- #546 Set CSSNano z-index to false in production config. (@chrisberthe)
- #573 Goodbye CircleCI 👋. (@shopify-admins)
- Chris Berthe (chrisberthe)
- R. V. d. Mijnsbrugge (rvdmijnsbrugge)
- Thomas Kelly (t-kelly)
- shopify-admins
- #515 [slate-cssvar-loader] Escape double quotes from liquid variable. (@mmorissette)
- #516 Make instructions for prompt settings more obvious. (@chrisberthe)
- Chris Berthe (chrisberthe)
- Martin Morissette (mmorissette)
- Thomas Kelly (t-kelly)
- #506 Fix default cssVarLoaderLiquidPath for the slate-cssvar-loader package. (@mmorissette)
- Martin Morissette (mmorissette)
- Thomas Kelly (t-kelly)
- #497 Update prompt settings instructions. (@chrisberthe)
- Chris Berthe (chrisberthe)
- Thomas Kelly (t-kelly)
- #450 Webpack v4. Add template and layout specific JS entrypoints.
- #488 Add concat-style-loader to handle Liquid Style files. (@t-kelly)
Huge performance improvements for Themes on it's way with the introduction of Webpack 4 and its automatic bundle splitting. This allows Layouts and Templates to have their own independent JS and CSS bundles that are only loaded on the appropriate page(s). Say goodbye to JS and CSS bloat!
You must now include the following in the <head>
of any layout file you wish to have JS and CSS. For example, this is what you would put inside the <head>
of your layout/theme.liquid
{% include 'script-tags', layout: 'theme' %}
{% include 'style-tags' %}
These snippets are generated automatically by Slate Tools at build. Their contents include <script>
and <link>
tags for each JS and CSS bundles.
You now must also have a src/assets/scripts/layout
folder and a src/assets/scripts/templates
. Any file contained in these folders which have a name the same as their Liquid counterpart is considered an entrypoint. For example, if I create a src/assets/scripts/templates/index.js
file, it's contents will only be downloaded and run when a user visits the Index page.
- Thomas Kelly (t-kelly)
- Other
- #426 Clearer SCSS Documentation. (@jesster2k10)
- Jesse Onolememen (jesster2k10)
- Ricardo Macario (rickitan)
- Thomas Kelly (t-kelly)
- #397 Grab the entire cssvar value when running the slate-cssvar-loader (@mmorissette)
- #400 Add docs on using yarn start with env flag. (@jonathanmoore)
- Jonathan Moore (jonathanmoore)
- Martin Morissette (mmorissette)
- Thomas Kelly (t-kelly)
- #319 Translation - customer.order.shipping_company updated to carrier. (@paulmason)
- #294 Rte helpers fallback class. (@NathanPJF)
- #288 Display the gift card's initial value. (@maximevaillancourt)
- #284 Add parameters to RTE wrapper methods. (@maximevaillancourt)
- #281 Tracking information for order page. (@NathanPJF)
- #280 Add dutch locale. (@driespieters)
- #323 Beautify settings files on migration. (@maximevaillancourt)
- #318 Fix Upload folder path in 'open:zip' gulp task. (@maximevaillancourt)
- #313 Update slate-theme with PT-pt. (@gabrielajungblut)
- #312 Update slate-theme with reviewed copy for PT-br. (@gabrielajungblut)
- #287 Auto-select the gift card's code on click. (@maximevaillancourt)
- #303 Change dev script click event target from document to minimize button.(@Investopedia)
- Other
- Adrian Humphreys (adrhumphreys)
- DriesP (driespieters)
- Joe Refoy (Jore)
- Maxime Vaillancourt (maximevaillancourt)
- Nathan Ferguson (NathanPJF)
- Paul Mason (paulmason)
- Thomas Kelly (t-kelly)
- Investopedia
- gabrielajungblut
- Thomas Kelly (t-kelly)
- Thomas Kelly (t-kelly)
- Thomas Kelly (t-kelly)
- #242 add charset to stylesheet. (@NathanPJF)
- #207 Adding danish translation. (@madsobel)
v0.11.0 (2017-07-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Docs new getting started #205 (NathanPJF)
- Use @shopify/slate-tools v0.3.3 #203 (NathanPJF)
- 0.11.0 #202 (NathanPJF)
- Help users avoid resetting their theme data #201 (t-kelly)
- Update settings for header section #198 (t-kelly)
- Update normalize scss to v7 #194 (t-kelly)
- Add Jest for testing #193 (t-kelly)
- trapFocus() - Replace eventNameSpace with namespace #187 (huguestennier)
v0.10.2 (2017-06-16)
Merged pull requests:
- add a sample gitignore #179 (NathanPJF)
- Flushing cache #178 (NathanPJF)
- Node version statement #175 (NathanPJF)
- use product drop for detecting default variant #164 (NathanPJF)
- Fix build tools doc #161 (chrisberthe)
v0.10.1 (2017-05-26)
Merged pull requests:
- remove theme-support email, not theirs to support #163 (NathanPJF)
- add changelog and changelog config #162 (NathanPJF)
- Clean up and minify SVGs #158 (chrisberthe)
- Remove old spec folder for Ruby i18n translation tests #157 (chrisberthe)
- Modify checks for empty drops #156 (chrisberthe)
- Update for accessible payment icons #155 (chrisberthe)
- Update docs with yarn option #152 (macdonaldr93)
- Remove Extra 'two' in theme docs #151 (jgodson)
- Add test command documentation #143 (chrisberthe)
- Remove unused variable #140 (Jore)
- Fix typo #139 (Jore)
- Fixed a couple of broken links in docs. #137 (greenboyroy)
- Change media mixin to media-query #136 (declank)
- Small documentation edits #122 (RichardLitt)
- add theme-lint, remove some gems #105 (NathanPJF)
v0.10.0 (2017-04-19)
Merged pull requests:
- bump to version 0.10.0 #129 (NathanPJF)
- document cart.js #128 (NathanPJF)
- add to docs and section-js #125 (NathanPJF)
- Docs theme scaffolding sass, js, and locales #124 (NathanPJF)
- Fix broken license link in readme #119 (tiffanytse)
- specifc -> specific #118 (joshubrown)
- Add cart cookies disabled message #101 (ruairiphackett)
- add production env #84 (NathanPJF)
v0.9.7 (2017-04-07)
Merged pull requests:
- bump slate-tools and slate-theme #115 (NathanPJF)
- Add defaultTo function #114 (jonathanmoore)
- Compare at price logic #111 (NathanPJF)
- Add product position #110 (NathanPJF)
- add tracking for zip file #109 (NathanPJF)
- Templates issues prs #107 (NathanPJF)
- Readme consistency #106 (NathanPJF)
- Clean up before making repo public. #104 (NathanPJF)
- Progress bar fix slate tools #103 (NathanPJF)
v0.9.5 (2017-03-01)
Merged pull requests:
- Version bump 0.9.5 #102 (NathanPJF)
- Article comment status checking #100 (NathanPJF)
- Use data attr selectors instead of class selectors #98 (NathanPJF)
- add docs about section events and registering #94 (NathanPJF)
- more detailed docs on variant JS #93 (NathanPJF)
- Add documentation for migrate command #88 (cshold)
- Bump slate-tools version and patch #87 (stevebosworth)
- Fix instance removal #85 (cshold)
- update slate-tools and version number #80 (stevebosworth)
- add apple pay svg #79 (NathanPJF)
- Remove Lodash dependency #78 (cshold)
- indentation on if-statements fix #77 (NathanPJF)
- stronger contains check #76 (NathanPJF)
- remove hardcoded strings #75 (NathanPJF)
- [docs] clean up command descriptions #73 (NathanPJF)
- [docs] explain how to get theme id #71 (NathanPJF)
- add product variants link to JS examples sidebar #68 (NathanPJF)
- [Docs] fix list formatting, change icons description #67 (NathanPJF)
- [Docs] Fix broken HTML on js-examples #66 (cshold)
- [Docs] Fix iframe 301 redirects #65 (cshold)
- [Docs] Absolute paths for iframe src #63 (cshold)
- Fix formatting in js-examples #62 (chrisberthe)
- [Docs] Update to relative urls #61 (cshold)
- [Docs] Active class for sidebar #60 (cshold)
- [Docs] Temporarily duplicate the slate styles for use in docs #59 (cshold)
- [Docs] Revert Jekyll config change #58 (cshold)
- [Docs] Move Jekyll config to root and add source #57 (cshold)
- [Docs] Switch from Jekyll to github-pages gem #55 (cshold)
- [Docs] Specify file extension for scss imports #54 (cshold)
- All the new docs #41 (cshold)
v0.9.2 (2016-11-29)
v0.9.1 (2016-11-24)
Merged pull requests:
- Deploy fixes and node_modules #53 (stevebosworth)
v0.9.0 (2016-11-22)
Merged pull requests:
- updated slate-tools version #52 (stevebosworth)
- Remove linting from CI tests #51 (cshold)
- Deploy js #50 (stevebosworth)
- fix block scope issue #49 (stevebosworth)
- fixed more node errors #47 (stevebosworth)
- Deploy fix #46 (stevebosworth)
- fix shipit deploy error #45 (stevebosworth)
- fixes master select not updating #44 (stevebosworth)
- Deploy unbuilt theme #43 (stevebosworth)
- General cleanup and organization #40 (cshold)
- Remove old doc folder #39 (cshold)
- Force icons to inherit currentColor #38 (cshold)
- Add shipit deploys of built theme to S3 #36 (stevebosworth)
- Fix a curved line in icon-arrow-down svg #34 (cshold)
- Add featured product as default section #33 (cshold)
- Slate product section #32 (cshold)
- fixes reference to old JS file #31 (stevebosworth)
- Slate featured collection + collection list sections #30 (cshold)
- Cart discounts #29 (stevebosworth)
- Switch to slate tools #28 (macdonaldr93)
- updated giftcard.js #27 (stevebosworth)
- fixed linting errors #26 (stevebosworth)
- Support js and js.liquid theme js #25 (cshold)
- Update to sections and variant js #24 (stevebosworth)
- Remove ejs files. Temporary solution #23 (cshold)
- Sectionize header and footer #22 (cshold)
- New social sharing snippet #21 (cshold)
- Liquid cleanup #20 (cshold)
- Update vendor js build #18 (macdonaldr93)
- removed last of the single use snippets #17 (stevebosworth)
- Switch to gulp-include for theme JS #16 (cshold)
- Remove duplicate dependencies #14 (macdonaldr93)
- Remove old onboarding states #13 (cshold)
- Turn linting off by default #8 (macdonaldr93)
- Toggle linting #7 (macdonaldr93)
- Fix single section files watch #6 (macdonaldr93)
- Move schema to bottom of compiled file #4 (macdonaldr93)
- Prevent the following of redirects for custom domains #3 (richgilbank)
- Fix path for build/watch on sections #2 (macdonaldr93)
- Version rev #1 (macdonaldr93)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator