released this
26 Apr 16:23
Complete changelog
#25144 - Revert PathMatchingHttpSecurityPolicy update which prepends quarkus.http.root-path to policy paths
#25131 - Fix REST Client Reactive path handling for sub-resources
#25127 - MP Config - fix programmatic lookup of custom type config property
#25123 - MP Config - programmatic lookup of "custom" type config property fails
#25111 - Fix lowercase in category description
#25091 - Update security-keycloak-authorization.adoc - added a note for AuthzClient Injection
#25086 - Fixed check whether non-test source sets were added
#25084 - Fix CCE with Map parameterized types
#25081 - Bump flyway.version from 8.5.8 to 8.5.9
#25079 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 8.1.2 to 8.1.3
#25073 - ClassCastException related to Maps on Parameterized test on 2.8.1.Final on Java 11
#25062 - Bump smallrye-jwt version to 3.4.0
#25038 - Fix Map.Entry handling of parameterized tests
#25036 - SmallRye GraphQL 1.4.5
#25035 - Update OidcClientReactiveFilter to ensure only a single Authorization header is set
#25033 - Prevent unnecessary parameter array allocations
#25031 - Save empty array allocation when no path params exist
#25029 - REST Reactive Client when retried, Authorization header is multiplied by OidcClientRequestReactiveFilter
#25028 - Reactive REST client duplicates paths, described by subresources
#25027 - Quarkus testing with @ParameterizedTest
using Map (entries) broken with Java 17 + 18 (xstream)
#25022 - Only log messages once on failure
#25021 - Dump startup logs when dev services fails
#25020 - Better error when DOCKER_HOST invalid
#25019 - Don't fail if we can't transform test classes
#25009 - Oracle DevServices: limit CPU to 2 to avoid excessive memory consumption
#25007 - Configuration profile aware file clarification
#25006 - Fixed registry platforms config merging
#25004 - Use correct method to report unknown properties
#24996 - ConcurrentModificationException when use @GraphQLClientApi
#24995 - Prevent buildpack inception style builds
#24965 - Bump micrometer-bom from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5
#24943 - Continuous testing fails when a dependency brings in an optional dependency and a Jandex index
#24939 - Oracle Devservice fails to launch on hosts with over 100 CPU cores
#24900 - Profile-specific not found in src/test/resources
#24886 - how to disable ssl hostname verify after i configure jwt.verify.publickey.location property?
#24878 - Unrecognized configuration key
warnings since 2.8.0.Final if using config property with list values in YAML
#24845 - Support custom test classes dir under 'target'
#24795 - ArC - custom error message when kotlin List used with All qualifier
#24783 - Add support for sending query params as using a Map in Reactive Rest Client
#24766 - Allow Kotlin Collections.List for @ALL qualifier
#24764 - Allow us to configure dynamic query parameters in the rest client
#24680 - Bump elasticsearch-opensource-components.version from 8.1.1 to 8.1.2
#24666 - Export application name and version in tests
#24589 - Apply some small optimizations to the generated Reactive REST Client
#23752 - maven: Support different/multiple class-directories for tests
#23613 - Prevent inception style buildpack builds
#15013 - Application name and version are not available in test
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