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Releases: StackStorm/st2


13 Dec 15:08
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3.8.1 - December 13, 2023


  • Fix proxy auth mode in HA environments #5766 #6049
    Contributed by @floatingstatic

  • Fix issue with linux pack actions failed to run remotely due to incorrect python shebang. #5983 #6042
    Contributed by Ronnie Hoffmann (@ZoeLeah Schwarz IT KG)

  • Fix CI usses #6015
    Contributed by Amanda McGuinness (@amanda11 intive)

  • Bumped paramiko to 2.10.5 to fix an issue with SSH Certs - paramiko/paramiko#2017 (security)
    Contributed by @jk464

  • Avoid logging sensitive information in debug (fix #5977)

  • Fix codecov failures for stackstorm/st2 tests. #6035, #6046, #6048

  • Fix #4676, edge case where --inherit-env is skipped if the action has no parameters

  • Fix ST2 Client for Windows Clients. PWD is a Unix only Libary. #6071
    Contributed by (@philipphomberger Schwarz IT KG)

  • Fix Snyk Security Finding Cross-site Scripting (XSS) in contrib/examples/sensors/ #6070
    Contributed by (@philipphomberger Schwarz IT KG)

  • Update cryptography 3.4.7 -> 39.0.1, pyOpenSSL 21.0.0 -> 23.1.0, paramiko 2.10.5 -> 2.11.0 (security). #6055

  • Bumped eventlet to 0.33.3 and gunicorn to 21.2.0 to fix RecursionError bug in setting SSLContext minimum_version property. (security) #6061
    Contributed by @jk464

  • Update orquesta to v1.6.0 to fix outdated dependencies (security). #6050

  • Fix KV value lookup in actions when RBAC is enabled #5934

  • Update version 3.1.15 of gitpython to 3.1.18 for py3.6 and to 3.1.37 for py3.8 (security). #6063

  • Update importlib-metadata from 3.10.1 to 4.8.3 for py3.6 and to 4.10.1 for py3.8 (security). #6072
    Contributed by @jk464

  • For "local-shell-script" runner, on readonly filesystems, don't attempt to run chmod +x on script_action. Fixes #5591
    Contributed by @jk464




27 Nov 21:51
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3.8.0 - November 18, 2022


  • Fix redis SSL problems with sentinel #5660

  • Fix a bug in the pack config loader so that objects covered by an patternProperties schema
    or arrays using additionalItems schema(s) can use encrypted datastore keys and have their
    default values applied correctly. #5321

    Contributed by @cognifloyd

  • Fixed st2client/st2client/ file to check for http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables for both lower and upper cases.

    Contributed by @S-T-A-R-L-O-R-D

  • Fixed a bug where calling 'get_by_name' on client for getting key details was not returning any results despite key being stored. #5677

    Contributed by @bharath-orchestral

  • Fixed st2client/st2client/ file to use https_proxy(not http_proxy) to check HTTPS_PROXY environment variables.

    Contributed by @wfgydbu

  • Fixed schema utils to more reliably handle schemas that define nested arrays (object-array-object-array-string) as discovered in some
    of the ansible installer RBAC tests (see #5684). This includes a test that reproduced the error so we don't hit this again. #5685

  • Fixed eventlet monkey patching so more of the unit tests work under pytest. #5689

  • Fix and reenable prance-based openapi spec validation, but make our custom x-api-model validation optional as the spec is out-of-date. #5709
    Contributed by @cognifloyd

  • Fixed generation of st2.conf.sample to show correct syntax for [sensorcontainer].partition_provider (space separated key:value pairs). #5710
    Contributed by @cognifloyd

  • Fix access to key-value pairs in workflow and action execution where RBAC rules did not get applied #5764

    Contributed by @m4dcoder

  • Add backward compatibility to secret masking introduced in #5319 to prevent security-relative issues.
    Migration to the new schema is required to take advantage of the full output schema validation. #5783

    Contributed by @m4dcoder



  • BREAKING CHANGE for anyone that uses output_schema, which is disabled by default.
    If you have [system].validate_output_schema = True in st2.conf AND you have added
    output_schema to any of your packs, then you must update your action metadata.

    output_schema must be a full jsonschema now. If a schema is not well-formed, we ignore it.
    Now, output can be types other than object such as list, bool, int, etc.
    This also means that all of an action's output can be masked as a secret.

    To get the same behavior, you'll need to update your output schema.
    For example, this schema:

        type: bool
        type: str

should be updated like this:

      type: object
          type: bool
          type: str
      additionalProperties: false


Contributed by @cognifloyd

  • Changed the X-XSS-Protection HTTP header from 1; mode=block to 0 in the conf/nginx/st2.conf to align with the OWASP security standards. #5298

    Contributed by @LiamRiddell

  • Use PEP 440 direct reference requirements instead of legacy PIP VCS requirements. Now, our *.requirements.txt files use
    package-name@ git+https://url@version ; markers instead of git+https://url@version#egg=package-name ; markers. #5673
    Contributed by @cognifloyd

  • Move from udatetime to ciso8601 for date functionality ahead of supporting python3.9 #5692
    Contributed by Amanda McGuinness (@amanda11 intive)

  • Refactor tests to use python imports to identify test fixtures. #5699 #5702 #5703 #5704 #5705 #5706
    Contributed by @cognifloyd

  • Refactor st2-generate-schemas so that logic is in an importable module. #5708
    Contributed by @cognifloyd


  • Removed st2exporter service. It is unmaintained and does not get installed. It was
    originally meant to help with analytics by exporting executions as json files that
    could be imported into something like elasticsearch. Our code is now instrumented
    to make a wider variety of stats available to metrics drivers. #5676
    Contributed by @cognifloyd


06 May 23:28
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3.7.0 - May 05, 2022


  • Added st2 API get action parameters by ref. #5509
    API endpoint /api/v1/actions/views/parameters/{action_id} accepts ref_or_id.
    Contributed by @DavidMeu

  • Enable setting ttl for MockDatastoreService. #5468
    Contributed by @ytjohn

  • Added st2 API and CLI command for actions clone operation.

    API endpoint /api/v1/actions/{ref_or_id}/clone takes ref_or_id of source action.Request method body takes destination pack and action name. Request method body also takes optional parameter overwrite. overwrite = true in case of destination action already exists and to be overwritten.

    CLI command st2 action clone <ref_or_id> <dest_pack> <dest_action> takes source ref_or_id, destination pack name and destination action name as mandatory arguments. In case destination already exists then command takes optional argument -f or --force to overwrite destination action. #5345

    Contributed by @mahesh-orch.

  • Implemented RBAC functionality for existing KEY_VALUE_VIEW, KEY_VALUE_SET, KEY_VALUE_DELETE and new permission types KEY_VALUE_LIST, KEY_VALUE_ALL. RBAC is enabled in the st2.conf file. Access to a key value pair is checked in the KeyValuePair API controller. #5354
    Contributed by @m4dcoder and @ashwini-orchestral

  • Added service deregistration on shutdown of a service. #5396
    Contributed by @khushboobhatia01

  • Added pysocks python package for SOCKS proxy support. #5460
    Contributed by @kingsleyadam

  • Added support for multiple LDAP hosts to st2-auth-ldap. #5535, StackStorm/st2-auth-ldap#100
    Contributed by @ktyogurt

  • Implemented graceful shutdown for action runner. Enabled graceful_shutdown in st2.conf file. #5428
    Contributed by @khushboobhatia01

  • Enhanced 'search' operator to allow complex criteria matching on payload items. #5482
    Contributed by @erceth

  • Added cancel/pause/resume requester information to execution context. #5554
    Contributed by @khushboobhatia01

  • Added trigger.headers_lower to webhook trigger payload. This allows rules to match webhook triggers without dealing with the case-sensitive nature of trigger.headers, as triggers.headers_lower providers the same headers, but with the header name lower cased. #5038
    Contributed by @Rand01ph

  • Added support to override enabled parameter of resources. #5506
    Contributed by Amanda McGuinness (@amanda11 Intive)

  • Add new api.auth_cookie_secure and api.auth_cookie_same_site config options which specify values which are set for secure and SameSite attribute for the auth cookie we set when authenticating via token / api key in query parameter value (e.g. via st2web).

    For security reasons, api.auth_cookie_secure defaults to True. This should only be changed to False if you have a valid reason to not run StackStorm behind HTTPs proxy.

    Default value for api.auth_cookie_same_site is lax. If you want to disable this functionality so it behaves the same as in the previous releases, you can set that option to None.

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Add new st2 action-alias test <message string> CLI command which allows users to easily test action alias matching and result formatting.

    This command will first try to find a matching alias (same as st2 action-alias match command) and if a match is found, trigger an execution (same as st2 action-alias execute command) and format the execution result.

    This means it uses exactly the same flow as commands on chat, but the interaction avoids chat and hubot which should make testing and developing aliases easier and faster. #5143

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Add new credentials.basic_auth = username:password CLI configuration option.

    This argument allows client to use additional set of basic auth credentials when talking to the StackStorm API endpoints (api, auth, stream) - that is, in addition to the token / api key native StackStorm auth.

    This allows for simple basic auth based multi factor authentication implementation for installations which don't utilize SSO.

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Add new audit message when a user has decrypted a key whether manually in the container (st2 key get [] --decrypt)
    or through a workflow with a defined config. #5594
    Contributed by @dmork123

  • Added garbage collection for rule_enforcement and trace models #5596/5602
    Contributed by Amanda McGuinness (@amanda11 intive)

  • Added garbage collection for workflow execution and task execution objects #4924
    Contributed by @srimandaleeka01 and @amanda11


  • Minor updates for RockyLinux. #5552

    Contributed by Amanda McGuinness (@amanda11 intive)

  • Bump black to v22.3.0 - This is used internally to reformat our python code. #5606

  • Updated paramiko version to 2.10.3 to add support for more key verification algorithms. #5600


  • Fix deserialization bug in st2 API for url encoded payloads. #5536
    Contributed by @sravs-dev

  • Fix issue of WinRM parameter passing fails for larger scripts.#5538
    Contributed by @ashwini-orchestral

  • Fix Type error for time_diff critera comparison. convert the timediff value as float to match timedelta.total_seconds() return. #5462
    Contributed by @blackstrip

  • Fix issue with pack option not working when running policy list cli #5534
    Contributed by @momokuri-3

  • Fix exception thrown if action parameter contains {{ or {% and no closing jinja characters. #5556
    contributed by @guzzijones12

  • Link shutdown routine and sigterm handler to main thread #5555
    Contributed by @khushboobhatia01

  • Change compound index for ActionExecutionDB to improve query performance #5568
    Contributed by @khushboobhatia01

  • Fix build issue due to MarkUpSafe 2.1.0 removing soft_unicode
    Contributed by Amanda McGuinness (@amanda11 intive) #5581

  • Fixed regression caused by #5358. Use string lock name instead of object ID. #5484
    Contributed by @khushboobhatia01

  • Fix st2-self-check script reporting falsey success when the nested workflows runs failed. #5487

  • Fix actions from the contrib/linux pack that fail on CentOS-8 but work on other operating systems and distributions. (bug fix) #4999 #5004
    Reported by @blag and @dove-young contributed by @winem.

  • Use byte type lock name which is supported by all tooz drivers. #5529
    Contributed by @khushboobhatia01

  • Fixed issue where pack index searches are ignoring no_proxy #5497
    Contributed by @minsis

  • Fixed trigger references emitted by linux.file_watch.line. #5467

    Prior to this patch multiple files could be watched but the rule reference of last registered file
    would be used for all trigger emissions causing rule enforcement to fail. References are now tracked
    on a per file basis and used in trigger emissions.

    Contributed by @nzlosh

  • Downgrade tenacity as tooz dependency on tenacity has always been < 7.0.0 #5607
    Contributed by @khushboobhatia01

  • Pin typing-extensions<4.2 (used indirectly by st2client) to maintain python 3.6 support. #5638


22 Nov 21:41
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3.6.0 - October 29, 2021


  • Added possibility to add new values to the KV store via CLI without leaking them to the shell history. #5164

  • st2.conf is now the only place to configure ports for st2api, st2auth, and st2stream.

    We replaced the static .socket sytemd units in deb and rpm packages with a python-based generator for the
    st2api, st2auth, and st2stream services. The generators will get <ip>:<port> from st2.conf
    to create the .socket files dynamically. #5286 and st2-packages#706

    Contributed by @nzlosh


  • Modified action delete API to delete action files from disk along with backward compatibility.

    From CLI st2 action delete <pack>.<action> will delete only action database entry.
    From CLI st2 action delete --remove-files <pack>.<action> or st2 action delete -r <pack>.<action>
    will delete action database entry along with files from disk.

    API action DELETE method with {"remove_files": true} argument in json body will remove database
    entry of action along with files from disk.
    API action DELETE method with {"remove_files": false} or no additional argument in json body will remove
    only action database entry. #5304, #5351, #5360

    Contributed by @mahesh-orch.

  • Removed --python3 deprecated flag from st2client. #5305

    Contributed by Amanda McGuinness (@amanda11 Ammeon Solutions)

    Contributed by @blag.

  • Fixed files to use double quotes to better align with black linting #5299

    Contributed by @blag.

  • Reduced minimum TTL on garbage collection for action executions and trigger instances from 7 days to 1 day. #5287

    Contributed by @ericreeves.

  • update db connect mongo connection test - isMaster MongoDB command depreciated, switch to ping #5302, #5341

    Contributed by @lukepatrick

  • Actionrunner worker shutdown should stop Kombu consumer thread. #5338

    Contributed by @khushboobhatia01

  • Move to using Jinja sandboxed environment #5359

    Contributed by Amanda McGuinness (@amanda11 Ammeon Solutions)

  • Pinned python module networkx to versions between 2.5.1(included) and 2.6(excluded) because Python v3.6 support was dropped in v2.6.
    Also pinned decorator==4.4.2 (dependency of networkx<2.6) to work around missing python 3.8 classifiers on decorator's wheel. #5376

    Contributed by @nzlosh

  • Add new --enable-profiler flag to all the servies. This flag enables cProfiler based profiler
    for the service in question and dumps the profiling data to a file on process

    This functionality should never be used in production, but only in development environments or
    similar when profiling code. #5199

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Add new --enable-eventlet-blocking-detection flag to all the servies. This flag enables
    eventlet long operation / blocked main loop logic which throws an exception if a particular
    code blocks longer than a specific duration in seconds.

    This functionality should never be used in production, but only in development environments or
    similar when debugging code. #5199

  • Silence pylint about dev/debugging utility (tools/ that uses pika because kombu
    doesn't support what it does. If anyone uses that utility, they have to install pika manually. #5380

  • Fixed version of cffi as changes in 1.15.0 meant that it attempted to load #5390

    Contributed by @amanda11, Ammeon Solutions

  • Updated Bash installer to install latest RabbitMQ version rather than out-dated version available
    in OS distributions.

    Contributed by @amanda11, Ammeon Solutions


  • Correct error reported when encrypted key value is reported, and another key value parameter that requires conversion is present. #5328
    Contributed by @amanda11, Ammeon Solutions

  • Make update_executions() atomic by protecting the update with a coordination lock. Actions, like workflows, may have multiple
    concurrent updates to their execution state. This makes those updates safer, which should make the execution status more reliable. #5358

    Contributed by @khushboobhatia01

  • Fix "not iterable" error for output_schema handling. If a schema is not well-formed, we ignore it.
    Also, if action output is anything other than a JSON object, we do not try to process it any more.
    output_schema will change in a future release to support non-object output. #5309

    Contributed by @guzzijones

  • core.inject_trigger: resolve trigger payload shadowing by deprecating trigger param in favor of trigger_name.
    trigger param is still available for backwards compatibility, but will be removed in a future release. #5335 and #5383

    Contributed by @mjtice


28 Jun 16:40
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  • Added web header settings for additional security hardening to nginx.conf: X-Frame-Options,
    Strict-Transport-Security, X-XSS-Protection and server-tokens. #5183

    Contributed by @Shital.

  • Added support for limit and offset argument to the list_values data store
    service method (#5097 and #5171).

    Contributed by @anirudhbagri.

  • Various additional metrics have been added to the action runner service to provide for better
    operational visibility. (improvement) #4846

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Added sensor model to list of JSON schemas auto-generated by make schemasgen that can be used
    by development tools to validate pack contents. (improvement)

  • Added the command line utility st2-validate-pack that can be used by pack developers to
    validate pack contents. (improvement)

  • Fix a bug in the API and CLI code which would prevent users from being able to retrieve resources
    which contain non-ascii (utf-8) characters in the names / references. (bug fix) #5189

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Fix a bug in the API router code and make sure we return correct and user-friendly error to the
    user in case we fail to parse the request URL / path because it contains invalid or incorrectly
    URL encoded data.

    Previously such errors weren't handled correctly which meant original exception with a stack
    trace got propagated to the user. (bug fix) #5189

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Make redis the default coordinator backend.

  • Fix a bug in the pack config loader so that objects covered by an additionalProperties schema
    can use encrypted datastore keys and have their default values applied correctly. #5225

    Contributed by @cognifloyd.

  • Add new database.compressors and database.zlib_compression_level config option which
    specifies compression algorithms client supports for network / transport level compression
    when talking to MongoDB.

    Actual compression algorithm used will be then decided by the server and depends on the
    algorithms which are supported by the server + client.

    Possible / valid values include: zstd, zlib. Keep in mind that zstandard (zstd) is only supported
    by MongoDB >= 4.2.

    Our official Debian and RPM packages bundle zstandard dependency by default which means
    setting this value to zstd should work out of the box as long as the server runs
    MongoDB >= 4.2. #5177

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Add support for compressing the payloads which are sent over the message bus. Compression is
    disabled by default and user can enable it by setting messaging.compression config option
    to one of the following values: zstd, lzma, bz2, gzip.

    In most cases we recommend using zstd (zstandard) since it offers best trade off between
    compression ratio and number of CPU cycles spent for compression and compression.

    How this will affect the deployment and throughput is very much user specific (workflow and
    resources available). It may make sense to enable it when generic action trigger is enabled
    and when working with executions with large textual results. #5241

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Mask secrets in output of an action execution in the API if the action has an output schema
    defined and one or more output parameters are marked as secret. #5250

    Contributed by @mahesh-orch.


  • All the code has been refactored using black and black style is automatically enforced and
    required for all the new code. (#5156)

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Default nginx config (conf/nginx/st2.conf) which is used by the installer and Docker
    images has been updated to only support TLS v1.2 and TLS v1.3 (support for TLS v1.0 and v1.1
    has been removed).

    Keep in mind that TLS v1.3 will only be used when nginx is running on more recent distros
    where nginx is compiled against OpenSSL v1.1.1 which supports TLS 1.3. #5183 #5216

    Contributed by @Kami and @Shital.

  • Add new -x argument to the st2 execution get command which allows
    result field to be excluded from the output. (improvement) #4846

  • Update st2 execution get <id> command to also display execution log attribute which
    includes execution state transition information.

    By default end_timestamp attribute and duration attribute displayed in the command
    output only include the time it took action runner to finish running actual action, but it
    doesn't include the time it it takes action runner container to fully finish running the
    execution - this includes persisting execution result in the database.

    For actions which return large results, there could be a substantial discrepancy - e.g.
    action itself could finish in 0.5 seconds, but writing data to the database could take
    additional 5 seconds after the action code itself was executed.

    For all purposes until the execution result is persisted to the database, execution is
    not considered as finished.

    While writing result to the database action runner is also consuming CPU cycles since
    serialization of large results is a CPU intensive task.

    This means that "elapsed" attribute and start_timestamp + end_timestamp will make it look
    like actual action completed in 0.5 seconds, but in reality it took 5.5 seconds (0.5 + 5 seconds).

    Log attribute can be used to determine actual duration of the execution (from start to
    finish). (improvement) #4846

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Various internal improvements (reducing number of DB queries, speeding up YAML parsing, using
    DB object cache, etc.) which should speed up pack action registration between 15-30%. This is
    especially pronounced with packs which have a lot of actions (e.g. aws one).
    (improvement) #4846

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Underlying database field type and storage format for the Execution, LiveAction,
    WorkflowExecutionDB, TaskExecutionDB and TriggerInstanceDB database models has

    This new format is much faster and efficient than the previous one. Users with larger executions
    (executions with larger results) should see the biggest improvements, but the change also scales
    down so there should also be improvements when reading and writing executions with small and
    medium sized results.

    Our micro and end to benchmarks have shown improvements up to 15-20x for write path (storing
    model in the database) and up to 10x for the read path.

    To put things into perspective - with previous version, running a Python runner action which
    returns 8 MB result would take around ~18 seconds total, but with this new storage format, it
    takes around 2 seconds (in this context, duration means the from the time the execution was
    scheduled to the time the execution model and result was written and available in the database).

    The difference is even larger when working with Orquesta workflows.

    Overall performance improvement doesn't just mean large decrease in those operation timings, but
    also large overall reduction of CPU usage - previously serializing large results was a CPU
    intensive time since it included tons of conversions and transformations back and forth.

    The new format is also around 10-20% more storage efficient which means that it should allows
    for larger model values (MongoDB document size limit is 16 MB).

    The actual change should be fully opaque and transparent to the end users - it's purely a
    field storage implementation detail and the code takes care of automatically handling both
    formats when working with those object.

    Same field data storage optimizations have also been applied to workflow related database models
    which should result in the same performance improvements for Orquesta workflows which pass larger
    data sets / execution results around.

    Trigger instance payload field has also been updated to use this new field type which should
    result in lower CPU utilization and better throughput of rules engine service when working with
    triggers with larger payloads.

    This should address a long standing issue where StackStorm was reported to be slow and CPU
    inefficient with handling large executions.

    If you want to migrate existing database objects to utilize the new type, you can use
    st2common/bin/migrations/v3.5/st2-migrate-db-dict-field-values migration
    script. (improvement) #4846

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Add new result_size field to the ActionExecutionDB model. This field will only be
    populated for executions which utilize new field storage format.

    It holds the size of serialzed execution result field in bytes. This field will allow us to
    implement more efficient execution result retrieval and provide better UX since we will be
    able to avoid loading execution results in the WebUI for executions with very large results
    (which cause browser to freeze). (improvement) #4846

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Add new /v1/executions/<id>/result[?download=1&compress=1&pretty_format=1] API endpoint
    which can be used used to retrieve or download raw execution result as (compressed) JSON file.

    This endpoint will primarily be used by st2web when executions produce very large results so
    we can avoid loading, parsing and formatting those very large results as JSON in the browser
    which freezes the browser window / tab. (improvement) #4846

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Update jinja2 dependency to the latest stable version (2.11.3). #5195

  • Update pyyaml dependency to the latest stable version (5.4). #5207

  • Update various dependencies to latest stable versions (bcrypt, appscheduler, pytz,
    python-dateutil, psutil, passlib, gunicorn, flex, cryptography.
    eventlet, ``gr...

Read more


16 Mar 04:14
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  • Update the service start up code to warn if the service locale encoding is not set to utf-8 #5184
    Contributed by @Kami


  • Use sudo -E to fix GitHub Actions tests #5187
    Contributed by @cognifloyd
  • Properly handle unicode strings in logs #5184
    Contributed by @Kami


04 Mar 07:18
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  • Added support for GitLab SSH URLs on pack install and download actions. (improvement) #5050
    Contributed by @asthLucas

  • Added st2-rbac-backend pip requirements for RBAC integration. (new feature) #5086
    Contributed by @hnanchahal

  • Added notification support for err-stackstorm. (new feature) #5051

  • Added st2-auth-ldap pip requirements for LDAP auth integartion. (new feature) #5082
    Contributed by @hnanchahal

  • Added --register-recreate-virtualenvs flag to st2ctl reload to recreate virtualenvs from scratch. (part of upgrade instructions) [#5167]
    Contributed by @winem and @blag


  • Updated deprecation warning for python 2 pack installs, following python 2 support removal. #5099
    Contributed by @amanda11

  • Improve the st2-self-check script to echo to stderr and exit if it isn't run with a
    ST2_AUTH_TOKEN or ST2_API_KEY environment variable. (improvement) #5068

  • Added timeout parameter for packs.install action to help with long running installs that exceed the
    default timeout of 600 sec which is defined by the python_script action runner (improvement) #5084

    Contributed by @hnanchahal

  • Upgraded cryptography version to 3.2 to avoid CVE-2020-25659 (security) #5095

  • Converted most CI jobs from Travis to GitHub Actions (all except Integration tests).

    Contributed by @nmaludy, @winem, and @blag

  • Updated cryptography dependency to version 3.3.2 to avoid CVE-2020-36242 (security) #5151


  • Pin chardet version as newest version was incompatible with pinned requests version #5101
    Contributed by @amanda11

  • Fixed issue were st2tests was not getting installed using pip because no version was specified.
    Contributed by @anirudhbagri

  • Added monkey patch fix to st2stream to enable it to work with mongodb via SSL. (bug fix) #5078 #5091

  • Fix nginx buffering long polling stream to client. Instead of waiting for closed connection
    wait for final event to be sent to client. (bug fix) #4842 #5042

    Contributed by @guzzijones

  • StackStorm now explicitly decodes pack files as utf-8 instead of implicitly as ascii (bug fix)
    #5106, #5107

  • Fix incorrect array parameter value casting when executing action via chatops or using
    POST /aliasexecution/match_and_execute API endpoint. The code would incorrectly assume the
    value is always a string, but that may not be the cast - they value could already be a list and
    in this case we don't want any casting to be performed. (bug fix) #5141

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Fix @parameter_name=/path/to/file/foo.json notation in the st2 run command which didn't
    work correctly because it didn't convert read bytes to string / unicode type. (bug fix) #5140

    Contributed by @Kami.

  • Fix broken st2 action-alias execute command and make sure it works
    correctly. (bug fix) #5138

    Contributed by @Kami.


  • Removed --python3 pack install option #5100
    Contributed by @amanda11

  • Removed submit-debug-info tool and the st2debug component #5103

  • Removed check-licence script (cleanup) #5092

    Contributed by @kroustou

  • Updated Makefile and CI to use Python 3 only, removing Python 2 (cleanup) #5090

    Contributed by @blag

  • Remove st2resultstracker from st2ctl, the development environment and the st2actions (cleanup) #5108

    Contributed by @winem


22 Oct 19:22
Choose a tag to compare


  • Add make command to autogen JSON schema from the models of action, rule, etc. Add check
    to ensure update to the models require schema to be regenerated. (new feature)

  • Improved st2sensor service logging message when a sensor will not be loaded when assigned to a
    different partition (@punkrokk) #4991

  • Add support for a configurable connect timeout for SSH connections as requested in #4715
    by adding the new configuration parameter ssh_connect_timeout to the ssh_runner
    group in st2.conf. (new feature) #4914

    This option was requested by Harry Lee (@tclh123) and contributed by Marcel Weinberg (@winem).

  • Added a FAQ for the default user/pass for the tools/ script and print out the
    default pass to screen when the script completes. (improvement) #5013

    Contributed by @punkrokk

  • Added deprecation warning if attempt to install or download a pack that only supports
    Python 2. (new feature) #5037

    Contributed by @amanda11

  • Added deprecation warning to each StackStorm service log, if service is running with
    Python 2. (new feature) #5043

    Contributed by @amanda11

  • Added deprecation warning to st2ctl, if st2 python version is Python 2. (new feature) #5044

    Contributed by @amanda11


  • Switch to MongoDB 4.0 as the default version starting with all supported OS's in st2
    v3.3.0 (improvement) #4972

    Contributed by @punkrokk

  • Added an enhancement where ST2api.log no longer reports the entire traceback when trying to get a datastore value
    that does not exist. It now reports a simplified log for cleaner reading. Addresses and Fixes #4979. (improvement) #4981

    Contributed by Justin Sostre (@saucetray)

  • The built-in st2.action.file_writen trigger has been renamed to st2.action.file_written
    to fix the typo (bug fix) #4992

  • Renamed reference to the RBAC backend/plugin from enterprise to default. Updated st2api
    validation to use the new value when checking RBAC configuration. Removed other references to
    enterprise for RBAC related contents. (improvement)

  • Remove authentication headers St2-Api-Key, X-Auth-Token and Cookie from webhook payloads to
    prevent them from being stored in the database. (security bug fix) #4983

    Contributed by @potato and @knagy

  • Updated orquesta to version v1.2.0.


  • Fixed a bug where type attribute was missing for netstat action in linux pack. Fixes #4946

    Reported by @scguoi and contributed by Sheshagiri (@Sheshagiri)

  • Fixed a bug where persisting Orquesta to the MongoDB database returned an error
    message: key 'myvar.with.period' must not contain '.'. This happened anytime an
    input, output, publish or context var contained a key with a . within
    the name (such as with hostnames and IP addresses). This was a regression introduced by
    trying to improve performance. Fixing this bug means we are sacrificing performance of
    serialization/deserialization in favor of correctness for persisting workflows and
    their state to the MongoDB database. (bug fix) #4932

    Contributed by Nick Maludy (@nmaludy Encore Technologies)

  • Fix a bug where passing an empty list to a with items task in a subworkflow causes
    the parent workflow to be stuck in running status. (bug fix) #4954

  • Fixed a bug in the example nginx HA template declared headers twice (bug fix) #4966
    Contributed by @punkrokk

  • Fixed a bug in the paramiko_ssh runner where SSH sockets were not getting cleaned
    up correctly, specifically when specifying a bastion host / jump box. (bug fix) #4973

    Contributed by Nick Maludy (@nmaludy Encore Technologies)

  • Fixed a bytes/string encoding bug in the linux.dig action so it should work on Python 3
    (bug fix) #4993

  • Fixed a bug where a python3 sensor using ssl needs to be monkey patched earlier. See also #4832, #4975 and gevent/gevent#1016 (bug fix) #4976

    Contributed by @punkrokk

  • Fixed bug where action information in RuleDB object was not being parsed properly
    because mongoengine EmbeddedDocument objects were added to JSON_UNFRIENDLY_TYPES and skipped.
    Removed this and added if to use to_json method so that mongoengine EmbeddedDocument
    are parsed properly.

    Contributed by Bradley Bishop (@bishopbm1 Encore Technologies)

  • Fix a regression when updated dnspython pip dependency resulted in
    st2 services unable to connect to mongodb remote host (bug fix) #4997

  • Fixed a regression in the linux.dig action on Python 3. (bug fix) #4993

    Contributed by @blag

  • Fixed a bug in pack installation logging code where unicode strings were not being
    interpolated properly. (bug fix)

    Contributed by @misterpah

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with the latest version of the logging library API
    where the find_caller() function introduced some new variables. (bug fix) #4923

    Contributed by @Dahfizz9897

  • Fixed another logging compatibility issue with the logging API in Python 3.
    The return from the logging.findCaller() implementation now expects a 4-element
    tuple. Also, in Python 3 there are new arguments that are passed in and needs to be
    acted upon, specificall stack_info that determines the new 4th element in the returned
    tuple. (bug fix) #5057

    Contributed by Nick Maludy (@nmaludy Encore Technologies)


  • Removed Mistral workflow engine (deprecation) #5011

    Contributed by Amanda McGuinness (@amanda11 Ammeon Solutions)

  • Removed CentOS 6/RHEL 6 support #4984

    Contributed by Amanda McGuinness (@amanda11 Ammeon Solutions)

  • Removed our fork of codecov-python for CI and have switched back to the upstream version (improvement) #5002


29 Apr 18:08
Choose a tag to compare


  • Add support for blacklisting / whitelisting hosts to the HTTP runner by adding new
    url_hosts_blacklist and url_hosts_whitelist runner attribute. (new feature)
  • Add user parameter to re_run method of st2client. #4785
  • Install pack dependencies automatically. #4769
  • Add support for immutable_parameters on Action Aliases. This feature allows default
    parameters to be supplied to the action on every execution of the alias. #4786
  • Add get_entrypoint() method to ActionResourceManager attribute of st2client.
  • Add support for orquesta task retry. (new feature)
  • Add config option scheduler.execution_scheduling_timeout_threshold_min to better control the cleanup of scheduled actions that were orphaned. #4886


  • Install pack with the latest tag version if it exists when branch is not specialized.
    (improvement) #4743

  • Implement "continue" engine command to orquesta workflow. (improvement) #4740

  • Update various internal dependencies to latest stable versions (apscheduler, eventlet,
    kombu, amqp, pyyaml, mongoengine, python-gnupg, paramiko, tooz, webob, bcrypt).

    Latest version of mongoengine should show some performance improvements (5-20%) when
    writing very large executions (executions with large results) to the database. #4767

  • Improved development instructions in requirements.txt and comment headers
    (improvement) #4774

  • Add new actionrunner.stream_output_buffer_size config option and default it to -1
    (previously default value was 0). This should result in a better performance and smaller
    CPU utilization for Python runner actions which produce a lot of output.

    Reported and contributed by Joshua Meyer (@jdmeyer3) #4803

  • Add new action_runner.pip_opts st2.conf config option which allows user to specify a list
    of command line option which are passed to pip install command when installing pack
    dependencies into a pack specific virtual environment. #4792

  • Refactor how orquesta handles individual item result for with items task. Before the fix,
    when there are a lot of items and/or result size for each item is huge, there is a negative
    performance impact on write to the database when recording the conductor state. (improvement)

  • Remove automatic rendering of workflow output when updating task state for orquesta workflows.
    This caused workflow output to render incorrectly in certain use case. The render_workflow_output
    function must be called separately. (improvement)

  • Update various internal dependencies to latest stable versions (cryptography, jinja2, requests,
    apscheduler, eventlet, amqp, kombu, semver, six) #4819 (improvement)

  • Improve MongoDB connection timeout related code. Connection and server selection timeout is now
    set to 3 seconds. Previously a default value of 30 seconds was used which means that for many
    connection related errors, our code would first wait for this timeout to be reached (30 seconds)
    before returning error to the end user. #4834

  • Upgrade pymongo to the latest stable version (3.10.0.). #4835 (improvement)

  • Updated Paramiko to v2.7.1 to support new PEM ECDSA key formats #4901 (improvement)

  • Remove .scrutinizer.yml config file. No longer used.

  • Convert escaped dict and dynamic fields in workflow db models to normal dict and dynamic fields.
    (performnce improvement)

  • Add support for PEP 508 <>_
    environment markers in generated requirements.txt files. (improvement) #4895

  • Use pip-compile from pip-tools instead of pip-conflict-checker (improvement) #4896

  • Refactor how inbound criteria for join task in orquesta workflow is evaluated to count by
    task completion instead of task transition. (improvement)

  • The workflow engine orquesta is updated to v1.1.0 for the st2 v3.2 release. The version upgrade
    contains various new features and bug fixes. Please review the release notes for the full list of
    changes at and the st2 upgrade notes
    for potential impact. (improvement)


  • Fix the action query when filtering tags. The old implementation returned actions which have the
    provided name as action name and not as tag name. (bug fix) #4828

    Reported by @angrydeveloper and contributed by Marcel Weinberg (@winem)

  • Fix the passing of arrays to shell scripts where the arrays where not detected as such by the
    st2 action_db utility. This caused arrays to be passed as Python lists serialized into a string.

    Reported by @kingsleyadam #4804 and contributed by Marcel Weinberg (@winem) #4861

  • Fix ssh zombies when using ProxyCommand from ssh config #4881 [Eric Edgar]

  • Fix rbac with execution view where the rbac is unable to verify the pack or uid of the execution
    because it was not returned from the action execution db. This would result in an internal server
    error when trying to view the results of a single execution.
    Contributed by Joshua Meyer (@jdmeyer3) #4758

  • Fixed logging middleware to output a content_length of 0 instead of Infinity
    when the type of data being returned is not supported. Previously, when the value was
    set to Infinity this would result in invalid JSON being output into structured
    logs. (bug fix) #4722

    Contributed by Nick Maludy (@nmaludy Encore Technologies)

  • Fix the workflow execution cancelation to proceed even if the workflow execution is not found or
    completed. (bug fix) #4735

  • Added better error handling to contrib/linux/actions/ to inform if dig is not installed.
    Contributed by JP Bourget (@punkrokk Syncurity) #4732

  • Update dist_utils module which is bundled with st2client and other Python packages so it
    doesn't depend on internal pip API and so it works with latest pip version. (bug fix) #4750

  • Fix dependency conflicts in pack CI runs: downgrade requests dependency back to 0.21.0, update
    internal dependencies and test expectations (amqp, pyyaml, prance, six) (bugfix) #4774

  • Fix secrets masking in action parameters section defined inside the rule when using
    GET /v1/rules and GET /v1/rules/<ref> API endpoint. (bug fix) #4788 #4807

    Contributed by @Nicodemos305 and @jeansfelix

  • Fix a bug with authentication API endpoint (POST /auth/v1/tokens) returning internal
    server error when running under gunicorn and whenauth.api_url config option was not set.
    (bug fix) #4809

    Reported by @guzzijones

  • Fixed st2 execution get and st2 run not printing the action.ref for non-workflow
    actions. (bug fix) #4739

    Contributed by Nick Maludy (@nmaludy Encore Technologies)

  • Update st2 execution get command to always include context.user, start_timestamp and
    end_timestamp attributes. (improvement) #4739

  • Fixed core.sendmail base64 encoding of longer subject lines (bug fix) #4795

    Contributed by @stevemuskiewicz and @guzzijones

  • Update all the various rule criteria comparison operators which also work with strings (equals,
    icontains, nequals, etc.) to work correctly on Python 3 deployments if one of the operators is
    of a type bytes and the other is of a type unicode / string. (bug fix) #4831

  • Fix SSL connection support for MongoDB and RabbitMQ which wouldn't work under Python 3 and would
    result in cryptic "maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object" error on
    connection failure.

    NOTE: This issue only affected installations using Python 3. (bug fix) #4832 #4834

    Reported by @alexku7.

  • Fix the amqp connection setup for WorkflowExecutionHandler to pass SSL params. (bug fix) #4845

    Contributed by Tatsuma Matsuki (@mtatsuma)

  • Fix dependency conflicts by updating requests (2.23.0) and gitpython (2.1.15). #4869

  • Fix orquesta syntax error for with items task where action is misindented or missing. (bug fix)
    PR StackStorm/orquesta#195.

  • Fix orquesta yaql/jinja vars extraction to ignore methods of base ctx() dict. (bug fix)
    PR StackStorm/orquesta#196. Fixes #4866.

  • Fix parsing of array of dicts in YAQL functions. Fix regression in YAQL/Jinja conversion
    functions as a result of the change. (bug fix) PR StackStorm/orquesta#191.

    Contributed by Hiroyasu Ohyama (@userlocalhost)


  • Removed Ubuntu 14.04 from test matrix #4897


01 Jul 22:47
Choose a tag to compare


  • Allow the orquesta st2kv function to return default for nonexistent key. (improvement) #4678
  • Update requests library to latest version (2.22.0) in requirements. (improvement) #4680
  • Disallow "decrypt_kv" filter to be specified in the config for values that are marked as
    "secret: True" in the schema. (improvement) #4709
  • Upgrade tooz library to latest stable version (1.65.0) so it uses latest version of
    grpcio library. (improvement) #4713
  • Update st2-pack-install and st2-pack-download CLI command so it supports installing
    packs from local directories which are not git repositories. (improvement) #4713


  • Fix orquesta st2kv to return empty string and null values. (bug fix) #4678
  • Allow tasks defined in the same task transition with fail to run for orquesta. (bug fix)
  • Fix workflow service to handle unexpected coordinator and database errors. (bug fix) #4704 #4705
  • Fix filter to_yaml_string to handle mongoengine base types for dict and list. (bug fix) #4700
  • Fix timeout handling in the Python runner. In some scenarios where action would time out before
    producing any output (stdout, stder), timeout was not correctly propagated to the user. (bug fix)
  • Update st2common/ file so it correctly declares all the dependencies and script
    files it provides. This way st2-pack-* commands can be used in a standalone fashion just by
    installing st2common Python package and nothing else. (bug fix) #4713
  • Fix st2-pack-download command so it works in the environments where sudo binary is not
    available (e.g. Docker). (bug fix) #4713