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Releases: streetcomplete/StreetComplete


28 Aug 13:32
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Prepare for map server maintenance. After that, the shown map will be current and loads faster.


26 Aug 20:17
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  • disabled support to put photos into notes, because service has discontinued until further notice. (see #1161)
  • expect hiccups and/or old maps being displayed in the coming week as the tileserver goes into maintenance and tiles from nextzen are displayed instead

New Quests:

  • Playground access: Is this playground publicly accessible? (#1134) by @matkoniecz
  • Max height: What is the height limit of this tunnel/parking entrance/height restrictor? (#960, #399, #421, #447) by @ENT8R
  • Cycleway segregation: "How are the footway and cycleway laid out here?" (#527, #1135) by @matkoniecz

Enhanced Quests:

  • Building type: Added toilets and sport centres to selectable building types (#1124, #1125)
  • Max speed:
    • Added pictograms for living street signs in Portugal, France and Israel, added pictogram for slow zones in Israel and speed limit signs in general for Iceland, Sweden and Finland
    • Can now also add living streets in Israel and Azerbaijan and slow zones in Mauritius
    • Redesigned to force the user to make a deliberate choice to either specify what is written on the sign or state that there is no sign. Also, beautified the input for specifying slow zones (#1085, #1149)
  • Road name: Detecting more abbreviations in Portuguese (#1143) by @xendez
  • Housenumber:
    • Disabled for Italy (#714)
    • The app will not suggest that an input like "5,5a,6" may be wrong
  • Postbox collection times: Allow marking the postbox as having no signed collection times (#1118, #1076 ) by @matkoniecz
  • Opening hours: Allow marking a shop as having no signed opening hours (#1118) by @matkoniecz
  • Any quest with selection of images: The last choices are remembered and displayed as first items (#1072, #73, #826)

Small Enhancements and Fixes:

  • Orchard quest used to tag produce=tomatoe. Corrected to produce=tomato (#1171)
  • Increase number of quests that are downloaded in one go (#1091)
  • Undoing quests now removed quests that are no longer applicable because of that (#1131, #746)
  • Fix crash on attaching a photo (#1144)
  • Fix some quests were wrongly displayed as being disabled in France (#1150)
  • Fix an error when downloading the oneway quest for roads tagged as areas
  • Added a nice animation when solving a quest (amongst others #944)
  • Better feedback when manually uploading changes, do only show the upload-button when autosync is off
  • Show the blinking cursor within the housenumber, speed limit etc. input field signs (#1154)
  • When exiting the quest details, always zoom back to the previous zoom (#965)
  • The app will not automatically open the next quest for the element for which the user just answered the quest any more


19 Aug 18:34
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v7.0-beta1 Pre-release

New Quests:

  • Playground access: Is this playground publicly accessible? (#1134) by @matkoniecz
  • Max height: What is the height limit of this tunnel/parking entrance/height restrictor? (#960, #399, #421, #447) by @ENT8R
  • Cycleway segregation: "How are the footway and cycleway laid out here?" (#527, #1135) by @matkoniecz

Enhanced Quests:

  • Building type: Added toilets and sport centres to selectable building types (#1124, #1125)
  • Max speed:
    • Added pictograms for living street signs in Portugal, France and Israel, added pictogram for slow zones in Israel and speed limit signs in general for Iceland, Sweden and Finland
    • Can now also add living streets in Israel and Azerbaijan and slow zones in Mauritius
    • Redesigned to force the user to make a deliberate choice to either specify what is written on the sign or state that there is no sign. Also, beautified the input for specifying slow zones (#1085, #1149)
  • Road name: Detecting more abbreviations in Portuguese (#1143) by @xendez
  • Housenumber:
    • Disabled for Italy (#714)
    • The app will not suggest that an input like "5,5a,6" may be wrong
  • Postbox collection times: Allow marking the postbox as having no signed collection times (#1118, #1076 ) by @matkoniecz
  • Opening hours: Allow marking a shop as having no signed opening hours (#1118) by @matkoniecz
  • Any quest with selection of images: The last choices are remembered and displayed as first items (#1072, #73, #826)

Small Enhancements and Fixes:

  • Increase number of quests that are downloaded in one go (#1091)
  • Undoing quests now removed quests that are no longer applicable because of that (#1131, #746)
  • Fix crash on attaching a photo (#1144)
  • Fix some quests were wrongly displayed as being disabled in France (#1150)
  • Fix an error when downloading the oneway quest for roads tagged as areas
  • Added a nice animation when solving a quest (amongst others #944)
  • Better feedback when manually uploading changes, do only show the upload-button when autosync is off
  • Show the blinking cursor within the housenumber, speed limit etc. input field signs (#1154)
  • When exiting the quest details, always zoom back to the previous zoom (#965)
  • The app will not automatically open the next quest for the element for which the user just answered the quest any more


10 Jul 19:39
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  • fix crash when app goes into background while downloading quests for Android 8+ (#1123)
  • fix crash when rotating display in bus stop name quest
  • fix crash when showing a note that was moderated (hidden) (#1116)
  • update translations


01 Jul 10:52
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New Quests:

  • Add building type: "What was this building constructed as?" (#25, #774, #1092) thanks @ENT8R
  • Add path surface: "What surface does this path have here?" (#133)
  • Add one-way road: "Is this a one-way street?" (#370)

Enhanced Quests:

  • House numbers: Can now answer that the building has no house number (#351)
  • Parking type, fee and access: Include relations in search for parking areas (#1033)
  • Add road surface: Show different surfaces initially for different types of roads, e.g. for tracks more unpaved surfaces
  • Add cycleway: Now understands bicycle=use_sidepath and will not show the cycleway quest in that case (#1084, #1087) by @ENT8R
  • Wheelchair access: Added internet cafes, theatres and casinos (#1086) by @matkoniecz
  • Bicycle parking: Clearer wording (#1038)

Small Enhancements and Fixes:

  • split up English into US-English and UK-English
  • Update privacy statement
  • Add confirmation dialogue on resetting quest enablement to default (#1095)
  • Make background of compass needle not flicker any more (#1057)
  • Cursor does not jump to the start of the input any more when pressing [abc]-button in house number quest (#1093)
  • Correct wording in mark completed construction quest


23 Jun 12:31
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v6.0-beta2 Pre-release
  • updated translations
  • show direction of traffic flow arrows in one-way quest
  • fix bug which led to that roads marked as one-ways through the one-way quest may be erroneously marked as one-ways into the wrong direction!


19 Jun 18:41
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v6.0-beta1 Pre-release

New Quests:

  • Add building type: "What was this building constructed as?" (#25, #774, #1092) thanks @ENT8R
  • Add path surface: "What surface does this path have here?" (#133)
  • Add one-way road: "Is this a one-way street?" (#370)

Enhanced Quests:

  • House numbers: Can now answer that the building has no house number (#351)
  • Parking type, fee and access: Include relations in search for parking areas (#1033)
  • Add road surface: Show different surfaces initially for different types of roads, e.g. for tracks more unpaved surfaces
  • Add cycleway: Now understands bicycle=use_sidepath and will not show the cycleway quest in that case (#1084, #1087) by @ENT8R
  • Wheelchair access: Added internet cafes, theatres and casinos (#1086) by @matkoniecz
  • Bicycle parking: Clearer wording (#1038)

Small Enhancements and Fixes:

  • split up English into US-English and UK-English
  • Update privacy statement
  • Add confirmation dialogue on resetting quest enablement to default (#1095)
  • Make background of compass needle not flicker any more (#1057)
  • Cursor does not jump to the start of the input any more when pressing [abc]-button in house number quest (#1093)
  • Correct wording in mark completed construction quest


06 May 15:02
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Fix a regression bug of the implementation for making the map rendering more performant (#1036), which ironically led to a serious performance issue on (at least) Android 8 (#1047)

Otherwise identical to v5.1.


02 May 17:06
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  • fix battery drain/performance problem (#1036)
  • fix crash on downloading construction quest (#1041)
  • distinguish implicit speed limits in built-up (=lit) areas and in other places in GB (#1037)
  • avoid possible user mistake when placing a new note (#1039)
  • the compass now changes its direction more smoothly (#982)
  • the compass now shows true North, not magnetic North (#982) thanks @hochwasser
  • add Greek translations by Gerasimos Maris


22 Apr 19:49
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New Features


  • Fix crash on rotating the phone while parking fee quest was open
  • Fix duplicate opening of quests (i.e. on rotate, or when a new quest is unlocked) (#973)

New Quests:

  • Bicycle parking type: "What is the type of this bicycle parking?" (#923) by @matkoniecz
  • Bus stop names: "What is the name of this bus stop?" (#986 / #551) by @PanierAvide
  • Postbox collection times: "What are the collection times of this postbox?" (#85)
  • Construction Site complete: "Is this road completed?" and "Is this building completed?" (#920) by @matkoniecz

Enhanced Quests:

  • Housenumbers: Add clarification that it is OK to tag ranges and comma-separated housenumbers (#939, #1015) by @ENT8R

  • Cycleways:

    • Surveyors can now tag dashed cycle lanes (aka advisory cycle lanes) (#888)
    • Surveyors in Netherlands and Belgium can now tag suggestion cycle lanes (Fietssuggestiestrooken) (#888)
    • Improved the illustrations for the cycleway selection (#888)
    • Do not ask for cycleways on residential roads, but do ask in other roads with speed limits as low as 30km/h (#1013)
  • Opening hours: Interpret rules that are meant to overwrite previous rules on a opening hours sign correctly (i.e. "Open Monday to Friday 8:00-16:00, Thursday 10:00-12:00")