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Jeff Olajos edited this page Oct 21, 2024 · 9 revisions


The list <ITEM/> widget is used to define each item in the grid or a prototype for grids tied to data. Each ITEM has a unique SCOPE allowing fields within an item the ability to reference (bind) to other widgets within the same item using the widgets id.


Name Type Default Description Req
title string Used as the title for collapsable lists
selectable bool true If the item can be "selected" and referenced using the "selected" property of the grid.
post bool false The DATASOURCE that is used to save the data when the form is completed. Every grid item is treated as a FORM
width int / % The width of the item expressed in pixels or as a percentage of its parent.
height int / % The height of the item expressed in pixels or as a percentage of its parent.


Name Values Default Description
selected bool false If item is selected


Name Description
onclick A list of ; seperated action(s) to execute when the item is clicked
oninsert A list of ; seperated action(s) to execute after a new item is added to the list using the LIST's insert() method
ondelete A list of ; seperated action(s) to execute afater the item is removed from the list using the LIST's delete() method

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