- Implementation of Berlin phase
- Berlin Timestamp for Camino is 18.12.2024 at 10:00 UTC
- Berlin Timestamp for Columbus is 28.11.2024 at 10:00 UTC
- New DAC voting system
- Enhanced address states with more granular roles
- KYB verified address state introduction
- Multisig alias improvements
Previously, all releases were in camino-node.
Now camino-node is merged back into caminogo and all future releases will be handled here. Camino-node repo should be considered obsolete.
Cortina 0
Applies avalanche Cortina 0 phase.
Address states
Introduces more fine granular roles for p-chain admin address-state.
Introduces KYB verified address state which grants the same permissions as KYC verified does.
DAC voting
Introduces DAC voting system.
AddProposalTx can be used to create proposals and AddVoteTx to vote on them.
Only validators that were active at the moment of proposal creation can vote on those proposals. Supported proposal types: AddMemberProposal, ExcludeMemberProposal, GeneralProposal.
Adds admin proposals that are executed immediately after creation bypassing voting stage. Those proposals can be only created by specific role.
Consortium address state bit is now only editable via AddMember and ExcludeMember proposals.
Multisig aliases
Allows MultisigAliasTx to remove multisig aliases.
Forbid to create nested/composite or empty multisig alias.
What's Changed
- [PVM] Forbid nested msig aliases by @evlekht in #272
- [Client] Add client getter for deposit offers by @knikos in #279
- DAC voting, base fee proposal by @evlekht in #269
- [Client] add unmarshaling logic to JSONByteSlice by @knikos in #280
- [DAC] AddMemberProposal by @evlekht in #277
- [PVM, DAC] Admin proposals by @evlekht in #282
- [DAC] ExcludeMemberProposal by @evlekht in #278
- [PVM, DAC] Bugfixes, tests, early-exit by fail by @evlekht in #284
- [PVM, DAC] Fee distribution proposal by @evlekht in #286
- [PVM] Small deposit offer bugfixes by @evlekht in #287
- update golangci-lint github action by @mo-c4t in #289
- [PVM, DAC] General proposal by @evlekht in #285
- [GENESIS] Increase kopernikus genesis validator duration by @evlekht in #292
- Merge camino-node repo into caminogo by @evlekht in #290
- Updated version and compatibility to 1.1.0 in advance by @evlekht in #293
- Ava-labs/avalanchego 1.10.0 by @evlekht in #294
- [GENESIS] Make camino part of genesis fully optional by @evlekht in #366
- [DOCKER, WORKFLOWS] Fix dockerfile, fix already existing symbolic link error, exclude CNR from lint by @mo-c4t in #367
- [PVM] Fix CaminoRewardValidatorTx onAbort address state by @evlekht in #368
- [PVM] replace nil-signers Sign with Initialize, make syncGenesis private by @evlekht in #370
- [PVM, EVM] Fixed collectRewardsTx cross-chain request/response handling by @evlekht in #369
- Cleanup after cortina merge, reduce diff with avax by @evlekht in #371
- [PVM] AddressStateTx and tests refactoring by @evlekht in #372
- [PVM] Refactor tests by @evlekht in #373
- [PVM] Disable baseFee and feeDistribution proposal before CairoPhase by @evlekht in #374
- [PVM] Add validator admin role, reduce root admin permissions by @evlekht in #376
- [PVM] Fix avax TestBanffProposalBlockUpdateStakers test by @evlekht in #381
- [WORKFLOWS] workflows refactoring by @mo-c4t in #375
- [WORKFLOWS] Fix license headers by @mo-c4t in #380
- Updated kopernikus genesis by @Noctunus in #379
- [PVM] Add kyb verified state, allow kyb verified to propose add member by @evlekht in #378
- [PVM] Add the functionality of multisig alias definition removal in MultisigAliasTx by @charalarg @evlekht in #377
- Update phase timestamp maps, fix pvm test phase times by @evlekht in #383
- [PVM] limit AddDepositOfferTx zero-limits offer check to berlin phase by @evlekht in #384
- [PVM] limit MultisigAliasTx nested msig check to berlin phase by @evlekht in #385
- [PVM] Wrap empty-alias check into berlin phase check by @evlekht in #388
- [PVM] Add missing pvm config fields by @evlekht in #389
- [PVM] utxos Lock rewrite by @evlekht in #390
- [PVM] Add missing client methods, add encoding arg to block requests by @evlekht in #391
- [PVM] Client fixes, update evm dependency by @evlekht in #393
- [PVM] Node deferring and address state bugfixes by @evlekht in #392
- [VERSION] Sets kopernikus and columbus berlin & cortina timestamps by @evlekht in #394
- Fix scripts/constants.sh evm version & commit by @evlekht in #395
- Fix phase timestamp inconsistency by @evlekht in #396
- [PVM] Add syntactic check to Lock to/change args by @evlekht in #397
- set Berlin timestamp for columbus by @mo-c4t in #398
You can pull the node image for this release from docker hub:
docker pull c4tplatform/camino-node:v1.1.0