released this
31 Aug 12:22
Major changes
Complete changelog
#19784 - Upgrade build-reporting-maven-extension to 1.0.4
#19780 - Use the proper config values when pulling base image for native build using Jib
#19769 - Provide actionable error message when RESTEasy can't pick Provider constructor
#19760 - Fix dev mode launch on Windows, replace jline with Aesh in the quarkus-maven-plugin
#19756 - Replace "Could not find MessageBodyWriter for response object of type: java.util.ArrayList of media type: application/json" with helpful tip
#19751 - Fix wrong TestInfo test method in @Before/AfterEach
#19748 - Fix typo in vertx.adoc
#19747 - JUnit: Wrong test method passed in TestInfo parameter of BeforeEach/AfterEach methods
#19746 - Update docs to remove not working examples
#19744 - Jib native build failures when setting custom 'quarkus.jib.base-native-image' values
#19739 - Add Nexus 3 instructions
#19731 - Bump com.gradle.enterprise plugin to 3.6.4
#19730 - Updated "Dev UI page" text to link to Dev UI on localhost
#19729 - ArC - use the context object for a custom pseudo-scope
#19725 - Pseudo scope doesn't use the context class object
#19722 - Qute type-safe validation - include all interface methods in hierarchy
#19715 - Fix NPE in TenantConfigBean preventing proper ARC shutdown leading to class loader issues
#19709 - Extension registry repository as a Nexus Repository proxy
#19708 - Fix "Response head already sent"
#19706 - Handle creating the src dir in dev mode
#19699 - Make it easier to access the static OidcTenantConfig from custom tenant resolvers
#19696 - Upgrade build-reporting-maven-extension to 1.0.3
#19695 - Check whether the platform catalog couldn't be resolved from a Maven mirror
#19693 - Fallback to the original registry repo config in case applied mirror/proxy from settings didn't work
#19684 - Add an actionable message when attribute of multipart is a file and not accessed as such
#19677 - RESTEasy Reactive Multipart Json Upload doesn't work for files
#19675 - Reactive Messaging WebSocket Guide
#19673 - Regression: Quarkus 2.2.0 breaks Dev Mode on Windows
#19672 - Mute artifact transfer listener for the registry client used from a Mojo unless debug is enabled
#19655 - Index doesn't pick up new interface implementations during dev mode
#19654 - Upgrade to Hibernate ORM 5.5.7.Final
#19640 - Add section about the execution model in reactive guides
#19635 - Fix Arbitrary file write during archive extraction ("Zip Slip") vulnerability
#19630 - Never propagate a WebApplicationException from the client
#19621 - Response head already sent Exception
#19564 - Qute can't find all fields defined on parent interfaces with strict rendering enabled
#19488 - Either RESTEasy Reactive/REST Client Reactive swallow errors in some scenarios, very difficult to debug
#14551 - Confusing info in guide discussing Reactive Messaging and HTTP
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