Sprint 136
AndroidSigning (V2)
Bump version numbers of tasks affected by changing securefiles-common (#7476 ) (2018-06-19)
AndroidSigning (V3)
Use apksigner to sign Android APK, bump up major version (#7544 ) (2018-06-22)
Rename definition to pipeline, endpoint to connection (#7586 ) (2018-06-28)
AppCenterDistribute (V1)
Rename definition to pipeline, endpoint to connection (#7586 ) (2018-06-28)
AppCenterTest (V1)
Rename definition to pipeline, endpoint to connection (#7586 ) (2018-06-28)
AzureAppServiceManage (V0)
Rename definition to pipeline, endpoint to connection (#7586 ) (2018-06-28)
Fix for certificate issue (#7638 ) (2018-07-06)
AzureCLI (V1)
Rename definition to pipeline, endpoint to connection (#7586 ) (2018-06-28)
AzureFileCopy (V1)
Rename definition to pipeline, endpoint to connection (#7586 ) (2018-06-28)
Changes in Azure PowerShell to add support of Management Group (#7590 ) (2018-06-29)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
Users/arjgupta/af cv2 use response file (#7506 ) (2018-06-26)
Rename definition to pipeline, endpoint to connection (#7586 ) (2018-06-28)
Changes in Azure PowerShell to add support of Management Group (#7590 ) (2018-06-29)
AzureFunction (V1)
Rename definition to pipeline, endpoint to connection (#7586 ) (2018-06-28)
AzureKeyVault (V1)
Rename definition to pipeline, endpoint to connection (#7586 ) (2018-06-28)
AzureMonitorAlerts (V0)
Rename definition to pipeline, endpoint to connection (#7586 ) (2018-06-28)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
Handle UTF-8 bom from the downloaded template file. (#7587 ) (2018-07-02)
Fix for certificate issue (#7638 ) (2018-07-06)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)
change in post deployment execution (#7438 ) (2018-06-20)
App service Perf. Improvements Fix (#7497 ) (2018-06-18)
war support for linux agent (#7521 ) (2018-06-20)
Users/suaggar/app service minor change (#7548 ) (2018-06-22)
Users/suaggar/app service minor change (#7565 ) (2018-06-26)
Fix for certificate issue (#7638 ) (2018-07-06)
CopyFilesOverSSH (V0)
Clean up Copy Files over SSH (#7464 ) (2018-06-22)
Docker (V0)
Handle \r line ending char in file parsing (#7472 ) (2018-06-18)
Docker (V1)
Added default labels to the build image (#7394 ) (2018-06-22)
Handle \r line ending char in file parsing (#7472 ) (2018-06-18)
DotNetCoreCLI (V2)
[DotnetCoreCLI] Fixing helptexts (#7509 ) (2018-06-19)
DotNetCoreInstaller (V0)
[DotnetCoreInstaller] Fetching download urls from releases.json file (#7434 ) (2018-06-22)
[DotnetCoreInstaller] Changing logic for finding the right file extractor (#7641 ) (2018-07-06)
DownloadBuildArtifacts (V0)
Fixing download build artifact for accidental repeated download from … (#7605 ) (2018-07-03)
Bumping up build task version to 138 (#7635 ) (2018-07-05)
DownloadBuildDrop (V0)
Users/mizho/dropplugins (#7610 ) (2018-07-06)
DownloadSecureFile (V1)
Bump version numbers of tasks affected by changing securefiles-common (#7476 ) (2018-06-19)
HelmDeploy (V0)
Bump version numbers of tasks affected by changing securefiles-common (#7476 ) (2018-06-19)
Populate default helm releaseName for upgrade (#7554 ) (2018-06-28)
InstallAppleCertificate (V2)
Bump version numbers of tasks affected by changing securefiles-common (#7476 ) (2018-06-19)
InstallAppleProvisioningProfile (V1)
Bump version numbers of tasks affected by changing securefiles-common (#7476 ) (2018-06-19)
InstallSSHKey (V0)
Bump version numbers of tasks affected by changing securefiles-common (#7476 ) (2018-06-19)
InvokeRestApi (V1)
Revved the InvokeRestApi task to support multiple connection types (#7617 ) (2018-07-03)
JenkinsDownloadArtifacts (V1)
Transforming git url to http url while downloading commits from Jenki… (#7650 ) (2018-07-07)
Kubernetes (V0)
Show correct error message if configuration File is not present in kubernetes task (#7628 ) (2018-07-04)
Kubernetes (V1)
Show correct error message if configuration File is not present in kubernetes task (#7628 ) (2018-07-04)
Npm (V1)
Adding support for views within npm registry values (#7541 ) (2018-06-25)
PackerBuild (V0)
create var file for template variables (#7511 ) (2018-06-29)
PowerShellOnTargetMachines (V1)
Powershell on target machine version V1 and window machine file copy … (#7500 ) (2018-06-20)
PublishBuildDrop (V0)
Users/mizho/dropplugins (#7610 ) (2018-07-06)
PublishTestResults (V2)
Fixing the default Test result files value. (#7469 ) (2018-06-27)
Changing the help text for the option to publish run attachments (#7613 ) (2018-07-02)
ServiceFabricComposeDeploy (V0)
Added telemetries (#7474 ) (2018-06-19)
Port from releases/m136: Fix SF powershell and compose deploy tasks (#7533 ) (#7538 ) (2018-06-21)
[ServiceFabric] Re-tries for Unregister, connect, create and remove commands (#7588 ) (2018-06-29)
ServiceFabricDeploy (V1)
Added telemetries (#7474 ) (2018-06-19)
Port from releases/m136: Fix SF deploy task (#7522 ) (#7523 ) (2018-06-20)
[ServiceFabricDeploy] Test application package only if copy and register is going to happen (#7524 ) (2018-06-21)
[Service fabric deploy] Re-tries for copy and register commands (#7555 ) (2018-06-26)
[ServiceFabric] Re-tries for Unregister, connect, create and remove commands (#7588 ) (2018-06-29)
Moving retry logic for UpgradeApplication to corresponding helper fun… (#7593 ) (2018-07-03)
[Service fabric] Retry for remaining commands (#7607 ) (2018-07-04)
ServiceFabricPowerShell (V1)
Added telemetries (#7474 ) (2018-06-19)
Port from releases/m136: Fix SF powershell and compose deploy tasks (#7533 ) (#7538 ) (2018-06-21)
[ServiceFabric] Re-tries for Unregister, connect, create and remove commands (#7588 ) (2018-06-29)
ServiceFabricUpdateManifests (V2)
Add support for docker image names with tags. (#7294 ) (2018-06-29)
Fix case when artifact drop itself is a application package (#7526 ) (2018-06-22)
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)
Users/ajya/sql azure username fix (#7632 ) (2018-07-05)
VsTest (V2)
Users/shreyas r msft/hydra single agent rerun flow (#7420 ) (2018-06-20)
passed idc to nonDistributedTest.ts (#7525 ) (2018-06-20)
Update Test Execution package (#7563 ) (2018-06-26)
Fix CI Pipeline (#7567 ) (2018-06-26)
Fixing TIA flow from task (#7577 ) (2018-06-27)
fixed routing issue (#7600 ) (2018-06-29)
Making changes for enabling Single Execution Client for all flows (#7627 ) (2018-07-05)
Updating tasks package (#7636 ) (2018-07-05)
Bug fixes for Single Execution Client (#7661 ) (2018-07-09)
WindowsMachineFileCopy (V2)
Fixing clean target issue in Windows File Copy task (#7578 ) (2018-06-28)
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