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Calvin Eiber edited this page Jun 30, 2021 · 1 revision

Nerve recording wave file

waves~/(name)/epoch_(...).mat contains nerve ensemble recordings for a given pattern of population activity (see models.random_raster and models.nerve_recording). Each epoch file contains responses for every axon population in each fascicle, in a 4D matrix which allows for overall ENG composed of different levels of activity for different axon populations or different fascicles to be composed using models.compose_waves. These files are largely (but not exactly) compatible with the stimulus files generated by models.ecap_recording.

Individual epoch files can be visualised using plots.preview_wave and plots.view_wave_raster.

Entire experiments (as generated by models.nerve_recording can be visualised using ...

epoch.mat file strings

Each epoch.mat file has a small amount of metadata about the spike-rate, the population coherence, any other necessary information embedded in its filename. _k%g_ refers to the population-average spikerate, _c%0.1f_ refers to the intra-population coherence (see models.random_raster). Other metadata tags may be defined:

config = models.nerve_recording('-list','type')

disp(config(1).file_scheme) % format input to sprintf() to specify a particular epoch file metadata string
disp(config(1).file_vector) % function of (exponent, spikerate, frequency, coherence) which maps these variables to the format fields of the above sprintf.

The variables saved in each of these epoch.mat file are:

Variable Type Description
inputs cell input arguments to models.nerve_recording
options struct configuration structure for the saved population activity, used by models.spike_to_wave.
raster struct array 1 x nTypes output of models.random_raster, for each axon population see models.random_raster for a description of the fields of this struct.
time double 1 x nTime time vector for computed ENG components
waves double, nTime x nChannels x nFascicles x nTypes recorded waves in µV. Channels are as defined in the input sensitivity.mat file.
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