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Updater gui user testing

Erik Moeller edited this page Aug 17, 2018 · 2 revisions

(Script modified from:

Hi $USER, thanks for making the time to talk to us today.

Get consent for recording the audio of the session

I would like to ask you for your permission to record our discussion today. Recording allows me to focus my attention on you. I will use this recording to make notes of our discussion today. Once I've made the notes, I will delete the recording.

May I record our discussion?

Get consent for questions and making notes public

You can answer my questions to the extent that you feel comfortable. You're free to choose not to answer a question, or to stop the interview at any moment. OK?

We want to keep information from interiews publicly available for project contributors. With all our interview we remove personally identifiable information, like names, organisations, countries. We will send you the notes for review and wait for your approval to publish them. It would be perfectly ok for you to decide at that time that you don't want them public after all.

Do you have any questions before we begin?

Today we'd like to focus on a new feature we're planning to ship in SecureDrop 0.7 - a GUI for updating Tails SecureDrop workstations. We want to understand if you have update issues and if the updater GUI might help you with them.

To understand how Tails workstations updates are done

One part of SecureDrop that does not automatically update, are the Tails scripts - that set up for example the Desktop shortcuts - on the Admin and Journalist Tails workstations.

And so, I'd like to start by learning a little about Tails SecureDrop workstation updates.

Can you tell me who does these updates?

(Follow-up if answer is "me") As an admin, tell me about the last time you did a SecureDrop workstation update? (Follow-up if answer is "no or I don't know") Oh, why is that?

Great, and do you also do these updates for journalist workstations?

(Follow-up if answer is "yes") Can you tell me about the last time you did a journalist workstation update? (Follow-up if answer is "no or I don't know") Oh, why is that? (Follow-up if answer is "someone else/name") Oh, why is that?

Probing about updates issues

How do you know when you should do an update to a workstation?

(Possible follow-up) Where do you get your update notifications related information from?

How much time are you spending to solve this problem now?

Are you the person who supports journalists with their SecureDrop related issues?

(Possible follow-up: And who do you go to if you have SecureDrop related questions?)

Using a screenshare, interviewer explains the solution in 0.7. I'm going to be your fingers, you tell me what to do.

TESTING OBJECTIVE: Is there sufficient information in the TAILS updater GUI for the user to successfully update the machine?

SUCCESS WILL BE: the user has successfully updated the machine with no issues.

(Preamble) OK, so I'm going to share my screen with you.

Because we're using Jitsi, you won't be able to "take control of the machine", so, I'll have to be your hands and you can tell me what buttons to click. I'll ask you questions, and why?

Any questions about what we're going to do?

(Follow-up if so) Answer them. (Follow-up if not) "Great, let's get started"

So, let's pretend you've booted one the of the Tails workstations, logged into the machine and are connected to Tor.

This screen pops up.

Remember, I'm going to be your hands so you'll have to describe exactly what you want me to do.

Tell me, what do you?

(Follow-up) Don't forget you've just booted this machine. Why did you choose that option?

(When it comes to sudo password enter) Do you have that password in your memory, or do you store it somewhere?

(Follow-up) Why do you think you're being asked for the sudo password? (Follow-up) Who else knows that password?

(When update finishes successfully) Can you tell me what you think has just happened?

(Follow-up) Has it finished successfully? (Follow-up) How do you know?

Updater GUI and update issues

Do you commonly face issues during updates? What are they?

(Follow-up) How will this updater GUI work in the case of those issues? (Follow-up) Is there any issues where this might not work?

Thanks very much $USER for your time and patience

Would it be OK for us to contact you in the future and ask you for your time to do similar activities to this?

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