Releases: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-strategia
city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-strategia: 2023-04-20.1 to 2023-04-20.2
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2023-04-20.1...2023-04-20.2
city-of-helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-api-base: 2.4.2 to 2.4.4
What's Changed
- UHF-8059: Re-added repository mapping in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-api-base#97
- UHF-8059: Check if basic_auth is already enabled in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-api-base#98
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-api-base@2.4.2...2.4.4
city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config: 3.0.27 to 3.0.28
What's Changed
- UHF-7413: Labels visibility to hidden in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#500
- UHF-7940: update news more frequently in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#499
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config@3.0.27...3.0.28
Merge pull request #437 from City-of-Helsinki/dev Dev to main
city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-strategia: 2023-03-27.2 to 2023-04-05.1
What's Changed
- enabled global announcements in #431
- UHF-6969: Removed lightweight cron key in #430
- UHF-8077: Run database updates before tests in #433
- Automatic update in #429
- Automatic update in #434
- Automatic update in #435
- Dev to main in #432
Full Changelog: 2023-03-27.2...2023-04-05.1
city-of-helsinki/drupal-hdbt: 5.0.7 to 5.0.13
What's Changed
- UHF-X accordion state fix & accessibility fix in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#583
- UHF-6859: Run tests against forked repositories in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#601
- UHF-7484: Add initial version of service housing service voucher calculator in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#603
- Update main 4.6.0 to 5.x in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#606
- UHF-8101: Update HDS packages with normalize css fix in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#607
- Update main 4.6.1 to 5.x in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#610
- UHF-8090 UI lang fix in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#609
- UHF-8277: Fix errors with cookie compliance message in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#605
- Uhf 8164 calculator translations in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#604
- UHF-7485 family with kids payment in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#611
- Main -> 5.x in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#613
- UHF-X Clean article and gallery in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#615
- UHF-8242: Workaround map limits in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#614
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt@5.0.7...5.0.13
city-of-helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin: 2.0.2 to 2.0.3
What's Changed
- UHF-6859: Run tests against forked repositories, removed phpunit tests in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#205
- UHF-X Clean article and gallery in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#207
- UHF-7896: Update GIN to 3.0.0-rc2 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#206
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin@2.0.2...2.0.3
city-of-helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-azure-fs: 1.2.0 to 1.2.1
What's Changed
- UHF-6859: Use drupal-helfi-platform to run tests in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-azure-fs#11
- UHF-7959: Construct client without connection string so we can skip deprecated function call in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-azure-fs#12
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-azure-fs@1.2.0...1.2.1
city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config: 3.0.14 to 3.0.24
What's Changed
- Added missing short-title token for news item. in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#476
- UHF-8099: Field group patch in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#478
- UHF-8217: Remove the generator tag from DOM in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#477
- Added news list paragraph to upper content area on basic page. in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#479
- UHF-X Ajax filters patch update in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#480
- Check if paragraph type exists in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#482
- Changed helfi_tpr_config update schema to start from 9034 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#483
- UHF-7449 announcement cache warmer in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#485
- Added debug icon for the debug page. in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#486
- UHF-X Table row and column spans in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#487
- Removed instance specific configuration of districts field in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#488
- Override config rewrite service to fix duplicate array keys in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#489
- UHF-8334: Added core patch to fix #2706241 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#490
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config@3.0.14...3.0.24
city-of-helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tpr: 2.1.10 to 2.2.0
What's Changed
- Update contact email in in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tpr#136
- UHF-6859: Use drupal-helfi-platform to run tests in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tpr#137
- UHF-7334: Run opening hour content through _filter_autop to format it properly in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tpr#138
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tpr@2.1.10...2.2.0
What's Changed
- UHF-6859: Updated workflow files by @tuutti in #425
- Automatic update by @github-actions in #427
- Dev to main by @github-actions in #428
Full Changelog: 2023-03-27.1...2023-03-27.2
What's Changed
- Automatic update by @github-actions in #413
- Automatic update by @github-actions in #415
- UHF-8183 v3 by @rpnykanen in #417
- UHF-8183: added missing path to json by @rpnykanen in #418
- Updated platform v3 dependencies. by @khalima in #419
- Platform v3 update by @khalima in #420
- Automatic update by @github-actions in #416
- Automatic update by @github-actions in #421
- UHF-X Custom theme fixes by @khalima in #424
- Automatic update by @github-actions in #422
- Dev to main by @github-actions in #414
Full Changelog: 2023-02-28.1...2023-03-27.1
city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-strategia: 2023-02-24.1 to 2023-02-28.1
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2023-02-24.1...2023-02-28.1
city-of-helsinki/drupal-hdbt: 4.4.15 to 4.4.17
What's Changed
- UHF-6840: Add showing school results on map in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#558
- UHF-X: Add missing quotes around html attribute values in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#559
- UHF-5047: Cookie content blocker on TPR unit maps in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#566
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt@4.4.15...4.4.17
city-of-helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-proxy: 3.0.2 to 3.0.3
What's Changed
- Uhf 8103 sitemap urls in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-proxy#52
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-proxy@3.0.2...3.0.3
Merge pull request #410 from City-of-Helsinki/dev Dev to main
city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-strategia: 2023-02-09.1 to 2023-02-16.1
What's Changed
- Automatic update in #400
- Stageprod pipeline split in #403
- Dev to main in #401
- Automatic update in #402
- Update platform config manually to 2.17.6. in #407
- UHF-8005: Enable and configure Talbotti block for strategy instance. in #399
- Dev to main in #405
Full Changelog: 2023-02-09.1...2023-02-16.1
city-of-helsinki/drupal-hdbt: 4.4.5 to 4.4.11
What's Changed
- UHF-7298 Remove infinite scroll in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#542
- UHF-7794 Accordion in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#541
- changed h2 references to class reference in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#545
- test with a proper version number in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#546
- UHF-8070: fix heading styles with hds in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#544
- UHF-X: add better location field value check in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#550
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt@4.4.5...4.4.11
city-of-helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin: 1.8.5 to 1.8.6
What's Changed
- Update dependency stylelint-config-standard-scss to v7 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#200
- Update dependency postcss-preset-env to v8 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#198
- Update dev-drprasad/delete-older-releases action to v0.2.1 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#190
- Update dependency stylelint-order to v6 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#191
- Update Node.js to v18.14.0 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#192
- Update dependency stylelint to v15 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#199
- Update dependency postcss-nesting to v11 in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin#197
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt-admin@1.8.5...1.8.6
city-of-helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-api-base: 2.3.10 to 2.4.0
What's Changed
- Environment normalizer in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-api-base#89
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-api-base@2.3.10...2.4.0
city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config: 2.17.1 to 2.17.6
What's Changed
- Added missing dependencies to default content module in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#428
- UHF-7298 Remove infinite scroll in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#433
- UHF-7298: Uninstalled views_infinite_scroll on update hook in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#435
- UHF-7566: add keepalive to news requests in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#436
- UHF-7882: Removed token_filter and aet modules in preparation for 3.x release in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#437
- UHF-8005: Add Talbotti (Watson) to ChatLeijuke in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#434
- UHF-7794: remove dependencies to old accordion library in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#432
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config@2.17.1...2.17.6
city-of-helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tpr: 2.1.8 to 2.1.9
What's Changed
- UHF-7298 Remove infinite scroll in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tpr#134
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-module-helfi-tpr@2.1.8...2.1.9
city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-strategia: 2023-02-02.1 to 2023-02-09.1
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2023-02-02.1...2023-02-09.1
city-of-helsinki/drupal-hdbt: 4.3.15 to 4.4.5
What's Changed
- LOM-300 Accessibility fixes in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#528
- LOM-266 Profile block in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#523
- UHF-7343: Added missing translations for the service channel in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#529
- UHF-7791: Add react search and typescript support in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#508
- UHF-X: add event list library back that was removed my mistake. in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#537
- UHF-8004: Fix the tabs that were broken in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#536
- Uhf 6836 school search base in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#538
- UHF-6669: Add events public url value back to see all button. in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#539
- UHF-X: Fix event search bugs in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt#543
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-hdbt@4.3.15...4.4.5
city-of-helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config: 2.16.7 to 2.17.1
What's Changed
- Uhf 6666 search filters rebased in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#378
- UHF-6915: Events field update in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#386
- Events paragraph translations in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#385
- LOM-266 Profile block in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#424
- Uhf x jsonapi published only in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#429
- UHF-7791: Drupal react search module in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#420
- UHF-6836: School search base in City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config#430
Full Changelog: City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-platform-config@2.16.7...2.17.1
Merge pull request #394 from City-of-Helsinki/dev Release 2023-01-27