Releases: alexDickhans/pronounce-this
First competition of spin up
First tournament of the season. We used a turret with manual aiming because we thought that would be a lot more reliable. We only created 1 auton, which was as reliable as we could get this robot. It was pretty slow but the driver control code was very nice. With just motion profiling the auton was very reliable, but the turret decreased this reliability improvement. For the next robot my goal is to make everything about the code more reliable and thought out. This will include building sequences and parallels directly into the state controllers to better fit the task we have. Make the states more simple, and reevalulate the startup sequences that we have. We are hoping to use more data based reasearch with grafana on this new robot.
What's Changed
- add grafana by @alexDickhans in #152
- 2023 upgrades by @alexDickhans in #150
- State machine improvements by @alexDickhans in #153
- Delete behavior by @alexDickhans in #154
- Change units by @alexDickhans in #165
- Update by @alexDickhans in #170
- Update docs by @alexDickhans in #175
- Add Velocity profile and clean up code by @alexDickhans in #172
Full Changelog: v5.6.1...v2.2.0
Competition #5, 1st competition on robot #4
First and only comp with Patrick 4.0
We got tourney finalists, and lost to a goal blocker with semicolon. Prog - 166, Driver - 350, Total 516 placing us 62nd in the world.
Competition #4, 2nd competition on robot #3
All the awards
We got Tourney champs, Excellence award, and Robot skills champion. Not great start, but after that we won the competition with the turtling up strat.
Stuff worked a lot better than last week
Pure pursuit was working really well, the path just needed a little tuning here and there, our grabbing code was the fastest at the comp.
First comp with a robot that has been used at a comp before.
Competition #3, 1st competition on robot #3
We won
First comp with tank pure pursuit, we need to do a lot of work we won tournament champions and excellence. Only autos no skills, need to work on this this week.
What's Changed
- Add intake and odom wheels on competition robot by @ad101-lab in #82
- Add splines to smooth out paths by @ad101-lab in #88
- main.cpp clean up by @ad101-lab in #94
- Tank drive pure pursuit simulator by @ad101-lab in #96
- Tank drive pure pursuit by @ad101-lab in #89
- Closed loop orientation control by @ad101-lab in #100
- Add bang bang controller by @ad101-lab in #101
- Intake dejam by @ad101-lab in #103
- Berthoud awp by @ad101-lab in #108
- Add height adjustment implementation for lift by @ad101-lab in #105
- Add berthoud prog by @ad101-lab in #106
Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v3.3.1
Competition #2, 1st competition on robot #2
Competition #2
Our first competition on our second robot. Pure pursuit working with mecanum kinematics, and 2 40-42 point and 1 solely AWP autonomous.
As a result of this and improvements in the build and driving of the robot we were able to get tournament champions with 60470S Semicolon.
Right steal right
Steals 2 goals on the right side, most successful autonomous.
Left AWP Left
Gets AWP and two goals, we modified this to use in the elims and was successful when we got the goal.
Right AWP Right
Gets the right AWP, 100% reliable(When it runs)
Robot #1 Competition #1
Code for robot #1