released this
20 Jan 14:57
Complete changelog
#23019 - Avoid potential NPE when collecting RESTEasy Providers on Resource classes
#23004 - RR: Fix abort chain order for #22408
#22998 - Bump to Hibernate 5.6.4.Final
#22996 - Fix response truncation
#22984 - Infinispan documentation fix
#22978 - Add Homebrew packager for CLI release and enable SDKMAN! announcement
#22973 - JSON response may be truncated at 8192 bytes boundary
#22972 - Allow empty @BeanParam class with non-empty super class
#22956 - Make Quarkus listen on all interfaces in WSL dev mode
#22947 - Add SDKMAN! alternative to CLI tooling
#22941 - Build fails when parsing an endpoint that has a bean annotated with @BeanParam when the target object is inheriting its fields from a parent class
#22935 - Template extensions - always propagate errors when evaluating parameters
#22931 - Qute template extensions throw ambiguous exception on property not found
#22926 - Upgrade yasson library for better Java 17 record support
#22917 - CLI: fix file handling in registry remove; more feedback
#22911 - CLI cannot remove registry from the list
#22903 - Fix grammar in extension status message
#22901 - Fully disable JNDI services in Hibernate ORM extension
#22898 - Upgrade Hibernate Reactive to 1.1.2.Final
#22897 - Improve quarkus cli doc
#22895 - Improve command-mode documentation
#22894 - Remove detailed documentation about AWS signing in Hibernate Search
#22888 - Add option to exclude generated resources from the dev mode classloader
#22887 - Cannot access web app running on WSL from a Windows-hosted client (browser)
#22886 - Sending the correct JSON payload in second test
#22884 - Bump slf4j-api from 1.7.32 to 1.7.33
#22866 - Ensure that the presence of OpenTelemetry does not break Jib builds
#22864 - Using OpenTelemetry gRPC instrumentation produces NullPointerException when running quarkusBuild
#22860 - Add OidcClientConfig Grant getter and setter
#22859 - Take response status of aborted request into account in JAX-RS Client
#22850 - Resteasy Reactive: Handle null fields in multiparts
#22847 - RESTEasy Reactive: null fields in multipart responses cause NullPointerException
#22840 - Ensure that space in @path does not break RESTEasy Reactive mapping
#22835 - Use JSON as default data content type for structured JSON encoded events
#22829 - Update security-openid-connect-client.adoc
#22827 - OIDC-Client: Response status 0 and null entity when OIDC client auth is failing for Rest-Client-Reactive
#22814 - Enable recording of JAXBElement during static init
#22813 - Use NumberFormat to write Jaeger configuration in the default locale
#22809 - Fix Config CCE in continuous testing
#22801 - hibernate-orm: hbm-xml: Cannot serialise field 'scope' on object 'javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement@7d024b28' as the property is read only
#22792 - Continuous testing fails when @QuarkusMainTest
and a @ConfigMapping
are involved
#22769 - Fix watched files for quarkus.config.locations
#22767 - Align HTTP status codes with messages
#22765 - Status Code and Message Mismatch in WebApplicationException
#22717 - Fix preserve next fire time of rescheduled job in quartz
#22699 - 2.6 - Error with config locations
#22433 - Hibernate Reactive Session/EntityManager is closed
#22301 - Bump to Hibernate 5.6.3.Final
#22184 - Update Yasson library to support java 17 records
#22114 - Upgrade Hibernate Reactive and Hibernate ORM
#21455 - Quarkus quartz should not reschedule jobs on start
#21002 - OpenTracing Jaeger: Probabilistic sampler didn't work
#19682 - Infinispan client properties file precedence doesn't match
#18256 - CLI: jreleaser distribution
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