Release 1.6.0
This release has merged the functionality of ClampedVariables into the BaseVariable class, so you no longer have to create separate asset files for clamped variables and non-clamped variables. This does come with the drawback of the old ClampedVariable assets no longer working in this release
Added support for Unity's new package manager system #61
Added namespaces and assembly definitions #58
Added Clear method to GameEventBase which will unsubscribe all subscribers #70
Added Add Component menu for GameEventListener types #60
Added Color and Color32 support #63
Added AudioClip support #64
Added AnimationCurve support #67
Added SceneInfo support #57
Merged ClampedVariable functionality into BaseVariable #62
Fixed some Unity structs being drawn using a foldout #68
Fixed collection drawer drawing elements beneath reorderable list #65
Fixed issue when iterating over actions during raise event of GameEventBase #59