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363 lines (284 loc) · 43.4 KB

File metadata and controls

363 lines (284 loc) · 43.4 KB

2.29.0 (September 24, 2020)


  • azurerm_api_management - the value None has been removed from the identity block to match other resources, to specify an API Management Service with no Managed Identity remove the identity block (#8411)
  • azurerm_container_registry - the storage_account_id property now forces a new resource as required by the updated API version (#8477)
  • azurerm_virtual_hub_connection - deprecating the field vitual_network_to_hub_gateways_traffic_allowed since due to a breaking change in the API behaviour this is no longer used (#7601)
  • azurerm_virtual_hub_connection - deprecating the field hub_to_vitual_network_traffic_allowed since due to a breaking change in the API behaviour this is no longer used (#7601)
  • azurerm_virtual_wan - deprecating the field allow_vnet_to_vnet_traffic since due to a breaking change in the API behaviour this is no longer used (#7601)


  • New Data Source: azurerm_data_share_dataset_kusto_cluster (#8464)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_databricks_workspace (#8502)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_firewall_policy (#7390)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_storage_sync_group (#8462)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_mssql_server (#7917)
  • New Resource: azurerm_data_share_dataset_kusto_cluster (#8464)
  • New Resource: azurerm_firewall_policy (#7390)
  • New Resource: azurerm_mysql_server_key (#8125)
  • New Resource: azurerm_postgresql_server_key (#8126)


  • dependencies: updating to v46.3.0 (#8592)
  • dependencies: updating containerregistry to 2019-05-01 (#8477)
  • Data Source: azurerm_api_management - export the private_ip_addresses attribute for primary and additional locations (#8290)
  • azurerm_api_management - support the virtual_network_configuration block for additional locations (#8290)
  • azurerm_api_management - export the private_ip_addresses attribute for additional locations (#8290)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_account - support the Serverless value for the capabilities property (#8533)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container - support for the indexing_policy property (#8461)
  • azurerm_mssql_server - support for the recover_database_id and restore_dropped_database_id properties (#7917)
  • azurerm_policy_set_definition - support for typed parameter values other then string in the policy_definition_reference block deprecating parameters in favour of parameter_vcaluess (#8270)
  • azurerm_search_service - Add support for allowed_ips (#8557)
  • azurerm_service_fabric_cluster - Remove two block limit for client_certificate_thumbprint (#8521)
  • azurerm_signalr_service - support for delta updates (#8541)
  • azurerm_spring_cloud_service - support for configuring the network block (#8568)
  • azurerm_virtual_hub_connection - deprecating the field vitual_network_to_hub_gateways_traffic_allowed since due to a breaking change in the API behaviour this is no longer used (#7601)
  • azurerm_virtual_hub_connection - deprecating the field hub_to_vitual_network_traffic_allowed since due to a breaking change in the API behaviour this is no longer used (#7601)
  • azurerm_virtual_hub_connection - switching to use the now separate API for provisioning these resources (#7601)
  • azurerm_virtual_wan - deprecating the field allow_vnet_to_vnet_traffic since due to a breaking change in the API behaviour this is no longer used (#7601)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine - support for updating the license_type field (#8542)


  • azurerm_api_management - the value None for the field type within the identity block has been removed - to remove a managed identity remove the identity block (#8411)
  • azurerm_app_service - don't try to manage source_control when scm_type is VSTSRM (#8531)
  • azurerm_function_app - don't try to manage source_control when scm_type is VSTSRM (#8531)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - picking the first system node pool if the original default_node_pool has been removed (#8503)

2.28.0 (September 17, 2020)


  • The id field for the azurerm_role_definition changed in release 2.27.0 to work around a bug in the Azure API when using management groups, where the Scope isn't returned - the existing id field is available as role_definition_resource_id from this version of the Azure Provider.


  • New Data Source: azurerm_data_share_dataset_data_lake_gen2 [#7907]
  • New Data Source: azurerm_servicebus_queue_authorization_rule (#8438)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_storage_sync [#7843]
  • New Resource: azurerm_data_share_dataset_data_lake_gen2 (#7907)
  • New Resource: azurerm_lighthouse_definition (#6560)
  • New Resource: azurerm_lighthouse_assignment (#6560)
  • New Resource: azurerm_mssql_server_extended_auditing_policy (#8447)
  • New Resource: azurerm_storage_sync (#7843)
  • New Resource: azurerm_synapse_sql_pool (#8095)


  • Data Source: azurerm_app_service_environment - Expose vip information of an app service environment (#8487)
  • Data Source: azurerm_function_app - export the identity block (#8389)
  • azurerm_app_service_hybrid_connection - support relays in different namespaces (#8370)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_cassandra_keyspace - support the autoscale_settings block (#7773)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_gremlin_database - support the autoscale_settings block (#7773)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_gremlin_graph - support the autoscale_settings block (#7773)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_collection - support the autoscale_settings block (#7773)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_mongo_database - support the autoscale_settings block (#7773)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_container - support the autoscale_settings block (#7773)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_sql_database - support the autoscale_settings block (#7773)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_table - support the autoscale_settings block (#7773)
  • azurerm_firewall - support the management_ip_configuration block (#8235)
  • azurerm_storage_account_customer_managed_key - support for key rotation (#7836)


  • Data Source: azurerm_function_app_host_keys - Fix a crash when null ID sometimes returned by API (#8430)
  • azurerm_cognitive_account - correctly wait on update logic (#8386)
  • azurerm_eventhub_consumer_group - allow the name property to be set to $Default (#8388)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - ensure the OMS Agent Log Analytics Workspace case is preserved after disabling/enabling (#8374)
  • azurerm_management_group_id - loosen case restritions during parsing of management group ID (#8024)
  • azurerm_packet_capture - fix to ID path to match change in API (#8167)
  • azurerm_role_definition - expose role_definition_resource_id (#8492)

2.27.0 (September 10, 2020)


  • The id field for the azurerm_role_definition has changed in this release to work around a bug in the Azure API when using management groups, where the Scope isn't returned - the existing id field is available as role_definition_resource_id on the new resource from version 2.28.0 of the Azure Provider.


  • New Data Source: azurerm_attestation_provider (#7885)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_function_app_host_keys (#7902)
  • New Data Source: azurerm_lb_rule (#8365)
  • New Resource: azurerm_mssql_database_extended_auditing_policy (#7793)
  • New Resource: azurerm_attestation_provider (#7885)
  • New Resource: azurerm_api_management_api_diagnostic (#7873)
  • New Resource: azurerm_data_factory_linked_service_azure_sql_database (#8349)


  • Data Source: azurerm_virtual_network_gateway - exposing aad_audience, aad_issuer and aad_tenant within the vpn_client_configuration block (#8294)
  • azurerm_cosmosdb_account - supporting the value AllowSelfServeUpgradeToMongo36 for the name field within the capabilities block (#8335)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine - Add support for encryption_at_host_enabled (#8322)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - Add support for encryption_at_host_enabled (#8322)
  • azurerm_servicebus_subscription - add support for dead_lettering_on_filter_evaluation_error (#8412)
  • azurerm_spring_cloud_app - support for the identity block (#8336)
  • azurerm_storage_share_directory - Update name validation (#8366)
  • azurerm_virtual_network_gateway - support for aad_audience, aad_issuer and aad_tenant within the vpn_client_configuration block (#8294)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine - Add support for encryption_at_host_enabled (#8322)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set - Add support for encryption_at_host_enabled (#8322)


  • azurerm_api_management_x.y.api_name - validation fix (#8409)
  • azurerm_application_insights_webtests - Fix an issue where the kind property is sometimes set to null (#8372)
  • azurerm_cognitive_account - Fixes a crash when provisioning a QnAMaker and supports AnomalyDetector (#8357)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine - Add WaitForState on VM delete (#8383)
  • azurerm_network_security_group - fixed issue where updates would fail for resource (#8384)
  • azurerm_role_definition - fixed delete operation when role is scoped to Management Group (#6107)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine - Add WaitForState on VM delete (#8383)

2.26.0 (September 04, 2020)


  • Opt-In Beta: This release introduces an opt-in beta for in-line Virtual Machine Scale Set Extensions. This functionality enables the resource to be used with Azure Service Fabric and other extensions that may require creation time inclusion on Scale Set members. Please see the documentation for azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set and azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set for information.


  • New Resource: azurerm_log_analytics_saved_search (#8253)


  • dependencies: updating loganalytics to 2020-03-01-preview (#8234)
  • azurerm_api_management_subscription - Support allow_tracing property (#7969)
  • azurerm_application_gateway - Add support for (#8278)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - Beta support for extension blocks (#8222)
  • azurerm_log_analytics_workspace- the sku value is now optional and defaults to PerGB2018 (#8272)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set - Beta support for extension blocks (#8222)


  • azurerm_cdn_endpoint - fixing the casing of the Resource ID to be consistent (#8237)
  • azurerm_cdn_profile - fixing the casing of the Resource ID to be consistent (#8237)
  • azurerm_key_vault_key - updating the latest version of the key when updating metadata (#8304)
  • azurerm_key_vault_secret - updating the latest version of the secret when updating metadata (#8304)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine - allow updating allow_extension_operations regardless of the value of provision_vm_agent (for when the VM Agent has been installed manually) (#8001)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - working around a bug in the Azure API by always sending the existing Storage Image Reference during updates (#7983)
  • azurerm_network_interface_application_gateway_association - handling the Network Interface being deleted during a refresh (#8267)
  • azurerm_network_interface_application_security_group_association - handling the Network Interface being deleted during a refresh (#8267)
  • azurerm_network_interface_backend_address_pool_association - handling the Network Interface being deleted during a refresh (#8267)
  • azurerm_network_interface_nat_rule_association_resource - handling the Network Interface being deleted during a refresh (#8267)
  • azurerm_network_interface_network_security_group_association - handling the Network Interface being deleted during a refresh (#8267)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine - allow updating allow_extension_operations regardless of the value of provision_vm_agent (for when the VM Agent has been installed manually) (#8001)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set - working around a bug in the Azure API by always sending the existing Storage Image Reference during updates (#7983)

2.25.0 (August 27, 2020)


  • azurerm_container_group - The secure_environment_variables field within the container now maps keys with empty values, which differs from previous versions of this provider which ignored empty values (#8151)


  • New Resource azurerm_spring_cloud_certificate (#8067)


  • dependencies: updating keyvault to 2019-09-01 (#7822)
  • azurerm_app_service_slot_virtual_network_swift_connection - adding validation that the app_service_id is an App Service / Function App ID (#8111)
  • azurerm_app_service_slot_virtual_network_swift_connection - adding validation that the subnet is a Subnet ID (#8111)
  • azurerm_batch_pool - Remove network_configuration from update payload (#8189)
  • azurerm_frontdoor_firewall_policy - match_variable within the match_condition block can now be set to SocketAddr (#8244)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - upgrade_mode="Automatic" no longer requires health probe (#6667)
  • azurerm_key_vault - support for soft_delete_retention_days (#7822)
  • azurerm_shared_image - Support for purchase_plan (#8124)
  • azurerm_shared_image_gallery - validating at import time that the ID is for a Shared Image Gallery (#8240)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set - upgrade_mode="Automatic" no longer requires health probe (#6667)


  • Data Source: azurerm_app_service - ensuring the site_config block is correctly set into the state (#8212)
  • Enhanced Validation: supporting "centralindia", "southindia" and "westindia" as valid regions in Azure Public (working around invalid data from the Azure API) (#8217)
  • azurerm_application_gateway - allow setting ip_addresses within the backend_address_pool block to an empty list (#8210)
  • azurerm_application_gateway - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_container_group - the secure_environment_variables field within the container now maps keys with empty values (#8151)
  • azurerm_dedicated_host - waiting for the resource to be gone 20 times rather than 10 to work around an API issue (#8221)
  • azurerm_dedicated_host_group - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_firewall - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_hardware_security_module - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_lb - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine - support for updating ultra_ssd_enabled within the additional_capabilities block without recreating the virtual machine (#8015)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_managed_disk - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_nat_gateway - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_orchestrated_virtual_machine_scale_set - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_public_ip_prefix - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_public_ip - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_redis_cache - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_virtual_machine_scale_set - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine - support for updating ultra_ssd_enabled within the additional_capabilities block without recreating the virtual machine (#8015)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine_scale_set - adding validation to the zone field (#8233)

2.24.0 (August 20, 2020)


  • New Resource: azurerm_synapse_spark_pool (#7886)


  • dependencies: update containerinstance to API version 2019-12-01 (#8110)
  • azurerm_api_management_api - now supports oauth2_authorization and openid_authentication (#7617)
  • azurerm_policy_definition - mode can now be updated without recreating the resource (#7976)


  • azurerm_frontdoor - ensuring all fields are set into the state (#8146)
  • azurerm_frontdoor - rewriting case-inconsistent Resource ID's to ensure they're reliable (#8146)
  • azurerm_frontdoor_firewall_policy - ensuring all fields are set into the state (#8146)
  • azurerm_frontdoor_firewall_policy - rewriting case-inconsistent Resource ID's to ensure they're reliable (#8146)
  • azurerm_frontdoor_custom_https_configuration - ensuring all fields are set into the state (#8146)
  • azurerm_frontdoor_custom_https_configuration - ensuring the resource_group_name field is set into the state (#8173)
  • azurerm_frontdoor_custom_https_configuration - rewriting case-inconsistent Resource ID's to ensure they're reliable (#8146)
  • azurerm_frontdoor_custom_https_configuration - updating the ID to use the frontendEndpoint's Resource ID rather than a custom Resource ID (#8146)
  • azurerm_lb - switching to use API version 2020-03-01 to workaround a bug in API version 2020-05-01 (#8006)
  • azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool - adding more specific validation for the Load Balancer ID field (#8172)
  • azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool - ensuring all fields are always set into the state (#8172)
  • azurerm_lb_backend_address_pool - switching to use API version 2020-03-01 to workaround a bug in API version 2020-05-01 (#8006)
  • azurerm_lb_nat_pool - adding more specific validation for the Load Balancer ID field (#8172)
  • azurerm_lb_nat_pool - ensuring all fields are always set into the state (#8172)
  • azurerm_lb_nat_pool - switching to use API version 2020-03-01 to workaround a bug in API version 2020-05-01 (#8006)
  • azurerm_lb_nat_rule - adding more specific validation for the Load Balancer ID field (#8172)
  • azurerm_lb_nat_rule - ensuring all fields are always set into the state (#8172)
  • azurerm_lb_nat_rule - switching to use API version 2020-03-01 to workaround a bug in API version 2020-05-01 (#8006)
  • azurerm_lb_outbound_rule - adding more specific validation for the Load Balancer ID field (#8172)
  • azurerm_lb_outbound_rule - ensuring all fields are always set into the state (#8172)
  • azurerm_lb_outbound_rule - switching to use API version 2020-03-01 to workaround a bug in API version 2020-05-01 (#8006)
  • azurerm_lb_probe - adding more specific validation for the Load Balancer ID field (#8172)
  • azurerm_lb_probe - ensuring all fields are always set into the state (#8172)
  • azurerm_lb_probe - switching to use API version 2020-03-01 to workaround a bug in API version 2020-05-01 (#8006)
  • azurerm_lb_rule - adding more specific validation for the Load Balancer ID field (#8172)
  • azurerm_lb_rule - ensuring all fields are always set into the state (#8172)
  • azurerm_lb_rule - switching to use API version 2020-03-01 to workaround a bug in API version 2020-05-01 (#8006)
  • azurerm_storage_account - only sending allow_blob_public_access and min_tls_version in Azure Public since these are currently not supported in other regions (#8148)

2.23.0 (August 13, 2020)


  • New Resource: azurerm_integration_service_environment (#7763)
  • New Resource: azurerm_redis_linked_server (#8026)
  • New Resource: azurerm_synapse_firewall_rule (#7904)


  • Data Source: azurerm_app_service now exports source_control configuration (#7945)
  • Data Source: azurerm_function_app now exports source_control configuration (#7945)
  • Data Source: azurerm_function_app now exports site_config configuration (#7945)
  • azurerm_app_service now supports source_control configuration (#7945)
  • azurerm_function_app now supports source_control configuration (#7945)
  • azurerm_function_app now supports full ip_restriction configuration (#7945)
  • azurerm_function_app now supports full scm_ip_restriction configuration (#7945)
  • azurerm_site_recovery_replicated_vm - support setting target_network_id and network_interface on failover (#5688)
  • azurerm_storage_account - support static_website for BlockBlobStorage account type (#7890)
  • azurerm_storage_account - filter allow_blob_public_access and min_tls_version from Azure US Government (#8092)


  • dependencies: updating containerservice to 2020-04-01 (#7894)
  • dependencies: updating mysql to 2020-01-01 (#8062)
  • dependencies: updating postgresql to 2020-01-01 (#8045)
  • azurerm_eventhub_namespace - support for the identity block (#8065)
  • azurerm_postgresql_server - support for the identity block (#8044)


  • All resources using a location field - allowing the value global when using enhanced validation (#8042)
  • Data Source: azurerm_api_management_user - user_id now accepts single characters (#7975)
  • azurerm_application_gateway - enforce case for the rule_type property (#8061)
  • azurerm_iothub_consumer_group - lock during creation and deletion to workaround an API issue (#8041)
  • azurerm_iothub - the endpoint and route lists can now be cleared by setting them to [] (#8028)
  • azurerm_linux_virtual_machine - handling machines which are already stopped/deallocated (#8000)
  • azurerm_mariadb_virtual_network_rule will now work across subscriptions (#8100)
  • azurerm_monitor_metric_alert_resource - continue using SingleResourceMultiMetricCriteria for existing alerts (#7995)
  • azurerm_mysql_server - prevent a non empty plan when using threat_detection_policy (#7981)
  • azurerm_orchestrated_virtual_machine_scale_set - allow single_placement_group to be true (#7821)
  • azurerm_mysql_server - support for the identity block (#8059)
  • azurerm_storage_account - set default for min_tls_version to TLS_10 (#8152)
  • azurerm_traffic_manager_profile - updating no longer clears all endpoints (#7846)
  • azurerm_windows_virtual_machine - handling machines which are already stopped/deallocated [#8000]'
  • azurerm_data_factory_dataset_delimited_text - fix issue with property azure_blob_storage_account (#7953)

2.22.0 (August 07, 2020)


  • updating to v44.2.0 (#7933)


  • azurerm_cosmosdb_account - support DisableRateLimitingResponses with the capabilities property (#8016)
  • azurerm_storage_account - support for the min_tls_version property (#7879)
  • azurerm_storage_account_sas - support for the signed_version attribute property (#8020)
  • azurerm_servicebus_queue - support for the enable_batched_operations, status, forward_to, and forward_dead_lettered_messages_to (#7990)


  • Data Source: azurerm_key_vault_certificate - fixing a crash when using acmebot certificates (#8029)
  • azurerm_iothub_shared_access_policy - prevent primary_connection_string & secondary_connection_string from regenerating during every apply (#8017)

2.21.0 (July 31, 2020)


  • updating search to 2020-03-13 (#7867)
  • updating go-azure-helpers to v0.11.2 (#7911)


  • New Data Source: azurerm_data_share_dataset_data_lake_gen1 (#7840)
  • New Resource: azurerm_dedicated_hardware_security_module (#7727)


  • azurerm_api_management_identity_provider_aad - Support for signin_tenant (#7901)
  • azurerm_app_service_plan - update the relation between kind and reserved (#7943)
  • azurerm_automation_runbook - recreate azurerm_automation_job_schedule after an update (#7555)
  • azurerm_app_service_slot - support for the application_logs.file_system (#7311)
  • azurerm_firewall - no longer requires a zone (#7817)
  • azurerm_function_app_slot - support for the site_config.auto_swap_slot_name property (#7859)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - support for in-place upgrade from Free to Paid for sku_tier (#7927)
  • azurerm_monitor_scheduled_query_rules_alert - action.0.custom_webhook_payload is now sent as empty to allow for Azure's default to take effect(#7838)
  • azurerm_search_service - support for the public_network_access_enabled property (#7867)
  • azurerm_servicebus_subscription - support for the status property (#7852)


  • azurerm_automation_runbook - allow publish_content_link resource to not be set (#7824)
  • azurerm_api_management_named_value - the value has been marked as sensitive to hide secret values (#7819)
  • azurerm_cognitive_account - allow qname_runtime_endpoint to not be set (#7916)
  • azurerm_iothub_dps - the only valid value for the sku property for the API is now S1 (#7847)
  • azurerm_eventgrid_event_subscription - deprecate the topic_name as it is now readonly in the API (#7871)
  • azurerm_kubernetes_cluster - updates will no longer fail when using managed AAD integration (#7874)

For information on changes between the v2.20.0 and v2.0.0 releases, please see the previous v2.x changelog entries.

For information on changes in version v1.44.0 and prior releases, please see the v1.44.0 changelog.