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2015 09 Release Notes

Iman Saleh edited this page Dec 21, 2015 · 3 revisions

Wiki Home2015 09 Release Notes

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New Features

Encryption of HDFS folders used by Data Catalog component

HDFS-broker now contains new plan “encrypted”, which creates encrypted directory on hdfs. In other words: all user data uploaded to Trusted Analytics Platform is encrypted.

JIRA project for Trusted Analytics Platform

For better and easier development there has been created JIRA project devoted to Trusted Analytics Platform - This is the place where you can do the following:

  • enter defects for platform components
  • see all open & resolved defects for the project
  • see the list of all open change/feature requests
  • create change/feature requests

Dashboard chart using D3 component

Charts displaying platform statistics on dashboard are now using well known, open source D3 component (Data Driven Documents -

RStudio and iPython exposed through go-router

Service-exposer was developed to overcome difficulties related to exposing service instances with HTTP interface to end-user. In order to access newly created service instances, service-exposer registers instances routes in Cloud Foundry.

Support for folder binding on HDFS to dataset-reader component

Dataset-reader component ( is currently capable of reading whole folder on HDFS.

Integration of Uploader component with platform deployment scripts

Uploader component ( is now part of core platform and is also included in platform deployment scripts.

###Updates to Trusted Analytics project’s wiki page

Definitions of "Priority" and "Severity" of bugs, new wiki page mentioning JIRA project devoted to Trusted Analytics Platform.


New methods implementation in cf-client component for getting environment variables for given app GUID and listing all services instances for given service plan.

Method create service instance change in cf-client component ( client.git)

Method “createServiceInstance” was refactored and now returns metadata object with metadata and entity properties.

IPython password exposure in Console

It’s available to retrieve IPython password without searching for it in application environment using command line.

RStudio login & password exposure in Console

Huge facilitation for obtaining RStudio credentials from Trusted Analytics Platform console.

Zookeeper-broker security enhancements

Zookeeper broker stored sensitive data in application.yml file, which is now delivered via Cloudfoundry manifest.

CDH integration scripts for user group mapping

Implementation of integration scripts for CDH and parcels.


Adding new user with incorrect e-mail address fix

Fixed application error when trying to add new user with inappropriate data.

Problem with kafka2hdfs fixed

Fixed component error when pushing component to cloud foundry.

Latest events box empty on Openstack environment fix

Fixed error of empty latest events box instead of message “No latest events”.

Ghost pagination control fix

Fixed GUI pagination control displaying users list.

Onboarding fix

Fixed issue with onboarding new user to the platform.

Dataset results view fix

Fixed issue with datasets view control not displaying search results.

HDFS instance creation fix

Fixed error when creating instance of HDFS service in marketplace.

Organization delete fix

Platform allowed to delete organizations with added users. Validation rule has been implemented, currently it is impossible to delete organization with users.

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