released this
07 Sep 16:45
Major changes
#19928 - Upgrade to Oracle JDBC driver v and import its BOM
#17482 - Pass --exclude-config programatically
Complete changelog
#19949 - Fix continuous testing race
#19948 - SCI's can't add websocket endpoints
#19947 - Fix log assertions
#19939 - Add mailer-deployment to bom
#19938 - Oracle JDBC metadata overrides
#19937 - Revert "Register @ConfigMappings directly into the Config builder"
#19936 - Fix a few issues with the CI build report
#19932 - Mark oidc-client and oidc-client-filter as stable and update descriptions for all OIDC extensions
#19928 - Upgrade to Oracle JDBC driver v and import its BOM
#19927 - SmallRye GraphQL 1.3.2
#19926 - Experimental Maven goal to check for Quarkus platform and extension updates
#19925 - Add instructions to access App passwords page
#19922 - Set default jvm-target in basic kotlin sample project
#19921 - Fix combination of multiple @Nested
tests with root lifecycle methods
#19920 - Fix broken link for config-reference
#19915 - Property value can't be read from Vault testcontainer in Quarkus 2.2.1, works fine in 2.1.4 version
#19909 - Fixed a broken link in a guide
#19908 - Include relevant upstream catalogs even if their versions aren't recommended for new projects
#19906 - Fix gradle deployment classpath leak
#19904 - Fix issue with skip predicates in scheduled methods
#19902 - gRPC - archive with a MutinyBean implementor is a bean archive
#19901 - Expose Agroal feature: idle validation
#19900 - There must be exactly one bean that matches the skip predicate
#19897 - Fix use of OpenTelemetry OTLP exporter in native mode
#19895 - Ensure that eager security handling works in native mode
#19887 - LambdaContainerHandlerSubstitution class must be marked final
#19886 - [native-image] integration-tests/amazon-lambda-rest, UserException: Annotated class must be final
#19882 - Fix RESTEasy classic server templating for observability
#19880 - Update JNA to work with Apple M1
#19878 - NoSuchMethodException when update from 2.2.0.CR1 to 2.2.1 in native mode
#19877 - Native build error on Quarkus 2.2.1.Final when using Opentelemetry
#19874 - Bump kubernetes-client-bom from 5.7.0 to 5.7.2
#19871 - Make KubernetesClientErrorHandler always throw a RuntimeException
#19870 - Potential NPE when deploying on Kubernetes / Openshift
#19857 - Clean up hang detection on failed start
#19851 - Rest Client Reactive: improve error on invalid subresource return type
#19848 - Dev UI Keycloak - Make the logout button visible
#19846 - Dev UI Test result screen make sure dark background use light text
#19844 - Don't fail Hibernate Validator when no RESTEasy Reactive request is in progress
#19843 - JUnit @nested with @QuarkusTest with @beforeeach on Root-Class fails (Since 2.2.1.Final)
#19842 - Take @TestSecurity(authorizationEnabled = false)
into account for RESTEasy Reactive
#19837 - Marking Amazon extensions as stable
#19829 - Provide actionable error message when Provider in RESTEasy Reactive isn't a bean
#19827 - Set actual file name in Rest Client Reactive multipart support
#19824 - Mark quarkus-container-image-openshift as stable
#19823 - Fix @nocache without fields handling in RESTEasy Reactive
#19822 - RESTEasy Reactive @nocache unexpected behavior
#19820 - Make sure KC Dev UI page persists after reload
#19818 - Update status of the Mutiny, AMQP connector and gRPC extensions
#19812 - Do not propagate java compiler argument in kotlin compilation provider
#19810 - CLI: docs and help for -P
#19809 - Fix NoSuchElementException on @Before/AfterAll
with TestInfo
#19808 - Update to Vertx 4.1.3, Mutiny Bindings 2.13.0 and Netty 4.1.67
#19807 - Update OIDC TokenStateManager to return Uni
#19806 - Add the ability for extensions to exclude GraalVM config from jars [Revisited]
#19805 - Quarkus RestEasy Reactive MultiFormData Client Upload Jar Issue
#19800 - JUnit: Exception in BeforeAll/AfterAll with TestInfo parameter
#19796 - Codestarts - gRPC - add index.html
#19795 - K8s Service redeployment
#19794 - Set default jvm-target in kotlin sample project
#19791 - Update Dev UI with the correct state when resuming
#19781 - Undertow Websockets: Could not create an endpoint dynamically
#19777 - Continuous testing - Dev UI reports "All tests passed" despite there's a test failure
#19754 - cannot create 999-snapshot project
#19724 - Remove hard coded dependency version in ConditionalDependenciesTest
#19701 - Fail to redeploy to Kubernetes
#19670 - io.quarkus.oidc.TokenStateManager called from event loop thread
#19642 - add tip in grpc code start to tell user how it works
#19624 - Upgrade the Oracle JDBC driver to benefit from JDK11 baseline
#19448 - Arc: Regression issue when mapping @ConfigMapping
using a custom ConfigSource implementation
#19374 - Dev UI - Test report output not visible
#19156 - quarkus-reactive-pg-client not detected when using gradle
#18962 - Vulnerability in netty-codec 4.1.65
#18838 - ConditionalDependenciesTest shouldn't hardcode the byte-buddy version
#18469 - [RESTEasy] enabling GZIP compression results in corrupted chunked response
#18251 - Opentelemetry server templating does not work with template in class Path annotation
#18166 - Automatic recompilation for Kotlin sources on quarkusDev
does not work with Quarkus 2.0.0.CR3 (with gradle)
#17482 - Pass --exclude-config programatically
#14695 - IllegalReferenceCountException logged with enabled compression
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