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Calvin Eiber edited this page Jun 30, 2021 · 1 revision

Axon membrane currents data files

axons~/[Name]/[Type]/index.mat and axons~/[Name]/[Type]/n_%d.mat contain the membrane currents (and membrane potentials) generated by models.membrane_currents for each sub-type of axon specified in an axons.mat file. This is a distributed representation which allows downstream model steps (e.g. models.nerve_recording) to load only the data needed by each parallel process inside of each process.

The variables saved in an index.mat file are:

Variable Type Description
pop struct Data about this axon population, see axons.mat for details about the pop structure. Each population which uses the model Type is grouped together. In addition, some extra data columns are defined:
pop.population_id integer (nAxons x 1) To which original population does each axon in this pop structure belong?
results struct array (1 x nGroups) Structure array with fields threshold (in nA, current clamp threshold), velocity (in m/s), and spiketime (in ms post-stimulus-onset).
sam struct struct with information about the sub-group sampling.
sam.axon integer sum(nAxons) x 1 vector of all myelinated or all unmyelinated subtype_IDs. Not very useful.
sam.count integer nGroups x 1 number of axons per subtype across all populations.
sam.fibre_diam double nGroups x 1 sample median fibre (outer) diameter.
sam.axon_diam double nGroups x 1 sample median axon (inner) diameter.
sam.g_ratio double nGroups x 1 g-ratio
sam.subtype_id double nGroups x 1 should equal 1:nG unless some subgroups were empty

The variables saved in an n000_out.mat file are:

Variable Type Description
dt_dx double scalar what time step corresponds to a shift in the membrane current by one node? related to reciprocal of conduction velocity.
I_membrane double nTime x nExamples What is $I_m$ at each time-step for each of the selected NEURON segments? (see segment)
I_unit char 'nA' I_membrane is in units of nA
index int 1 x nExamples indices of selected NEURON segments in length
length double 1 x nSegments length-coordinate of each NEURON segment, in mm (for myelinated axons, in order NODE, MYSA, FLUT, STIN)
length_unit char 'mm' length is in units of mm
parameters cell {name1 value1; name2 value2; ...} inputs to models.axon_model after parsing of input arguments. These are the name,value pairs which are passed to tools.make_from_template to generate the specific axon model for this subclass from the template.
result double 1x3 threshold, internal current. conduction velocity, m/s. Actual simulated axon length, mm.
segment cell {nExamples x 1} of char names of the NEURON segments saved in I_membrane and V_example. the first element is always the spike initiation point (in the case of models.membrane_currents, the distal end of the axon) and the remainder are a complete NODE and set of inter-nodal points (MYSA, FLUT, and STIN)
shift function_handle (as char) basic equation for how to compute the membrane current at any time and node from the saved data
spiketimes double time of arrival of the propagating action potential at the example node
stimuli struct stimulus time-course. See plots.preview_stimulus
time double nTime x 1 time vector for membrane currents, in milliseconds
time_unit char 'ms' time is in units of ms
V_example double nTime x nExamples What is $V_m$ at each time-step for each of the selected NEURON segments? (see segment)
V_unit char 'mV' V_example is in units of mV.

these files are actually directly generated by models.axon_model.

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