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Halil Burak Pala

Halil Burak Pala edited this page Jan 1, 2023 · 25 revisions

Personal Information

Hi, I am Halil Burak. I am a senior computer engineering student at Boğaziçi University. I am in the mobile team of our CMPE 451 project. I am going to use this wiki page for introducing myself and recording my weekly efforts for our CMPE 352 and CMPE 451 courses.

Contact Me

Weekly Personal Efforts

Weekly Efforts for CMPE451

Week 12 (20/12/2022 - 26/12/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 24.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Implemented text annotation reading and creation functionalities. Relevant issue: #459, Relevant PR: #502 10 hours Coding
3 Added logos to the mobile app. Relevant issue: #504, Relevant PR: #507 30 minutes Coding
4 Implemented category following functionality. Relevant issue: #509, Relevant PR: #517 4 hours Coding
5 Implemented text annotation deletion functionality. Relevant issue: #520, Relevant PR: #525 2 hours Coding
5 Fixed a bug causing a wrong page redirection. Relevant issue: #521, Relevant PR: #527 15 minutes Coding
6 Implemented showing labels in a post/article. Relevant issue: #522, Relevant PR: #530 1 hour Coding
7 Fixed bugs mentioned in #531. Relevant issue: #531, Relevant PR: #534 1 hour Coding
8 Reviewed comment deletion functionality. Relevant PR: #519 15 minutes Code Review
9 Reviewed searching functionality. Relevant PR: #487 20 minutes Code Review
10 Reviewed a bug fix in chatbot implementation. Relevant PR: #532 15 minutes Code Review
10 Reviewed a bug fix in chatbot implementation. Relevant PR: #532 15 minutes Code Review

Week 11 (13/12/2022 - 19/12/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 23.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Attended the Mobile Meeting 6. 1 hour Meeting

Week 10 (06/12/2022 - 12/12/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Wrote executive summary and individual efforts part of the Milestone 2 Report 2 hours Documentation
2 Attended the Milestone 2 Presentation 2 hours Meeting

Week 9 (29/11/2022 - 05/12/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 21.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Attended the Mobile Meeting 5. Took notes during the meeting. 1 hour Meeting
3 Added article creation floating button. Relevant issue: #341, Relevant PR: #347 1 hour Coding
4 Connected post and article reading/creation pages to the home page. Relevant issue: #342, Relevant PR: #380 4 hours Coding
5 Implemented Home Page API connections. Relevant issue: #343, Relevant PR: #400 6 hours Coding
6 Updated the drawer in the homepgae. Redesigned some previously created API functions. Relevant issue: #382, Relevant PR: #389 3 hours Coding
7 Implemented the functionality of getting a specific post and article from backend and displaying them. Relevant issue: #402, Relevant PR: #408 4 hours Coding
8 Fixed bugs in the comment dropdown menu. Relevant issue: #409, Relevant PR: #410 1 hour Coding
9 Implemented the functionality of updating post page after new comment. Relevant issue: #411, Relevant PR: #420 2 hours Coding
10 Implemented the functionality of showing HTML body of a post/article. Relevant issue: #412, Relevant PR: #418 2 hours Coding
11 Implemented the functionality of showing images in a Post/Article/Comment. Relevant issue: #421, Relevant PR: #425 5 hours Coding
12 Reviewed the finalized signup functionality. Relevant PR: #354 15 minutes Code Review
13 Reviewed the post page dropdowns. Relevant PR: #394 15 minutes Code Review
14 Reviewed upvote/downvote functionalities. Relevant PR: #415 20 minutes Code Review
15 Reviewed post/article delete functionalities. Relevant PR: #419 15 minutes Code Review
16 Reviewed the activity history pages. Relevant PR: #422 15 minutes Code Review

Week 8 (22/11/2022 - 28/11/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 20.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Created mobile Articles home page. Relevant issue: #322, Relevant PR: #325 4 hours Coding
3 Updated the app theme and colors. Wrote color selection guide for our team members. Redesigned Post and Article reading pages. Relevant issue: #327, Relevant PR: #339 3 hours Coding
4 Changed model structure to prevent some inconsistencies in the code. Relevant issue: #340, Relevant PR: #345 1 hour Coding
5 Reviewed and commented on the changes made in article and post reading pages. Relevant issue: #326 30 minutes Review

Week 7 (15/11/2022 - 21/11/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 19.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Updated mobile models, created new ones and created new mock data. Relevant issue: #295, Relevant PR: #317 3 hours Coding
3 Reviewed initial implementations of post creation and article creation pages. Merged the relevant pull request. Relevant issue: #294, Relevant PR: #295 1 hour Coding

Week 6 (08/11/2022 - 14/11/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 18.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Attended the Mobile Meeting 4. Took notes during the meeting. 1 hour Meeting

Week 5 (01/11/2022 - 07/11/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Presented our app in the Milestone 1 presentation with my teammate Mehmet Emre Akbulut. 30 minutes Presentation
2 Attended the presentations of other teams. Wrote some reviews for them. 1 hour Meeting
3 Added "The requirements addressed in this milestone" section to Milestone 1 Report. 20 minutes Documentation

Week 4 (25/10/2022 - 31/10/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 16.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Attended Mobile Team Meeting 2 in which we implemented connection of mobile pages. 3 hours Meeting, Coding
3 Attended Mobile Team Meeting 3 in which we implemented API service functions for mobile and led our team. 2 hours 15 mins Meeting, Coding
4 Created an issue and opened a PR for connection of mobile pages which we implemented in Mobile Team Meeting 2. Documented the changes. Relevant issue: #229, Relevant PR: #230 1 hour Documentation
5 Updated the mobile home page to use API services. Relevant issue: #260, Relevant PR: #269 4 hours Coding
6 Updated the drawer head in the mobile Home page. Relevant issue: #279, Relevant PR: #280 30 minutes Coding
7 Fixed some minor bugs in our mobile app. Relevant issue: #281, Relevant PR: #282 30 minutes Coding
8 Contributed to the creation of Scenario 1 by adding mobile screens. Relevant issue: #268 30 minutes Documentation
9 Contributed to the creation of Scenario 2 by adding mobile screens. Relevant issue: #266 30 minutes Documentation
10 Reviewed the initial mobile profile page. Relevant issue: #207, Relevant PR: #228 15 minutes Code Review
11 Added my comments about aligning mobile and frontend implementation. Relevant issue: #214 15 minutes Review
12 Reviewed the feature of selecting branch info for doctors. Relevant issue: #216, Relevant PR: #215 15 minutes Code Review
13 Reviewed mobile communication plan. Relevant issue: #227 5 minutes Review
14 Reviewed the API service methods we implemented. Relevant issue: #240, Relevant PR: #244 15 minutes Code Review
15 Reviewed handling API calls for the signup page. Relevant issue: #271, Relevant PR: #272 10 minutes Code Review
16 Reviewed an update of the profile page. Relevant issue: #275, Relevant PR: #276 10 minutes Code Review
17 Added my individual report to Milestone 1 Report 1 hour Documentation
18 Prepared for the Milestone 1 presentation. 30 minutes Presentation Preperation

Week 3 (18/10/2022 - 24/10/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 15.1. 2 hours Meeting
2 Started learning Dart and Flutter. Read and watched some tutorials, implemented basic demo apps. 5 hours Research, Practice
3 Attended Mobile Team Meeting 1. 1 hour Meeting
4 After discussing with my teammates, rearranged our repo to follow monorepo approach instead of multirepo. Arranged our repo for collabarative work between teams. Relevant issue: #188, Relevant PR: #189 1 hour Enhancement
5 Created initial structure for mobile implementation. Created the project structure, initial screens, models, mock datas, theme of our app. Relevant issue: #190, Relevant PR: #191 1 hour Coding
6 Created an initial home page for our mobile app. Relevant issue: #192, Relevant PR: #212 6 hours Coding
7 Thinked and done some research about finding a name for our app. Proposed some names to my friends. Check the relevant issue: #185 1 hour Research

Week 2 (11/10/2022 - 17/10/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 14.1 and Customer Meeting 5. 2 hours Meeting
2 Revised and updated our Class Diagram according to the changes we have decided in Requirements. Relevant issue:#181 45 minutes Documentation
3 Reviewed the changes made in Use Case Diagram. Relevant issue: #178 10 minutes Documentation

Week 1 (04/10/2022 - 10/10/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended the Meeting 13.1. 1.5 hours Meeting
2 Updated our Wiki Home Page. Relevant issue:#171 1 hour Documentation
3 Reviewed the Meeting 13.1 notes and the changes in Meeting Notes Template. Relevant issue: #168 20 minutes Documentation
4 Reviewed the changes made in our Discord channel. Relevant issue: #175 10 minutes Documentation
5 Reviewed the suggestions and contributed to the discussion about updating the Requirements of our project. Relevant issue: #173 30 minutes Documentation
6 Updated my personal wiki page. 20 minutes Documentation

Weekly Efforts for CMPE352

Week 11 (10/05/2022 - 16/05/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Implemented the initial API structure of comment/api endpoint of our practice-app. Relevant issue: #86 , Relevant PR: #91 5 hours Coding
2 Made resarch about how to hide external API keys. Learned how to create a .env file. 30 minutes Research
3 Fixed a bug related to showing external API key in comment/api endpoint. Hid the API key in a environment variable in a .env file. Relevant issue: #94 , Relevant PR: #95 30 minutes Coding
4 Created the initial version of the frontend of comment/api endpoint. Relevant issue: #120 , Relevant PR: #112 6 hours Coding
5 Reviewed and merged the pull requests #90, #110 45 minutes Review

Week 10 (03/05/2022 - 09/05/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Studied Django and its REST Framework before implementing the practice-app. 2 hours Research
2 Attended Meeting 10.1 in which we brainstormed to design an API. 2 hours Communication
3 Thought about the possible implementation schemas for our practice-app. Did some pre research for our Meeting 10.2, tried out Django to create an initial structure of our practice app. 5 hours Research, Coding
4 Attended Meeting 10.2 in which we made last decisions about our practice-app, we implemented our models. ~2 hours Coding, Communication
5 Took notes of Meeting 10.2. Created issue #78 about the notes of the meeting, created a new page for the meeting and uploaded my notes. 1 hour Documentation
6 During Meeting 10.2, created the very first pull request (#77) of our repo to demonstrate other group members how does pull reuqest and branching mechanism of Github works. 15 minutes Coding, Communication
7 Created a new branch for the initial structure of our practice-app we created, created a pull request to merge it (#80). 30 minutes Coding
8 Started working on the comment/api endpoint of our practice-app. 2 hours Coding

Week 9 (26/04/2022 - 02/05/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Studied web development basics. Learned what API and HTTP Protocol are. 2 hours Research
2 Searched for different APIs that can be used in our practice-app. 1 hours Research

Week 8 (19/04/2022 - 25/04/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Studied Git commands. 3 hours Research

Week 7 (12/04/2022 - 18/04/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Customer Meeting 4. Showed the current status of diagrams, discussed some unclear parts. 2 hours Communication
2 Completed the sequence diagram for creating a discussion thread. 30 minutes Documentation
3 Modified the requirements according to the feedback given in the Customer Meeting 3. 45 minutes Documentation
4 Created an issue about creating an executive summary for our Milestone 1 Report. 10 minutes Documentation
5 Contributed to the creation of the Executive Summary part of our Milestone 1 Report. Wrote Project Status and Moving Forward parts. 2 hours Documentation
6 Wrote my part of Individual Works part of the Milestone 1 Report. 3 hours Documentation
7 Attended Meeting 7.1 in which we completed our Responsibility Assignment Matrix and Project Plan. I contributed to the completion of them. 3 hours Communication, Documentation

Week 6 (05/04/2022 - 11/04/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Created an issue about creating the sequence diagram for creating a discussion thread in the forum. 10 minutes Documentation
2 Worked on the sequence diagram for creating a discussion thread. 2 hours Documentation
3 Contributed to the creation of sequence diagrams for doctor verification and for rating comment. 45 minutes Documentation
4 Attended Customer Meeting 3. Discussed some unclear parts about diagrams. 2 hours Communication
5 Attended Meeting 6.1 in which we started creating our Responsibility Assignment Matrix. I contributed tho the creation of RAM. 2 hours Communication, Documentation
6 Attended Meeting 6.2 in which we started creating our Project Plan. I contributed tho the creation of our Project Plan. 2.5 hours Communication, Documentation

Week 5 (29/03/2022 - 04/04/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Added, edited and deleted some requirements to create a consistent notation in Requirements page, added some words to the glossary. 2 hours Documentation
2 Attended Customer Meeting 2 and took notes during the meeting. 2 hours Communication
3 Created an issue about creating a page for Customer Meeting 2 and uploaded meeting notes. 10 minutes Documentation
4 Created a page for Customer Meeting 2 and uploaded meeting notes. 20 minutes Documentation
5 Attended Meeting 5.1 in which we started creating the use case diagram. I contributed to the creation of use cases. 3 hours Communication, Documentation
6 Attended Meeting 5.2 in which we continued and finished creating the use case diagram. I contributed to the creation of use cases. 2.5 hours Communication, Documentation
7 Attended Meeting 5.3 in which we started and finished creating the class diagram. I contributed to the creation of the class diagram. 4 hours Communication, Documentation

Week 4 (22/03/2022 - 28/03/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 4.1. 30 minutes Communication
2 Edited Scenario 2 and completed creation of mobile mockups with Emre. 2 hours Documentation
3 Attended Customer Meeting 1 and took notes during the meeting. 2 hours Communication
4 Created an issue about creating a page for Customer Meeting 1 and uploaded meeting notes. 10 minutes Documentation
5 Created a page for Customer Meeting 1 and uploaded meeting notes. 15 minutes Documentation
6 Edited requirements related to Articles part according to the feedback given by the customer. 30 minutes Documentation

Week 3 (15/03/2022 - 21/03/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Attended Meeting 3.1 and Meeting 3.2 3 hours Communication
2 Created an issue for Forum requirements. 20 minutes Documentation
3 Wrote User-Forum and System-Forum requirements and added some terms to the Glossary. 2.5 hours Documentation
4 Created an issue for Articles requirements. 15 minutes Documentation
5 Wrote User-Wiki requirements and added some terms to the Glossary. 1 hours Documentation
6 Met two times with my teammates to create Scenario 2 and related Mockups. We discussed the scenario and created mockups together. (Related issue) 4 hours Communication

Week 2 (08/03/2022 - 14/03/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Watched and read some tutorials about Git and Markdown markup language. 1.5 hours Research
2 Attended Meeting 2.1 and Meeting 2.2. 2 hours 40 minutes Communication
3 Created an issue for editing our home wiki page. 15 minutes Documentation
4 Did a research about W3C Web Annotation Data Model and added the information I get to the corresponding Research page as stated in this issue. 2 hours Documentation
5 Reviewed the issue about the research on Ontologies and DBPedia. 10 minıtes Documentation
6 Did a quick research about websites similar to our project and shared it with my teammates on our Slack channel 15 minutes Research

Week 1 (01/03/2022 - 07/03/2022)

# Task Duration Type of Work
1 Started (but not finished) watching and reading some tutorials about Git and Markdown markup language. 1.5 hours Research
2 Attended Meeting 1.1 and Meeting 1.2. 2.5 hours Communication
3 Created an issue for creating our communication plan page and assigned it to myself. 10 minutes Documentation
4 Created and edited the wiki page for our group's communication plan. 20 minutes Documentation
5 Created and edited the wiki page for myself. 30 minutes Documentation
6 Did some research for some example Github repos. 30 minutes Research
7 Edited the liked repositories page. 20 minutes Documentation

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