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Platform Deployment Procedure: bosh deployment

Ryszard Mielcarek edited this page Dec 3, 2015 · 42 revisions

Set up bosh deployment

From your local machine log in to box shown as bastion_ip

    $ ssh -i ~/.ssh/bosh.pem ubuntu@bastion_ip

Make sure that you have latest gems

    $ cd ~/workspace/deployments/cf-boshworkspace/
    $ bundle update

Edit deployment file

  • for AWS deployments: $ vi ~/workspace/deployments/cf-boshworkspace/deployments/cf-aws-tiny.yml
  • for OpenStack deployments: $ vi ~/workspace/deployments/cf-boshworkspace/deployments/cf-openstack-tiny.yml

Locate path meta and fill the following section with your own values:

    port: 25
    user: YOURUSER
    password: YOURPASS
    senderEmail: [email protected]
    senderName: Domain

Generate a secure password for uaac_admin_client_secret and note it down. Locate path meta and set generated password to secret. Note that this password should not contain special characters due to the limitations of CloudFoundry, please use characters [0-9A-Za-z].

  secret: <uaac_admin_client_secret>

Deploy changes

    $ cd ~/workspace/deployments/cf-boshworkspace/
  • for AWS deployments:
    $ bosh deployment cf-aws-tiny
  • for OpenStack deployments:
    $ bosh deployment cf-openstack-tiny

and execute:

    $ bosh prepare deployment
    $ bosh deploy

Set up Cloud Foundry

Login to Cloud Foundry using admin account and create organization and space

    $ cf login -a http://api.<cf_api_id> -u admin -p <cf_admin_pass> --skip-ssl-validation
    $ cf create-org <org_name>
    $ cf target -o <org_name>
    $ cf create-space <space_name>
    $ cf target -s <space_name>

If your smtp server which you plan to use for sending e-mail messages in applications is located in one of private IP address ranges (A:, B: or C: please create an additional security group in Cloudfoundry, in below example we have two mailservers ( and and both are using TCP port 25

   $ cf create-security-group smtp <(echo '[{"destination":"","ports":"25","protocol":"tcp"},{"destination":"","ports":"25","protocol":"tcp"}]')

If this security group should be available for applications in all spaces in all orgs it should be binded by below command

   $ cf bind-running-security-group smtp

Else if it should be available only for one space (for example seedspace in organisation seedorg)

   $ cf bind-running-security-group smtp seedorg seedspace

Update default quota

Update the maximum amount of memory to 30 GB:

    $ cf update-quota default -m 30G

Add UAA clients

Generate a secure password for atk_client_pass and note it down. This password should not contain special characters due to the limitations of CloudFoundry, please use characters [0-9A-Za-z].

    $ uaac target https://uaa.<cf_api_id> --skip-ssl-validation
    $ uaac token client get admin -s <uaac_admin_client_secret>
    $ uaac client add atk-client \
      --scope,cloud_controller.write,,openid \
      --authorized_grant_types authorization_code,password,refresh_token,client_credentials  \
      --redirect_uri http://atkdash.<cf_api_id> \
      --authorities uaa.none -s <atk_client_pass>
    $ uaac client update developer_console \
      --scope cloud_controller.admin,,cloud_controller.write,console.admin,doppler.firehose,openid,password.write,,scim.userids,scim.write \
      --authorized_grant_types authorization_code,client_credentials,refresh_token \
      --redirect_uri http://console.<cf_api_id>,https://console.<cf_api_id> \
      --authorities,uaa.admin,cloud_controller.admin,billing.admin,uaa.resource,password.write,scim.write,cloud_controller.write, \
      --autoapprove true --access_token_validity 1209600 --refresh_token_validity 1209600
    $ uaac group add console.admin
    $ uaac member add console.admin admin
    $ uaac client update cf \
      --scope cloud_controller.admin,,cloud_controller.write,doppler.firehose,openid,password.write,,scim.write,console.admin

Push apps and services

Follow procedure in Platform application layer deployment

Devops remarks

  • Set up and assign to AWS user an appropriate account regional policy, i.e. (please remember to change the ec2:Region attribute):
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Condition": {
                "StringEquals": {
                    "ec2:Region": "us-east-1"
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
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