFCC v0.3.1
- MIDI v1.8.0
- MIMEBundles v0.1.0
- MINLPTests v0.5.1
- MINPACK v1.1.1
- MIPVerify v0.2.1
- MIRT v0.9.3
- MIRTio v0.2.2
- MITgcmTools v0.1.2
- MLBase v0.8.0
- MLDataUtils v0.5.0
- MLDatasets v0.4.1
- MLJ v0.10.1
- MLJBase v0.12.2
- MLJJLBoost v0.1.1
- MLJLinearModels v0.3.2
- MLJModelInterface v0.2.0
- MLJScientificTypes v0.2.1
- MLJTuning v0.2.0
- MLKernels v0.4.0
- MLLabelUtils v0.5.1
- MMTF v0.1.0
- MPIFiles v0.8.2
- MPIReco v0.2.0
- MRphy v0.1.5
- MacroTools v0.5.4
- Mads v0.9.7
- Makeitso v0.1.0
- MakieLayout v0.3.4
- MakieThemes v0.0.2
- MambaModels v1.0.0
- Mangal v0.2.0
- ManifoldsBase v0.7.0
- Manopt v0.1.1
- Maracas v1.1.0
- MarkableIntegers v0.0.1
- Markdown
- MarketCycles v0.1.5
- MarketData v0.11.0
- MarkovChains v0.1.2
- Markovify v0.1.1
- MarriageMarkets v0.1.0
- MassInstallAction v0.1.0
- MatLang v0.1.1
- Matcha v0.2.0
- Materials v0.2.1
- MathOptFormat v0.4.0
- MathOptInterface v0.9.12
- MathProgBase v0.7.8
- MathematicalPredicates v0.1.0
- MathematicalSystems v0.11.1
- MathieuFunctions v1.1.0
- MatrixDepot v0.8.0
- MatrixEquations v1.1.3
- MatrixFactorizations v0.3.0
- MatrixMarket v0.3.1
- MaxMinFilters v0.1.0
- MaxPlus v0.1.0
- MaximumLikelihoodPower v0.3.0
- Maxvol v1.0.0
- MbedTLS v1.0.1
- Measurements v2.2.0
- Measures v0.3.1
- MechanismGeometries v0.4.1
- Media v0.5.0
- MemPool v0.2.0
- MemberFunctions v0.1.0
- Memento v1.0.0
- Memoization v0.1.3
- Memoize v0.4.3
- MemoryArena v0.1.0
- Mera v1.0.2
- MerkleTrees v0.1.0
- MeshArrays v0.2.6
- MeshCatMechanisms v0.7.0
- MeshCore v0.2.0
- MeshIO v0.3.1
- Meshing v0.5.3
- MetaArrays v0.2.7
- MetaGraphs v0.6.5
- MetaImageFormat v0.2.2
- MetaProgTools v0.6.0
- MetadataArrays v0.1.0
- Metalhead v0.5.0
- Metis v1.0.0
- MicroLogging v0.4.0
- Microeconometrics v0.6.0
- Miletus v1.0.0
- Millboard v0.2.4
- MiniLogging v0.2.0
- MiniQhull v0.1.0
- MinimalRLCore v0.1.0
- MirroredArrayViews v1.0.0
- MittagLeffler v0.2.0
- MixedSubdivisions v1.0.0
- Mocking v0.7.1
- ModelBasedCF v0.1.0
- ModelSelection v1.0.0
- ModelingToolkit v1.2.10
- ModernGL v1.1.2
- ModernRoboticsBook v0.1.1
- Modia v0.3.0
- Modia3D v0.4.0
- ModiaMath v0.5.2
- ModifiedHankelFunctionsOfOrderOneThird v1.0.0
- Mods v0.1.0
- ModularForms v0.1.0
- ModularIndices v0.1.0
- ModuleInterfaceTools v1.0.1
- ModuleLogging v0.1.0
- MolecularBoxes v1.0.1
- MolecularTopologies v1.1.2
- MonadFunctions v0.1.0
- MonteCarloIntegration v0.0.1
- MonteCarloMarkovKernels v1.0.1
- MonteCarloMeasurements v0.8.3
- MonteCarloObservable v0.3.2
- MortalityTables v0.4.1
- Mortar2D v0.1.3
- Morton v0.1.1
- MosaicViews v0.2.0
- MotifSequenceGenerator v1.0.0
- Mozi v0.0.2
- MriResearchTools v0.1.1
- MsgPack v1.1.0
- MuladdMacro v0.2.2
- MultiQuad v1.1.0
- MultiResolutionIterators v0.5.0
- Multibreak v0.2.0
- Multigraphs v0.1.0
- MultiplesOfPi v0.2.0
- Multiplexers v0.3.1
- Multisets v0.2.0
- MultivariateAnomalies v0.2.4
- MultivariateBases v0.1.2
- MultivariateMoments v0.3.0
- MultivariatePolynomials v0.3.6
- Multivectors v0.2.0
- Munkres v0.2.0
- MurmurHash3 v1.0.3
- MusicManipulations v1.4.1
- MusicVisualizations v0.2.4
- MusicXML v0.3.1
- Mustache v1.0.0
- MutableArithmetics v0.2.7
- Mux v0.7.1
- NASAEarthObservations v0.1.0
- NBInclude v2.2.0
- NBodySimulator v1.2.0
- NCDatasets v0.10.0
- NCTiles v0.1.7
- NFFT v0.5.0
- NIfTI v0.4.0
- NLPModels v0.12.0
- NLPModelsIpopt v0.3.1
- NLPModelsJuMP v0.6.0
- NLSProblems v0.1.3
- NLSolversBase v7.6.1
- NLopt v0.5.1
- NLsolve v4.3.0
- NMEA v0.1.0
- NMF v0.4.0
- NMFk v0.5.2
- NNlib v0.6.6
- NODAL v0.4.0
- NPFinancial v0.3.0
- NPZ v0.4.0
- NRRD v0.6.1
- NaNMath v0.3.3
- NaiveBayes v0.4.0
- NaiveNASflux v1.1.1
- NaiveNASlib v1.1.1
- NameResolution v0.1.3
- NamedArrays v0.9.4
- NamedColors v0.2.0
- NamedPlus v0.0.3
- NamedTupleTools v0.13.2
- NaturalSort v1.0.0
- NaturallyUnitful v0.3.0
- NatureGas v0.0.6
- Navigation v0.3.0
- NeRCA v0.5.1
- NearestNeighborDescent v0.3.0
- NearestNeighbors v0.4.4
- NeighbourLists v0.5.0
- Nemo v0.17.0
- NetCDF v0.9.0
- Netpbm v0.4.0
- Nettle v0.4.0
- NetworkInference v0.1.0
- NetworkLayout v0.2.0
- NetworkLearning v0.1.1
- NeuralArithmetic v0.1.0
- NeuralQuantumState v0.1.1
- NiLang v0.2.0
- NiLangCore v0.4.3
- NiceNumbers v0.1.0
- Node2Vec v0.1.0
- NodeJS v1.1.1
- NonPromoting v1.0.0
- NonUniformRandomVariateGeneration v1.0.0
- NonlinearTestProblems v0.1.0
- Nord v0.1.0
- NormalSplines v1.0.0
- NormalizeQuantiles v1.2.0
- NoveltyColors v0.5.0
- Nullables v1.0.0
- NumberTheoreticTransforms v1.0.0
- NumberUnions v0.0.1
- NumericIO v0.3.1
- NumericalIntegration v0.2.0
- OAuth v0.9.0
- OBOParse v0.0.1
- ODE v2.6.0
- ODEInterface v0.4.6
- ODEInterfaceDiffEq v3.5.0
- OIFITS v0.4.0
- OMETIFF v0.3.7
- OMEinsum v0.3.1
- OOESAlgorithm v0.1.3
- OOPMacro v0.3.0
- OPFSampler v0.1.0
- ObjectFile v0.3.3
- ObjectStores v0.4.0
- Observables v0.3.1
- ObservationDims v0.1.2
- OceanGrids v0.1.12
- OceanographyCruises v0.1.3
- OdsIO v0.5.0
- OffsetArrays v1.0.3
- Ogg v1.0.0
- OhMyREPL v0.5.5
- Omniscape v0.1.4
- OnlinePackage v0.2.0
- OnlineStats v1.2.0
- OnlineStatsBase v1.2.3
- OpSel v0.1.0
- OpenCL v0.8.1
- OpenDSSDirect v0.6.1
- OpenEphysLoader v0.2.4
- OpenIDConnect v0.1.1
- OpenSoundControl v1.0.0
- OpenStreetMapX v0.1.12
- OpenStreetMapXPlot v0.1.0
- OpenTrick v0.2.1
- OptimBase v2.0.0
- OptimPack v1.0.0
- OptimTestProblems v2.0.2
- OptimizationProblems v0.3.0
- OptimizingIR v0.2.1
- OptionalData v0.3.0
- Optionals v0.1.0
- Opus v1.0.0
- OrderedCollections v1.1.0
- Org v0.1.0
- OrthogonalPolynomialsQuasi v0.1.0
- Overseer v0.1.1
- OwnTime v0.1.0
- PCRE2 v1.0.2
- PDFIO v0.1.9
- PDMats v0.9.12
- PDSampler v0.1.1
- PETScBinaryIO v1.0.0
- PGFPlots v3.2.0
- PGFPlotsX v1.2.5
- PNGFiles v0.1.3
- POMDPModels v0.4.5
- POMDPPolicies v0.2.2
- POMDPSimulators v0.3.4
- POMDPTesting v0.2.1
- POMDPToolbox v0.3.0
- PProf v0.3.1
- PROPACK v0.3.0
- PSFWrite v0.3.1
- Packing v0.3.1
- PaddedViews v0.5.3
- Pages v0.3.1
- Paillier v0.3.1
- PairwiseListMatrices v0.7.0
- Pajarito v0.7.0
- ParallelDataTransfer v0.5.0
- ParallelOperations v0.1.0
- ParallelProcessingTools v0.4.1
- ParallelUtilities v0.6.1
- ParameterJuMP v0.2.0
- ParameterisedModule v0.1.0
- Parameters v0.12.0
- Pardiso v0.5.1
- ParquetFiles v0.2.0
- Parsers v0.3.12
- PartedArrays v0.1.0
- ParticleFilters v0.4.0
- ParticleMDI v0.1.0
- ParticleScattering v0.1.0
- PathDistribution v0.1.0
- Pathogen v0.4.5
- Pavito v0.2.0
- PeaceCypher v0.1.1
- PeaceFounder v0.2.1
- PeaceVote v0.2.2
- Peaks v0.1.0
- PearsonHash v0.1.1
- PenaltyFunctions v0.1.2
- Perceptrons v1.1.2
- PerceptualColourMaps v0.3.0
- PerformanceTestTools v0.1.2
- PeriodicTable v1.0.0
- Permutations v0.3.2
- PerronFrobenius v0.6.0
- Persa v0.1.2
- PhaseSpaceIO v0.4.1
- PhilipsHue v0.0.1
- PhotoOrganizer v0.1.0
- Photometry v0.4.0
- PhyloTrees v0.10.0
- PhysOcean v0.6.0
- PhysicalCommunications v0.1.1
- PhysicalConstants v0.2.0
- PhysicalParticles v1.0.3
- PicoSAT v0.3.2
- Pidfile v1.1.0
- PiecewiseIncreasingRanges v1.0.0
- PiecewiseLinearApprox v0.1.0
- PiecewiseLinearOpt v0.3.0
- PiecewisePolynomials v0.1.0
- Pipe v1.2.0
- PkgBenchmark v0.2.8
- PkgButlerEngine v1.4.2
- PkgDev v1.3.1
- PkgLicenses v0.2.0
- PkgVersion v0.1.0
- PlanarMaps v0.1.0
- Planets v0.4.1
- PlotAxes v0.2.6
- PlotMesh v0.1.0
- PlotReferenceImages v1.1.0
- PlotSeis v0.1.0
- PlotThemes v1.0.1
- PlotUtils v0.6.4
- Plotly v0.3.0
- PlotlyBase v0.3.0
- PlotlyJS v0.13.1
- Plots v0.29.7
- PlusMinus v1.0.0
- Pluto v0.3.1
- PlyIO v1.1.0
- PointPatterns v0.1.0
- PointProcessInference v0.2.1
- PoissonRandom v0.4.0
- PolaronMobility v1.2.0
- Poltergeist v0.4.0
- PolyChaos v0.2.2
- PolyJuMP v0.4.0
- Polyline v1.0.0
- PolynomialBases v0.4.5
- PolynomialMatrices v0.2.1
- PolynomialRings v0.7.3
- PolynomialRoots v0.2.0
- PolynomialTestSystems v0.1.4
- Polynomials v0.6.1
- PooledArrays v0.5.3
- Poptart v0.2.2
- PorousMaterials v0.2.0
- PosDefManifoldML v0.3.7
- PositiveFactorizations v0.2.3
- PowerDynOperationPoint v1.0.0
- PowerDynSolve v1.0.0
- PowerModels v0.15.3
- PowerModelsAnnex v0.4.1
- PowerModelsDistribution v0.8.1
- PowerModelsRestoration v0.3.0
- PowerModelsSecurityConstrained v0.4.0
- PowerSystems v0.12.0
- PowerSystemsUnits v0.2.0
- PrePostCall v0.0.2
- Preconditioners v0.3.0
- PredictMD v0.34.15
- PredictMDAPI v0.3.1
- PredictMDExtra v0.13.12
- PredictMDFull v0.13.7
- Presentation v0.2.2
- PressureDrop v1.0.4
- PrettyPrint v0.1.0
- PrettyPrinting v0.2.0
- PrettyTables v0.8.4
- Primes v0.4.0
- PrincipalMomentAnalysis v0.1.1
- PrincipalMomentAnalysisApp v0.1.0
- PrintFileTree v0.2.0
- Probably v0.1.0
- ProfileVega v1.1.0
- ProfileView v0.6.3
- ProgressBars v0.6.0
- ProgressLogging v0.1.2
- ProgressMeterLogging v0.1.0
- Proj4 v0.7.0
- ProjectiveVectors v1.1.2
- PropDicts v0.1.0
- ProperOrthogonalDecomposition v1.0.0
- ProteinEnsembles v0.3.0
- ProtoBuf v0.8.0
- ProtoStructs v0.1.0
- ProximalAlgorithms v0.3.1
- ProximalBase v0.2.0
- ProximalOperators v0.10.3
- Psychro v0.2.1
- PtFEM v1.2.2
- Pukeko v0.2.0
- PushVectors v0.2.0
- Pushover v0.1.1
- PyCallJLD v0.1.0
- PyPlot v2.8.2
- QDLDL v0.1.3
- QDates v0.3.0
- QRCode v0.1.0
- QSWalk v1.1.1
- QuadGK v2.3.1
- Quadmath v0.5.4
- QuantLib v0.1.1
- Quante v0.1.0
- QuantizedArrays v0.1.3
- QuantumAlgebra v0.3.0
- QuantumInfo v0.1.0
- QuantumLab v1.0.1
- QuantumOptics v0.7.1
- QuantumOpticsBase v0.1.3
- QuantumWalk v0.2.2
- QuasiArrays v0.1.1
- QuasiMonteCarlo v0.1.1
- Quaternions v0.4.1
- Query v0.12.2
- QueryOperators v0.9.1
- QuerySQLite v0.2.0
- QueryTables v0.1.0
- QueryableBackend v0.1.0
- QuickPOMDPs v0.2.3
- QuickTypes v1.3.0
- Qutilities v0.2.0
- RAFF v0.6.4
- RCall v0.13.4
- RData v0.7.1
- RDatasets v0.6.6
- RDates v0.2.0
- REDCap v1.0.1
- RLEVectors v0.9.4
- RNGPool v1.0.1
- RNGTest v1.5.0
- ROMEO v0.1.0
- RRRMC v2.1.0
- RRTMGP v0.1.0
- RSCG v0.1.1
- RadiationDetectorSignals v0.1.2
- RadiationSpectra v0.2.0
- RainFARM v1.1.0
- RandomBooleanMatrices v0.1.1
- RandomCorrelationMatrices v1.0.0
- RandomExtensions v0.3.0
- RandomMatrices v0.5.0
- RandomMatrixDistributions v0.2.0
- RandomNumbers v1.4.0
- RandomQuantum v0.1.0
- RandomV06 v0.0.2
- RandomizedLinAlg v0.1.0
- RandomizedPropertyTest v0.1.0
- RangeArrays v0.3.2
- RankAggregation v0.1.0
- RankingDifferences v0.1.0
- RationalRoots v0.1.0
- Ratios v0.4.0
- RawArray v0.1.1
- RawFile v1.0.0
- ReactionNetworkImporters v0.1.5
- ReadOnlyArrays v0.1.1
- ReadStat v1.0.2
- ReadWriteDlm2 v0.7.3
- ReadableNumbers v0.2.1
- RecipesBase v0.8.0
- Recombinase v0.1.1
- Recommendation v0.3.0
- Rectangle v0.1.2
- RecurrenceAnalysis v1.2.0
- RecursiveFactorization v0.1.0
- Reddit v0.1.1
- ReduceLinAlg v0.1.0
- Redux v0.1.0
- Reel v1.3.0
- Reexport v0.2.0
- Refactoring v0.1.0
- ReferenceTests v0.9.0
- Referenceables v0.1.0
- RegionTrees v0.3.1
- Registrator v1.1.0
- RegressionTables v0.3.0
- RegularExpressions v0.1.0
- RegularizedLeastSquares v0.5.1
- Reinforce v0.2.0
- ReinforcementLearning v0.4.0
- ReinforcementLearningCore v0.2.4
- Remark v0.2.0
- Rematch v0.3.2
- Remez v0.1.0
- RemoteFiles v0.3.1
- RemoveLFS v0.3.0
- ReplicateBE v1.0.6
- Reproducible v0.1.1
- Requires v1.0.1
- ReservoirComputing v0.3.0
- ResettableStacks v1.0.0
- ResizableArrays v0.2.0
- RestrictProlong v0.2.0
- ResumableFunctions v0.5.1
- RetroCap v0.2.6
- Retry v0.4.0
- ReusableFunctions v0.7.0
- ReusePatterns v0.1.2
- ReverseDiff v1.1.0
- ReverseDiffSparse v0.8.6
- RiemannComplexNumbers v0.1.2
- RiemannHilbert v0.1.0
- RiemannTheta v0.1.0
- RingBuffers v1.2.0
- RingLists v0.2.0
- Ripemd v0.3.0
- Rmath v0.6.1
- RobotDescriptions v0.0.1
- RobotOSData v0.3.0
- Robotlib v0.3.2
- RobustAdaptiveMetropolisSampler v1.0.0
- RobustPmap v0.6.0
- RobustShortestPath v0.3.0
- RollingFunctions v0.6.2
- RomanNumerals v0.3.1
- RootTaskREPL v0.1.0
- RootedTrees v0.0.2
- Rotations v0.13.0
- RowEchelon v0.1.1
- Rsvg v1.0.0
- RunLengthArrays v0.1.0
- SASLib v1.2.1
- SCS v0.6.6
- SDWBA v1.1.1
- SIMD v2.8.0
- SLEEF v0.5.2
- SLEEFInline v0.1.0
- SLEEFPirates v0.4.3
- SNAPDatasets v0.1.0
- SOFA v1.0.1
- SOM v0.4.1
- SPICE v0.1.1
- SQLite v1.0.3
- SRCWA v0.2.0
- SVMLightWriter v0.1.0
- SVR v0.7.3
- SafeTestsets v0.0.1
- SaferIntegers v2.5.1
- SalesForceBulkApi v0.0.6
- SampledSignals v2.1.0
- Sass v0.1.0
- SatelliteDynamics v0.4.0
- SatelliteToolbox v0.7.1
- SauterSchwabQuadrature v2.1.0
- ScHoLP v0.1.1
- ScanImageTiffReader v1.3.0
- ScatteredInterpolation v0.3.5
- ScenTrees v0.2.3
- Scheduling v0.1.1
- Schemata v2.0.6
- SchumakerSpline v1.4.0
- SchwarzChristoffel v0.1.5
- ScientificTypes v0.7.2
- ScikitLearnBase v0.5.0
- ScoreDrivenModels v0.1.0
- Secp256k1 v0.1.0
- SecretSanta v0.1.0
- SecureIO v0.3.0
- SeisMain v0.1.0
- SeisModels v1.2.0
- SeisNoise v0.3.0
- SeisProcessing v0.1.0
- Semaphores v0.1.0
- SemiDiscretizationMethod v0.3.3
- SemialgebraicSets v0.2.0
- SemidefiniteModels v0.1.1
- SentinelMissings v1.0.0
- SeparatingAxisTheorem2D v1.0.1
- SequentialMonteCarlo v0.6.0
- SetProg v0.1.0
- SetRounding v0.2.0
- Setfield v0.6.0
- ShallowWaters v0.2.0
- ShapML v0.2.0
- Shapefile v0.6.2
- ShapesOfVariables v0.3.0
- Shell v0.0.1
- Sherlogs v0.1.0
- ShiftedArrays v1.0.0
- Shoco v0.3.0
- ShortStrings v0.2.1
- ShowSet v0.2.0
- Showoff v0.3.1
- SignalBase v0.1.1
- SignalOperators v0.4.0
- Signals v1.2.0
- SignedDistanceFields v0.4.0
- SimJulia v0.8.0
- SimilaritySearch v0.3.19
- SimpleANOVA v0.6.0
- SimpleCarModels v1.0.1
- SimpleDirectMediaLayer v0.2.0
- SimpleDrawing v0.2.1
- SimpleGF2 v0.0.1
- SimpleHypergraphs v0.1.8
- SimpleIntegrals v0.2.1
- SimplePartitions v0.2.0
- SimplePosetAlgorithms v0.3.0
- SimplePosets v0.0.3
- SimpleRandom v0.2.0
- SimpleTools v0.3.0
- SimpleTraits v0.9.1
- SimpleTropical v0.1.1
- SimpleValueGraphs v0.1.0
- SimpleWeightedGraphs v1.1.1
- Simplices v0.5.0
- SimradEK60 v0.1.0
- SimradEK60TestData v0.1.0
- SimradRaw v0.1.0
- Simulate v0.2.0
- SingleFloats v0.1.5
- SingularIntegralEquations v0.6.2
- SingularSpectrumAnalysis v0.3.0
- SixDOF v0.1.0
- SkyCoords v0.3.0
- Slacker v1.0.0
- SliceMap v0.2.0
- SlurmWorkloadFileGenerator v0.1.0
- SmolyakApprox v0.1.0
- SmoothingSplines v0.2.1
- Snappy v0.3.0
- SnoopCompile v1.2.3
- Sobol v1.3.0
- Sodium v1.1.1
- SodiumSeal v0.1.0
- SoftGlobalScope v1.0.10
- SoftPosit v0.3.0
- SolidModeling v0.1.0
- SolidStateDetectors v0.3.1
- SolveDSGE v0.3.2
- SolverTools v0.1.11
- SolverTraces v0.1.0
- SortMerge v1.2.0
- SortedVectors v0.2.1
- SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1
- SortingLab v0.2.2
- SortingNetworks v0.2.0
- SourceWalk v0.1.1
- SparseDiffTools v1.4.0
- SparseGrids v1.1.0
- SparseMatricesCSR v0.5.1
- SparseMatrixDicts v0.2.2
- SparseRegression v0.2.0
- SparseTimeSeries v0.1.1
- SpatialEcology v0.9.1
- SpatialGrids v1.0.0
- SpatialIndexing v0.1.2
- Spec v0.2.0
- SpecialFunctions v0.10.0
- SpecialMatrices v1.0.0
- SpecializeVarargs v0.1.1
- SpectralGaussianSimulation v0.2.1
- SpectralKit v0.4.0
- SphericalHarmonicArrays v0.3.1
- SphericalHarmonicModes v0.3.2
- SpiceData v0.3.1
- SpikingNeuralNetworks v0.1.0
- SpinMonteCarlo v1.0.0
- SpineBasedRecordLinkage v0.3.4
- Spinnaker v0.1.9
- SplitApplyCombine v1.0.0
- SplittablesBase v0.1.0
- StableDQMC v0.1.3
- StackOverflow v0.1.2
- StackPointers v0.1.1
- StanDataFrames v4.0.1
- StanDump v0.2.0
- StanMCMCChain v4.1.0
- StanMamba v5.0.0
- StanSamples v0.1.0
- StandardizedMatrices v0.3.0
- Stardates v1.0.2
- StatFiles v0.8.0
- StatPlots v0.9.2
- StatProfilerHTML v1.1.0
- StataDTAFiles v0.3.0
- StateSpaceModels v0.3.2
- StateSpaceReconstruction v0.4.2
- StateSpaceRoutines v0.3.1
- StaticLint v3.1.0
- StaticMaps v0.1.0
- StaticNumbers v0.3.2
- StaticPolynomials v1.3.3
- StaticRanges v0.5.6
- StatsBase v0.32.2
- StatsFuns v0.9.4
- StatsMakie v0.1.3
- StatsModels v0.6.10
- StatsPlots v0.14.1
- SteamTables v1.1.0
- StochOptInterface v0.0.1
- StochasticIntegrals v0.3.0
- StochasticPrograms v0.3.0
- StochasticSemiDiscretizationMethod v0.3.3
- Stopping v0.2.0
- StrAPI v1.0.0
- StrEntities v1.0.0
- StrFormat v1.0.0
- StrFs v0.3.0
- StrICU v1.0.0
- StrLiterals v1.0.0
- StrRegex v1.0.2
- StrTables v1.0.1
- Strapping v1.1.1
- Strategems v0.2.0
- StratiGraphics v0.2.2
- StressTest v0.1.0
- Strided v0.3.3
- StringAnalysis v0.3.9
- StringBuilders v0.2.0
- StringDistances v0.6.3
- StringEncodings v0.3.1
- StringParserPEG v1.1.0
- Strs v1.0.2
- StructArrays v0.4.2
- StructC14N v0.2.1
- StructIO v0.3.0
- StructJuMP v0.1.0
- StructTypes v1.1.0
- StructViews v0.1.0
- StructuralInheritance v0.2.4
- StructuredGrids v0.1.0
- StructuredOptimization v0.2.3
- Struve v0.1.0
- SubMatrixSelectionSVD v0.1.1
- SubTypes v0.2.0
- SubpixelRegistration v0.1.0
- SuffixArrays v0.3.0
- SugarBLAS v0.1.0
- SuiteSparse
- SuiteSparseGraphBLAS v0.3.3
- SuiteSparseMatrixCollection v0.2.0
- SumOfSquares v0.4.0
- SumProductNetworks v0.1.2
- SummationByPartsOperators v0.2.0
- Sundials v3.9.0
- SuperEnum v0.1.4
- Suppressor v0.1.1
- SurrogateModelOptim v0.4.2
- SweepOperator v0.3.0
- SwitchOnSafety v0.0.4
- SymDict v0.3.0
- SymEngine v0.7.1
- SymPy v1.0.18
- SymSemiseparableMatrices v0.1.0
- SymSpellChecker v0.1.0
- SymbolServer v3.1.0
- SymmetricTensors v1.0.1
- Synchronizers v0.1.0
- SyntaxTree v1.0.1
- Syslogs v0.3.0
- TSVD v0.4.0
- TSne v1.2.0
- TableOperations v0.2.1
- TableSchema v0.1.1
- TableShowUtils v0.2.5
- TableTraits v1.0.0
- TableTraitsUtils v1.0.1
- TableView v0.6.0
- TableWidgets v0.1.0
- Tables v1.0.3
- TabularDisplay v1.1.0
- Tapestree v0.1.2
- Tar v1.1.0
- TarIterators v0.2.0
- TaskMaster v0.1.0
- Tau v0.2.0
- TaylorIntegration v0.8.1
- TaylorModels v0.3.2
- TaylorSeries v0.10.3
- TeXTable v0.1.0
- Telegrambot v0.1.4
- Temporal v0.7.0
- TenPuzzle v0.1.0
- TensorBoardLogger v0.1.9
- TensorCast v0.2.1
- TensorNetworkAD v0.1.0
- TensorPolynomialBases v0.1.4
- TensorToolbox v1.0.1
- TensorValues v0.3.5
- Tensors v1.4.2
- TerminalExtensions v0.4.0
- TerminalMenus v0.1.0
- TerminalRegressionTests v0.2.0
- TestImages v1.0.2
- TestSetExtensions v2.0.0
- TexTables v0.1.0
- TextClassification v0.2.2
- TextParse v1.0.0
- TextSearch v0.3.6
- TextUnidecode v1.0.6
- TextWrap v1.0.1
- TheCannon v1.0.1
- Theta v0.1.0
- ThreadSafeDicts v0.0.1
- ThreadTools v0.1.1
- ThreadedIterables v0.2.0
- ThreePhasePowerModels v0.3.2
- Thrift v0.6.1
- TickTock v1.0.0
- TightBinding v0.1.2
- TikzGraphs v1.1.0
- TikzPictures v3.0.5
- TikzQTrees v0.1.1
- TiledIteration v0.2.4
- TimeFrames v0.2.0
- TimeSeries v0.16.1
- TimeSeriesResampler v0.2.0
- TimeToLive v0.3.0
- TimeZones v1.0.1
- TimerOutputs v0.5.3
- TimesDates v0.2.5
- TimeseriesPrediction v0.6.0
- TimeseriesSurrogates v0.5.1
- TinySegmenter v1.0.0
- Tk v0.7.0
- ToStruct v0.2.2
- Todo v0.1.0
- ToeplitzMatrices v0.6.1
- ToggleableAsserts v0.1.0
- Tokenize v0.5.7
- TotalLeastSquares v1.4.0
- TotalVariation v0.0.2
- Tower v0.1.0
- TrackedDistributions v1.0.0
- Tracking v0.12.5
- TrackingLoopFilters v0.1.1
- TraitWrappers v0.1.0
- TrajectoryOptimization v0.1.2
- TranscodingStreams v0.9.5
- Transducers v0.4.24
- TransferEntropy v0.5.6
- TransformUtils v0.2.4
- TransformVariables v0.3.9
- TransmuteDims v0.0.3
- Trapz v1.2.1
- TravelingSalesmanExact v0.3.4
- TravelingSalesmanHeuristics v0.3.2
- TreeView v0.3.1
- TreeViews v0.3.0
- Triangle v0.3.0
- TriangleMesh v1.0.7
- Triangulate v0.4.3
- Tricks v0.1.1
- TropicalSemiring v0.1.0
- TrustRegionMethods v0.3.1
- TupleTools v1.2.0
- Turf v0.2.0
- TuringMachine v0.1.0
- TuringPatterns v0.1.0
- TwentyFour v0.0.2
- Twiddle v1.1.1
- TwilioSMS v0.1.0
- TwoDimensional v0.1.0
- TypeStability v1.0.0
- TypeTransform v0.1.3
- TypedCodeUtils v0.1.0
- TypedDelegation v0.5.0
- TypedPolynomials v0.2.5
- UAParser v0.6.0
- UDUnits v0.2.2
- ULID v0.3.0
- UMAP v0.1.5
- URIParser v0.4.0
- UnPack v0.1.0
- UncertainData v0.10.3
- UnicodeFun v0.4.1
- UnicodeGraphics v0.1.2
- Unicode_Entities v1.0.1
- Unidecode v1.0.2
- UnionFind v0.1.0
- UniqueVectors v0.9.0
- Unitful v1.0.0
- UnitfulAngles v0.6.1
- UnitfulAstro v1.0.1
- UnitfulAtomic v0.3.0
- UnitfulCurrency v0.2.1
- UnitfulMR v0.1.1
- UnitfulRecipes v0.1.7
- UnitfulUS v0.1.0
- UnivariateFunctions v0.2.1
- Unmarshal v0.3.1
- Unrolled v0.1.3
- UnsafeArrays v1.0.0
- UnsteadyFlowSolvers v0.7.5
- UnstructuredGrids v0.2.2
- VPTrees v0.1.1
- VQC v0.1.0
- VT100 v0.3.2
- VTKView v0.1.0
- ValkyrieRobot v0.2.0
- ValueHistories v0.5.1
- ValueShapes v0.6.3
- VaxData v0.5.1
- VectorizationBase v0.9.0
- VectorizedRNG v0.1.4
- VectorizedRoutines v0.1.0
- VegaDatasets v2.0.0
- VegaLite v2.0.1
- VersionParsing v1.2.0
- VersionVigilante v0.4.4
- VertexSafeGraphs v0.1.1
- VideoIO v0.6.11
- VisClaw v0.2.0
- ViscousFlow v0.2.0
- VisualRegressionTests v0.3.2
- VoronoiCells v0.1.5
- VoronoiDelaunay v0.4.0
- VoronoiFVM v0.7.1
- VoxelRayTracers v0.1.3
- WAV v1.0.3
- WCS v0.5.0
- WaterModels v0.2.0
- Watershed v0.7.0
- Waveforms v0.1.1
- Wavelets v0.9.0
- WeakRefStrings v0.6.2
- WeakValueDicts v0.1.0
- WebAssembly v0.1.1
- WeightedArrays v0.1.3
- Wells v0.1.0
- WhereTheWaterFlows v0.2.0
- Why v0.0.3
- Widgets v0.6.2
- WidgetsBase v0.1.2
- WignerSymbols v1.1.0
- Wilkinson v0.1.0
- WiltonInts84 v0.2.1
- WinRPM v1.0.0
- Winston v0.15.0
- WoodburyMatrices v0.5.1
- Word2Vec v0.5.0
- WordNet v0.2.2
- WordTokenizers v0.5.4
- WorldBankData v0.3.2
- WorldOceanAtlasTools v0.4.1
- Wrangling v0.1.0
- WriteVTK v1.4.0
- XKCD v0.2.0
- XLSX v0.6.1
- XLSXasJSON v0.2.3
- XSim v0.4.0
- Xsum v0.1.0
- YAML v0.4.0
- YahooFinance v0.2.2
- YearMonths v1.0.0
- Yeppp v0.4.0
- ZChop v0.3.3
- ZMQ v1.2.0
- Zabbix v0.1.0
- ZernikePolynomials v0.1.0
- Zeros v0.1.0
- ZipFile v0.9.1
- Zomato v0.0.2
- ZygoteRules v0.2.0
- jInv v1.0.0
- sparseQFCA v0.6.0
300 packages were skipped on the previous version too.
Package is a untestable wrapper package:
- ASL_jll
- ATK_jll
- Arpack_jll
- Attr_jll
- Bison_jll
- Bzip2_jll
- CGAL_jll
- CImGui_jll
- CUDA_jll
- CUTEst_jll
- Cairo_jll
- Chemfiles_jll
- Clang_jll
- CompilerSupportLibraries_jll
- Darknet_jll
- Dbus_jll
- DecFP_jll
- EDFlib_jll
- Edlib_jll
- Elfutils_jll
- Expat_jll
- FFMPEG_jll
- FFTW_jll
- FLAC_jll
- FastJet_Julia_Wrapper_jll
- FastJet_jll
- FastTransforms_jll
- Fontconfig_jll
- FreeType2_jll
- FriBidi_jll
- GDAL_jll
- GEOS_jll
- GLEW_jll
- GLFW_jll
- GMP_jll
- GSL_jll
- GTK3_jll
- Gettext_jll
- GibbsSeaWater_jll
- Giflib_jll
- Git_jll
- Glib_jll
- Gnome_themes_extra_jll
- Gnuastro_jll
- Graphene_jll
- Graphite2_jll
- GtkSourceView_jll
- Gumbo_jll
- HDF5_jll
- HELICS_jll
- HarfBuzz_jll
- HelloWorldC_jll
- HelloWorldGo_jll
- Htop_jll
- ImageMagick_jll
- IntelOpenMP_jll
- JpegTurbo_jll
- Keyutils_jll
- LAME_jll
- LCIO_Julia_Wrapper_jll
- LCIO_jll
- LLVM_full_jll
- LLVM_jll
- LZO_jll
- L_BFGS_B_jll
- Leptonica_jll
- LibCURL_jll
- LibGit2_jll
- LibOSXUnwind_jll
- LibSSH2_jll
- LibUV_jll
- LibUnwind_jll
- LibVPX_jll
- Libcap_Ng_jll
- Libcroco_jll
- Libepoxy_jll
- Libffi_jll
- Libgcrypt_jll
- Libglvnd_jll
- Libgpg_error_jll
- Libiconv_jll
- Libmount_jll
- Librsvg_jll
- Libtiff_jll
- Libuuid_jll
- Lua_jll
- Lz4_jll
- METIS_jll
- MKL_jll
- MPC_jll
- MPFR_jll
- MPICH_jll
- MUMPS_jll
- MariaDB_Connector_C_jll
- MbedTLS_jll
- Mineos_jll
- Minuit2_jll
- NNPACK_jll
- NOMAD_jll
- NUMA_jll
- Ncurses_jll
- Nettle_jll
- OATHToolkit_jll
- Ogg_jll
- OpenBLAS_jll
- OpenLibm_jll
- OpenMPI_jll
- OpenSSL_jll
- OpenSpecFun_jll
- OpenSpiel_jll
- OptimPack_jll
- Opus_jll
- P4est_jll
- PATHlib_jll
- PCRE2_jll
- PCRE_jll
- PROJ_jll
- PYTHIA_jll
- Pango_jll
- Patchelf_jll
- Pixman_jll
- Python_jll
- QD_jll
- Qemu_jll
- ReadStat_jll
- Readline_jll
- Rmath_jll
- SDL2_gfx_jll
- SDL2_image_jll
- SDL2_jll
- SDL2_mixer_jll
- SDL2_ttf_jll
- SQLite_jll
- SharedMimeInfo_jll
- SoftPosit_jll
- SuiteSparseGraphBLAS_jll
- SuiteSparse_jll
- Sundials_jll
- SymEngine_jll
- TVM_jll
- Tar_jll
- Tcl_jll
- TerminalImageViewer_jll
- Tesseract_jll
- Tk_jll
- Triangle_jll
- VerizonEctoken_jll
- WCS_jll
- Wayland_jll
- Wayland_protocols_jll
- X11_jll
- XML2_jll
- XSLT_jll
- XZ_jll
- Xorg_compositeproto_jll
- Xorg_damageproto_jll
- Xorg_dri2proto_jll
- Xorg_dri3proto_jll
- Xorg_fixesproto_jll
- Xorg_glproto_jll
- Xorg_inputproto_jll
- Xorg_kbproto_jll
- Xorg_libICE_jll
- Xorg_libSM_jll
- Xorg_libX11_jll
- Xorg_libXScrnSaver_jll
- Xorg_libXau_jll
- Xorg_libXcomposite_jll
- Xorg_libXcursor_jll
- Xorg_libXdamage_jll
- Xorg_libXdmcp_jll
- Xorg_libXext_jll
- Xorg_libXfixes_jll
- Xorg_libXft_jll
- Xorg_libXi_jll
- Xorg_libXinerama_jll
- Xorg_libXmu_jll
- Xorg_libXpm_jll
- Xorg_libXrandr_jll
- Xorg_libXrender_jll
- Xorg_libXt_jll
- Xorg_libXtst_jll
- Xorg_libXxf86vm_jll
- Xorg_libpciaccess_jll
- Xorg_libpthread_stubs_jll
- Xorg_libxcb_jll
- Xorg_libxkbfile_jll
- Xorg_libxshmfence_jll
- Xorg_randrproto_jll
- Xorg_recordproto_jll
- Xorg_renderproto_jll
- Xorg_scrnsaverproto_jll
- Xorg_util_macros_jll
- Xorg_xcb_proto_jll
- Xorg_xcb_util_image_jll
- Xorg_xcb_util_jll
- Xorg_xcb_util_keysyms_jll
- Xorg_xcb_util_renderutil_jll
- Xorg_xcb_util_wm_jll
- Xorg_xextproto_jll
- Xorg_xf86vidmodeproto_jll
- Xorg_xineramaproto_jll
- Xorg_xkbcomp_jll
- Xorg_xkeyboard_config_jll
- Xorg_xorgproto_jll
- Xorg_xproto_jll
- Xorg_xtrans_jll
- ZeroMQ_jll
- Zlib_jll
- Zstd_jll
- adwaita_icon_theme_jll
- aiger_jll
- alsa_jll
- armadillo_jll
- at_spi2_atk_jll
- at_spi2_core_jll
- boost_jll
- breakpad_jll
- bsdiff_classic_jll
- bsdiff_endsley_jll
- bsdiff_jll
- capnproto_jll
- coordgenlibs_jll
- dSFMT_jll
- gdk_pixbuf_jll
- ghr_jll
- git_crypt_jll
- glmnet_jll
- hicolor_icon_theme_jll
- hidapi_jll
- htslib_jll
- hub_jll
- iperf_jll
- iso_codes_jll
- libLLVM_jll
- libass_jll
- libcap_jll
- libcgal_julia_jll
- libconfuse_jll
- libcxxwrap_julia_jll
- libdivsufsort_jll
- libevent_jll
- libexif_jll
- libfdk_aac_jll
- libftd2xx_jll
- liblsl_jll
- libmodplug_jll
- libnl_jll
- libpng_jll
- libportaudio_jll
- libportaudio_ringbuffer_jll
- librealsense_jll
- libserialport_jll
- libsharp2_jll
- libsndfile_jll
- libsodium_jll
- libusb_jll
- libvorbis_jll
- libwebp_jll
- libxls_jll
- lm_Sensors_jll
- lrslib_jll
- mlpack_jll
- mpg123_jll
- normaliz_jll
- opusfile_jll
- p7zip_jll
- peco_jll
- pprof_jll
- s3gof3r_jll
- sais_jll
- sdsl_lite_jll
- spglib_jll
- tmux_jll
- tree_sitter_c_jll
- utf8proc_jll
- vmtouch_jll
- x264_jll
- x265_jll
- xhyve_jll
- xkbcommon_jll
- xxHash_jll
- z3_jll
Package is not supported by this Julia version:
- Arena
- BiobakeryUtils
- ExactDiagonalization
- GapFindFill
- McCormick
- Microbiome
- MicrobiomePlots
- ReverseMcCormick
- SpectralClustering
- Unicode2LaTeX
Package was blacklisted:
Julia Version 1.5.0-DEV.485
Commit 7206b56e94 (2020-03-18 17:25 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
uname: Linux 4.15.0-88-generic #88-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 11 20:11:34 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4114 CPU @ 2.20GHz:
speed user nice sys idle irq
#1-40 800 MHz 1685058563 s 4142578 s 229954303 s 2239721320 s 0 s
Memory: 376.5902900695801 GB (198187.49609375 MB free)
Uptime: 1.042547e6 sec
Load Avg: 1.1806640625 1.0830078125 0.779296875
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-9.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)
Julia Version 1.5.0-DEV.483
Commit 7f28d91b70 (2020-03-18 17:21 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
uname: Linux 4.15.0-88-generic #88-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 11 20:11:34 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4114 CPU @ 2.20GHz:
speed user nice sys idle irq
#1-40 800 MHz 1685154422 s 4142908 s 229960630 s 2242681368 s 0 s
Memory: 376.5902900695801 GB (197159.74609375 MB free)
Uptime: 1.043314e6 sec
Load Avg: 1.017578125 1.056640625 1.0
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-9.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)