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Work for the week
This page lists work items for members of the WCAG2ICT TF to do in preparation for the weekly meeting.
- Review Explainer and the meeting discussion on 14 Nov. where we made a resolution on the explainer. Read some other examples of explainers that may cause adjustments to the outline and be ready to make suggestions:
- Browse the W3C Explainers guidance to gain insight into "good" explainer content.
- Browse the perspective videos explainer and WAI how people use the web user story to see whether we need an explainer section on impacts to end users, a section describing use cases for WCAG2ICT, or something similar.
Priority of Level AAA
- Review the meeting discussion on 21 Nov. regarding Level AAA where we made a resolution to make Level AAA a lower priority.
- Gregg previously did some an analysis of AAA criteria. Does this change your view on the previous decision to have Level AAA criteria at a lower priority?
WCAG2ICT Work Statement Update
- Understand where we currently are with the WCAG2ICT work statement PR 942 (or to read the built version of the work statement or a more friendly diff version between the two work statements.)
- The resolutions made in the 21 November meeting have been incorporated.
- Consider what further changes might be needed by noting them as comments to the PR.
Be familiar with the proposed updates to the WCAG2ICT Work Statement and existing PR 942. The related WAI Deploy Preview (https://deploy-preview-942--wai-website.netlify.app/about/groups/task-forces/wcag2ict/work-statement/) is available as well. We'll be discussing and adjusting the PR live in the meeting.
Please also review the Explainer work in the Google Document (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hyei09Viby1bCoZnDLYwY9VWpzRvteK9pqt4v9sWCJE/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.wlcptmhola14)
- Be familiar with the proposed updates to the WCAG2ICT Work Statement and existing PR 942. We'll be discussing and adjusting the PR live in the meeting based on what was learned in the joint AG WG and WCAG2ICT leadership meeting.
- If you haven't already, review proposed updates to the WCAG2ICT Work Statement with the detailed changes in PR 942.
- Review the Google doc outline for the Explainer for WCAG2ICT. Be ready to discuss whether this is sufficient, or needs additional information added.
- Read Issue 578 and Issue 567. Feel free to add comments in the issues with your thoughts. Be ready to discuss and potentially make decisions on how Level AAA SC and definitions only used in Level AAA SC might be added and/or specially notated in the WCAG2ICT Note.
- Add your thoughts to the WCAG2ICT retrospective Google doc. We'll have a brief discussion to try to address difficulties and celebrate the positives.
- Review proposed updates to the WCAG2ICT Work Statement with the detailed changes in PR 942.
- Review the Google doc outline for the Explainer for WCAG2ICT. Be ready to discuss whether this is sufficient, or needs additional information added.
- Begin looking at the WCAG2ICT project and gather any questions you have for discussion on our Phase 2 of work. There is also an updated estimated timeline schedule in the wiki.
Per W3C WCAG2ICT Group Note Published email to listserv, the Task Force is taking a little hiatus. The next tasks are:
- Create a brief explainer emphasizing the purpose and proper use of WCAG2ICT
- Add WCAG Level AAA SC guidance to the document
No prep work needed.
No meeting 12 September. However, please respond to the two CfCs noted in the 10 September email to the WCAG2ICT list:
As we charge toward getting WCAG2ICT published as a final note, there are two important things to do this week (even though we aren't meeting) -- by Friday, 13 September...
- Adjust your calendar for the 5 Sept. meeting to be 2 hours (10 AM-12 Noon Eastern time) to ensure we get through the remaining survey questions.
- Due 4 Sept.: Complete the first 8 questions of the survey (Group 3) Review Content Changes and Issue Responses for Public Comments
NOTE: We reordered the questions to put the ones we reached resolution on in the 29 August meeting to the bottom of the survey.
- Complete the survey (Group 3) Review Content Changes and Issue Responses for Public Comments
- We'll be working on proposals to resolve open issues from the public review.
- Complete the survey: (Group 2) Review Content Changes and Issue Responses for Public Comments
- We'll be working on proposals to resolve open issues from the public review. If you assigned yourself an issue to work on and want a group discussion, let me know and I can prioritize that in the discussion.
- Be ready for discussion of survey results: (Group 1) Review changes due to comments on second public draft We reached resolutions for questions 3 and 5 last week, and will try to reach consensus on the rest this week.
- Due Tuesday 6 August: Complete the survey - (Group 1) Review changes due to comments on second public draft
- Be familiar with the WCAG2ICT guidance for the five criteria regarding "sets of documents" and "sets of software" (2.4.1 Bypass Blocks, 2.4.5 Multiple Ways, 3.2.3 Consistent Navigation, 3.2.4 Consistent Identification, and 3.2.6 Consistent Help). Jan Jap de Groot will be joining us for a discussion regarding mobile applications and these success criteria.
- Working session to address open WCAG2ICT issues
- Due Tuesday 6 August: Complete the survey - (Group 1) Review changes due to comments on second public draft
- Review the list of issues and make sure you have an understanding of them so we can work developing possible content changes and/or responses.
Task force participants are expected to take ownership of issues and usher them to resolution as follows:
- Look at the list of unassigned open issues and choose at least one issue to work on.
- Assign yourself to the issue by opening the issue and under "Assignees" choose the link to "Assign yourself". This will prevent multiple people from working on the same issue.
- Create proposals for changes to WCAG2ICT (if needed) either in the Issues Google doc or in a PR.
- Create a draft answer for the issue in the Issues Google doc.
- Add the label "Ready for TF Review" to the issue by opening the issue, clicking on "Labels" and then type "Ready" in the entry field until you see the appropriate tag and then select it. NOTE: Once you select the tag, click somewhere else in the issue first before going back to the issue list so the label is applied.
Be prepared to self-assign issues and begin work to suggest edits or more substantive changes and to make PRs, as needed:
- Open issues - especially the following
- FYI, there have also been several editorial PRs that have been merged since publication: PR 404, PR 409, PR 410, PR 411, PR 413, PR 415, PR 417, PR 420, PR 422, PR 426, PR 429, and PR 433
I've started a Google doc to develop issue answers. If you have anything else you want added to the agenda, send an email to the group or directly to Mary Jo.
- Update the wide review communication wiki page with any persons or organizations you think it is important to contact so they are aware of the public comment period for this draft of WCAG2ICT.
Issue 77 – including WCAG supplements and Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities
- Newer comment thread starts at: Comment posted on 13 June
- Google doc discussing Issue 77 where I’ve added the existing text, a section for proposed changes to the WCAG2ICT document, and a section for proposing a new TF answer to put in the issue
Issue 374 - Focus Not Obscured needs a note for non-web software
- Newer comment thread starts at: Comment posted on 11 June
- Google doc where I added a new section Issue reopened: TF must determine how to handle where we’ll decide whether further changes should be made and we’ll need to develop an answer to put into the issue based on what we decide.
- Complete the 3rd round of reviewing proposed updates due on 12 June.
- Complete the survey Review updated proposals developed on 30-31 May
- Work on SC problematic for Closed language for 2.1.1 Keyboard in the Google doc to resolve survey comments on Question 9
- Work on SC Problematic for Closed language for 1.4.10 Reflow in the Google doc to resolve survey comments on Question 8
- Work on "closed functionality" definition in the Google doc to resolve survey comments on Question 1
- Work on General guidance for 1.4.10 Reflow (Notes 5 and 7) in the Google doc to resolve Issue 377 - Feedback from Microsoft
- Complete the survey - Review of Updated Proposed Changes since 16 May
- Gather thoughts and think about whether changes are needed to address Issue 377: Feedback from Microsoft on WCAG2ICT Reflow notes 5 and 7. I've created a new google doc for Issue 377 proposed changes to 1.4.10 Reflow that details the proposals in-context of the current 1.4.10 Reflow content.
- Continue working through the survey results for proposed WCAG2ICT changes and clarifications
- Work on proposed verbiage changes regarding 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication in the Google doc
- Complete the survey of proposed WCAG2ICT changes and clarifications
- We’ll also be revisiting Shadi’s proposed changes, as he can attend and participate in the discussion. Refresh your memory by reading the proposed changes to 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication and previous survey results.
- Complete the survey on remaining answers to open issues
- Complete the survey on remaining proposals for changes to the editor's draft
- Complete the survey on proposed editor's notes
- Develop alternate proposal regarding point 6 using Survey results for (Part 3 of 4 for Issue 4) in the Google doc section with proposed responses to Point 6. Reference the 9 May minutes on point 6 (3 of 4 on 1.4.4 Resize Text) for the discussion we had.
- Develop proposals for changes to WCAG2ICT guidance for 1.4.4 Resize text. Use comments from the Survey results for (Part 4 of 4 for Issue 4). Proposals will be developed in the Google doc section on 1.4.4 WCAG2ICT guidance
- Review follow-up survey (starting with question 2) for Issues 257, 221, and proposed 1.4.10 Reflow changes for SC problematic for closed section.
- Due 9 May: Follow-up survey addressing public comments, SOTD incorporating comments from last week's surveys.
- Be familiar with the survey results on proposed responses to Issue 4 and updated proposals we’ve been working on for 1.4.4 Resize Text starting with Point 3 in the Google doc.
- Develop alternate proposals for surveyed content starting at question 4 of the survey on Issue 145, answers to public comments, and SOTD.
- Discuss results and potential alternate proposals due to the results for the survey on Issue 4
- Due 1 May: Complete the survey on Issue 145, answers to public comments, and SOTD
- Due 1 May: Complete the survey on Issue 4
- Issue 4 - finish work on this last issue, proposing answer and IF new draft content is needed draft it!
- New/modified drafted content due to survey feedback for 25 April, if needed
- Discussion and work on editors' notes drafts
- Complete the survey on Issue 145, answers to public comments, and SOTD
- As we prepare for publication, we need to think about communication channels for the wide review. Please add any suggestions to the Wide review communication WIKI page I created.
- Draft answers in the google doc for Issues 221, 226, and 257 which are all related to 1.4.10 Reflow.
- Draft answers to various points brought up in Issue 4 with the help of the related GitHub discussion on Issue 4
- Prepare for discussion on "conforming alternate version" (See also GitHub discussion on "conforming alternate version", especially the most recent 3-4 posts on the topic.
- As we prepare for publication, we need to think about communication channels for the wide review. Please add any suggestions to the Wide review communication WIKI page I created.
- Complete the survey on proposed changes to address Issue 145
- No prep, as there is no meeting on 12 April.
- Be familiar with the survey results: Proposals for remaining work for questions 1 through 4. If you have content changes to propose or disagree with the majority of the responses, please add any comments or proposals for changes in the issues associated with the review.
- Work on in-progress items in the table of remaining work to be done
- If needed, draft tweaks based on the survey due 3 April
- Preliminary look at draft issue answers for issues related to 1.4.10 Reflow as well as potential change to the SC Problematic for Closed Functionality content for 1.4.10 to better align with general guidance.
- Complete the survey on remaining proposals
- Be ready to discuss what document content changes are needed to address Issue 145
- Continue discussion on Issue 4
- Assuming that 1.4.10 Reflow changes will be approved, work on drafting issue answers for Issues 221, 226, and 257. We'll initially draft in the google doc
- Complete the first 2-3 questions of the survey on remaining proposals
- Be aware of remaining work to be done and be prepared to give status on your assigned items.
- Be familiar with the following issues: 196, 200, and 266. Think about whether the document needs changes to address the concerns in each issue and how we might answer them.
- Working session this week:
- Be familiar with the current Proposals 3A and 3B in the Google doc for 1.4.10 Reflow
- Be familiar with the following issues: 196, 4, 200, and 266. We'll work on any proposals for document changes needed as well as answers to these issues.
- Propose any content changes due to the latest closed functionality survey results - starting at question 3. FYI the survey is still open until midnight 14 March, if you want to add suggested changes or continue working in the survey.
- Work on content proposal and/or issue answer for issue 145
- Complete the survey on SC Problematic for Closed Functionality: Remaining proposals
- Respond to the 7 March CfC (with a +1, 0, or -1) on approving the proposed answer to Issue 216. The previous survey showed TF approval, but need to formalize through a CfC.
- Read 2.1.1 Keyboard survey results and think about what changes are needed.
- Read 1.4.10 Reflow survey results and think about what changes are needed.
- Prepare for conversation on SC Problematic for Closed Functionality regarding SCs that require programmatic information:
- 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value - Google doc for 4.1.2. The Background section of the doc has links to previous surveys and discussions if you want to familiarize yourself with its evolution.
- 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (nothing drafted yet), but is in Issue 275
- Read through the SC Problematic for Closed Functionality for the other "programmatic info" SCs to ensure these are consistently worded (1.1.1 Non-text Content, 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence, 3.1.1 Language of page, 3.1.2 Language of parts).
- Complete the survey to review answers to public comments - Group 3
- Complete the survey on the proposed adjustments for the keyboard-related SCs
- Be prepared to discuss/reach consensus on the SC Problematic for Closed Functionality content for 1.4.5 Images of Text we surveyed last week. See the Survey results on 1.4.5.
- Work on 1.4.10 Reflow in the Google doc for 1.4.10
- SC Problematic for Closed Functionality: Keyboard-related SCs (2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts proposal from Issue 273, 2.4.7 Focus Visible google doc, and 2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap)
- Complete the survey on 1.4.12 Text Spacing and 1.4.5 Images of Text
- Participate in the Discussion on Issue 196 - Can a non-web software act as, or have, a conforming alternate version?
- Read the results of the survey question on Issue 243 to prepare for the discussion.
- Work on proposal for a new note for 4.1.3 Status Messages based on the survey discussion yesterday
- Work on the proposals for the Text Spacing SC in the Google doc for 1.4.12
- Provide and/or read input on the proposals Mitch has in the Google doc for 1.4.5 Images of Text. We'll work on this in the meeting.
- If there's time, we'll return to working on 1.4.10 Reflow in the Google doc for 1.4.10
- Due 21 Feb.: Complete the survey on 4.1.3 Status Messages
- Read survey results for question 5 of the Review of proposed responses to public comments - group 1. This is the last question to finish out discussions of this survey. Goal is to agree on what changes are necessary and reach consensus.
- Read the Review of proposed responses to public comments survey results to be prepared for the discussion.
- If you wish to help with proposing changes to 1.4.12 Text Spacing, here's the Google doc for 1.4.12. This is due to conversations we've been having regarding Issue 216 - Inconsistency between 1.4.12 Text Spacing and 4.1.3 Status Messages
Be familiar with the survey and discussions on 1.4.12 Text Spacing and 4.1.3 Status Messages:
Public comment Issue 216 - Inconsistency between WCAG2ICT guidance for 1.4.12 and 4.1.3 and proposal. Note 4.1.3 expands the scope outside of content implemented using markup languages where 1.4.12 does not. The answer we surveyed proposed to change 1.4.12 Text Spacing to be more similar to 4.1.3 (though clunky language was used)
Consider these questions:
- Is it in the WCAG2ICT purview to expand the scope of the WCAG criteria beyond "content implemented using markup languages"?
- For the SC that contain the language "content implemented using markup language" (1.4.12 Text Spacing, 4.1.3 Status Messages, \ do you consider the WCAG2ICT guidance to expand the scope for either or both of these SC?
Consider these questions:
For 4.1.3 Status Messages
- Original WCAG text for 4.1.3 Status Messages
- WCAG2ICT Editor's draft guidance [Applying SC 4.1.3 Status Messages to non-web documents and software)(https://w3c.github.io/wcag2ict/#applying-sc-4-1-3-status-messages-to-non-web-documents-and-software)
- Google doc for 4.1.3 See Bruce's two proposals "4.1.3 Taken Literally" and "4.1.3 Go Big"
For 1.4.12 Text Spacing
- Current WCAG2ICT guidance for 1.4.12 Text Spacing in the editor's draft
- Survey results from the proposed change in language which attempts to expand 1.4.12 to apply beyond content implemented using markup languages.
- Due 14 Feb.: Complete the survey on public and TF comments
- Due 14 Feb.: Complete the survey on the Review of 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication notes and SC problematic for closed guidance
- Be familiar with the survey results regarding responses to public comments - Group 1, starting at question 4 - Issue 216 with working to reach a consensus in mind.
Weigh in on the various proposals for the notes for SC 3.3.8 in the Google document for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication. Indicate in a comment which option is your preference and why (or draft your own proposal with a new option number). I also created heading sections for each proposed note to quickly link there.
- Respond to email regarding Comments on Closed Functionality section (sent on 1 Feb.)
- Due 7 Feb.: Complete the Survey on public comment responses - group 1. Even if you previously completed the survey, take a look at others' survey answers as well as re-examine question 2 (for Issue 227) and question 5 (for Issue 302) which were changed per Mitch's and Sam's comments.
- Due 7 Feb.: Weigh in on the various proposals for the notes for SC 3.3.8 in the Google document for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication. Indicate in a comment which option is your preference and why (or draft your own proposal with a new option number). I also created heading sections for each proposed note to quickly link there.
- Contribute to the Google doc on proposed changes for 1.4.10 Reflow and proposed answer to Issue 226 - Where a technology does not support an SC.
- Continue the 1 Feb. discussion on 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication notes, starting with Note 3. See the Google doc for 3.3.8
- Prepare to reach consensus in the meeting for the Comments on Closed Functionality section from PR 307 and the key term "closed functionality" from PR 306 which were updated per the survey results questions 4-6. There were two people who strongly preferred proposal 2. We'll discuss whether their reasoning sways your proposal preference and we'll decide in-meeting which to incorporate.
- Contribute to the SC problematic for Closed Functionality discussion for 4.1.3 Status messages in the Google doc.
- Due 31 Jan.: Survey on update to 2.4.8 Target Size (Minimum) and new draft for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication
- Due 31 Jan.: Survey on public comment responses - group 1
- Look at the various open public comment issues starting with the newest and be prepared to provide the pertinent points for the response. If you have the time and inclination assign yourself one and develop a response we can discuss in the meeting.
**NOTE: Even the two issues with the label "TF answer completed" have some ongoing discussion that may require further changes to the document.
- Contribute to discussion on 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value bullet for SC problematic for closed functionality section.
- Read the survey results for the Closed functionality intro section and the latest proposal on the section that incorporates comments from questions 5 and 6 of the survey. Be prepared to choose a proposal option you are most comfortable with and let's reach consensus. Previous survey results were quite split. The latest edits from the survey have been incorporated into PR 307.
- Read the survey results for the key term "Closed functionality" and the latest proposal from PR 306. Be prepared to discuss/reach consensus.
- Due 31 Jan.: Survey on update to 2.4.8 Target Size (Minimum) and new draft for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication
- Due 31 Jan.: Survey on public comment responses - group 1
- We'll be going through the list of public comments that have no response yet to discuss and develop what the response should include.
- Develop your preferred language for the bullet for the SC Problematic for Closed Functionality for SC 4.1.2 Name, Role Value. You can look to various proposals from last week's meeting minutes (3 options were discussed).
- Look at the survey results - Closed Functionality: Intro and bullets for 1.4.5, 2.4.3, and 4.1.3 and be prepared to discuss potential edits to resolve comments.
- Take a look at the unassigned list of public comment issues. We will be working in-meeting on drafting responses starting at the top of the list.
- Due 10 Jan.: WCAG2ICT - Review of updated draft for 3.2.6 Consistent Help
- Due 10 Jan.: WCAG2ICT - Closed Functionality: Intro and bullets for 1.4.5, 2.4.3, and 4.1.3
- Due 10 Jan.: WCAG2ICT - Review of proposed responses to public comments
- Look at the survey comments on the SC Problematic for Closed Functionality bullets starting with question 4 for 3.2.3 Consistent Navigation AND 3.2.4 Consistent Identification and be prepared to propose alternate text/edits if you have any.
- Take a look at the unassigned list of public comment issues. We will be working in-meeting on drafting responses starting at the top of the list.
- Be prepared to provide status of any open issues assigned to you.
- Take a look at the unassigned list of public comment issues. We will be working in-meeting on drafting responses starting at the top of the list.
- Due 13 Dec.: Review of remaining new term definitions
- Due 13 Dec.: Reopened the Closed Functionality Bullets: SCS 2.5.2, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.3, and 4.1.2 survey from last week to allow for proposals of the desired text.
- Due 4 Jan.: Closed Functionality Bullets and introductory section
- Due 4 Jan.: Link coming soon - Review of draft responses to public comments
- Due 6 Dec.: Closed Functionality Bullets: SCS 2.5.2, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.3, and 4.1.2
- Due 6 Dec.: 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum) Updates
- Due 6 Dec.: Review 3.2.6 Consistent Help proposal
- If you have self-assigned an FPWD comment, please be sure to complete a draft response ASAP. These must be closed out prior to the next working draft.
- Re-sign up for the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (or contact Daniel for info about the invited expert application). Otherwise you will stop receiving email and meeting notices.
- Due 15 Nov.: Review SC Parsing interpretation for WCAG 2.0 and 2.1
- Due 15 Nov.: Review proposal for 3.3.8 Accessible Authentication
- If you have self-assigned an FPWD comment, please be sure to complete a draft response ASAP. These must be closed out prior to the next working draft.
- Re-sign up for the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (or contact Daniel for info about the invited expert application). Otherwise you will stop receiving email and meeting notices.
- Due 8 Nov.: Review proposal for 2.4.11 Focus Not Obscured (Minimum)
- Due 8 Nov.: Review updated proposal for 2.5.7 Dragging Movements
- Due 8 Nov.: Review updated proposal for Closed functionality section
- Due 1 Nov.: Review proposal for 2.5.7 Dragging Movements
- Due 1 Nov.: Review updated proposal for 4.1.1 Parsing
- Due 1 Nov.: Review proposed updates Closed Functionality section
- Participate in Discussion on 1.4.4 Resize Text
- Participate in Discussion on 1.4.4 Resize Text
- Due 25 Oct.: Review draft responses and proposed changes due to open issues
- Deadline extended to 25 Oct.: Complete survey on Review of Proposed Changes to Definitions
- Deadline extended to 25 Oct.: Complete survey on Review proposed changes for 4.1.1 Parsing
- Participate in Discussion on 1.4.4 Resize Text
- Due 18 Oct.: Complete survey on Review of Proposed Changes to Definitions
- Due 18 Oct.: Complete survey on Review proposed changes for 4.1.1 Parsing
- Due 18 Oct.: Complete survey on Review draft responses to FPWD comments
- Review proposed updates to the heading titles in Issue 238 and weigh in on your preference(s).
- Review proposed response to Issue 228 on 2.1 Accessibility Services of Platform Software
- Due 11 Oct.: Complete survey on Closed functionality: SCs 2.1.1, 2.4.2, and 2.4.5
- Self-assign issues to address FPWD public comments and WCAG 2.2 SCs
- Due 4 Oct.: Survey on 3.3.7 Redundant Entry
- Due by 5 Oct. meeting: Review Issue #232 2.2.2 Pause, Stop Hide and the draft response in Mary Jo's comment.
- Due by 5 Oct. meeting: Review Issue #231 1.4.12 Text Spacing, the draft response from Phil and further comments afterwards.
Other work:
- Due 11 October: Complete survey on Closed functionality: SCs 2.1.1, 2.4.2, and 2.4.5
- Self-assign issues to address FPWD public comments and WCAG 2.2 SCs
- Be familiar with suggested changes per the closed functionality survey results, starting with SC 2.4.2 Page Titled
- Due 4 October: Survey on 3.3.7 Redundant Entry
- Read the three additional follow-up responses from Craig Keefner which is on my response thread. I'll be asking for agreement that these do not require further response other than to note their existence in the issue.
- Be familiar with suggested changes per the closed functionality survey results, starting with SC 2.4.1 Bypass Blocks
- Read the clause to add to the draft response to Craig Keefner, based on our discussion last week, and respond to CfC to send the response to him.
- Be familiar with suggested changes per the closed functionality survey results, starting with SC 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus.
- Read the two follow-up email from Craig Keefner and the proposed response which was added to the existing issue comment. Suggest edits or make comments by 30 Aug at midnight Eastern.
- Due 30 August: Complete the 2 question Closed functionality survey - updated proposals that has newer proposed language for 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence and 1.4.12 Text Spacing.
- Read the proposed process for addressing public comments and if you have suggested improvements or need clarification, we'll discuss in the meeting.
- Be familiar with suggested changes per the closed functionality survey results, starting with SC 1.4.12 Text Spacing, to help us move more quickly through the discussion and options for changes.
- Be familiar with suggested changes per the closed functionality survey results, starting with SC 1.4.10 Reflow, to help us move more quickly through the discussion and options for changes.
- Be familiar with suggested changes per the closed functionality survey results, starting with SC 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose, to help us move more quickly through the discussion and options for changes.
- Due 2 August - Complete survey Review draft definition for 'closed functionality'
- Due 26 July - Complete survey Review draft updates to SC Problematic for Closed Functionality
- Due 19 July - Complete survey Review draft updates to Text / Command line / Terminal Emulator sections
- Due 19 July - Complete survey Review draft updates to SC Problematic for Closed Functionality
- Due 21 July - Complete survey AG WG 3rd content review
- Deadline extended to 12 July: Review the survey results reviewing "style property" definition to prepare for the meeting discussion.
- Due 12 July: Complete the survey - WCAG2ICT - Review proposed updates to "set of Web pages" and related definitions. Do this before the next item, as this is an update to the WCAG definition.
- Focus first on SC 1.4.10 Reflow and 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum) questions in the survey Review draft updates to SC Problematic for Closed Functionality
- Complete the survey Review "style property" definition draft
- At least partially complete the survey - it's long! (not due until 12 July) Review draft updates to SC Problematic for Closed Functionality.
- Please complete the survey WCAG2ICT Weekly Meeting Availability to indicate what weeks you'll be available for meeting. I've updated the existing availability survey with dates through the end of 2023.
- Complete the survey Continue CSS pixel definition draft review
- Complete the survey Update to non-web document note on 2.5.8 Target Size (minimum)
- Complete the survey Review of Proposals for SC 1.4.10 Reflow
- Due 5 July Review "style property" definition draft
- Due 11 July Review draft updates to SC Problematic for Closed Functionality. This is a long survey, so we will likely get started on the first 10 questions for the 6 July meeting and the rest for the following meeting on 12 July.
- Complete the survey CSS Pixel Definition Draft Review
- Complete the survey Update to non-web document note on 2.5.8 Target Size (minimum)
- Complete the survey Review of Proposals for SC 1.4.10 Reflow
- Complete the survey CSS Pixel Definition Draft Review
- Complete the survey on the draft for 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum)
- Read the latest comments in the CSS pixel definition issue 162 and form your thoughts or write a comment in the issue for discussion.
For those who are assigned to the Closed Functionality issue, continue filling in thoughts into the analysis spreadsheet. We will start from 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures and go to the last of the Level A and AA SC table.
- Complete the survey on the draft for 2.5.8 Target Size (Minimum)
- Read the latest comments in the CSS pixel definition issue 162 and form your thoughts or write a comment in the issue for discussion.
For those who are assigned to the Closed Functionality issue, continue filling in thoughts into the analysis spreadsheet. We will start from 1.4.2 Audio Control and go to at least 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus, probably a few SC further than that.
- Weigh in on the Issue on CSS Pixel Definition/Interpretation
For those who are assigned to the Closed Functionality issue, make sure you fill in thoughts into the analysis spreadsheet at least up to 1.3.4 Orientation.
- For those who can help with the draft content, please self assign one or more of the Reflow issues (#159-162) and complete the Doodle poll to find an appropriate meeting time outside of our weekly meeting. The first we have to complete is #162 definition for CSS pixels/device-independent pixels
- Form an opinion and/or draft content for the interpretation or replacement of the definition "CSS pixels" or alternate "device-independent pixels" term to use for this and other SCs and definitions that use this term. If you have draft ideas, add in a comment on Issue 162.
For those who are assigned to the Closed Functionality issue, begin filling in thoughts into the analysis spreadsheet
- 1.4.10 Reflow: Read Mitch's comments and suggestions for alternative notes to the draft. Be ready for a discussion or have some alternatives ready to discuss. Feel free to add your thoughts to the issue.
- For non-web documents
- For non-web software
- For the definition of device-independent pixels
- Closed Functionality: For those assigned this issue, please begin filling in the Closed functionality Google spreadsheet.
- 1.4.10 Reflow: Read Mitch's comments and suggestions for alternative notes to the draft. Be ready for a discussion or have some alternatives ready to discuss. Feel free to add your thoughts to the issue.
- For non-web documents
- For non-web software
- For the definition of device-independent pixels
- 2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation adjustments to notes for consistency with 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures - see Issue 151 with the proposed changes to the 2.5.2 notes in the comment
- Per Issue 104 - Review Pull request 152 to remove word substitution suggestions for the WCAG Intent sections
- Extended deadline Due 26 April - Complete the survey 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures readiness to incorporate into editor's draft
- Consider whether or not the Intent content needs to be quoted in the WCAG2ICT document. Is a link to the content sufficient instead? See the 2013 document, Non-text content section for an example.
- 1.4.10 Reflow: Read Mitch's comments and suggestions for alternative notes to the draft. Be ready for a discussion or have some alternatives ready to discuss. Feel free to add your thoughts to the issue.
- For non-web documents
- For non-web software
- Be familiar with the comments on the survey SC 1.4.10 Reflow - readiness to incorporate into editor's draft and comments on the issue (link in the survey). We'll be discussing during the meeting.
- Contribute to the Closed Functionality discussion topic
- Due 19 April - Complete the survey 2.5.1 Pointer Gestures readiness to incorporate into editor's draft
Surveys due by Midnight Eastern on 12 April:
Surveys due by Midnight Eastern on 5 April:
- SC 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast - closed functionality software guidance
- SC 1.4.10 Reflow - readiness to incorporate into editor's draft
AG WG is also reviewing WCAG2ICT criteria in a survey that our TF can also answer:
- Due 6 April WCAG2ICT - Second content review
- Due 29 March (Deadline extended) Review of SC 1.4.12 Text Spacing
- Due 29 March (Deadline extended) Review of SC 4.1.3 Status Messages readiness to incorporate into editor's draft
- Due 29 March Review of 2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation readiness to incorporate into editor's draft
- Due 29 March Options for closed functionality bullets for SC 1.4.11 Non-text Contrast
- Due Tuesday 21 March Second review of SC 1.4.11 readiness to incorporate into editors draft
- Due 22 March Review of SC 1.4.12 Text Spacing
- Due 22 March Review of SC 4.1.3 readiness to incorporate into editors draft
- Let Mary Jo know via email if you want your assigned SC discussed as a group at the 16 March meeting. We'll be having an informal working session since many will be participating at CSUN or AxeCon.
- Read Add 4.1.3 Status Messages (Issue 35) and the thread of discussion in that issue
- Read Add 2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation (Issue 32)and the thread of discussion in that issue
Upcoming deadlines for surveys:
- Due 16 March - Accessibility Guidelines Working Group's survey WCAG2ICT-First content review. Our Task Force participants are all AG WG members and are encouraged to complete the survey, respond to other's comments in the survey. Results will be discussed in the 21 March AG WG meeting.
- Deadline extended Due Tuesday 21 March WCAG2ICT-Second review of SC 1.4.11 readiness to incorporate into editors draft
Due 8 March WCAG2ICT-SC 1.4.12 Text Spacing readiness to incorporate into editors draft
Due 8 March WCAG2ICT-Second review of SC 1.4.11 readiness to incorporate into editors draft
Due 16 March - AG WG's survey to review our work WCAG2ICT-First content review. Our Task Force participants are all AG WG members and are encouraged to complete the survey.
- Complete the survey Review of 1.4.13 readiness to incorporate into editor's draft
- Complete the survey Review of key terms and Level AAA only glossary items
- Complete the survey Review of SC 2.5.3 Label in Name readiness to incorporate into editor's draft
- Read and contribute to the discussion thread on applying 1.4.10 Reflow to non-web documents and software
- Complete survey Review of SC 1.4.11 readiness to incorporate into editors draft - deadline was extended
- Complete survey WCAG2ICT-Abstract and Comparison sections readiness to incorporate into editor's draft
- Complete survey WCAG2ICT-Introductory sections' readiness to incorporate into editor's draft
- Only if you have time (not due until 23 February), complete the survey Review of SC 2.5.3 Label in Name readiness to incorporate into editor's draft
- Consider assigning yourself to one of the 3 remaining unassigned WCAG 2.1 SC: 1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus, 2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation, or 4.1.3 Status Messages.
SC 1.4.12 Text Spacing: Review Loïc's proposal in Issue 62. In case you need to review previous discussions see:
- Minutes from 19 January
- SC 1.4.12 survey results
- Also relevant, 2013 WCAG2ICT's Guidance on 4.1.1 Parsing because that SC also used the phrase, "In content implemented using markup languages."
- Complete survey Review of SC 2.5.4 readiness to incorporate into editors draft
- Complete survey Review of SC 1.4.11 readiness to incorporate into editors draft
Would love to bring the discussions on 2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts and 1.4.12 Text Spacing to a conclusion this week with an agreement to incorporate with any agreed upon notes. If you have suggestions for modifying the proposals in the comments, please add a comment to the issue (links below) or have it ready for the discussion on Thursday.
- SC 2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts: Review the latest comments on Issue 76 starting with Gregg's and including Mary Jo's comment that contains a proposed note for the definition of keyboard shortcut. In case you need to remind yourself of discussions on this SC, review the following:
SC 1.4.12 Text Spacing: Review Loïc's proposal in Issue 62. In case you need to review previous discussions see:
- Minutes from 19 January
- SC 1.4.12 survey results
- Also relevant, 2013 WCAG2ICT's Guidance on 4.1.1 Parsing because that SC also used the phrase, "In content implemented using markup languages."
- WCAG2ICT project: Be ready to provide brief status of your assigned issues (or assign yourself one and start on a draft proposal).
- Complete the survey SC 2.1.4 Readiness to incorporate into the editor's draft.
- Complete the survey Background section readiness to incorporate into the editor's draft
- WCAG2ICT project: Be ready to provide brief status of your assigned issues (or assign yourself one to create a draft proposal).
- Complete the survey (extended deadline) Review of SC 1.3.5 and 1.4.12 for readiness to incorporate into the editors' draft. Focus on 1.4.12 since we covered 1.3.5 in the 12 January meeting. Notify Mary Jo if you have additional concerns for SC 1.3.5 that were not mentioned or addressed in the 12 January meeting.
- Complete the survey SC 2.1.4 Readiness to incorporate into the editor's draft.
- Be ready to give a brief status of your assigned issues (or assign yourself one and start creating a draft proposal)
- Complete the survey Review of SC 1.3.5 and 1.4.12 for readiness to incorporate into the editors' draft
NOTE: 5 January meeting was cancelled.
- If you haven't already, complete the survey Initial look at draft for 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose
- If you have assigned yourself an issue, be prepared to give a brief status during the meeting and when you expect to complete the work, if you’ve got any blockers, or need any help. This will help me plan for upcoming meetings where content might be ready to send to the task force for review.
- Complete the survey Review proposed changes to guidelines
- Complete the survey Initial look at draft for 1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose
- Complete the survey Initial look at proposals to gather your initial thoughts on proposed content. Simply read the content and document your thoughts in the survey. This is not final material, but we want to do an initial gut-check on the content before we write notes and have a detailed review.
- Due on Dec 1: survey Review proposed changes to guidelines (try to complete earlier, if possible)
- Look at the WCAG 2.1 items list in the WCAG2ICT project. This contains issues for ushering new success criteria from WCAG 2.1 into the document. Help me spread the work by choosing a success criteria to use the template on and start working to create the proposed content using the template. For the one you choose, add yourself as the assignee.
- Complete the Discussions poll: Weigh in on possible new sections to add
- Familiarize yourself with the Wiki Template for adding new success criteria to the WCAG2ICT document. This template can either be copied to a new Wiki Page, by editing the template and copying the GitHub markup content of the page. Then either paste the markup into a new WIKI page you created or into a comment in the issue you plan to work on. If we all want to have the template in the issue, I can boilerplate this into each issue to help things move more quickly.
- Make sure you have the ability to create a branch/make edits in GitHub.
- Go to the GitHub WCAG2ICT repository
- Open the main dropdown and check that the entry field is labeled Find or create a branch. If it isn't, send an email to Daniel Montalvo ([email protected]) with your GitHub ID.
- Try the instructions (if you haven't already) by watching and following alongside the video for the way you'd like to work (either in GitHub web UI or using GitHub Desktop with a code editor like Visual Studio).
Get set up to practice using GitHub.
- Either get set up so you have the editing environment on your desktop
- Windows, MacOS, or Apple silicon Mac: Download & install the corresponding version of GitHub Desktop
- Go to the GitHub WCAG2ICT repository
- Use the Code dropdown to and then activate Open with GitHub Desktop to open the WCAG2ICT main branch
- If you don't have the code cloned on your machine yet, you'll get a prompt to do that. So make sure you do clone (make a copy of) the code onto your computer.
- Download & install a source code editor. This is up to your preference, but your co-facilitators use the following:
- Windows: Notepad++
- MacOS or Windows: Visual Studio
- Windows, MacOS, or Apple silicon Mac: Download & install the corresponding version of GitHub Desktop
- Or use the web interface for editing in GitHub. There won't be prep for you.
Intro to GitHub:
- Be prepared with your GitHub ID and password. We're going to log in and try some features out.
- Read the GitHub instructions. During the meeting I'll demo these features live.
- Think of any questions you have. I'll go further into GitHub features if things are clear.
Goal: Reach consensus on all sections of the work statement during the meeting. NOTE: Any Scope of Work section changes agreed upon during this meeting will be added to the PR and incorporated into the document.
- Contribute to 3 email threads regarding Work Statement Survey Question 2: Scope of Work. My original note contained all three topics which Gregg split into three discussion threads at: public-wcag2ict-tf archives
- Whether or not to include Level AAA criteria in WCAG2ICT
- Definition of non-web ICT covered by the WCAG2ICT Note
- Publish WCAG2ICT as a W3C Statement instead of a WG Note?
- Review updates to Pull Request 2682 to address comments received on all survey questions except Question 2: Scope of Work.
- Review comments from the Work Statement survey to prepare for discussion
- Gather thoughts on preferred collaboration tools (e.g. W3C's typical document development in GitHub, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, GitHub wiki). Be ready to express what you are comfortable with or if you are willing to attend training on GitHub and work there using basic HTML markup. If we can converge on a tool, we will; if that's not possible, it helps the chairs understand the level of coordination that might be needed to ensure everyone has the best Task Force work environment.
- Link your GitHub account (from first meeting homework) to your W3C ID:
- Go to your W3C account
- Choose the Connected Accounts link
- Connect your GitHub account with your W3C username
- Read/review the following documents:
- Complete survey:
- Survey of WCAG2ICT work statement NOTE: The current work statement status is incorrect. This is still a draft, and we will need to obtain the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group consensus decision that it is finalized. The June decision was to start the WCAG2ICT Task Force.
- Read the 2013 Guidance on Applying WCAG 2.0 to Non-Web Information and Communications Technologies (WCAG2ICT)
- Complete survey: Weeks you are available
- Familiarize yourself with the WCAG2ICT wiki, especially the following topics pertaining to meetings
- Learn about IRC - Including installing IRC client tooling, if desired
- Learn about scribing - including basic commands
- Create GitHub ID (if you don't already have one)
- Go to https://github.com/join.
- Type a user name, your email address, and a password.
- Choose Sign up for GitHub, and then follow the instructions.
This Wiki page is edited by participants of the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group's WCAG2ICT Task Force. Content in the Wiki shows work in progress by the task force, and does not necessarily represent consensus.