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Agenda 20171130

ianbjacobs edited this page Nov 29, 2017 · 23 revisions


  • At risk: Nick

TPAC Recap

Result of Call for Consensus to publish HTTP API 1.0 as a Note


Payment Handler Editor Notes

  • Plan to align specification with PR API regarding ordering

Next FTF notes

  • Money 20/20 Asia is 13-15 March in Singapore
  • IETF 101: 17-23 March 2018 in London
  • Other conferences in 2018
  • Week of 26 March 2018? 16 April?
  • Note: Some European/US school holidays may start 30 March

December teleconference schedule

  • Next meetings: 7, 14 December.
  • No meeting 28 December. Do people want to also cancel 21 December?

Notes on Next Steps After TPAC

PR API Implementation

  • Seems that test suite mostly done
  • Implementations will improve for next 6 months
  • CR Exit: Editors resolving issues (look for pull requests) and resuming their meetings.


  • WG should be reviewing draft charter
  • Anticipate a Call for Consensus to start no later than 4 Dec
  • Anticipate current charter extension to 1 March 2018
  • Anticipate W3C Membership review starting early January
  • Anticipate ongoing discussion of next version features

Payment Handler API

  • Marcos has begun editing the specification; Editors will periodically bring issues to the WG

Payment Method Manifest

  • Review outcome of CfC at 30 November meeting

Tokenization / Encryption

  • Work started on general encryption approach (usable across payment methods). Anticipate bringing proposal to WG by January 2018.
  • Work continues actively on Network Tokenization specification (see evolving wiki). Mastercard anticipates a prototype to share with the WG no later than the next face-to-face meeting.

Credit Transfer


  • Anticipate Ripple will bring proposal for payment method specification to the Working Group.


  • Anticipate a task force to start in December or January, chaired by Manash Bhattacharjee, with participation from EMVCo.

Next face-to-face

  • Some discussion at 30 November call. Chairs and Staff to propose dates and locations, aiming for late March or mid-April.


Visual Identity

  • Ian relaunched internal discussions about next steps.
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