Sprint 135
ANT (V1)
Add major version to folder name for several tasks. (#7236 ) (2018-05-17)
AndroidSigning (V2)
Add major version to folder name for several tasks. (#7236 ) (2018-05-17)
AppCenterDistribute (V1)
Updated to fix vulnerabilities (#7289 ) (2018-05-25)
AppCenterTest (V1)
Update remaining task folders that didn't have major version in name (#7264 ) (2018-05-23)
Updated to fix vulnerabilities (#7289 ) (2018-05-25)
App service tasks MSI bug fixes (#7221 ) (2018-05-17)
AzureAppServiceManage (V0)
Add major version to folder name for several tasks. (#7241 ) (2018-05-17)
ASE Recommendation message - App Service Tasks (#7322 ) (2018-05-30)
AzureCloudPowerShellDeployment (V1)
Users/ajya/ac service external contribution removed (#7284 ) (2018-05-24)
AzureFileCopy (V1)
azure file copy task hotfix (#7202 ) (2018-05-20)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
azure file copy task hotfix (#7202 ) (2018-05-20)
fixed single file blob upload (#7222 ) (2018-05-18)
AzureKeyVault (V1)
#6965 Azure ARM Keyvault console error shows for all exceptions from the server, not just invalid names (#7296 ) (2018-05-25)
AzureMysqlDeployment (V1)
Users/rok/mysql task api upgradation (#7250 ) (2018-05-21)
Remove proxyurl (#7331 ) (2018-05-31)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
Consume ARM endpoint from Common for several tasks. (#7281 ) (2018-06-05)
[ARG task]run agent service as user. Creating a new branch with the previous changes (#7351 ) (2018-06-05)
App service tasks MSI bug fixes (#7221 ) (2018-05-17)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)
ASE Recommendation message - App Service Tasks (#7322 ) (2018-05-30)
Terminology: step -> task. Doc URL updates. (#7344 ) (2018-05-31)
AzureVmssDeployment (V0)
Users/sachinma/vmss bug fix (#7248 ) (2018-05-31)
Consume ARM endpoint from Common for several tasks. (#7281 ) (2018-06-05)
Bash (V3)
Fix copy-paste error in Bash task's help text (#7237 ) (2018-05-17)
Remove preview from tasks (#7276 ) (2018-05-24)
ChefKnife (V1)
chef and chef url update (#7261 ) (2018-05-22)
Chef (V1)
chef and chef url update (#7261 ) (2018-05-22)
CmdLine (V2)
Remove preview from tasks (#7276 ) (2018-05-24)
CocoaPods (V0)
Terminology: step -> task. Doc URL updates. (#7344 ) (2018-05-31)
CondaEnvironment (V0)
Conda Environment task (#7075 ) (2018-05-16)
Conda Environment: Disable E2E test that fails on the hosted build machines (#7239 ) (2018-05-17)
Remove preview from tasks (#7276 ) (2018-05-24)
Allow Conda Environment to use the "base" environment (#7303 ) (2018-06-04)
Fix and re-enable broken Conda test (#7354 ) (2018-06-01)
DockerCompose (V0)
Terminology: step -> task. Doc URL updates. (#7344 ) (2018-05-31)
Docker (V1)
Simplification of Docker task (#7282 ) (2018-05-31)
DotNetCoreInstaller (V0)
Export dotnet root (#7306 ) (2018-05-30)
DownloadBuildArtifacts (V0)
Pagination in Task APIs (#7258 ) (2018-05-22)
Version change and pagination in projects data source (#7270 ) (2018-05-24)
Update artifact engine. (#7321 ) (2018-05-30)
Update test result file default in Gradle task (#7223 ) (2018-05-16)
Gradle (V2)
Update remaining task folders that didn't have major version in name (#7264 ) (2018-05-23)
Updated to fix vulnerabilities (#7289 ) (2018-05-25)
IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroup (V0)
Terminology: step -> task. Doc URL updates. (#7344 ) (2018-05-31)
IISWebAppManagementOnMachineGroup (V0)
chef and chef url update (#7261 ) (2018-05-22)
InstallAppleCertificate (V2)
Update "InstallApple*" tasks to fail when run on windows or Linux (#7334 ) (2018-05-31)
InstallAppleProvisioningProfile (V1)
Update "InstallApple*" tasks to fail when run on windows or Linux (#7334 ) (2018-05-31)
InstallSSHKey (V0)
Remove preview from tasks (#7276 ) (2018-05-24)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
Remove preview from tasks (#7276 ) (2018-05-24)
Java Tool Installer: Fix log message and add doc link (#7305 ) (2018-05-25)
JenkinsDownloadArtifacts (V1)
Update artifact engine. (#7321 ) (2018-05-30)
JenkinsQueueJob (V2)
Terminology: step -> task. Doc URL updates. (#7344 ) (2018-05-31)
Fix for jenkins results link and better handling of console errors (#7372 ) (2018-06-05)
Kubernetes (V1)
Major version change kubernetes (#7300 ) (2018-05-29)
MSBuild (V1)
Terminology: step -> task. Doc URL updates. (#7344 ) (2018-05-31)
NpmAuthenticate (V0)
Terminology: step -> task. Doc URL updates. (#7344 ) (2018-05-31)
Npm (V1)
Remove proxyurl (#7331 ) (2018-05-31)
NuGetCommand (V2)
Remove proxyurl (#7331 ) (2018-05-31)
NuGetToolInstaller (V0)
Terminology: step -> task. Doc URL updates. (#7344 ) (2018-05-31)
PowerShellOnTargetMachines (V3)
remove uploadlogfiles from sequential execution (#7204 ) (2018-05-15)
use random name for folder (#7205 ) (2018-05-15)
updated help texts for inputs (#7249 ) (2018-05-18)
PowerShell (V2)
Remove preview from tasks (#7276 ) (2018-05-24)
PublishSymbols (V2)
Terminology: step -> task. Doc URL updates. (#7344 ) (2018-05-31)
PublishToAzureServiceBus (V1)
added taskinstancename property in servicebus server task (#7106 ) (2018-05-23)
PyPIPublisher (V0)
Terminology: step -> task. Doc URL updates. (#7344 ) (2018-05-31)
PythonScript (V0)
Add Python Script task (#7242 ) (2018-05-18)
Remove preview from tasks (#7276 ) (2018-05-24)
QuickPerfTest (V1)
Multiple fixes to the CLT tasks (QuickPerfTestV1|RunLoadTestV1|RunJMeterLoadTestV1) (#7226 ) (2018-05-18)
RunJMeterLoadTest (V1)
Multiple fixes to the CLT tasks (QuickPerfTestV1|RunLoadTestV1|RunJMeterLoadTestV1) (#7226 ) (2018-05-18)
RunLoadTest (V1)
Multiple fixes to the CLT tasks (QuickPerfTestV1|RunLoadTestV1|RunJMeterLoadTestV1) (#7226 ) (2018-05-18)
ServiceFabricComposeDeploy (V0)
Add support for upgrading compose applications (#6256 ) (2018-05-24)
ServiceFabricDeploy (V1)
Moved UseDiffPackage checkbox to Upgrade section and enabled it by default (#7345 ) (2018-06-05)
Moving up the logic for skip upgrade (#7373 ) (2018-06-06)
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)
[SqlAzureDacpacDeployment] Add support for additional SqlPackage.exe actions. (#7216 ) (2018-06-04)
sql password special characters handled (#7309 ) (2018-05-28)
UsePythonVersion (V0)
Remove preview from tasks (#7276 ) (2018-05-24)
UseRubyVersion (V0)
Remove preview from tasks (#7276 ) (2018-05-24)
Users/madhurig/rubytestswithrunner (#7369 ) (2018-06-05)
fixed trx issue (#7207 ) (2018-05-15)
Changes to remove TIA invocation from task (#7209 ) (2018-05-16)
VsTest (V2)
Updating test execution and test selector packages (#7235 ) (2018-05-18)
Pagination in Task APIs (#7258 ) (2018-05-22)
added telemetry to single execution client (#7259 ) (2018-05-21)
Version change and pagination in projects data source (#7270 ) (2018-05-24)
Fixed tia (#7319 ) (2018-05-30)
undo the changes to have pagination for test plan and suite in task to unblock customers (#7328 ) (2018-05-30)
Updating TestExecution package to fix rerun bug (#7342 ) (2018-05-31)
Updating TE package to reflect PR flow fixes for distributed flow (#7382 ) (2018-06-06)
XamarinComponentRestore (V0)
Deprecated XamarinComponentRestore (#7266 ) (2018-05-23)
XamariniOS (V2)
Fail early when XamariniOS builds are run on hosted windows or linux (#7184 ) (2018-05-30)
Remove preview from tasks (#7276 ) (2018-05-24)
Clean up of tests, address PR feedback from previous PR (#7332 ) (2018-05-30)
Xcode (V5)
Remove preview from tasks (#7276 ) (2018-05-24)
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