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en devel environment variables

Ryota Shioya edited this page Aug 27, 2022 · 16 revisions

Environment Variables

  • This page describes the environment variables that must be set to use RSD.
    • The required environment variables depend on what you want to do.
  • This page considers the following four purposes.
    • Software simulation
    • Boot on Xilinx Zynq FPGA boards
    • Post-synthesis Simulation For FPGA
    • Synthesis for ASIC (experimental)
  • How to:
    • All the environment variables of RSD are written in SetEnv.* file in Processor/Tools/SetEnv.
      • SetEnv.bat : for Windows
      • : for Linux
    • Please copy the SetEnv.* to MySetEnv.* to create your own SetEnv file. (MySetEnv.* is gitignored.)
    • Note that you must setup the development environment first.

Necessary Environment Variables

The followings are necessary for all the four purposes.

Variable Name Detail
RSD_ROOT Specify the root directory where you checked out RSD.
RSD_GCC_PATH Specify the directory that contains a RISC-V GCC binary.
RSD_GCC_PREFIX Specify the prefix of the RISC-V GCC binary.
Example: riscv32-unknown-elf-

For Software Simulation

Some environment variables below are also required to simulate RSD on software simulators, depending on the simulator you use.

  • Mentor QuestaSim, Mentor ModelSim

    Variable Name Detail
    RSD_QUESTASIM_PATH Specify the bin directory of Modelsim or QuestaSim.
  • Verilator

    Variable Name Detail
    RSD_VERILATOR_BIN Specify the path of a verilator binary.
  • Xilinx Vitis (Vivado)

    Variable Name Detail
    RSD_VIVADO_BIN Specify the bin directory of Vivado.
    Example: /Xilinx_tool_install_path/Vivado/2019.2/bin

For Boot on Xilinx Zynq FPGA Boards / Post-synthesis Simulation For FPGA

The followings are also required to boot RSD on Xilinx Zynq FPGA boards or run post-synthesis simulation for FPGA.

Variable Name Detail
RSD_VIVADO_BIN Specify the bin directory of Vivado.
Example: /Xilinx_tool_install_path/Vivado/2019.2/bin
RSD_ARM_LINUX Specify a directory where you want to download and build all necessary files for boot on Xilinx Zynq FPGA boards.
A directory outside $(RSD_ROOT) is recommended.

For Synthesis for ASIC (experimental)

The following is also required to synthesize RSD for ASIC.

Variable Name Detail
RSD_DC_SHELL_BIN Specify the dc_shell binary of Design Compiler.