Releases: InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITKSphinxExamples
Releases · InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITKSphinxExamples
ITKSphinxExamples 5.3.0
What's Changed
- DOC: Update build instructions for example .zip files by @thewtex in #285
- BUG: Fix epub output path link in documentation by @thewtex in #286
- ENH: Added ThinImage Python script by @kian-weimer in #287
- ENH: Added WriteAnImage Python script by @kian-weimer in #289
- ENH: Added ImageMomentsCalculator test and Jupyter example. by @brad-t-moore in #269
- ENH: Update build-test-documentation to use v5.2.0 by @dzenanz in #291
- ENH: Added RescaleIntensity Python script by @kian-weimer in #288
- Image moments by @brad-t-moore in #295
- ENH: Added ApplyKernelToEveryPixel Python script by @kian-weimer in #299
- ENH: Added missing Python licensing files by @kian-weimer in #296
- ENH: Added ReadAnImage Python script by @kian-weimer in #290
- ENH: Added CombineTwoImagesWithCheckerBoardPattern Python script by @kian-weimer in #294
- ENH: Added CreateAListOfFileNames Python script by @kian-weimer in #293
- ENH: Added ComputeInverseFFTOfImage Python script by @kian-weimer in #292
- ENH: Added SobelEdgeDetectionImageFilter Python script by @kian-weimer in #298
- ENH: Added LaplacianRecursiveGaussianImageFilter Python script by @kian-weimer in #297
- ENH: Modified most Python examples to make use of
. by @kian-weimer in #300 - STYLE: Reformat Jupyter labs using jblack. by @Leengit in #301
- STYLE: Use itk::WriteImage in ScaleAnImage by @josetascon in #302
- STYLE: Use itk::ReadImage and itk::WriteImage in src/Core examples by @josetascon in #303
- ENH: Add Python version of RegisterImageToAnotherUsingLandmarks by @thewtex in #304
- STYLE: Use itk::ReadImage and itk::WriteImage in src/Filtering examples by @josetascon in #305
- STYLE: Use itk::ReadImage and itk::WriteImage in src/ Reg., Seg., Num. by @josetascon in #306
- STYLE: Use itk::ReadImage and itk::WriteImage in remaining modules at src/ by @josetascon in #307
- ENH: BinaryMathematicalMorphology baseline testing by @mseng10 in #219
- Example compile build cleanup by @hjmjohnson in #309
- ENH: Add labeler workflow by @jhlegarreta in #310
- BUG: Initialize image buffer in Inverse FFT example by @tbirdso in #312
- BUG: Corrected VTK image from image conversion. by @kian-weimer in #313
- remove recursive header includes by @hjmjohnson in #314
- COMP: Modules need updated version of ITK by @hjmjohnson in #315
- ENH: Miscellaneous fixes to developer files by @jhlegarreta in #316
- Cleanup sphinx examples by @hjmjohnson in #311
- Fix CI errors by @dzenanz in #317
- COMP: ENABLE_QUICKVIEW code updates by @hjmjohnson in #320
- ENH: Update Sphinx to 4.4.0 by @thewtex in #322
- BUG: Fixes for HTML documentation by @tbirdso in #325
- BUG: Fix ITKDoxygenXML by copying instead of renaming directory by @tbirdso in #326
- BUG: Use https protocol for Superbuild CI by @tbirdso in #330
- BUG: Ignore breathe duplicate C++ warnings in docs CI by @tbirdso in #327
- ENH: Remove redundant ITK build step in docs CI by @tbirdso in #331
- ENH: Update ITK to 5.3 RC 3 by @thewtex in #321
- ENH: Deploy docs to Fleek by @tbirdso in #334
- BUG: Update paths for Fleek source by @tbirdso in #337
- ENH: Adjust site dir for Fleek container reference by @tbirdso in #339
- BUG: Fix github actions variable ref by @tbirdso in #340
- BUG: Revert deploy to Netlify by @tbirdso in #348
- ENH: Turn off Git protocol by default. by @andinet in #358
- STYLE: Catch exceptions by const reference by @N-Dekker in #361
- STYLE: Simplify C++ example of ReadAnImage by calling
by @N-Dekker in #364 - BUG: Use Doxygen 5.2.0 archives rather than nightly by @tbirdso in #365
- STYLE: Remove extra spaces between parentheses of CMake command calls by @N-Dekker in #370
- STYLE: Use
for declaration of variables initialized byNew()
by @N-Dekker in #367 - STYLE: Remove parameters from
main(int, char *[])
when both are unused by @N-Dekker in #369 - STYLE: Replace postfix by prefix increment in C++
loops by @N-Dekker in #381 - ENH: Add
example by @N-Dekker in #368 - ENH:
Python example and input data update by @tbirdso in #254 - ENH: Adding Python example to create mesh and cells by @PranjalSahu in #383
- ENH: Add an example that demonstrates interfacing with NumPy by @andinet in #366
- ENH: Add example on Python eager loading by @tbirdso in #382
- ENH: Add Python example on module loading printouts by @tbirdso in #384
- DOC: Adjust title of
example by @N-Dekker in #386 - Use pydata-sphinx-theme by @PaulHax in #378
- ENH: Translating Mesh3 C++ example into Python by @dzenanz in #66
- ENH: Add Python Example GlobalRegistrationOfTwoImages by @nhjohnston in #387
- STYLE: Use
as CMake target name of example projects by @N-Dekker in #388 - ENH: Bump ITK and change http to https by @tbirdso in #390
- ENH: Add example derivativeImage by @labdala in #380
- ENH: Switch Github Actions Linux environment by @jhlegarreta in #393
- ENH: Update to ITK 5.3 RC 4 by @thewtex in #392
- ENH: Switch Github Actions macOS environment by @jhlegarreta in #391
- ENH: Fix the
PR title identification by @jhlegarreta in
ITKSphinxExamples 5.2.0
v5.2.0 ITKSphinxExamples 5.2.0