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Calvin Eiber edited this page Jun 30, 2021 · 1 revision

Nerve stimulation data file

stim~/stimulus (name)/type-fascicle%d.mat contains the data for response thresholds and spike-time, location pairs to extracellular stimulation for the given axon type (Gaines, Sundt, or MRG; see models.axon_model), as computed by models.nerve_stimulation. This data is used by plots.view_thresholds and plots.preview_spike.

The variables saved in each of these stimulation.mat file are:

Variable Type Description
threshold double, nAxons x 1 axon stimulation thresholds, µA
diameter double, nAxons x 1 fibre (outer) diameters for each simulated axon
velocity double, nAxons x 1 axon conduction velocity, m/s
g_ratio double, nAxons x 1 axon g-ratio (myelinated models only)
results struct array, nAxons x 1 struct containing responses to stimulation for each simulated axon, more details below.
spike_counts integer, nAxons x nStimuli How many spikes were generated in each axon for each level of the stimulus?
spike_fraction double scalar what fraction of the total number of axons of this class in this fascicle were simulated?
axon_index integer, nAxons x 1 Indices into the axon population for the axons corresponding to this class and fascicle
stimulus struct stimulus waveform, see plots.preview_stimulus
pop struct Data about this axon population, see axons.mat for details about the pop structure. Each population which uses the model Type is grouped together. In addition, some extra data columns are defined:
pop.population_id integer (nAxons x 1) To which original population does each axon in this pop structure belong?
pop.source_total integer (nMerged x nFascicles) For each population and fascicle, how many axons were in the source population before downsampling?
pop.source_index integer (nMerged x nFascicles) What were the population axon indices before downsampling?
units struct information about the units for each variable.
notes cell array of char information about the execution environment and input files to models.axon_thresholds. Display using cellfun(@disp,notes).

Results structure

Variable Type Description
results.dt_dx double scalar delay in spike-time from one node to the next. related to reciprocal of conduction velocity.
results.spikes struct fibre (outer) diameters for each simulated axon
results.spikes.time cell {1 x nStimuli} of double spike arrival times at each node for each stimulus. See plots.preview_spike for a visualisation
results.spikes.node cell {1 x nStimuli} of integer spike arrival node indices. See plots.preview_spike for a visualisation
results.spikes.init cell {1 x nStimuli} of cell of double spike initiation times (i.e. spikes not preceeded by a nearby spike)
results.summary double 1 x 3 threshold, internal current. conduction velocity, m/s. Actual simulated axon length, mm.
results.n_nodes struct numel(results.length)
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