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User Play Testing

ameliarow edited this page Oct 15, 2021 · 20 revisions


Purpose: The purpose of this round of testing is to test usability, engagement, play and effectiveness of the entire Last to Valhalla game. Users will be asked what they like most about the game, how easy it is to understand and play as well as provide detailed suggestions for possible avenues of improvement and future work.

User Demographic: Young adults aged 16 and over who have never played this game before (users outside of DECO2800 Studios)

Testing Plan: Last to Valhalla

Testing Branch: team-1 branch

  1. Explain the game's backstory and setting to testers, showing them the basic running game in action so users can understand the game theme and purpose.
  2. Allow the user to begin interacting with the game and playing it several times - tell the user the key controls of the game: WASD to move, Spacebar to attack.
  3. Record the user’s comments and thought process during the task, asking them to 'Think Aloud' their thought process. Also record the time it takes for the user to complete the level.
  4. Interview user regarding gameplay and game design. An interview was chosen to gather rich qualitative data from users and to incorporate appropriate follow-up and open-ended questions that will help provide accurate and realistic data into how the game can be potentially improved and refined in future settings. This interview will also form as a semi-codesign questionnaire, asking users what they think of the game and its designs and if they have any ideas for how they can be refined and potential features or new designs that can be added to create a more user-friendly and aesthetically-pleasing game. Users will also be asked how clear and easy the game is to understand and play in order to determine level of usability.
  5. Ask tester if they have any questions about the test or the game
  6. Thank the tester for their time and input

Game and Play Testing Interview Questions:


  • Overall, what were your thoughts about the game?
  • Were you able to learn how to play quickly?
  • What is the objective of the game?
  • How would you describe this game to someone who hasn’t played it?
  • Now that you have had a chance to play the game, is there any information that would have been useful to you before starting?
  • Is there anything that you did not like about the game or you thought was frustrating or confusing? If so, what?


  • What was your first impression of the game and how did it change?
  • What did you think of the look and design of the game? What would you improve?
  • Overall, how would you describe this game’s appeal?
  • Who do you think is the target audience for this game?


  • What did you think about the controls of the game?
  • What did you think about the pacing of the game? Did the game feel too long, short, or just right?
  • What did you think of the dialogue for the game? Does it match the tone of the game?
  • Could you find the information you needed on the interface?
  • Was there anything about the interface you would change?
  • Are there any controls or interface features you would like to see added to improve and elevate the game?


  • On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being very difficult) how difficult did you find the game and bosses?
  • On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being very fun) how fun, interesting and engaging did you find the game?

Things to Record

TIME: How long they took to complete the levels

FAILURE: How many times they failed/were killed and by whether it was a boss/regular enemy

THINK ALOUD: What they were saying as they went through the levels, how they reacted to the game, including their body language/expression

Table of Contents


Design Document

Design Document

Design Document

Game Engine

Getting Started

Entities and Components

Item Drops from Entities

Service Locator

Loading Resources


Unit Testing

Debug Terminal

Input Handling






Game Screens and Areas


Map Generation

Concurrency & Threading



MacOS Setup Guide

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