Releases: oracle/graalvm-reachability-metadata
Releases · oracle/graalvm-reachability-metadata
What's Changed
- Added metadata for org.liquibase:liquibase-core:4.23.0 by @msupic in #385
- Logback json metadata by @msupic in #378
- add log4j 1.2.17 metadata by @FoghostCn in #369
- Sorted entries in metadata and tests index.json files by @msupic in #394
- Added metadata for org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15on:1.70 by @msupic in #393
- Additional metadata for jackson-databind by @msupic in #386
- Added metadata for ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.4.9 by @msupic in #391
- Additional metadata for ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.4.1 by @msupic in #372
- Add metadata for Netty KQueue transport by @violetagg in #379
- Add metadata for Jetty 12 by @mhalbritter in #397
- Add io.avaje:avaje-config to library-and-framework-list.json by @rbygrave in #398
- Add Avaje Validator to library-and-framework-list.json by @rbygrave in #400
- Added metadata for org.jctools:jctools-core:2.1.2 by @msupic in #392
- Make docker images scanner more flexible by @dnestoro in #402
- Extend CODEOWNERS file by @dnestoro in #406
New Contributors
- @FoghostCn made their first contribution in #369
- @rbygrave made their first contribution in #398
Full Changelog: 0.3.4...0.3.5
What's Changed
- Disable dev builds since they are blocking github actions by @dnestoro in #361
- Add support for Jackson optional serializers by @sdeleuze in #362
- Added metadata for org.apache.commons:commons-compress:1.23.0 by @msupic in #367
- Added metadata for org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit: by @msupic in #366
- Added metadata for org.apache.kafka:kafka-clients:3.5.1 by @msupic in #357
Full Changelog: 0.3.3...0.3.4
What's Changed
- Added metadata for commons-logging:commons-logging:1.2 by @msupic in #316
- Added metadata for org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.5.14 by @msupic in #318
- Liquibase additional metadata by @msupic in #319
- Upgrade Native Build Tools and update to GraalVM for JDK 17. by @fniephaus in #322
- Add OCI Java SDK to the list of libraries supporting native image by @VidhiBhansali in #320
- Added nats:2.9.19 to the list of allowed docker images by @msupic in #310
- Added metadata for io.nats:jnats:2.16.11 by @msupic in #311
- Increase number of allowed high vulnerabilities to unblock gates by @dnestoro in #337
- Add
filters to reduce test overhead. by @fniephaus in #336 - Add missing job names. by @fniephaus in #339
- Add missing required job to skip workflow. by @fniephaus in #340
- Update library-and-framework-list.json with OCI APM Related details by @smutalik in #333
- Replace greenmail/standalone docker image with the less vulnerable version by @dnestoro in #329
- Set number of allowed high vulnerabilities to previous state by @dnestoro in #342
- Added eclipse-mosquitto:2.0.15 to the list of allowed docker images by @msupic in #331
- remove duplicate entry for micronaut-test-bom by @alina-yur in #344
- Add Reviewing Guide by @dnestoro in #314
- Add information about com.github.ladutsko:isbn-core to library-and-framework-list.json by @ladutsko in #341
- Change docker image to the official one from oracle repository by @dnestoro in #350
- Enabled GRAALVM_QUICK_BUILD by @msupic in #348
- Narrow the search in getAllowedPackages function by @dnestoro in #347
- Run some workflows on
only. by @fniephaus in #349 - Set up dependabot for automated Dockerfile updates. by @fniephaus in #351
- Enable dev builds in github actions by @dnestoro in #345
- Http client connection issue by @msupic in #356
- Adjust docker and grype tasks by @dnestoro in #355
- Added metadata for eclipse paho mqttv3 and mqttv5 clients by @msupic in #332
New Contributors
- @VidhiBhansali made their first contribution in #320
- @smutalik made their first contribution in #333
- @ladutsko made their first contribution in #341
Full Changelog: 0.3.2...0.3.3
What's Changed
- Correct type reachable condition in Quartz resource config by @wilkinsona in #294
- Improve and extend
. by @fniephaus in #287 - Add allowed-packages to scaffold task by @dnestoro in #296
- Add missing logger metadata for Hibernate 6.2 (#297) by @sdeleuze in #298
- Added metadata for org.apache.activemq:activemq-client:5.18.1 by @msupic in #300
- Allow Testcontainers to create DockerConfigFile from json using Jackson by @wilkinsona in #301
- Added metadata for embedded broker - org.apache.activemq:activemq-broker:5.18.1 by @msupic in #304
- Added metadata for org.apache.activemq:artemis-jms-client:2.28.0 by @msupic in #303
- Add explanation how to use metadata repository locally by @dnestoro in #306
- Added metadata for org.hibernate.reactive:hibernate-reactive-core:2.0.0.Final by @msupic in #309
- Add reflection for default Relay types in GraphQL Java by @bclozel in #307
Full Changelog: 0.3.1...0.3.2
What's Changed
- Add metadata for liquibase 4.20.0 by @mhalbritter in #283
- Fix compatibility with Hibernate 6.2.2 by @sdeleuze in #286
- Remove logback.xml from the logback metadata by @graemerocher in #280
- Additional metadata needed when debug log level enabled by @msupic in #288
- Add support for Jettys ForwardedRequestCustomizer by @mhalbritter in #285
- Refactor jetty client test to use nginx in docker as http backend by @mhalbritter in #276
- Bump repo version to 0.3.1 by @dnestoro in #292
Full Changelog: 0.3.0...0.3.1
What's Changed
- Let the user override the default toolchain by @melix in #266
- Added metadata for org.jooq:jooq:3.18.2 by @msupic in #267
- Allow overriding the test toolchain search path by @gradinac in #269
- Added metadata for org.apache.tomcat:tomcat-jdbc:10.1.7 by @msupic in #268
- Move kotlin.internal.jdk8.JDK8PlatformImplementations to kotlin-stdlib. by @corneil in #265
- Added more metadata for com.zaxxer:HikariCP:5.0.1 by @msupic in #272
- Check conditions, duplicates and empty config files by @dnestoro in #227
- Add support for
attribute by @sdeleuze in #275 - Additional metadata for org.hibernate.orm:hibernate-core:6.2.0.Final by @msupic in #274
Full Changelog: 0.2.7...0.3.0
What's Changed
- Fix "requires" clauses being ignored by @melix in #214
- Catch missing metadata entry in index.json file by @dnestoro in #217
- Restore JDK19 testing for GitHub Actions by @linghengqian in #205
- Add opentelemetry version 1.19.0 by @n0tl3ss in #215
- Add metadata for Jakarta Servlet API by @bclozel in #213
- Upgrade Spring version in Thymeleaf Spring tests by @bclozel in #231
- Restrict Github Actions Jobs from being executed on Forked branches by @linghengqian in #229
- Polish by @izeye in #237
- Temporarily disable dev runs by @dnestoro in #241
- Re-enable dev build testing against JDK17. by @fniephaus in #242
- Add metadata for graphql-java-extended-validation by @bclozel in #152
- Add reflection config for ConcurrentHistogram(AbstractHistogram) by @izeye in #238
- Added kotlin.internal.jdk8.JDK8PlatformImplementations constructor. by @corneil in #243
- Update metadata for
by @msupic in #248 - Disable docker image download by @dnestoro in #240
- Added metadata for
by @msupic in #251 - Fix the second launch of Liquibase by @nkonev in #246
- Add metadata for Jboss Servlet API 4.0 by @bclozel in #212
- Added metadata for
by @msupic in #247 - Adds missing
metadata proxies by @raffaeleflorio in #249 - Update the project's Junit and GraalVM Native Build Tools versions by @linghengqian in #218
- Add default reviewer for AllowedDockerImages by @dnestoro in #255
- Remove Codeowner by @dnestoro in #256
- Added mssql docker image to the allowed images list by @msupic in #252
- Disable jetty test by @dnestoro in #258
- Additional reflection metadata for dialects in hibernate 6 by @msupic in #254
- Added metadata for by @msupic in #245
- Added metadata for
by @msupic in #257 - Added metadata for
by @msupic in #263
New Contributors
- @n0tl3ss made their first contribution in #215
- @corneil made their first contribution in #243
- @msupic made their first contribution in #248
- @nkonev made their first contribution in #246
- @raffaeleflorio made their first contribution in #249
Full Changelog: 0.2.6...0.2.7
What's Changed
- Add metadata for JNA by @mhalbritter in #130
- Add support for Testcontainers by @mhalbritter in #132
- Enable Native Image build reports for build jobs and PRs by @fniephaus in #105
- Fix a typo in by @linghengqian in #114
- Upgrade to GraalVM
. by @fniephaus in #134 - Add initial set of hints for hibernate-envers by @christophstrobl in #84
- Refactor build by @melix in #138
- Fix "Could not get unknown property 'metadataRoot' for root project" by @mhalbritter in #140
- Provide a first list of supported libraries by @sdeleuze in #119
- Mark
. by @fniephaus in #143 - Add
to all build jobs. by @fniephaus in #144 - Core Helidon Libraries by @tomas-langer in #145
- Add Library and Framework List Contributing Paragraph by @dnestoro in #104
- Add metadata for jetty-client by @mhalbritter in #142
- Add metadata for Mockito 4.8.1 by @mhalbritter in #141
- Raise the project's Java language level to 17 by @linghengqian in #127
- Add ojdbc8 and ojdbc11 to the native-image support list by @harayuanwang in #150
- Add currently supported and tested Spring libraries by @bclozel in #146
- Add support for grpc-netty by @dsyer in #148
- Add Neo4j-Java-Driver to
. by @michael-simons in #156 - Add support for
by @linghengqian in #116 - Add multipart support to Jakarta mail by @sdeleuze in #160
- Create build_spec.yaml by @spavlusieva in #158
- Add support for
by @linghengqian in #168 - Add support for
by @linghengqian in #124 - Add support for
by @linghengqian in #121 - Liquibase: XML changelogs, call all features by @derkoe in #118
- Add toolchain to gradle config file by @dsyer in #149
- Add null check in diffCordinates function by @dnestoro in #172
- Add the owners file by @vjovanov in #171
- Add missing constructor hint required by hibernate PostgreSQLDialect. by @christophstrobl in #178
- Add
for unit tests oforg.opengauss:opengauss-jdbc
by @linghengqian in #174 - Add support for
by @linghengqian in #176 - Add support for
by @linghengqian in #169 - Disable Native Image PR reports. by @fniephaus in #185
- Add job that waits all actions to pass by @dnestoro in #180
- Try different OWNERS format by @vjovanov in #187
- Add mising runs-on lines by @dnestoro in #188
- Add missing job name by @dnestoro in #189
- Remove MBean-related reflection entries from hibernate-validator by @wilkinsona in #162
- Remove MBean-related reflection entries from undertow-core by @wilkinsona in #161
- Add jobs that checks if all metadata jobs passed by @dnestoro in #190
- Remove paths from workflows by @dnestoro in #191
- Add Micronaut by @graemerocher in #192
- Use latest doc link for "GraalVM Native Image" in by @izeye in #179
- Sort
by @fniephaus in #194 - Remove existing style errors by @dnestoro in #195
- Add checkstyle task in ci by @dnestoro in #196
- OWNERS rename to CODEOWNERS by @vjovanov in #197
- Add the maintainer team as the single CODEOWNER by @vjovanov in #199
- Add support for
by @linghengqian in #193 - Add support for
by @linghengqian in #167 - Fix Not Supported Java Version Bug by @dnestoro in #203
New Contributors
- @linghengqian made their first contribution in #114
- @melix made their first contribution in #138
- @tomas-langer made their first contribution in #145
- @harayuanwang made their first contribution in #150
- @dsyer made their first contribution in #148
- @michael-simons made their first contribution in #156
- @spavlusieva made their first contribution in #158
- @derkoe made their first contribution in #118
- @graemerocher made their first contribution in #192
- @izeye made their first contribution in #179
Full Changelog: 0.2.5...0.2.6
Release 0.2.5
What's Changed
- JSON schema for the Native Libraries Support repository by @dnestoro in #90
- Create Github Job That Runs Validation of the Library And Framework List JSON by @dnestoro in #101
- Update hibernate-orm hints to cover AttributeBinder & ValueGenerationTypes by @christophstrobl in #106
- Add metadata for Netty MacOS specific nameserver resolution by @violetagg in #103
- Add 'scaffold' task to generate metadata and tests for a library by @mhalbritter in #97
- Make minimum and maximum version consistent. by @fniephaus in #109
- Remove Log4j2 entries from netty-common's reflection metadata by @wilkinsona in #108
- Add metadata for jboss-logging by @mhalbritter in #111
- Add metadata for Eclipse Angus Jakarta Mail reference implementation by @wilkinsona in #112
- Add support for GraphQL Java 19.2 by @bclozel in #102
- Remove MBean-related entries from hibernate-core's metadata by @wilkinsona in #113
New Contributors
- @dnestoro made their first contribution in #90
- @violetagg made their first contribution in #103
- @fniephaus made their first contribution in #109
- @wilkinsona made their first contribution in #108
- @bclozel made their first contribution in #102
Full Changelog: 0.2.4...0.2.5
Release 0.2.4
What's Changed
- Add metadata for com.mysql:mysql-connector-j by @mhalbritter in #87
- Add metadata for thymeleaf 3.1.0.RC1 by @sdeleuze in #96
- Add all hibernate validator implementations to reflect-config.json by @mhalbritter in #94
- Refine hibernate-orm database dialect hints. by @christophstrobl in #93
- Update NBT to 0.9.16 by @mhalbritter in #99
- Add metadata for Liquibase by @mhalbritter in #98
Full Changelog: 0.2.3...0.2.4