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Managing Users and Spaces

Iman Saleh edited this page Dec 8, 2015 · 2 revisions

Wiki Home ▸ [Getting Started Guide](Getting Started Guide) ▸ Managing Users and Spaces

Create new organization

This procedure shows you how to create a new organization and new spaces for it.

  1. Navigate to "User management" and click on "Manage organizations".

  2. Choose the "Add organization" tab.

  3. Specify a new name of the organization.

  4. Click the "Submit" button.

Add new space

This procedure shows you how to add a new space within an existing organization.

  1. Navigate to "User management" and click on "Manage organizations".

  2. Choose an organization for management.

  3. Specify a new name for the organization space.

  4. Click the "Add Space" button.

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