What's Changed
- [feat|sde] support edr api for the consume data. by @adityagajbhiye9 in #64
- [feat|sde-consume data] Support combine zip download. by @adityagajbhiye9 in #65
- [feat|sde-download history|major] consume data and maintain download history. by @adityagajbhiye9 in #66
- chore!: added CodeQl workflow and dependabot workflow by @adityagajbhiye9 in #109
- [feat|sde-backend] : added policy controller for policy management. by @ChetanT-System in #110
- [feat|sde-backend] : EDC API's updation and other refactor classes. by @ChetanT-System in #111
- [feat|sde-backend] : Update edc asset api refactor for supported submodels. by @ChetanT-System in #112
- [feat|sde-backend] : PCF exchange draft code changes by @ChetanT-System in #113
- [feat|sde-backend] : PCF exchange service implementation code updated. by @ChetanT-System in #114
- [feat|sde-backend] : Added controller interface api's for PCF Exchange. by @ChetanT-System in #115
- [doc] : Updated documents. by @ChetanT-System in #116
- chore: Trivy workflow updated by @adityagajbhiye9 in #131
- [doc]: dependency file updated by @ChetanT-System in #133
- feat : Draft code changes for multi submodel version support by @ChetanT-System in #134
- feat : Draft code changes for multi submodel version support impl by @ChetanT-System in #135
- feat : Draft code changes for multi submodel version support impl part 1 by @ChetanT-System in #136
- feat : Draft code changes for multi submodel version support impl part 2 by @ChetanT-System in #137
- feat : Draft code changes for multi submodel version support impl part 3 by @ChetanT-System in #138
- feat : code changes for new serial part submodel with multi version and removed not supported maven modules by @ChetanT-System in #139
- feat : New maven module for single level bom as built submodel by @ChetanT-System in #140
- feat : New maven module for part type information submodel by @ChetanT-System in #141
- feat : Refactored batch maven module to support multi versions. by @ChetanT-System in #142
- feat : Refactored partasplanned and SingleLevelBoMAsPlanned maven module to support multi versions by @ChetanT-System in #143
- feat : Refactored part site information as planned maven module to support multi versions. by @ChetanT-System in #144
- feat : Refactored single level usage as built maven module to support multi versions by @ChetanT-System in #145
- feat : Refactored pcf maven module to support multi versions by @ChetanT-System in #146
- fix | rename edc_request_template directory by @sachinargade123 in #148
- doc | Added new flyway missing files by @ChetanT-System in #149
- fix | dependabot bump version fix by @sachinargade123 in #150
- feat | Supporting new submodel Singlelevelbomasplanned by @sachinargade123 in #151
- feat | Release edc 7 support by @sachinargade123 in #152
- feat | Release dt access api support 1 by @sachinargade123 in #153
- feat | Release refactor pcf dt edc code to fix breaking change by @sachinargade123 in #154
- feat | Digital twin access rule api use in digital twin processing by @sachinargade123 in #156
- feat | Added pcf and policy test case by @sachinargade123 in #157
- feat | refactor code for stable release by @sachinargade123 in #158
- fix | Security issue fix 2405 by @sachinargade123 in #169
- doc | sde documentation 24.05 by @ChetanT-System in #171
- chore updated changelog by @adityagajbhiye9 in #172
- chore docker notice.md updated by @adityagajbhiye9 in #173
Full Changelog: v2.3.6...v2.4.0