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Player Attack testing

Shanshan edited this page Oct 19, 2021 · 8 revisions

Player attack Testing

related test: Main Character Testing

Test plan

  • The interviews and discussions are finalised by showing the comparison before and after the modification after sorting the users. The users will play the game to let us record more observations.
  • Discussing what should be improved on the player attack.
  • Analyze user feedback and report to the developers.
  • Display the final productions.


To conduct our user testing we did the following:

  • We invited at least 3 users to test the remote attack
  • We give them some instructions after the first time of play and observe their actions
  • We designed a questionnaire for the users to answer
  • We conduct interviews with users and collect the feedback

Test Design


We aimed to find the students in this studio as well as friends who have a certain experience on games in a suitable age range to let them give feedback about the player attack. We worked with Team 4 which is responsible for the remote control attack frames and Team 5 which is responsible for containing the amounts of the attacks. After all we will gather the advice collected by interview and discussion from team 4 and 5 and users to improve our work


As this test aims to collect enough feedback and advices to help us make sure our designs and gameplay meet the requirements and adjust the appropriate level of difficulty, we try to use several methods to achieve this goal:

  • Hypothesis: To determine the potential users who can give us useful feedback on player attack, confirm our work will meet the requirements and their expectations.
  • Prototyping: Rough sketches were provided to be discussed in our group and the initial and finial design were provided through the whole studio to be evaluated.
  • Evaluating: We make several changes to our initial functions and designs of the player attack based on the analyzation of the feedback collected by prototyping. We then evaluate the changes again to confirm they will meet the requirements.

Relating to particle effect of attack

  • The particle effect of attack is related to the remote attack. The initial design is MPC will throw an egg to attack obstacles/enemies, due to the effect of gravity, the item will fall to the ground. Now Team 8 has replaced the way of attack from eggs to particles and deleted the effect of gravity, the attack will advance in a straight line.
  • The MPC can destroy obstacles and attack the enemies by using the remote attack. The remote attack is not unlimited which increases the difficulty of the game, the player still needs to try to avoid obstacles instead of destroying them which fits the theme 'RagnarΓΆk'.
  • At the beginning of the character running attack launch speed and stationary the same, now the character running attack speed than stationary, so more in line with the laws of physics.
  • Because the number of boss missile attacks is a lot, in order to enrich the game play, we added a characteristic that the player's attack can detonate the rocket.
  • Some users also give us feedback that after the attack, due to the animation, the obstacles can still cause damage to people during the animation. The follow-up improvement is, the attack to obstacles while canceling their collision and attack-related components

Large amounts of interviewees like our modification of the attack effect which is cooler than before and the effect will not be confused with the particle effect of obstacles. Most of them enjoy the limited remote attack, they think it make the game more challenging, but the amounts of attack is a bit low, we have changed it into a suitable number.

Final Outcome

Attack effect

The demonstration below will show the comparison before and after modification.





Main Character

πŸ‘Ύ Obstacle/Enemy

Food & Water

Pickable Items

Game achievements

Game Design

Emotional Goals

Game Story



Pixel Grid Resolution

Camera Angle and The Player's Perspective

Features Design

Achievements Screen

Achievements Trophies and Cards

Music Selection GUI

πŸ‘Ύ Obstacle/Enemy

 Monster Manual
  - Alien Plants
  - Variation thorns
  - Falling Meteorites
  - FaceHugger
  - AlienMonkey
 Spaceship & Map Entry
 Particle effect



Buffs and Debuffs manual

Game Instruction

[code for debuff animations](code for debuff animations)

Infinite loop game system

Main Menu Screen

New Setting Screen

Hunger and Thirst

Goals and Objectives

HUD User Interface

Inventory System

Item Bar System

Scoring System

Props store

BGM design

Sound Effect design

Main game interface

Invisible ceiling

New terrain sprint 4

New game over screen sprint 4

Code Guidelines

Main Character Movement, Interactions and Animations - Code Guidelines

Item Pickup

ItemBar & Recycle system

Main Menu Button Code

Game Instructions Code

πŸ‘Ύ Obstacle/Enemy

 Monster Manual
 Spaceship Boss
 Particle effects
 Other Related Code
 UML & Sequence diagram of enemies/obstacles

Scoring System Implementation Explanation

Music Implementation

Buff and Debuff Implementation

Score History Display

code improvement explanation

Infinite generating terrains Implementation Explanation

Game Over Screen and functions explaination

Buffer timer before game start

Scrolling background

Multiple Maps

Invisible ceiling

Rocks and woods layout optimization

Magma and nails code implementation

Background Music Selection

Chooser GUI Implementation

Chooser GUI Logic Persistence

Guide: Adding Background music for a particular screen

Achievements Ecosystem - Code Guidelines

Achievements System

Achievements Screen

Adding Achievements (Guide)

Game Records


History Scoreboard - Score Details

Listening for important events in the Achievements ecosystem

Food and Water System

Food System Water System

Hunger and Thirst icon code guidelines

Asset Creation

In Game Background Music

User Testing

Hunger and Thirst User Testing

Main Character Testing

Buffs and Debuffs Testing

Buff and Debuff Manual User Testing

Game Instruction User Testing

The Main Menu User Test

The New Button User Test in Setting Page

The Main Menu Buttons User Testing

Hunger and Thirst User Test

Infinite loop game and Terrain Testing

Item Bar System Testing

Randomised Item Drops

Recycle System Testing

Scoring System Testing

Music User test

πŸ‘Ύ Obstacle/Enemy

 Obstacle testing
  - Alien Plants & Variation Thorns
  - Falling Meteorites
 Enemy testing
  - Alien Monkeys & Facehugger
  - Spaceship Boss
 Monster Manual
 Player attack testing
  - Player Attack

Inventory system UI layout

Props store user testing

Achievements User Testing

Sprint 1

Sprint 2

Sprint 3

Sprint 4

Items testing

Player Status testing

Changeable background & Buffer time testing

Main game interface test

Invisible ceiling test

Game over screen test sprint 4

New terrain textures on bonus map test sprint 4

Buying Props User Testing


Hunger and Thirst Testing

Main Character Player

Achievements System, Game Records and Unlockable Chapters

DateTimeUtils Testing

Scoring System Testing Plan

Distance Display Testing Plan

Musics Implementation Testing plan

History Board Testing plan

Rocks and woods testing plan

Sprint 4 terrain tests


Item Bar System Testing Plan

Recycle System Testing Plan

Game Engine

Game Engine Help

Getting Started

Entities and Components

Service Locator

Loading Resources


Unit Testing

Debug Terminal

Input Handling






Game Screens and Areas


Concurrency & Threading



MacOS Setup Guide

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