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Map Layout

ameliarow edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

Information on the enemies in the game, where they can be found, what their attack patterns are like, ect

Dungeon Layout

Each dungeon consists of a few main components:

  • Basic Dungeon Rooms

Will have different shapes and layouts each time you get to them and go through them.

Each dungeon will have several (5-10ish? could also be a random amount each time) rooms to progress through before getting to the boss arena

Will contain obstacles/cover (traps?), enemies, and doors to get to the next room (only open after all enemies are dead)

  • Boss arena

Boss arena will be a static design to allow for a more handcrafted room for each particular boss.

Stretch Idea

If we have the ability to do so, we could have several different themes and areas to give the player a further sense of progression as they come to a new area and give each boss a dungeon that suits them more than just a generic one size fits all kind of deal. Below listed is one possible kind of progression

Initial Map Progression

Table of Contents


Design Document

Design Document

Design Document

Game Engine

Getting Started

Entities and Components

Item Drops from Entities

Service Locator

Loading Resources


Unit Testing

Debug Terminal

Input Handling






Game Screens and Areas


Map Generation

Concurrency & Threading



MacOS Setup Guide

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