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Jeff Olajos edited this page Oct 29, 2024 · 30 revisions

<LIST/> : <BOX/>

The <LIST/> widget is used to display a set of of one or more list <ITEM/>'s. <LIST/>'s are typically used to display dynamic data (data retrieved from an associated data source).

List's are best for displaying large data sets. List <ITEM/>'s lasy loaded, that is, item's are created as they scroll into view and disposed of when they scroll out of view.

When a <LIST/> is tied to a datasource, the first child <ITEM/> is used as a "prototype". For each row returned in the datasource, a corresponding <ITEM/> is created from that prototype and its data assigned from the row that created it.


Name Type Default Description Req
direction string vertical The orientation of the list's items, either "vertical" or "horizontal"
datasource string The id of a valid data source. Used for dynamic <ITEM/> creation.
collapsed bool false If set to true creates a collapsed list
selectable bool false If set to true, <ITEM/>'s in the list can be "selected" and referenced using the "selected" property of the list.

Note: Individual <ITEM/>'s may override this by setting their own "selectable" attribute.
reverse bool false If the list scrolls and builds from bottom up


Name Values Default Description
selected The data element of the selected <ITEM/>. This can be used in data binding using {} where property is the name of the field in the corresponding record


Name Description
select(index) Selects the item at the specified index
deselect(index) Deselects the item at the specified index
clear() deselects any/all selected items
insert(data, index) Inserts a new item at the specified index. If index is not specified, the item is inserted in the first position. New items are created as a copy of the first item (the prototype) using the supplied data. The data value must be a valid json or xml string. This data is automatically added to the data source.
delete(index) Deletes the item at the specified index, fires the ondelete event handler of the item (if specified) and removes the corresponding item from the data source.
move(indexFrom, indexTo) Moves the item at position indexFrom to position indexTo. The associated item in the data source is also moved
forEach(eventString) Executes the event string defined in eventString for each item in the list.
scroll(pixels) Scrolls the list +/- pixels specified in the direction of the primary axis
scrollTo(id, position) Scrolls to the item with the specified id. The position parameter is optional and can be be either top, bottom, start or end.
Note: This method does not function if the list contains variable size items in the direction of scrolling


Example #1 : a simple list of 6000 <ITEM/>'s
<FML  title="LIST (example1)" linkable="true" layout="column">
    <!-- test data -->
    <TESTDATA id="ds1" rows="6000"/>
   <BOX margin="20,5,20,5"  borderlabel="Selected Item" radius="5" height="125" pad="15" bordercolor="{THEME.primary}" valign="center" >   
     <TEXT value="Name: {} {} "/>               
     <TEXT value="Occupation: {}"/>
    <!-- simple list of 6000 items -->
    <LIST id="list1" data="ds1">
      <ITEM id="item" layout="row" halign="between" valign="center" bordercolor="={this.selected} ? 'green' : {THEME.primary}" borderwidth="={this.selected} ? 3 : 1" radius="5" margin="5,5,5,5" padding="5" selectable="true"> 
          <TEXT value="Row # {data.index}"/>      
          <TEXT value="Name: {data.first} {data.last}"/>
          <TEXT value="Occupation: {data.occupation}"/>
          <ICON value="check" color="={item.selected} ? 'green' : 'transparent' "/>          

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Example #2 : a simple list with defined items
<FML title="LIST (example2)" linkable="true" layout="column" color="{THEME.secondaryContainer}" >
    <COLUMN pad="20" expand="false">
        <TEXT style="h6" value="A dynamic list for when you have a long list of items." />
        <TEXT style="h6" value="Dynamic lists only load items when they are needed on the screen." />
            <BOX color="brown,blur" start="left" end="right" width="100%" height="40%" center="true">
                <TEXT value="Brown" halign="center" />
            <BOX color="black,blur" start="left" end="right" width="100%" height="40%" center="true">
                <TEXT value="Black" halign="center" />
            <BOX color="bluegrey,blur" start="left" end="right" width="100%" height="40%" center="true">
                <TEXT value="Bluegrey" halign="center" />
            <BOX color="grey,blur" start="left" end="right" width="100%" height="40%" center="true">
                <TEXT value="Grey" halign="center" />
            <BOX color="white,blur" start="left" end="right" width="100%" height="40%" center="true">
                <TEXT value="White" halign="center" />

Dynamic List

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Example #3 : a collapsed list
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<FML title="LIST (example3)" linkable="true">
    <BOX color="{THEME.primary}" center="true" expand="false" width="100%" pad="20">
      <TEXT style="h6" value="A collapsible list for when you have a short list containing large items"/>
    <LIST collapsed="true">
        <BOX color="yellow" start="left" end="right" width="100%" height="50%" center="true">
          <TEXT value="Yellow" bold="true" size="64"/>
        <BOX color="red" width="100%" height="50%" center="true">
          <TEXT value="Red" bold="true" size="64"/>
        <BOX color="blue" start="left" end="right" width="100%" height="50%" center="true">
          <TEXT value="Blue" bold="true" size="64"/>

Collapsed List

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