released this
02 Mar 15:53
Complete changelog
#24048 - Mark OpenTelemetry and @ConsumeEvent context as safe
#24039 - Fix multipart and Expect: 100-continue
#24038 - Mark the HTTP, gRPC and OpenTelemetry DuplicatedContext as 'safe'
#24037 - quarkus-reactive-routes fails when using Mutiny.SessionFactory.withSession
#24033 - Fix DevServices for Keycloak JavaDocs
#24028 - Use a copy of compile classpath for panache annotation processor lookup
#24026 - Close bootstrapped apps at the end of mojo execution if Maven extensions are disabled
#24025 - Don't use system dependent charset
#24016 - Fix builder-image references in gradle-tooling.adoc
#24014 - Properly support small files in multipart responses in REST Client Reactive
#24007 - Service Binding - Style and language review
#24004 - Ensure that remote-dev works with containers created by Jib
#24002 - Allow overriding user agent for REST Client Reactive
#23996 - Prevent NPE in Reactive Client when registering on ClientBuilder due to no Configuration
#23991 - Swagger UI don't show in dev mode from 2.7.0.Final
#23989 - Unwrap InvocationTargetException thrown by QuarkusTest*Callback
#23988 - Native build image configurations ignored - always falls back to 21.3-java11
#23986 - Quarkus Multipart not working for multi layer applications
#23983 - Prevent NoSuchElementException in MockSupport after earlier error
#23982 - Fixed otel-collector configuration
#23973 - MongoDB Panache reactive: database name is not taken from the annotation
#23972 - Fix user Maven config dir resolution in native mode
#23966 - Rest Client sets own User-Agent header even if user specifies a different one
#23959 - Re-run failed parameterized tests
#23958 - Serialize extension category metadata under 'metadata'
#23953 - Leverage tabs for kotlin DSL in gradle documentation
#23949 - NullPointerException in Resteasy Reactive Client due to no Configuration
#23937 - quarkus:test Re-run failed tests does not run failed ParameterizedTest
#23936 - Make sure @ClientExceptionMapper works properly in native mode
#23932 - Micrometer: Ignore non-application endpoints by default
#23921 - Hibernate reactive - configure HBM2DDL script generation
#23914 - graphql-ui issue show  on each line and near the cursor
#23907 - Add working directory configuration to Jib
#23905 - Make Hibernate Reactive tests use @RunOnVertxContext and upgrade the Context validity checks
#23903 - Fix DevConsole failing on startup when Hibernate Search is disabled
#23902 - Fix typo in success message when updating config in dev console
#23899 - Jib docker image working directory changed
#23886 - Update SmallRye OpenAPI to 2.1.20
#23877 - Hibernate Validator - Allow setting the expression language feature level
#23876 - Allow null values for query, cookies, headers and form params for Reactive REST Client
#23873 - Hibernate Search error on startup even if it is disabled
#23872 - RestEasy Reactive client: optional FormParameters throw error when null
#23870 - Update SmallRye Config to 2.9.1
#23863 - Clarify sql-load-script must be in the application resources
#23862 - Forbid using '..' in paths passed to PathTree
#23861 - Respect quarkus.container-image.push=true in container-image-docker
#23859 - Set target dir in QuarkusUnitTest
#23850 - quarkus:info and quarkus:update basic docs
#23849 - Realign Side-Bar contents for Redis documentation
#23838 - java validation errors in graphql
#23836 - native docker container image is not created/pushed
#23834 - Fix autoscaling Knative properties
#23813 - @MongoEntity with database parameter does not detect database when using mongo panache
#23790 - Update Vert.x to version 4.2.5
#23786 - Knative autoscaling properties create incorrect manifest files
#23766 - Unable to use @ClientExceptionMapper in native build
#23574 - quarkus.hibernate-orm.sql-load-script
works with relative path but ignores absolute path
#23473 - Type-safe message bundles - add a missing validation for localized files
#23463 - Add a useCurrentTimestamp
flag for Jib
#23462 - Add useCurrentTimestamp
flag for Jib builds
#23052 - Ιmprove k8s deployment errors related to target platform
#22563 - Multipart/form-data requests are not handled correctly when quarkus-amazon-lambda-rest
is included in dependencies
#21311 - Provide a useful error message when a user is not logged into an OpenShift cluster
#19970 - "[WARNING] unknown enum constant org.osgi.annotation.bundle.Requirement.Resolution.OPTIONAL" when compiler warnings are enabled
#19617 - Qute - Bean instance for localized interface not found
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