Major changes
Complete changelog
- #16305 - Explicitly wait for the broker to be running before executing the test
- #16304 - Use fixed port for mailer test
- #16303 - Be smarter about discarding log messages
- #16301 - More consistency for the step names, job name is already descriptive
- #16298 - Use the job name in Surefire Reports artifact names
- #16297 - Disable live reload instrumentation by default
- #16295 - Fix wrong location of Micrometer Prometheus extension descriptor
- #16293 - Extend Liquibase IT with includeAll
- #16290 - Check whether the project already imports the platform for the added extension before importing it
- #16287 - Update OIDC to accept all RS and ES algorithms
- #16282 - Only resolve db kind implicitly if we have no named datasources around
- #16273 - Fix OidcClient test failure
- #16272 - Avoid nasty NPE when trying to open Eclipse IDE
- #16269 - Print error message is printed with certificate is self-signed when deploying to OpenShift
- #16265 - Until the delayed handler is activated, drop anything below INFO level
- #16264 - mvn quarkus:add-extension broken always adding bom
- #16263 - Add missing "volatile" to some dev mode handlers
- #16262 - Re-add Kafka group.id documentation, deleted in commit 8a56a30
- #16252 - Jacoco multi module fixes
- #16247 - Upgrade to Quarkus HTTP 3.1.0.Final and related cleanup
- #16244 - Update micrometer guide URL
- #16239 - Missing Hazelcast logs after change #15636
- #16237 - Fix JAX-RS Application class hierarchy handling
- #16232 - Fix typo in getting started
- #16229 - Upload the Surefire reports as artifacts
- #16228 - Resteasy fails to load abstract subclass of javax.ws.rs.core.Application
- #16215 - Add token audience param to oidc-client
- #16214 - Handle user declared annotation processor
- #16210 - Liquibase fails to find datasource when devservices is disabled.
- #16200 - UnsatisfiedResolutionException : Build Failed with Mapstruct and Quarkus 1.13.0
- #16196 - Quarkus 1.13.0.Final Gradle plugin does not run annotation processors
- #16189 - API to check if property exists
- #16187 - Fix flaky rest-client test
- #16186 - REST Client Reactive cleanup
- #16185 - Add quarkusCoreVersion parameter to generate-platform-descriptor-json goal
- #16183 - Fix issue with fast-jar not working using OpenShift and Docker strategy
- #16181 - Rest Client Reactive: detect blocking the event loop
- #16177 - Fixed the codestarts artifactId
- #16171 - Disable SSL verification when trust-all property is enabled
- #16167 - Fix Uni response type handling in quarkus-rest-client-reactive
- #16164 - Micrometer: Simplify Vertx HTTP binder init; http settings in dev mode
- #16157 - Use Vert.x Buffer for OIDC requests
- #16156 - Fix CompletionStage response type handling in quarkus-rest-client-reactive
- #16151 - OIDC Extension does not work anymore with Azure AD and Quarkus 1.13.0
- #16149 - Using quarkus-rest-client-reactive-jackson on rest-client-quickstart fails fast when CompletionStage is returned
- #16148 - Using quarkus-rest-client-reactive-jackson on rest-client-quickstart blocks when Uni is returned
- #16146 - Fix case where rest client doesn't recognize the default port or https
- #16145 - Minor correction in centralized-log-management doc
- #16144 - Make the netbeans support a bit more robust
- #16143 - Using quarkus-rest-client-reactive-jackson on rest-client-quickstart fails
- #16140 - ArC dev mode monitoring - proceed if the container is not available
- #16138 - Make sure all the project modules are loaded into workspace in case the root pom does not declare any
- #16132 - New Websockets doesnt work
- #16130 - Micrometer Vert.x Binder Locks Shutdown on devmode
- #16123 - from version 1.13.0 Vault MicroProfile Config Source stopped working
- #16121 - Add support for opening the IDE from DevUI even if the default IDE script doesn't exist
- #16119 - quarkus.tls.trust-all=true not working
- #16114 - Qute loop section - improve the error message for null and NOT_FOUND
- #16113 - Regression issue: Fast Jar not working using OpenShift and Docker strategy
- #16112 - Prevent QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager from being run twice
- #16108 - QuarkusTestResourceLifecycleManager start/stop executed for each test method in Quarkus 1.13.0.CR1
- #16100 - Update Vert.x to version 3.9.6
- #16097 - Add the ability to open the Resource Class in the IDE from the scores page
- #16096 - Properly open inner classes in the IDE
- #16088 - Docs - Fixed incorrect class statement
- #16078 - Remove Vert.x HTTP dep
- #16069 - Register the correct native library for Snappy, during native image generation
- #16068 - Fix typo
- #16061 - OIDC Client extension should start without the configuration
- #16060 - Update OIDC client code to retry in case of the connection errors and have OIDC starting without the complete config
- #16051 - Update the Cassandra quickstart guide
- #16049 - Resolve Quarkus version from the runtime dependencies instead of the deployment ones
- #16048 - Dev mode - fix class comparison logic for instrumentation
- #16047 - Hot Reload: class redefinition failed: attempted to delete a method
- #16045 - Add a note about quarkus-security dependency
- #16042 - [native] kafka-snappy integration-test fails with org.xerial.snappy.SnappyError: [FAILED_TO_LOAD_NATIVE_LIBRARY]
- #16038 - Use plugin repositories to resolve plugin descriptors
- #16027 - Fixes Jackson serialization issues in native
- #16021 - Deactivate Vault Config Source refresh if running in non blocking thread
- #16019 - Fix a regression with OIDC ignoring 'tenant-enabled'
- #16016 - Use constructor injection in getting started reactive guide
- #16014 - Regression issue: OIDC is failing to start even when authentication is disabled
- #16002 - Quarkiverse: Changed template for Ecosystem CI and release
- #15998 - Docs: Add MP Metrics API in some cases
- #15992 - Clarify where can the @Traced annotation be used
- #15989 - Fix the name of the microprofile-config.properties file
- #15987 - Allow using @Blocking on implementation in addition to interface for JAX-RS Resources
- #15981 - Misleading Embeddable Configuration Documentation
- #15975 - ArC - fix disposer method resolution
- #15972 - Bump liquibase-core from 4.3.1 to 4.3.2
- #15971 - Support GraalVM 21.1 LocalizationFeature
- #15962 - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/oracle/svm/core/jdk/LocalizationFeature
- #15940 -
on resource is ignored if implementing an OpenAPI-generated interface - #15933 - Update OIDC client code to retry if the request failed with Connection Was Closed
- #15924 - Add doc mentioning the biggest differences of dev-mode vs the production application
- #15876 - @Traced annotation doesn't work as documented in opentracing.adoc when combined with JAX-RS
- #15821 - Quarkus Vault problem
- #15817 - Quarkus maven plugin does not take pluginRepositories into consideration
- #15777 - Rest Client Reactive - Jackson extension
- #15721 - Dev UI: open code in IDE should use IDE path from scanning processes
- #15599 - quarkus-oidc should start without Keycloak and having to disable the tenant
- #14751 - Liquibase includeall only works in dev mode
- #14349 - Add Passing Client Headers section to rest-client.adoc
- #14164 - mvn add-extension in sub-module shouldn't add dependencyManagement
- #13863 - Add OpenTracing Command Listener to MongoDB client