#1021 Self hosted gitlab support
#1027 Improved new tag dialog to generate semantic versionning tags
#1044 Show a button "View on Github" when creating a PR
#1008 Add "create branch from GitHub issue" option
#1048 Add commands to open remotes on Github
#1010 Add menu entry in extras to force calculate diff
Bug corrections
#975 Metacello asks too many times what to install when there are conflicting versions
#980 Iceberg should Identify better the packages and the normal files
#982 The Edit Project should have a Warning if it will affect the packages
#986 Iceberg does not realize changes in extended classes
#999 Pulling and pushing to a gitolite server asks password
#984 Conversion to Tonel generates corrupted .properties
#1041 Filter in repository view don't work with capital letters
#1019 Metacello Integration leaves Monticello leftover repositories
#859 Creating a branch and pushing does not sets the upstream
#1043 Packages starting with lowercase not recognized
#991 Error on right click in the project editon wizard
#775 Reviewing a PR is broken
#1036 Debugger if we try to merge without selecting a branch
#988 Iceberg should load the packages in a single MCLoader (This will make the loads of packages atomic)
#1001 Use "instance creation" instead of "instance-creation" for method protocol name
#1004 Use displayScaleFactor in UI
#977 Add ToolTip help to the Commands
#1030 Better support for binary files
#1034 SSH passphrase is now hidden
#1018 Iceberg UI relies on deprecated classes from Spec and Commander
#1051 Clean useless huge hierarchy in Github plugin UI
Infrastructure Enhancements
You can’t perform that action at this time.