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Cloudera MySQL Backups

Wiesław Kielas edited this page Jun 30, 2015 · 1 revision

Backing up MySQL

  • The MySQL instance used by Cloudera is located on the cdh-manager host.

  • The MySQL login and password are stored in the Ansible* vault.

  • The backup script is scheduled to run automatically; log information is stored in syslog, located in the /var/log/messages file. <br>

  • It is also possible to perform run the backup script manually by executing the script as root user:

    sudo su -
    cd /opt/mysql_backup/

Restoring MySQL

To restore MySQL databases or tables, you will need access to the AWS S3 backups bucket.

  1. Download the tar.gz file containing MySQL database dumps ([environment_name]_mysql_backup_YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm.tar.xz) from AWS S3:<br> aws s3 cp s3://backups/[tar_file] . <br>

    To list all files in the bucket: <br> aws s3 ls s3://backups

  2. Unpack the tar file:<br> tar -xvJf [tar_file].tar.xz

    To restore all databases:<br> mysql -u[user_name] -p[password] < mysql_all_[YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm].sql

To restore a single database:<br> mysql -u[user_name] -p[password] < mysql_[db_name]_[YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm].sql

To restore a single table from a database dump:<br>

(sed -n -e'/MySQL/,/Table structure for/p' mysql_[db_name]_[YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm].sql; \
sed -n -e'/Table structure for.*`[table_name]/,/Table structure for/p' mysql_[db_name]_[YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm].sql) \
| mysql -u[user_name] -p[password]
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