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Enabling HUE

Iman Saleh edited this page Dec 22, 2015 · 2 revisions

Wiki Home ▸ [Getting Started Guide](Getting Started Guide) ▸ Enabling HUE

TAP uses Hue; an open source Web interface for analyzing data with Hadoop and Spark. For more information on HUE, check

To enable HUE on TAP, follow these instructions:

  1. To add a HUE service to the Cloudera cluster, note on which machines it was placed.

  2. Create a new Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) instance in AWS:

    • Forward port 443 HTTPS to port 8888 HTTPS.
    • Should be in the same subnet as the NAT instance (one is sufficient).
    • Fill in the private key, certificate, and the chain.
    • Create a new security group allowing access to all on port 443.
    • Perform a simple TCP health check.
  3. Modify the security group of Cloudera to allow access from the ELB security group to all ports. (This is suggested by AWS support; using only one port doesn't work).

  4. Modify HUE instance settings on the Cloudera cluster:

    • Enable HTTPS.
    • Put the private key and certificate on the HUE server in a place reachable by HUE and chown hue:hue the files.
    • Fill in the required paths in HUE configuration.
  5. Add a CNAME domain to route53 for the created ELB.

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