v4.0.0-beta3 release
- Update TestNG Version #2582
- Change default inline object name #2569
- Deprecate initialCaps and replace with camelize #2546 Breaking change (without fallback)
- Fix out-of-memory issue with nested objects with arrays with maxItems set #2536
- Add rule to maven-enforcer-plugin to prevent usage of SNAPSHOT versions #2509
- Better handling of operationId with slashes #2469 Breaking change (without fallback)
- Update documentation mustache templates for proper linting #2458
- Option to overwrite only changed files #2451
- Implement yamlsample config help output #2443
- Implemented yaml parsing for config file #2434
- Add packageName configuration to maven plug-in #2429
- [Maven plug-in] fix failure to read schema from the classpath #2409
- [MAVEN PLUGIN] fix javadoc, fix sonarlint issues in module openapi-generator-cli #2399
- PR for ability to easily debug newly created codegen classes #2388
- Fixing various issues reported by Sonar (part 2) #2295
- Update swagger-parser to '2.0.11-OpenAPITools.org-1' #2262
- Fix NPE when array item is undefined #2247
- Better info message about using generateAliasAsModel #2246
- Fix various issues reported by SonarCloud reports #2229
- Refactor and use some Java 7 features #2225
- Fix missing nullable #2189
- Gradle - make GenerateTask properties optional #2185
- [core] fix referenced enum case #2175
- [core] consider schema in headers when computing unused schemas #2138
- [core] Fix NullPointer when schema is not set in header #2133
- Add servers support to the path and operation #2048
- Add methods to name interfaces (allOf, anyOf, oneOf) #2046
- Fix isFreeFormObject check for allOf, oneOf, anyOf #2044
- Making completion work with openapi-generator-cli or openapi-generator #2027
- [GRADLE] upgrade to 2.14.1 in java/scala/androit client to fix vulnerabilities #2416
- Remove emitDefaultValue option from C# generators #2559 Breaking change (with fallback)
- [C#][ASP.NET] fix "EmitDefaultValue" default value with false #2558
- [Aspnetcore] add nullable support to parameters and properties #2529
- [Csharp] add nullable support to API client #2528
- [aspnetcore] Feature/cleanup (contributor rebase) #2506
- [Java][C#][JS] remove localVariablePrefix #2423 Breaking change (without fallback)
- Updates the toInstantiationType method in the csharp generator, Adds spec additionalProperties + nullable examples #2405
- [C#][netcore] Fix package name in the localVar types #2378
- Rename generator: csharp-refactor => csharp-netcore #2348
- [aspnetcore] more configurable and generate abstract class library #2282
- [aspnetcore] migrate the docker image for the aspnetcore generator #2281
- C# refactor improvements: .NET Standard and .NET Core #2187
- [C++][Qt5] Fix generation of optional file when model name prefix is selected #2341
- [C++] [Qt5] Add enum support for client and server #2339
- [C++] [Qt5 Server] server allow api handler override of generated code #2308
- [C++] [Qt5 Server] Add support for free form object in requests #2288
- [C++][Qt5] Fix import for models with underscore #2168
- [Elixir] Deserialize responses based on status code #2355
- [Elixir] Update Tesla dependency to version 1.0 #2326
- [elm] Update ISO 8601 library (fixes missing time zone designator) #2545
- [elm] Import types in operations #2488
- [Dart] Fix authentication for HTTP basic, API keys #2419
- [Dart] query arguments of requests are now url encoded #2250
- [go] support decoding plain string responses #2414
- [Go] Fix up json check regexp and support vendor-specific mime types #2322
- Apply
for the Dockerfile ofgo-gin-server
- [haskell-http-client] add cli option
#2406 - [haskell-http-client] fix bug in test for Maybe A.Value #2382
- [haskell-http-client] add support for import-mappings #2381
- [haskell-http-client] use a decreasing size for Gen (Maybe a), to prevent infinite recursion #2343
- haskell-http-client: fix indentation in .cabal file #2306
- haskell-http-client: update katip version bound #2305
- [haskell-http-client] Allow logger selection via cabal flags. Emit Consumes / for requestBody when not specified #2258
- [Java][Feign] Support OAuth without 'expires_in' data #2563
- Minor improvements to Java API clients (feign, okhttp, retrofit, retrofit2) #2521
- Fix JavaDoc errors in ApiClient for resttemplate #2515
- Update Java Vertx client dependency #2507
- [Java] Instantiate HttpBearerToken authentications if so declared #2485
- [Java] Jersey2 - Always render setBearerToken no matter if OAuth2 is in use #2479
- [Java] Fix Javadoc issue in the client #2435
- [Java][C#][JS] remove localVariablePrefix #2423 Breaking change (without fallback)
- [Java - OkHttp] Fix for the added interceptor and tests #2420
- [GRADLE] upgrade to 2.14.1 in java/scala/androit client to fix Vulnerability #2416
- Update Java client (okhttp-gson) dependencies #2368
- Add more tests to the Java client #2365
- [Java] Update Javadocs for HttpBearerAuth #2364
- [Java][okhttp-gson] Fix incorrect use of OkHttp interceptors #2356
- [JAVA] Use specified data type in enum's fromValue instead of string #2347
- [java-server-msf4j] fix and upgrade #2303
- [Spring] fix datatype for non-multipart file request body #2271
- Java RESTEASY : fix defaultValue annotation double quoted in API operation #2268
- Java Spring : fix defaultValue annotation double quoted in api operation #2267
- [Java][JaxRs] bean validation annotation (e.g. NotNull) is applied to body param of api interface #2239
- rest-template: allow array parameters in path using collectionFormat #2177
- okhttp-gson: allow array parameters in path using collectionFormat #2137
- [Java] Bean Validation for decimalmin/max incorrect when exclusive set #2115
- [Java] Getter/Setter naming convention not followed in generated models #2095 Breaking change (without fallback)
- Remove localVarPrefix from Java client #2045 Breaking change (without fallback)
- [Java] adds snapshotVersion CLI option and uses API version as artifactVersion by default #2033
- Update CXF and Jackson to latest version #2017
- [JS] fix NPE for null string and improve Travis config file #2553
- [JavaScript] fix index.js, ApiClient.js and test files generated to incorrect location (invokerPackage) #2511
- [JS][Flow] Fix body serialization when body is falsy #2499
- Add build script and remove babel #2439
- [JS][Flow] various improvements #2298
- [JavaScript] Add petstore integration test to JS ES6 client (OAS3) #2245
- [JavaScript] fix JS default ot ES6 #2084
- Add "servers" support to operation, path in the JS client #2060
- Add Bearer authentication support to JS client #2020
- [Kotlin SpringBoot Server] alternative: fix optional parameter not correctly declared in service #2539
- [KOTLIN] fix variable name not correctly sanitized #2537
- Fix Kotlin default value #2513
- [Kotlin client] fix warning when else all covered #2470
- [kotlin-spring] use spring resource for file handling #2455
- [Kotlin] Add optional parameters to the method of api #2432
- Kotlin model name camelize #2430
- [BUG][Kotlin Client] API using case other than camelCase not generated properly #2391
- [KOTLIN Client] Update to latest kotlin version #2375 Breaking change (without fallback)
- [Kotlin] Add ability to use modelNamePrefix/modelNameSuffix #2349
- [Kotlin Server Ktor] upgrade to stable version (1.1.3) #2333
- [kotlin][client] bytearray conversion #2166
- Remove global options from PHP generators #2403
- [PHP] fix bad links in Model docs #2316
- [Symfony] Replace deprecated Controller with new one #2146
- [PHP-Symfony] Validate input objects #2144
- [PHP-Symfony] Use Symfony Validator service #2143
- [PHP] remove deprecated options #2083
- [PHP-Symfony] Catch serializer exception #2074
- [PHP-Symfony] Don't try to detect response format if method return nothing #2073
- Add "servers" support to the operation, path in PHP API client #2072
- Add
tag to controllers to make them public #2059 - [PHP-Symfony] Fix JMSSerializerBundle version #2057
- Enable serialization of non-null negative values (array, false, etc) #2032
- [PHP] Replace File.seperator with slashes in PHP projects #2007
- Added proxy headers option for urllib3 #2467
- Adding retries option to override default value 3 of urllib3 #2460
- Adds exceptions module to python clients #2393
- [python-flask] Do not skip unit tests when underlying type defines json #2390
- [Python][Flask] pythonic params #2374
- [Python] add cookie support for authentication in the client #2367
- Fix regex in Python server model code #2314
- Removal of number being default to example in python client #2228
- [Python] remove default value from being fallback to example #2213
- Add python-blueplanet server generator #2184
- [Python] Add "servers" support in path, operation #2052
- [python-flask] [python-aiohttp] [bug] Fixed handling of dotted module names #2041
- [Python] handle nullable parameters with None added to allowed_values #2034
- [python] [bug] Fixed handling of dotted module names #2016
- [python] [bug]Use actual value of generateSourceCodeOnly #2015
- Add better example code for R object #2492
- [R] url-encode path parameters #2397
- [R] skip error when directory already exists in the test script #2379
- [R sample] fix CircleCI error of outdated sample #2313
- [R] Fix NPE issue due to default value using example value #2231
- R client refactoring #2215 Breaking change (without fallback)
- [R] Fix query parameters in the API client #2214
- [Ruby] Use Integer instead of Fixnum in Ruby client (#2475) #2481
- Add RuboCop to Gemfile #2464
- Fix boolean example value in ruby client generator #2431
- [Ruby] Fix type mapping for Ruby #2386
- Outputs dataType to YARD tag #2329
- Update ZenTest #2289
- [Ruby] Escape string interpolation notation of Ruby #2287
- [Ruby] various improvements #2226 Breaking change (without fallback)
- [Ruby] Fix regualr expression in error message #2139
- [Ruby] Fix Ruby client to prevent Rubocop's rule violations (#2100) #2102
- [Ruby] Use double-quote string to enable string interpolation (#2067) #2068
- [rust-server] Added API Key auth to rust-server #2459
- Support nullable fields in the Rust generator #2353
- Use oauth token for basic bearer auth in Rust #2161
- [rust-server] Added client documentation to rust-server #2159
- [rust-server] Changed query parameters to be url encoded #2136
- [Rust][Client] better code format and use public fields in models #2042 Breaking change (without fallback)
- Minor enhancements to Scala Play server generator #2512
- Fix Scala client (Akka) return type #2510
- Better operation ID handling in Scala generators #2490
- Various updates in Akka Scala generator #2472
- New generator - Scala Play Framework #2421
- [GRADLE] upgrade to 2.14.1 in java/scala/androit client to fix Vulnerability #2416
- [scala-httpclient] mark the generator as deprecated #2357
- [Scala][http-client] Remove default value from API #2351
- swift4: handle collection params in path #2259
- [Typescript AngularJS] fix Extra package prefix in api parameters operations #2522
- [TypeScript Client] fix install Aurelia, fix use deprecated function #2514
- Add return type declaration to typescript-fetch runtime #2466
- [TypeScript][Node] async promises and imports #2452
- [typescript-axios] Fix JSON serialization of falsy request bodies #2446
- [TypeScript Client] fix npm version when snapshot is true #2401
- TypeScript: add typeRoots to tsconfig #2395
- Fix typescript fetch compile issue #2383
- [typescript-rxjs] drop unneeded function wrapping #2332
- [typescript-fetch] Guard array mapping against undefined on optional array model properties #2324
- [typescript-rxjs] add class name as prefix to enum name #2242 Breaking change (without fallback)
- [typescript-fetch] Support deepObject serialization in query parameters #2234
- Fix compiler error in angular typescript codegen #2149
- [typescript-angular] Incorrect OperationId Generated (starting with number) #2130
- [typescript-fetch] remove namespaces in enums #2123 Breaking change (without fallback)
- [typescript-angular] Update default Angular version from 4.3 to 7.0 #2117 Breaking change (with fallback)
- [angular-typescript] Wrong Typescript Version for Angular 6 with Npm #2097
- [TypescriptAngular] gets package npm version from API specification #2019
- Typescript+Axios: Separate model and api classfiles and package #2005
- Typescript+Axios: multipart/form-data correctly handled #2002