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data catalog API TAP 2016 APR 1

mlaboszc edited this page Apr 21, 2016 · 2 revisions


Enables search, retrieval and storageof metadata describing data sets.

Version information

Version: 0.4.26

URI scheme

Host: data-catalog.domain BasePath: /


  • default: Default namespace
  • rest/datasets: Data Catalog - enables search, retrieval and storage of metadata describing data sets.


  • application/json


  • application/json


Do a search for data sets

GET /rest/datasets


Query should be in this format: { "query": SEARCH_TEXT, "filters":[ {FILTERED_FIELD_NAME: [FIELD_VALUE_1, FIELD_VALUE_1]} ], "from": FROM_HIT_NUMBER, "size": NUMBER_OF_HITS }

All query fields are optional. When filtering by time ranges, you must supply exactly two filter field values. -1 can be used as infinity.

"from" and "size" are used for pagination of search queries. If we get 20 hits for a query, we can set "from" and "size" to 10 to get the second half of hits.

Filter examples:

{"creationTime": [-1, "2015-02-24T14:56"]} <- all until 2015-02-24T14:56 {"format": ["csv", "json"]} <- all CSV and JSON data sets

Field 'orgs' should be in a form of a list of org uuids separated with a coma example: orguuid-01,oruuid-02

Fields 'onlyPublic' and 'onlyPrivate' should have boolean value (true or false). In addition to a query, they allow to choose only private data sets or only public ones. They are mutually exclusive!

Consumer of this endpoint must have a valid OAuth token. Also, user has to be a member of the organization owning the data sets. This doesn't concern admins (console.admin in token's scope) who always have access. Moreover an admin owning the data sets being targeted by this request receives data from all orgs.


Type Name Description Required Schema Default
QueryParameter onlyPrivate Returns a list of the private data sets only false boolean
QueryParameter query A query JSON object. false string
QueryParameter onlyPublic Returns a list of the public data sets only. false boolean
QueryParameter orgs A list of org UUIDs. false null string array


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Result queries returned. SearchHits
400 Invalid or malformed query. No Content
500 Internal error. No Content


  • rest/datasets

Get the number of current data sets in the index per organisation

GET /rest/datasets/count


Consumer of this endpoint must have a valid OAuth token. Also, user has to be a member of the organization owning the data sets. This doesn't concern admins (console.admin in token's scope) who always have access. Moreover an admin owning the data sets being targeted by this request receives data from all orgs.


Type Name Description Required Schema Default
QueryParameter onlyPrivate Returns a list of the private data sets only false boolean
QueryParameter orgs A list of org UUIDs. false null string array
QueryParameter onlyPublic Returns a list of the public data sets only. false boolean


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Data set count returned. integer


  • rest/datasets

Updates specified attributes of metadata entry with the given ID

POST /rest/datasets/{entry_id}


The body of the POST method should be formed in a following way:

{ "argumentName": ["value01", "value02"] }

The value of a given argument will replace current value for this argument in the specified metadata entry.

Example: { "title": "A new, better title for this data set!" }

Consumer of this endpoint must have a valid OAuth token. Also, user has to be a member of the organization owning the data set. This doesn't concern admins (console.admin in token's scope) who always have access.


Type Name Description Required Schema Default
PathParameter entry_id ID of a metadata entry (data set). true string
BodyParameter body Attributes with values to change. true InputMetadataEntry


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Data set attributes are updated. No Content
400 Wrong input data. No Content
403 Forbidden access to the resource No Content
404 No entry with the given ID found. No Content


  • rest/datasets

Puts a metadata entry in the search index under the given ID

PUT /rest/datasets/{entry_id}


Consumer of this endpoint must have a valid OAuth token. Also, user has to be a member of the organization owning the data sets. This doesn't concern admins (console.admin in token's scope) who always have access.


Type Name Description Required Schema Default
PathParameter entry_id ID of a metadata entry (data set). true string
BodyParameter body JSON-formatted metadata entry. true InputMetadataEntry


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Entry updated. No Content
201 Entry created. No Content
400 Putting data set in index failed: malformed data in meta data fields. No Content
403 Forbidden access to required organisation No Content
503 Putting data set in index failed: failed to connect to ElasticSearch. No Content


  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • multipart/form-data


  • rest/datasets

Deletes a metadata entry labeled with the given ID

DELETE /rest/datasets/{entry_id}


Consumer of this endpoint must have a valid OAuth token. Also, user has to be a member of the organization owning the data sets. This doesn't concern admins (console.admin in token's scope) who always have access.


Type Name Description Required Schema Default
PathParameter entry_id ID of the metadata entry describing some data set. true string


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Entry has been removed from Elastic Search. Status of deletion from external services is in response's body DeleteResponse
401 Authorization header not found. No Content
403 Forbidden access to the resource No Content
404 No entry with the given ID found. No Content
503 Problem connecting to ElasticSearch. No Content


  • rest/datasets

Gets a metadata entry labeled with the given ID

GET /rest/datasets/{entry_id}


Consumer of this endpoint must have a valid OAuth token. Also, user has to be a member of the organization owning the data sets. This doesn't concern admins (console.admin in token's scope) who always have access.


Type Name Description Required Schema Default
PathParameter entry_id ID of the metadata entry describing some data set. true string


HTTP Code Description Schema
200 Success QueryHit
403 Forbidden access to the resource No Content
404 No entry with the given ID found. No Content
503 Problem while connecting to the index. No Content


  • rest/datasets



Name Description Required Schema Default
deleted_from_publisher true boolean
deleted_from_downloader true boolean


Name Description Required Schema Default
recordCount true integer
creationTime false string (date-time)
isPublic true boolean
sourceUri true string
size true integer
title true string
targetUri true string
orgUUID true string
dataSample true string
format true string
category true string


Name Description Required Schema Default
recordCount true integer
creationTime false string (date-time)
isPublic true boolean
sourceUri true string
size true integer
title true string
id true string
targetUri true string
orgUUID true string
dataSample true string
format true string
category true string


Name Description Required Schema Default
_source true InputMetadataEntry
_type true string
_id true string
found true boolean
_version true integer
_index true string


Name Description Required Schema Default
formats true string array
hits true InputMetadataEntryWithID array
total true integer
categories true string array
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