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Monthly issue metrics report Entity #35

tronghieuvuong opened this issue Nov 29, 2023 · 0 comments

Monthly issue metrics report Entity #35

tronghieuvuong opened this issue Nov 29, 2023 · 0 comments


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Issue Metrics

Metric Average Median 90th percentile
Time to first response 105 days, 2:15:10 11 days, 10:51:22 354 days, 12:04:06
Time to close 464 days, 11:48:01 128 days, 17:06:01 1212 days, 12:11:05
Time to answer None None None
Metric Count
Number of items that remain open 0
Number of items closed 288
Total number of items created 288
Title URL Author Time to first response Time to close Time to answer
Adjust fee codes for BCAMR/H/V, so they include service fees bcgov/entity#18783 seeker25 None 0:00:13 None
Vue3 upgrade: (dummy ticket for reuse) bcgov/entity#18781 severinbeauvais None 0:14:13 None
PAY - PAD transactions stuck in REFUND_REQUESTED need to go into CANCELLED or CREDITED bcgov/entity#18766 seeker25 None 1 day, 2:20:13 None
AUTH-WEB - change phone number - Citizen called in to the ITops phone to request help with a corporate registry search bcgov/entity#18760 ozamani9gh 0:28:17 1 day, 3:23:17 None
PAY - Investigate ability to create invoices even after CFS account is frozen bcgov/entity#18756 seeker25 None 2 days, 19:15:27 None
BE - fix json columns issue in transfer script bcgov/entity#18751 argush3 0:25:29 3 days, 7:58:48 None
Filings UI: NR error after filing an application bcgov/entity#18736 severinbeauvais None 3 days, 16:29:24 None
Filings UI - AGM Extension not showing in TODO List bcgov/entity#18731 JazzarKarim 0:33:08 3 days, 18:18:41 None
EJV and Disbursement improvements from analysis of Datawarehouse bcgov/entity#18730 seeker25 None 0:00:51 None
Schema - Add missed(extensionDuration) field to AGM Extension bcgov/entity#18723 argush3 None 4 days, 12:31:42 None
Investigate - Legal API: some filings are missing "displayName" bcgov/entity#18713 severinbeauvais 2 days, 1:43:41 4 days, 20:01:07 None
Setup SSO for GCP bcgov/entity#18701 pwei1018 None 0:06:48 None
Names 19.5 - NAMEX API Pre Release Checklist bcgov/entity#18693 Rajandeep98 None 6 days, 19:04:07 None
Names 19.5 - NAME-EXAMINATION UI Pre Release Checklist bcgov/entity#18692 Rajandeep98 None 6 days, 19:06:05 None
Access Control for Person (Director and SI) Search bcgov/entity#18683 steveburtch None 0:04:03 None
UI: build/integrate SI store into form/action events bcgov/entity#18677 kialj876 None 6 days, 3:23:58 None
Make AGM Extension filing accessible to Staff users bcgov/entity#18673 Mihai-QuickSilverDev 3 days, 0:35:17 3 days, 0:35:17 None
UI: Certify (SI Change) bcgov/entity#18663 Apt766525 8 days, 3:51:18 8 days, 3:51:18 None
UI: Date Picker for Add Significant Individuals page bcgov/entity#18660 Apt766525 2 days, 20:27:56 2 days, 20:27:56 None
Bug: Incorrect text labels for 3rd Party Request Access authorization option bcgov/entity#18653 steveburtch 2 days, 22:34:06 3 days, 19:31:14 None
Filings UI - add check for BCSC logins only bcgov/entity#18652 severinbeauvais None 7 days, 0:02:21 None
Build views to join PAY/CAS - AR Receipts - Routing Slips bcgov/entity#18638 seeker25 None 1:33:00 None
Legal API: should not allow conversion filing while another filing is draft bcgov/entity#18637 severinbeauvais None 0:06:40 None
UI Design: Date Picker for Add Significant Individuals page bcgov/entity#18635 steveburtch None 10 days, 6:05:00 None
backlog bcgov/entity#18631 PCC199 None 0:11:16 None
In Progress bcgov/entity#18630 PCC199 None 0:08:43 None
Use namex-api instead of lear-api for NR details. bcgov/entity#18627 seeker25 None 1:22:03 None
Relationships - Sprint 19.5 Objectives bcgov/entity#18626 JohnamLane None 12 days, 19:11:25 None
Edit UI - Remove Unregistered Business Proprietor Selection - SP/GP Change/Conversion/Correction bcgov/entity#18624 severinbeauvais 22:21:43 22:23:56 None
BE/FE Investigation - some docs uploaded for CP IA are passing FE/BE validation but failing at filer bcgov/entity#18615 argush3 0:24:01 0:25:52 None
Accessibility bcgov/entity#18591 lmcclung None 0:01:33 None
COLIN synch job flooding Oracle database - we need to stop it! bcgov/entity#18588 Mihai-QuickSilverDev 17:19:30 4 days, 19:22:44 None
Assets: Sprint 19.5.1 Release bcgov/entity#18587 chdivyareddy None 6 days, 23:53:29 None
PAY-JOBS - PAYBC - DIRECT_PAY_REFUNDS - not working to spec bcgov/entity#18584 seeker25 None 0:01:16 None
Sprint Goals 19.5 bcgov/entity#18582 mstanton1 None 13 days, 23:56:49 None
Entities Sprint 19.5 Objectives bcgov/entity#18581 jdyck-fw None 13 days, 23:44:12 None
Business Digital Credentials: 500/401 in Legal API log bcgov/entity#18578 severinbeauvais None 6 days, 0:05:25 None
UI: Unable to Obtain or Confirm Information (Add a beneficial owner) bcgov/entity#18575 steveburtch None 0:16:52 None
Developer EFT Verification bcgov/entity#18574 ochiu 2:30:47 12 days, 5:49:26 None
Sprint 19.5 Goals bcgov/entity#18573 steveburtch 3 days, 5:50:05 13 days, 7:06:52 None
Coop Bug: Cash radio button turns red when selected bcgov/entity#18572 danaannab 17:25:14 17:25:14 None
COOP - Annual Report Filing bcgov/entity#18571 danaannab None 1 day, 18:46:23 None
COOP CORRECTION for CSR (Changes to CSR Correction Form) bcgov/entity#18570 danaannab 0:24:33 1 day, 18:51:46 None
Filings UI - update AGM Extension Evaluation component bcgov/entity#18558 severinbeauvais 8 days, 1:09:02 14 days, 21:40:44 None
Legal API: remove old endpoint bcgov/entity#18557 severinbeauvais None 6 days, 22:05:40 None
HOTFIX - NAME REQUEST UI - related to 18515 allowing intentional duplicate Names bcgov/entity#18556 ozamani9gh 2:31:44 1 day, 0:29:52 None
CSR - Validation on COD Filing bcgov/entity#18553 danaannab None 1 day, 13:08:35 None
Create UI: implement framework (DO THIS FIRST IN CREATE UI) bcgov/entity#18536 severinbeauvais 11 days, 17:23:37 16 days, 17:20:07 None
Remove BCROS staff and SBC staff from list of authorized parties (3rd party access) bcgov/entity#18525 steveburtch 14 days, 20:58:34 14 days, 23:29:30 None
Entities Sprint 19.5a Release bcgov/entity#18523 severinbeauvais None 19 days, 19:42:27 None
UI/Backend: Access control pick list should display full Legal Business Name - Branch/Division bcgov/entity#18522 forgeuxGH5 14 days, 22:32:03 15 days, 1:10:05 None
Digital Business Card - detailed instructions bcgov/entity#18520 severinbeauvais 5 days, 9:00:14 5 days, 9:00:14 None
Update designs from wireframes and content document bcgov/entity#18519 hannahgov None 17 days, 23:42:40 None
Assets: Sprint 19.4.2 Release bcgov/entity#18516 chdivyareddy None 6 days, 1:32:24 None
URGENT HOTFIX - PENDING_PAYMENT STATUS INCORRECT - Submitting intentional duplicate names blocked bcgov/entity#18515 ozamani9gh 17:21:46 6 days, 19:14:06 None
Get OrgBook pipeline running in GCP (TBD) bcgov/entity#18512 argush3 None 20 days, 17:35:45 None
Combine BCOL views into a master view for reconciliation bcgov/entity#18506 seeker25 None 19 days, 23:25:03 None
Investigate - NAMES /NRA Alter existing function issue /Nov 1 /NRA /NR 6345564 - initial and NR 5990064 - staff resubmit bcgov/entity#18504 ozamani9gh 7 days, 0:41:22 20 days, 0:26:15 None
Legal API - add readyz and healthz endpoints back bcgov/entity#18499 argush3 14 days, 3:58:15 15 days, 1:47:10 None
Filings UI - More actions not showing under Historical BC Sole Proprietorship bcgov/entity#18498 hannahgov None 19 days, 17:17:28 None
Requirements for Skeleton Version of Add a Significant Individual bcgov/entity#18497 steveburtch 6 days, 18:08:26 19 days, 22:18:42 None
MHR Table is not displayed in TEST by removing MHR_Manufacturer role in the keycloak bcgov/entity#18496 chdivyareddy 22:28:52 7 days, 17:58:47 None
Press in blank ‘Document Id Number’ field – user is returned to the staff dashboard in TEST modernized application bcgov/entity#18489 catherinecarlson 14 days, 3:38:12 14 days, 3:38:23 None
FAS-UI - Upgrade to Vite bcgov/entity#18487 Jxio 0:00:54 19 days, 23:51:44 None
UI Design - Remove Unregistered Business Proprietor Selection - SP/GP Registration bcgov/entity#18483 Mihai-QuickSilverDev None 21 days, 0:17:15 None
Business Digital Credentials: 404 in Legal API log bcgov/entity#18474 severinbeauvais 16 days, 19:56:32 16 days, 20:21:55 None
Release: Request Access to Manage a Business (3rd Party Access) bcgov/entity#18471 steveburtch None 25 days, 2:17:47 None
UI updates - MHR Unit notes formatting issues in Review and Confirm and MHR Info Screen bcgov/entity#18470 mstanton1 None 20 days, 21:40:46 None
AGM Location Change PDF file name - "AGM" should be in all caps bcgov/entity#18469 yuisotozaki 5 days, 22:15:38 16 days, 21:21:34 None
Namerequest UI: implement amalgamation bcgov/entity#18461 severinbeauvais None 25 days, 5:38:57 None
BE - update data migration scripts to include digital credential and other model changes bcgov/entity#18451 argush3 None 18 days, 1:49:01 None
Create UI - Remove Unregistered Business Proprietor Selection - SP/GP Registration bcgov/entity#18449 Mihai-QuickSilverDev 3 days, 12:04:24 24 days, 11:18:52 None
Build views for CFS Credits bcgov/entity#18438 seeker25 None 15 days, 2:02:45 None
Build views to join PAY/CAS - Disbursements bcgov/entity#18434 seeker25 None 18 days, 1:23:03 None
Build views to join PAY/CAS - EJV bcgov/entity#18433 seeker25 None 21 days, 21:51:46 None
Build views to join PAY/CAS - AR Invoices - Online Banking / PAD / Routing Slips bcgov/entity#18432 seeker25 None 17 days, 23:07:17 None
Entities Sprint Objectives 19.4 bcgov/entity#18431 jdyck-fw None 12 days, 23:05:06 None
Assets: Sprint 19.4.1 Release bcgov/entity#18421 chdivyareddy 7 days, 20:09:19 13 days, 21:13:31 None
Tweaks for appearance of the Register standalone page bcgov/entity#18419 steveburtch 19 days, 3:51:38 20 days, 0:56:14 None
Relationships - Sprint 19.4 Objectives bcgov/entity#18417 JohnamLane None 14 days, 0:03:57 None
NameX macros needs to be edited to properly reflect number of business days needed to process consent letters bcgov/entity#18415 oanyahuru 19 days, 4:10:04 27 days, 0:33:27 None
Assets Sprint Goals 19.4 bcgov/entity#18409 mstanton1 None 14 days, 0:30:52 None
More generic wording required for Name Request email content for some letters bcgov/entity#18403 oanyahuru 18:24:02 27 days, 20:06:56 None
Digital Business Card, part 2 bcgov/entity#18394 jdyck-fw 9 days, 1:34:36 19 days, 23:52:34 None
UI - WILL / AFFE / LETA Confirm Completion text updates bcgov/entity#18385 mstanton1 None 23 days, 20:08:57 None
UI Bug - entered information not getting cleared when switching transfer types bcgov/entity#18381 tlebedovich 24 days, 21:01:07 24 days, 21:01:07 None
Update Email Content (3rd Party Access) bcgov/entity#18380 steveburtch 21 days, 3:41:43 24 days, 19:34:15 None
UI: Render fonts correctly (BTR standalone) bcgov/entity#18378 steveburtch None 16 days, 21:05:40 None
Verify - Bug: Future Effective Date not showing in Receipt bcgov/entity#18376 danaannab 2 days, 0:13:33 23 days, 0:36:06 None
Legal API - Fix List of Outputs bcgov/entity#18370 severinbeauvais 11 days, 2:16:13 25 days, 23:05:50 None
Filings UI - "AGM Extension Evaluation" sub-component bcgov/entity#18369 severinbeauvais 19 days, 1:15:18 26 days, 0:20:53 None
UI: Filing Controls section for Significant Individual Change page bcgov/entity#18359 steveburtch 27 days, 19:40:40 28 days, 16:45:18 None
UI: Business Details section for Significant Individual Change page bcgov/entity#18357 steveburtch 26 days, 19:52:38 28 days, 16:52:38 None
Mapping is wrong on the MBR dashboard bcgov/entity#18319 riyazuddinsyed 1 day, 18:01:26 28 days, 1:26:32 None
UI - Residential Exemption staff text updates bcgov/entity#18307 mstanton1 4:56:09 21 days, 20:20:00 None
Crown Charge Income Tax Act registration - General Collateral is required but entering Vehicle Collateral satisfies the edit in UI bcgov/entity#18303 PatrickAHeath 2 days, 22:43:20 21 days, 22:25:56 None
COOP BUG: When filing a correction Fee of $20 does not default bcgov/entity#18277 danaannab 6 days, 19:53:12 34 days, 19:05:22 None
Filings UI - update dashboard (To do + Filings History List) bcgov/entity#18274 severinbeauvais 11 days, 20:02:00 37 days, 20:16:24 None
Filings UI - "Extension Request" sub-component bcgov/entity#18273 severinbeauvais 11 days, 19:57:39 38 days, 9:00:39 None
UI Design - NR result letter output - include societies bcgov/entity#18240 ozamani9gh 13 days, 22:08:51 39 days, 21:56:26 None
Verify: Emails not being sent upon Director and Address change for Coops. bcgov/entity#18239 riyazuddinsyed 6 days, 21:29:42 26 days, 21:01:03 None
Middle Name of Directors not showing up in Directors correction for BEN's Alterations. bcgov/entity#18238 riyazuddinsyed 0:23:33 26 days, 9:10:42 None
Entities Sprint 19.4a Release (includes Digital Business Card) bcgov/entity#18233 severinbeauvais None 32 days, 0:37:09 None
API - No Bill of Sale Transfer Outputs bcgov/entity#18225 mstanton1 6 days, 20:19:57 28 days, 20:55:24 None
API - Bill of Sale Transfer Outputs bcgov/entity#18224 mstanton1 6 days, 20:18:26 28 days, 20:55:32 None
Setup a demo filing process bcgov/entity#18211 pwei1018 None 29 days, 0:44:44 None
Setup POC service bcgov/entity#18210 pwei1018 None 29 days, 0:48:09 None
Collect manually filing documents, images bcgov/entity#18208 pwei1018 None 29 days, 0:53:07 None
Filings UI: should not be able to restore when FF is empty bcgov/entity#18204 severinbeauvais None 41 days, 14:02:27 None
Requirements for Registered Location Change bcgov/entity#18156 mstanton1 11 days, 23:00:10 47 days, 4:31:58 None
Vue3 upgrade: VueObserveVisibility bcgov/entity#18121 severinbeauvais 48 days, 2:11:45 48 days, 2:56:52 None
Unit Note Requirements for Cancelled MHR's bcgov/entity#18092 mstanton1 5 days, 20:20:16 55 days, 0:27:15 None
Filer (AGM Extension) bcgov/entity#18054 severinbeauvais None 55 days, 11:50:51 None
Legal API - Validation (AGM Extension) bcgov/entity#18053 severinbeauvais 28 days, 22:17:41 50 days, 23:48:35 None
Requirements for additional transfer flows bcgov/entity#18016 mstanton1 61 days, 3:42:24 61 days, 3:42:26 None
PAY-API + AUTH-WEB - Implement Recaptcha for anonymous users bcgov/entity#18013 seeker25 None 49 days, 2:48:41 None
NameRequest: estimate dates in existing NR display page are confusing bcgov/entity#17999 eve-git 14 days, 4:06:11 62 days, 0:16:53 None
UI: Control of Majority of Directors (Add a beneficial owner) bcgov/entity#17988 steveburtch 61 days, 16:28:57 62 days, 0:46:01 None
UI: Review and Confirm (Add a beneficial owner) bcgov/entity#17983 Apt766525 48 days, 20:26:11 55 days, 3:30:23 None
UI: Unable to Obtain or Confirm Information (Significant Individual Change) bcgov/entity#17982 Apt766525 61 days, 17:54:23 62 days, 2:29:23 None
UI: SIN/ITN and Tax Residency (Add a beneficial owner) bcgov/entity#17981 Apt766525 13 days, 1:50:47 49 days, 21:16:15 None
UI: Types of Control (Add a beneficial owner) bcgov/entity#17975 steveburtch 57 days, 5:12:28 61 days, 3:57:23 None
UI Design (AGM Extension) bcgov/entity#17943 Mihai-QuickSilverDev None 62 days, 20:17:37 None
UI design (AGM Location Change) bcgov/entity#17942 Mihai-QuickSilverDev None 62 days, 20:20:06 None
PAYBC Changes - Including Recaptcha (November+) and Refund endpoint (Oct 17th) bcgov/entity#17919 JohnamLane None 51 days, 5:03:04 None
BE - update all services to use external colin api url bcgov/entity#17821 argush3 40 days, 2:30:38 61 days, 2:04:25 None
Colin API - remove colin api auth on/off FF bcgov/entity#17820 argush3 61 days, 1:08:32 63 days, 2:24:45 None
UI - MHR Manufacturer Registration modal bcgov/entity#17783 mstanton1 36 days, 20:38:28 65 days, 1:37:17 None
UI: Create and Manage my Profile (First Iteration) bcgov/entity#17710 steveburtch 65 days, 21:49:01 70 days, 20:22:05 None
UI: Update a beneficial owner bcgov/entity#17699 steveburtch None 64 days, 1:32:32 None
NAMES /Unable to consume NR on expiry date - originated from OPS 3072 bcgov/entity#17686 ozamani9gh None 66 days, 1:26:26 None
Warehouse: legacy CPRD DB replication bcgov/entity#17624 thorwolpert None 72 days, 13:17:57 None
PPR - Default General Collateral description is not displayed for Crown Charge Registrations bcgov/entity#17491 chdivyareddy 76 days, 3:37:57 83 days, 0:51:10 None
NAMES/NAMEX expiry date different from Societies Online /Aug 16 /NAMEX /NR 4643704 related to ops - #2991 bcgov/entity#17475 ozamani9gh 30 days, 3:22:47 85 days, 8:44:11 None
Change Business Type from ULC to BC Benefit Corporation bcgov/entity#17469 danaannab 22 days, 21:23:49 90 days, 0:33:17 None
Coop Corrections - Business rules when changing directors inside of a correction bcgov/entity#17346 danaannab 2:10:39 98 days, 0:26:11 None
PPR API - trigger UI to prompt acceptance of new service agreement terms version bcgov/entity#17336 mstanton1 6 days, 22:05:18 98 days, 22:49:14 None
Update 'NR Expired' email body bcgov/entity#17214 pwei1018 39 days, 21:36:44 111 days, 2:42:17 None
Filings UI - Update Filings UI (new NR endpoint) bcgov/entity#17159 severinbeauvais None 116 days, 10:07:12 None
Update Edit UI (new NR endpoint) bcgov/entity#17158 Mihai-QuickSilverDev 90 days, 23:04:54 121 days, 23:29:17 None
Upgrade a component to Vue3 bcgov/entity#17124 severinbeauvais None 125 days, 0:44:46 None
PAY-Jobs - BCOL refunds aren't making into refunded bcgov/entity#17107 seeker25 None 131 days, 14:46:16 None
SBC Finance Data warehouse - Obtain data / Build dataflow from CAS bcgov/entity#17087 seeker25 None 125 days, 19:22:21 None
Data warehouse - Setup GCP as a destination for our data bcgov/entity#17082 seeker25 None 125 days, 19:25:19 None
Data warehouse - Migrate over CAS bcgov/entity#17081 seeker25 62 days, 18:54:20 125 days, 19:25:46 None
Expose API endpoint to Allow partner applications to create review tasks - Assets + RTR bcgov/entity#16991 seeker25 None 138 days, 12:31:37 None
MHR Account Approval bcgov/entity#16989 mstanton1 None 132 days, 0:40:18 None
Unit Tests PPR - Vue 3 Upgrade bcgov/entity#16987 mstanton1 None 142 days, 22:47:59 None
AUTH-API - Coordinators can't remove other coordinators, coordinators can make admins inactive through a backend call bcgov/entity#16627 seeker25 None 179 days, 3:07:33 None
Migrate from SQLContinuum bcgov/entity#16568 thorwolpert None 172 days, 0:17:44 None
Vue3 upgrade: Storybook bcgov/entity#16550 severinbeauvais None 177 days, 20:27:36 None
Vue3 upgrade: v-sanitize bcgov/entity#16490 severinbeauvais 118 days, 21:47:44 180 days, 19:24:20 None
Vue3 upgrade: tiptap-vuetify bcgov/entity#16464 seeker25 6 days, 3:04:16 188 days, 5:23:43 None
Coop Special Resolution Name Change - Certificate, Certified Memorandum and Certified Rules documents are not to appear on the ledger bcgov/entity#16319 PatrickAHeath 184 days, 5:22:13 188 days, 23:46:48 None
Complete and Submit the Significant Assessment Section (w. negative result)* bcgov/entity#16169 steveburtch None 205 days, 21:09:47 None
Complete and Submit the Significant Individual Assessment Section (w. positive result) bcgov/entity#16168 steveburtch None 205 days, 21:12:04 None bcgov/entity#15753 LizGovier 249 days, 22:14:25 249 days, 22:18:09 None
PAY - BCONLINE service fee not matching SBC-PAY bcgov/entity#15625 seeker25 2 days, 2:48:17 257 days, 22:50:04 None
Financial Reporting for SBC Finance bcgov/entity#15425 JohnamLane None 265 days, 23:07:25 None
Documentation - draw the account creation flow including the back-end and data bcgov/entity#15221 JohnamLane 1 day, 0:37:23 299 days, 20:43:14 None
Internal self- serve warehouse reporting analytics bcgov/entity#14413 thorwolpert None 358 days, 9:17:06 None
UI Implementation - Update breadcrumb and title of 'My Business Registry' to 'Staff Business Registry' bcgov/entity#13869 JohnamLane None 405 days, 8:43:51 None
Vue3 upgrade: vuelidate bcgov/entity#13654 severinbeauvais 303 days, 22:46:08 429 days, 1:05:53 None
SBC Staff / BC Registries Staff changes bcgov/entity#13244 seeker25 None 473 days, 7:42:36 None
UI Design - correct information on the register bcgov/entity#13201 RFK250 413 days, 20:34:26 482 days, 19:58:31 None
BUSINESS-EDIT-UI - UI Changes for Uploading Memorandum bcgov/entity#12909 jyoti3286 None 509 days, 0:13:20 None
BUSINESS-EDIT-UI - UI Changes for uploading new Rules bcgov/entity#12906 jyoti3286 None 509 days, 0:22:28 None
BCOL Payment History bcgov/entity#11845 thorwolpert 50 days, 20:03:46 584 days, 8:07:49 None
AUTH UI - Improve error message when affiliating an already-affiliated NR bcgov/entity#11333 sienna-oldaccountdontuse 2:08:56 641 days, 19:54:11 None
Search by Entity bcgov/entity#11302 mstanton1 None 629 days, 23:20:45 None
Update document delivery services bcgov/entity#11293 thorwolpert 10:39:10 632 days, 0:50:35 None
get markdown cheatsheet bcgov/entity#11287 thorwolpert None 632 days, 8:36:58 None
setup repo bcgov/entity#11286 thorwolpert None 632 days, 8:38:13 None
MHR - PPR Lien information not updated for Transport Permits and Transfers of Ownership bcgov/entity#10936 PatrickAHeath 658 days, 1:37:08 658 days, 1:43:21 None
Allow Editing from GOVN back to Premium bcgov/entity#10680 JohnamLane 289 days, 1:44:44 679 days, 22:56:02 None
Document Direct Pay Transactions bcgov/entity#10607 sumesh-aot 691 days, 17:44:41 691 days, 17:44:41 None
NR UI: appears to hang on Review and Confirm even with missing NOB bcgov/entity#10188 severinbeauvais 723 days, 22:24:37 723 days, 22:24:37 None
Allow Corporate Search for Director Search accounts bcgov/entity#10103 mstanton1 None 736 days, 22:13:15 None
TechDebt: NameX inconsistencies bcgov/entity#10025 ozamani9 738 days, 1:45:26 738 days, 2:02:15 None
Assets bcgov/entity#9969 thorwolpert None 744 days, 9:29:38 None
Relationships bcgov/entity#9968 thorwolpert None 744 days, 9:34:16 None
Names bcgov/entity#9967 thorwolpert None 744 days, 9:36:44 None
Businesses bcgov/entity#9966 thorwolpert None 744 days, 9:40:37 None
Determine TOC bcgov/entity#9965 thorwolpert None 744 days, 9:51:21 None
Determine what is strictly OAS and what should be beyond that bcgov/entity#9963 thorwolpert None 744 days, 10:04:21 None
Service documentation bcgov/entity#9954 thorwolpert None 744 days, 10:44:21 None
Define Common Elements bcgov/entity#9952 thorwolpert None 744 days, 10:49:25 None
API Consolidation bcgov/entity#9951 thorwolpert None 744 days, 10:51:39 None
Corporate Customer Feedback bcgov/entity#9939 jyoti3286 None 756 days, 18:45:03 None
Business Status bcgov/entity#9914 thorwolpert None 746 days, 5:23:16 None
BCeID user has two accounts? bcgov/entity#9596 mengdong19 3 days, 14:29:46 769 days, 14:25:28 None
Analytics Requests 11 bcgov/entity#9215 thorwolpert None 785 days, 7:53:34 None
Define Final Repo bcgov/entity#9169 thorwolpert None 786 days, 9:54:41 None
Determine all common elements bcgov/entity#9168 thorwolpert None 786 days, 10:02:27 None
Perform Sanity Check on Publication Dates bcgov/entity#9161 thorwolpert 0:56:54 786 days, 10:27:44 None
Common Schema Elements bcgov/entity#9158 thorwolpert None 786 days, 10:31:00 None
Issues with accessing an existing NR with phone and email bcgov/entity#8924 sienna-oldaccountdontuse 11 days, 4:19:06 796 days, 23:31:37 None
NR UI: incorrect URL fetching user info (empty Auth Api Url) bcgov/entity#8856 severinbeauvais 799 days, 17:01:12 799 days, 17:01:18 None
NR UI: should recover instead of giving secondary error bcgov/entity#8855 severinbeauvais 799 days, 17:17:44 799 days, 17:17:53 None
Namex API: HTTP 500 on POST Create Payment bcgov/entity#8854 severinbeauvais 799 days, 17:27:04 799 days, 17:27:22 None
PAD Processing Documentation: How it impacts the user bcgov/entity#8717 jyoti3286 750 days, 16:54:12 826 days, 17:20:44 None
NameX: Balancing reports bcgov/entity#8612 thorwolpert 29 days, 5:59:17 821 days, 14:45:49 None
Create new queue-common bcgov/entity#8540 thorwolpert None 828 days, 13:28:10 None
test if STAN and Jetspeed can co-exist bcgov/entity#8539 thorwolpert None 828 days, 13:28:32 None
Enable jetspeed bcgov/entity#8538 thorwolpert None 828 days, 13:28:51 None
Refactor the double Q setup in NameX-Pay bcgov/entity#8537 thorwolpert None 828 days, 13:29:08 None
NATS upgrade bcgov/entity#8536 thorwolpert None 828 days, 13:30:53 None
legal-api: Filing.json shouldn't error out if Filing.filing_json is empty bcgov/entity#8387 thorwolpert None 843 days, 8:53:37 None
Name Examination UI: update framework and devops bcgov/entity#8320 severinbeauvais 1:04:00 848 days, 3:57:05 None
Namex - Unit Tests bcgov/entity#8215 lmcclung 857 days, 0:48:35 857 days, 0:48:35 None
verify if extra GCP projects are needed bcgov/entity#8148 thorwolpert None 863 days, 11:17:58 None
setup Registry Team (private) bcgov/entity#8147 thorwolpert None 863 days, 11:18:47 None
setup Registry Team (public) bcgov/entity#8146 thorwolpert None 863 days, 11:19:15 None
setup Repo bcgov/entity#8145 thorwolpert None 863 days, 11:19:26 None
spike on bigtable bcgov/entity#8137 thorwolpert None 863 days, 11:36:35 None
sbc-account activity (stretch) bcgov/entity#8135 thorwolpert None 863 days, 11:38:51 None
publish sbc-pay reports bcgov/entity#8134 thorwolpert None 863 days, 11:39:09 None
publish notebooks bcgov/entity#8133 thorwolpert None 863 days, 11:39:20 None
identity setup bcgov/entity#8132 thorwolpert None 863 days, 11:39:31 None
security review bcgov/entity#8131 thorwolpert None 863 days, 11:39:51 None
Capture reversals for partners bcgov/entity#8095 ghost 876 days, 23:19:06 876 days, 23:19:06 None
UI Design - Group actions in the "actions" dropdown and move Extrapro registration to Business action menu bcgov/entity#8066 forgeuxGH5 None 873 days, 20:18:39 None
UI Design - NON MRAS Calls bcgov/entity#7982 Kaineatthelab None 884 days, 23:36:03 None
Fields affecting downstream apps, may need to constrain the characters used. bcgov/entity#7957 thorwolpert 14:46:23 884 days, 4:33:42 None
1password keys integration and cleanup bcgov/entity#7849 pwei1018 149 days, 1:48:08 896 days, 6:59:31 None
Filings get managed by access types (staff, public, lawyers, what-ever) bcgov/entity#7675 thorwolpert None 910 days, 8:35:15 None
Set NR as consumed bcgov/entity#7580 lmcclung 88 days, 22:18:10 915 days, 4:01:42 None
NR UI: undefined application in NR object bcgov/entity#7239 severinbeauvais 10 days, 0:33:11 940 days, 3:02:25 None
NR UI: should not call PATCH after failed GET bcgov/entity#7238 severinbeauvais 10 days, 0:41:03 940 days, 3:01:06 None
All UI: stamp keycloak & configuration json files with unique name/attribute bcgov/entity#7120 thorwolpert 0:07:04 949 days, 14:56:38 None
Entity Mailer: common Mailer for business; common message format; track messages for idempotent processing bcgov/entity#6679 thorwolpert 21:34:47 989 days, 10:31:29 None
Create Colin API & Colin Loader components for remaining Filings bcgov/entity#5621 thorwolpert None 1100 days, 13:00:06 None
Create Rule & Validation structure for next Legal_Type selected to be loaded bcgov/entity#5614 thorwolpert None 1100 days, 14:23:41 None
Create Filing Processors for remaining Filings bcgov/entity#5613 thorwolpert None 1100 days, 14:24:23 None
Create PDF outputs for remaining Filings bcgov/entity#5612 thorwolpert None 1100 days, 14:24:48 None
Create JSONSchemas for remaining Filings bcgov/entity#5611 thorwolpert 97 days, 5:56:47 1100 days, 14:25:31 None
Define all remaining Filings and Prioritize bcgov/entity#5610 thorwolpert 97 days, 5:55:40 1100 days, 14:26:15 None
Migrate Legal_Types from Colin to Lear bcgov/entity#5609 thorwolpert None 1100 days, 14:27:11 None
5607 bcgov/entity#5608 thorwolpert None 1100 days, 14:32:34 None
Minimal Filing list bcgov/entity#5461 thorwolpert 18:14:19 1114 days, 8:51:12 None
Error in effective_date for CP0001536 bcgov/entity#5373 thorwolpert None 1122 days, 14:16:49 None
Publish timeline of major events bcgov/entity#5263 thorwolpert None 1135 days, 9:35:13 None
SPIKE - Is Beyond Corp going to meet our needs? bcgov/entity#5262 thorwolpert None 1135 days, 9:36:28 None
Determine network controls bcgov/entity#5261 thorwolpert None 1135 days, 9:38:42 None
Filing Management bcgov/entity#5196 thorwolpert None 1138 days, 13:32:55 None
MVP of Business API Specs bcgov/entity#5139 thorwolpert None 1144 days, 0:30:05 None
Convert JSONSchema to OAS JSON bcgov/entity#5138 thorwolpert None 1144 days, 0:30:38 None
Complete filings bcgov/entity#5137 thorwolpert 50 days, 12:27:12 1144 days, 0:31:03 None
Theme - Public APIs bcgov/entity#4822 thorwolpert None 1172 days, 11:04:23 None
Static site bcgov/entity#4449 thorwolpert None 1212 days, 11:51:47 None
Small business bcgov/entity#4447 thorwolpert None 1212 days, 11:59:02 None
Worksafe stats bcgov/entity#4446 thorwolpert None 1212 days, 11:59:11 None
Tool setup for loading bcgov/entity#4443 thorwolpert None 1212 days, 12:07:22 None
Tool selection for loading bcgov/entity#4442 thorwolpert None 1212 days, 12:07:30 None
Data from Auth bcgov/entity#4441 thorwolpert None 1212 days, 12:07:57 None
Data from Lear bcgov/entity#4440 thorwolpert None 1212 days, 12:08:06 None
Data from Accounts bcgov/entity#4439 thorwolpert None 1212 days, 12:08:11 None
PIA & STRA bcgov/entity#4437 thorwolpert None 1212 days, 12:10:49 None
Security review bcgov/entity#4436 thorwolpert None 1212 days, 12:11:00 None
Terraform setup for test & prod bcgov/entity#4435 thorwolpert None 1212 days, 12:11:18 None
GitHub Actions: API Mocks for Contract testing(automating integration testing) bcgov/entity#4413 thorwolpert None 1214 days, 7:34:23 None
test data implementation - names bcgov/entity#4078 thorwolpert None 1249 days, 11:57:03 None
test data implementation - ppr bcgov/entity#4077 thorwolpert None 1249 days, 11:57:18 None
test data implementation - accounts bcgov/entity#4076 thorwolpert None 1249 days, 11:57:26 None
test data implementation - lear bcgov/entity#4075 thorwolpert None 1249 days, 11:56:17 None
test data tools and strategies bcgov/entity#4074 thorwolpert None 1249 days, 11:57:11 None
test data requirements bcgov/entity#4073 thorwolpert None 1249 days, 11:57:41 None
Document Management bcgov/entity#3846 thorwolpert None 1268 days, 9:34:08 None
standup service bcgov/entity#3845 thorwolpert None 1268 days, 9:38:50 None
tactical options bcgov/entity#3844 thorwolpert 10 days, 19:52:04 1268 days, 9:40:11 None
Market scan bcgov/entity#3843 thorwolpert 10 days, 19:50:12 1268 days, 9:39:42 None
Product Navigation from common header bcgov/entity#3184 ghost 1338 days, 19:29:54 1338 days, 19:29:54 None
BE - CoA Corrections - Filer bcgov/entity#3162 thorwolpert 72 days, 7:35:29 1327 days, 14:50:20 None
Specify a place we can send log history bcgov/entity#3026 thorwolpert None 1340 days, 12:16:36 None
OnBoarding Process and Documentation bcgov/entity#2872 thorwolpert None 1353 days, 23:29:34 None
Corp Registry Statistics bcgov/entity#2732 thorwolpert 0:48:27 1367 days, 13:32:29 None
JSONSchema Versioning (Design Only) bcgov/entity#2572 thorwolpert None 1382 days, 12:36:28 None
Service Proxy bcgov/entity#2570 thorwolpert None 1382 days, 13:00:25 None
ENTITIES: create data architecture across registry products bcgov/entity#2386 thorwolpert None 1400 days, 11:54:18 None
COD effective date bcgov/entity#2302 thorwolpert 4:20:57 1409 days, 11:31:24 None
LEGAL_API: 5xx return masking Auth and other Errors bcgov/entity#2143 thorwolpert None 1435 days, 3:54:16 None
LEAR: reset filing to Draft - CP1284 - 2019 AR bcgov/entity#2085 thorwolpert 20:09:05 1438 days, 6:03:06 None
DEVOPS: implement code coverage reporting bcgov/entity#1666 thorwolpert 376 days, 4:03:14 1479 days, 13:08:10 None
Handle ill-formed dates, when requestimg Directors bcgov/entity#1347 thorwolpert None 1521 days, 5:02:47 None
LEGAL_API: Filing rules bcgov/entity#1257 thorwolpert None 1538 days, 11:07:06 None
LEGAL_API: update example / test data bcgov/entity#797 thorwolpert None 1597 days, 13:27:24 None
TASK: Diagram the inter-project network setup bcgov/entity#349 thorwolpert None 1701 days, 13:20:20 None
OPS - create balance and audit report data bcgov/entity#34 thorwolpert 16:23:15 1814 days, 6:42:56 None

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Search query used to find these items: repo:bcgov/entity is:issue closed:2023-11-15..2023-11-29

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