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IHM Meeting Summary Sep 28 2017

brindakv edited this page Sep 28, 2017 · 1 revision

IHM Meeting Summary Sep 28, 2017

Attended by Ben Webb, Tom Goddard, David Castillo, John Westbrook and Brinda Vallat

  1. Extensive discussion regarding representing and visualizing structural hierarchies, domains and ensembles, led to the creation of three new issues on Github.

  2. Issue 42:

    Resolved following the addition of _ihm_model_list.representation_id and _atom_site.ihm_model_id in the IHM dictionary. Multiple model representations of the same regions can now be provided for different models in the data file and the ATOM_SITE table can include the _atom_site.ihm_model_id data item.

  3. Representing predicted contacts in the dictionary (issue 41):

    CASP RR format is an example of a typically used format for predicted residue-residue contacts. Distance between CB atoms (CA for Gly) is implicit in this format. These need to be included explicitly in the dictionary. The differences between the protein sequence used for predicting the contacts and that used in the modeling need to be accounted for. These differences can be in the identity of an amino acid residue or the length of the sequence or any other factor.

  4. Next meeting is rescheduled for Friday, October 6th at 2.00 PM Eastern Time.

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