released this
11 Mar 15:41
Major changes
Complete changelog
#15609 - Avoid race condition when creating the Dev UI routes
#15608 - Reintroduce RouteBuildItem#Builder() public ctor
#15603 - Fix Building my First Extension documentation snippets order description
#15594 - Look for mongo client in the whole deployment
#15592 - Fix Polyglot with fast-jar
#15589 - Look for RedisClient in all modules
#15586 - Fix potential race condition with Multipart upload in RESTEasy Reactive
#15581 - Named Redis client injection not working when used in separate JAR
#15577 - Fix native executable build on Windows and add a CI build - 1.12
#15576 - Fix GraphQL queries returning Collection.class in native mode
#15571 - GraphQL queries returning Collection.class are broken in native mode
#15569 - Use sortedOriginalMediaTypes in ClassRoutingHandler
#15560 - Disable DevUI for remote dev mode
#15558 - Fix dev console paths. Add Builder to HttpRootPathBuildItem
#15554 - Added descriptions to Health OpenAPI Filter responses
#15553 - Fix race condition on reading input in RESTEasy Reactive
#15551 - Missing description for generated health OpenAPI responses
#15546 - Fix Thread-safe issue and memory leak with Log History Handler
#15535 - HttpRootPathBuildItem has changed his path
format several times.
#15529 - Small path fix for the dev ui
#15506 - Automatically register @JsonIdentityInfo generator and resolver in Jackson
#15480 - Make mutable-jar work with jib in all cases
#15479 - Resteasy Reactive first POST with InputStream hang
#15477 - Add support for mutable-jar package format for container image extensions
#15474 - Explain semantics of; add tests
#15455 - Make Jackson work with ReaderInterceptors
#15453 - RESTEasy Reactive: ReaderInterceptor results in java.lang.IllegalStateException: Should never be called
#15450 - Use relative links in the guides
#15445 - Fix some infelicities in the IDE Tooling guide
#15427 - Use single mock when backing bean is the same instance
#15411 - @InjectMock replaces existing mocks
#15172 - Don't use real looking versions in mocked data for snapshot testing
#15146 - Make sure versions are mocked in snapshots tests
#15142 - Some code start tests test the version which is not compatible with releases
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