released this
19 Oct 15:05
Complete changelog
#28664 - Fix the path of documentation examples
#28660 - Sync the whole doc directory
#28645 - Manage version for Apache Commons Text
#28642 - Use a different DB in test
#28635 - Tests - migrate 2 deprecated Smallrye JWT properties
#28632 - Allow assigning entities to the Hibernate Reactive PU explicitly
#28630 - Qute docs - add a note about evaluation of Uni
#28624 - Resolve gradle user home misconfiguration
#28620 - Do not check if debug port can be used in DEV mode on restart
#28618 - Investigate flaky Flyway test
#28617 - Allow disabling Jackson ObjectMapper WRITE_DURATIONS_AS_TIMESTAMPS
#28614 - Bump kotlinx-serialization-json from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1
#28608 - Avoid NPE in Mongo code when connecting on windows
#28607 - MongoDb Srv connection does not work on windows
#28606 - Clean up the guides
#28605 - Allow disabling Jackson ObjectMapper WRITE_DURATIONS_AS_TIMESTAMPS
#28595 - Allow overriding query parameters from a ContainerRequestFilter
#28581 - Generate the attributes.adoc file during the build
#28576 - panache reactive quarkus.hibernate-orm.packages not working
#28571 - Set logging manager for Gradle test task in codestart
#28570 - Resteasy Reactive JAXB using multipart only bound XML media types
#28569 - Promote quarkus-hibernate-orm-rest-data-panache to stable
#28565 - Validate media types for sub resources in Resteasy Reactive
#28555 - ResteasyReactiveRequestContext.setRequestUri not supporting query parameters
#28550 - Bump jackson-bom from 2.13.4 to
#28542 - Make sure MavenProject Models have pom files set
#28541 - Regression in 2.13.2: NPE in LocalProject
during quarkus-maven-plugin:build
when activating quarkus.bootstrap.workspace-discovery
#28540 - get method doesn't return the value in hash group code snippet in redis reference
#28538 - Enable more config providers for code generators except those found in the root app module
#28537 - Provide a hint for when @QuarkusTest and @QuarkusIntegrationTest are mixed
#28536 - Fix JandexUtil#getBoxedTypeName() and move it to Qute extension
#28533 - Improve error feedback for Keycloak dev service startup
#28526 - ClassCastException: class io.quarkus.test.common.TestResourceManager cannot be cast to class io.quarkus.test.common.TestResourceManager
#28524 - resteasy-reactive-jaxb does not work nicely together with multipart/form-data FileUpload
#28523 - Added category and summary metadata to documentation files
#28491 - Update YAML metadata generation for asciidoc files
#28480 - Docs: YAML Generator changes
#28469 - Bump Reactive Messaging version to 3.21.0
#28463 - go-offline: initialize Maven artifact resolver with the current project dir
#28460 - @consumes ignored for sub-resource
#28437 - [CVE-2022-42003 ] A Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability in com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind
#28420 - Found unrecommended usage of private members (use package-private instead) in framework beans
#28383 - Update CSRF filter to support multipart/form-data payloads
#28379 - CSRF: support multipart forms as well
#28187 - 5005 port is not freed in devmode during the restart
#27615 - Maven go-offline
goal fails in multi-module builds
#26138 - Request logging does not work in @QuarkuTests
#25809 - Important log message shown during Dev Services for Keycloak initialization is lost
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