Major changes
Complete changelog
- #35756 - Revert "Switch Vert.x HTTP to
" - #35753 - Disable build scan for more utility commands
- #35752 - Only publish latest docs for preview
- #35740 - Fix invalid logging pattern
- #35735 - Update to SmallRye-GraphQL 2.4.0
- #35731 - Guard against null headers when converting a provided Response
- #35727 - Update dependabot to look for mvnpm releases
- #35719 - QuarkusComponentTest: register additional annotations transformers
- #35712 - Upgrade vaadin and importmap and add caching
- #35708 - Ignore reflection warnings for built-in Kotlin classes
- #35700 - Update to Vert.x 4.4.5 and Netty 4.1.97
- #35698 - Remove unused gavs from build parent
- #35687 - Do not convert OIDC DevUI id and secret fields to lower case
- #35681 - Elasticsearch guide - Fix FruitResource example and docker run command
- #35675 - Make minor improvements to CDI handling of AsyncHealthCheckFactory
- #35670 - Fix DevUI fix serialization error on Throwable
- #35653 - Ungraceful continuous testing failure in dev mode due to (unhandled?) Jackson serialization error when communicating with dev ui
- #35650 - OpenShiftClientProducer tests
- #35649 - Bump Wiremock to 3.0.0
- #35648 - Bump Wiremock to 3.0.0
- #35646 - Unwrap
during Quarkus JUnit5 callbacks - #35632 - Add minor clarifications and cleanup to CreateMockitoSpiesCallback
- #35629 - Add the
annotation $$accessor classes - #35628 - Remove Jose from the bot pings
- #35625 - Dev UI: Change to use composite vaadin
- #35624 - Map deprecated
to ensure recording - #35617 - Update bytebuddy as we need a version working with Java 21
- #35616 - Add virtual thread support to the resteasy reactive scoring system
- #35614 - LogManager error of type FORMAT_FAILURE: Formatting error
- #35611 - Upgrade to Jandex 3.1.3
- #35606 - Mockito testing - manually activate req. context when creating Mockito spies
- #35601 - Add a
annotation on all generated code - #35590 - Warn about missing JSON extension when using REST Client
- #35588 - Add note for logging request times in HTTP reference guide
- #35587 - Use OpenSearch 2.8 instead of 2.6 in HibernateSearchOpenSearchDevServicesConfiguredExplicitlyTest
- #35586 - warn/error for missing quarkus-rest-client-reactive-jackson|jsonb|jaxb
- #35585 - Integrate
with the@ConsumeEvent
- #35581 -
in combination with@RequestScope
beans in@Nested
test classes - #35573 - Bump wildfly-elytron.version from 2.2.1.Final to 2.2.2.Final
- #35570 - Improve Quarkus Bot labeling rules for cache
- #35563 - Disable scan and local cache for update-version.sh
- #35561 - Various build scan/cache enhancements
- #35554 - Build cache - Disable allowUntrusted
- #35553 - Build cache - Disable maven-compiler-plugin cache for extensions
- #35552 - Build scan - Create a link for similar builds
- #35549 - Build cache - Ignore quarkus.kubernetes-service-binding.root globally
- #35548 - Build scan - make sure we don't add the pr tag if it's empty
- #35546 - Bump grpc.version from 1.56.1 to 1.57.2
- #35544 - Bump org.webjars:font-awesome from 6.2.1 to 6.4.2
- #35539 - Integrate
with the Quarkus scheduler - #35538 - Set default CSRF token header value
- #35535 - Drop SubjectSubstitution in kafka-client
- #35530 - CSRF extension breaks applications due to required config
- #35529 - Better support for OIDC JWK keys without kid
- #35525 - OpenShiftClientProducer reuses the KubernetesClient default bean
- #35517 - Bump com.amazonaws:aws-lambda-java-core from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3
- #35515 - Bump flyway.version from 9.21.0 to 9.21.2
- #35513 - Remove duplicated HTTP body size limit check
- #35507 - SubjectSubstitution.java uses org.graalvm.home.Version
- #35504 - Automatically add Kotlin stdlib as an index dependency when using quarkus-kotlin extension
- #35497 - Fix tar command in CI
- #35494 - Apparently pigz was removed from GitHub Ubuntu images
- #35493 - Document more clearly the main limitations of the Hibernate Reactive extension
- #35492 - Support for multi tenancy root mode
- #35488 - Remove last traces of
- #35486 - Close DevServices in a timely manner for integration tests
- #35483 - Properly report Vertx worker pool size
- #35470 - Add an option enabling the support for the HA PROXY protocol
- #35468 - Provide additional safeguards when mixing RESTEasy stacks
- #35464 - Dev Service Containers are not stopped between test classes
- #35462 - Start podman build earlier as it's in the way of the European morning
- #35458 - Disable docker-prune.sh for now
- #35454 - Warn users if they mix RESTEasy Classic and Reactive
- #35451 - Bump org.yaml:snakeyaml from 2.0 to 2.1
- #35450 - Bump io.smallrye.reactive:smallrye-reactive-messaging-jms from 4.8.0 to 4.9.0
- #35449 - Exclude test scoped dependency constraints from quarkus-bom
- #35448 - Update CONTRIBUTING.md to have clear IDEA Formatting setup instructions
- #35447 - Let OIDC Twitter users use X if they prefer
- #35446 - Bump Elasticsearch/OpenSearch server version for tests and dev services to 8.9/2.9
- #35442 - Split Kubernetes CI and move devmode to Maven tests
- #35441 - Fix minor issues with Virtual Threads CI
- #35440 - Ensure that duplicate endpoints don't prevent hot-reload
- #35435 - Ensure testcontainers doesn't cache docker daemon failure
- #35434 - Remove unused class in IsDockerWorking
- #35432 - Add note about QuarkusClassLoader.isClassPresentAtRuntime
- #35428 - log4j-core and log4j-api version constraint specified in io.quarkus:quarkus-bom does not match
- #35427 - Switch to io.mvnpm for importmaps
- #35426 - Remove devconsole-spi from core
- #35425 - Support passing additionalGrantParameters to OidcClient.refreshTokens and OidcClient.revokeAccessToken
- #35424 - How support multiple tenant root with hibernate6 ?
- #35422 - Support passing
- #35421 - Adjust how the m2 cache is handled on CI
- #35415 - Skip the doc build in initial JDK 11 build
- #35407 - Metaspace improvements in QuarkusUnitTest - round 2
- #35401 - Optionally enforce the OIDC 'sub' claim
- #35400 - Implement support for Redis 7.2
- #35399 - Dev mode: fix several problems when the initial build fails
- #35398 - Re-enable kafka-virtual-threads alert-message test
- #35397 - Optionally enforce that OIDC token has a
(subject) claim - #35396 - Fix converter for prop quarkus.http.body.multipart.file-content-types
- #35395 - Make the return value proxy InvocationHandler static
- #35394 - Avoid storing the whole BuildResult in StartupActionImpl
- #35385 - Metaspace improvements in QuarkusUnitTest - round 1
- #35381 - dev mode crashes when adding and removing scope producer
- #35379 - Pass -H:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions as necessary with Graalvm 23.1
- #35377 - Export package from different module name in 23.1-dev
- #35373 - Re-enable BearerTokenAuthorizationInGraalITCase
- #35365 - Disable BearerTokenAuthorizationInGraalITCase as it is unstable
- #35364 - Reduce the number of ArchivePathTree instances for the same path and opening same JARs multiple times
- #35354 - CLI: remove unused PluginCatalogService in CliPluginsSync
- #35349 - Search for docker daemon on hot reload
- #35346 - Improve Quarkus Bot labeling rules
- #35344 - ResteasyReactiveRuntimeRecorder throws ClassCastException when deployed on Openshift
- #35330 - Include stars badge in README.md
- #35318 - CLI: add an option to generate a simple build report
- #35317 - Remove old Dev UI: Extension and Core
- #35313 - QuarkusComponentTest: provide API to turn a class that is not annotated with a scope into a bean
- #35311 - CLI: test command updates
- #35292 - CLI: test command - add an option to filter the tests
- #35290 - CLI: test command - add an option to run the test suite and exit
- #35278 - MySql reactive with SSL uses SSL settings only for first connection in pool
- #35275 - Correct filtering syntax and hardcode variable that cannot be resolved
- #35251 - Update gitflow-incremental-builder to 4.5.0 and tweak gib-impacted.log
- #35247 - Mirror SmallRye Config configuration in the Quarkus namespace
- #35246 - Switch Vert.x HTTP to
- #35180 - Server fails receiving large data over http/2
- #35154 - Remove Old Dev UI: Core Continuous Testing
- #35152 - Bump org.checkerframework:checker-qual from 3.35.0 to 3.37.0
- #35127 - Add support for custom AMQP dev service images
- #35078 - Pass quay.io credentials to openshift build
- #34998 - ExecutorService should expose metrics
- #34971 - Removed Old Dev UI: Arc
- #34960 - Bump org.junit:junit-bom from 5.9.3 to 5.10.0 in /devtools/gradle
- #34958 - Add a way to configure an OpenSearch distribution for the Elasticsearch DevService
- #34928 - Bump kafka3.version from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1
- #34927 - Bump org.jboss.logging:jboss-logging from 3.5.1.Final to 3.5.3.Final
- #34901 - Bump io.apicurio:apicurio-common-rest-client-vertx from 0.1.17.Final to 0.1.18.Final
- #34719 - response body error when use brotli as compression encode
- #34696 - Qute: template records
- #34597 - Enable Gradle Enterprise build cache
- #34555 - Support CSRF Request Header
- #34513 - CSRF Reactive detect CSRF token from header "X-CSRF-Token" (currently only form param)
- #34292 - null keys in YAML config break JSON compatibility
- #34206 - Removal of the old Dev UI
- #33318 - Switch to
- #33109 - java.lang.System logging is not routed to Quarkus logging
- #32124 - Support HAProxy's Proxy Protocol
- #29174 - CLI - add an option to generate the build report
- #27744 - Add a config option to enable Flyway baseline feature
- #27734 - flyway baseline-version has no effect
- #23906 - OpenSearch dev-services
- #22976 - AMQP Dev Services - Add the option to use other compatible images
- #9679 - Logging: support microseconds in %d log pattern
- #8218 - Add a way to log all/some configuration at startup
- #7640 - Wrong logging format when using -javaagent or -agentpath
- #2152 - Anything which starts logging too early will disable Quarkus logging