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Proxy module

CI codecov

Provides various fixes to allow multiple Drupal instances to be served from one domain.


  • PHP 8.0 or higher


Site prefix

A "prefix" will be added to all URLs. This prefix should be same as the <project prefix> in <proxy url>/<project prefix>.

These can be configured by creating a conf/cmi/helfi_proxy.settings.yml file containing:

  en: maps-and-transport
  fi: kartat-ja-liikenne
  sv: kartor-och-trafik
  zxx: maps-and-transport

or by adding them to your settings.php:

$config['helfi_proxy.settings']['prefixes'] = [
  'en' => 'test-maps-and-transport',
  'fi' => 'test-kartat-ja-liikenne',
  'sv' => 'test-kartor-och-trafik',
  'zxx' => 'test-maps-and-transport',

Certain routes explicitly emit the language code, like /sitemap.xml and /openid-connect/{provider} provided by simple_sitemap and openid_connect modules. To support these, you can configure a non-linguistic prefix (LANGCODE_NOT_APPLICABLE / zxx) by adding a prefix for zxx language code.

Cookie name suffix

Cookie name will be suffixed with the value configured in session_suffix setting. The value will default to site's hostname if not configured. For example SSID{sha256}helfi-docker-so.

Serve assets from the asset path

All assets are served from the path configured in asset-path setting. For example liikenne-assets.

This ensures that all local assets are served directly from the asset path. For example /sites/default/files/styles/xxx/style.jpg will be served from /liikenne-assets/sites/default/files/styles/xxx/style.jpg instead.

Your project's web server must be able to serve files from that path. If you are using the default Docker images from City-of-Helsinki/drupal-docker-images then you don't have to worry about this. Otherwise, add:

location ~ ^/(?:.*)-assets/(.*)$ {
  proxy_redirect off;
  proxy_set_header Host $host;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
  proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

or something equivalent to your web server configuration.

Custom "assets" must be run through file_url_generator service. For example:

 /** @var \Drupal\Core\File\FileUrlGeneratorInterface $service */
$service = \Drupal::service('file_url_generator');
$default_image = $service->generate("{$theme->getPath()}/src/images/og-global.png")

Disallow search engines/robots from indexing the site

Set helfi_proxy.settings.robots_header_enabled configuration to TRUE.

if ($robots_header_enabled = getenv('DRUPAL_X_ROBOTS_TAG_HEADER')) {
  $config['helfi_proxy.settings']['robots_header_enabled'] = (bool) $robots_header_enabled;

This will insert a X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow header to every response, effectively blocking search engines from indexing the site.

You can use helfi_proxy.settings configuration to only ignore certain paths:

  - '/user/login'
  - '/residential-*'

Varnish support

Enable required modules: drush en varnish_purger varnish_purge_tags purge_drush purge_processor_cron purge_queuer_coretags purge_tokens.

Copy configuration from helfi_proxy/config/optional to your conf/cmi folder if you enabled this module before Varnish/Purge modules.

Add these to your settings.php to use varnish cache:

if ($varnish_host = getenv('DRUPAL_VARNISH_HOST')) {
  $config['varnish_purger.settings.default']['hostname'] = $varnish_host;
  $config['varnish_purger.settings.varnish_purge_all']['hostname'] = $varnish_host;

if ($varnish_port = getenv('DRUPAL_VARNISH_PORT')) {
  $config['varnish_purger.settings.default']['port'] = $varnish_port;
  $config['varnish_purger.settings.varnish_purge_all']['port'] = $varnish_port;

// Configuration doesn't know about existing config yet, so we can't
// just append new headers to an already existing headers array here.
// If you have configured any extra headers in your purge settings,
// you must add them here as well.
$config['varnish_purger.settings.default']['headers'] = [
    'field' => 'Cache-Tags',
    'value' => '[invalidation:expression]',
$config['varnish_purger.settings.varnish_purge_all']['headers'] = [
    'field' => 'X-VC-Purge-Method',
    'value' => 'regex',

if ($varnish_purge_key = getenv('VARNISH_PURGE_KEY')) {
  $config['varnish_purger.settings.default']['headers'][] = [
    'field' => 'X-VC-Purge-Key',
    'value' => $varnish_purge_key,
  $config['varnish_purger.settings.varnish_purge_all']['headers'][] = [
    'field' => 'X-VC-Purge-Key',
    'value' => $varnish_purge_key,

Testing reverse proxy on local

See City-of-Helsinki/drupal-helfi-local-proxy for more information.


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