This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.
feat: Security improvements, add option to disable userdata logging
* chore(release): 0.17.0 [skip ci] * Adding support for new workflow_job event. ([#1019](#1019)) ([a74e10b](a74e10b)) * chore(release): 0.18.0 [skip ci] * add format checking for lambdas in CI ([#899](#899)) ([#1080](#1080)) ([ae9c277](ae9c277)) * add option to overwrite / disable egress [#748](#748) ([#1112](#1112)) ([9c2548d](9c2548d)) * replace depcrated 'request' dependency by 'node-fetch' ([#903](#903)) ([#1082](#1082)) ([fb51756](fb51756)) * chore(release): 0.18.1 [skip ci] * webhook labels for `workflow_job` ([#1133](#1133)) ([4b39fb9](4b39fb9)) * chore(release): 0.19.0 [skip ci] * **scale-down:** Update Owner Logic ([#1065](#1065)) ([ba2536b](ba2536b)), closes [#2](#2) * explicit set region for downloading runner distribution from S3 ([#1204](#1204)) ([439fb1b](439fb1b)) * upgrade jest ([#1219](#1219)) ([c8b8139](c8b8139)) * use dynamic block to ignore null market opts ([#1202](#1202)) ([df9bd78](df9bd78)) * use dynamic block to ignore null market opts ([#1202](#1202)) ([06a5598](06a5598)) * **logging:** Additional Logging ([#1135](#1135)) ([f7f194d](f7f194d)) * **scale-down:** Clearing cache between runs ([#1164](#1164)) ([e72227b](e72227b)) * chore(release): 0.19.1 [skip ci] * `instance_types` from a Set to a List, so instance order preference is preserved ([#1154](#1154)) ([150d227](150d227)) * chore(release): 0.20.0 [skip ci] * Add option to disable SSL verification support for GitHub Enterprise Server ([#1216](#1216)) ([3c3ef19](3c3ef19)), closes [#1207](#1207) * chore(release): 0.20.1 [skip ci] * Upgrade lambda runtime to node 14.x ([#1203](#1203)) ([570949a](570949a)) * **webhook:** remove node fetch ([ca14ac5](ca14ac5)) * **webhook:** replace node-fetch by axios [#1247](#1247) ([80fff4b](80fff4b)) * added more detailed logging for scaling up and down ([#1222](#1222)) ([9aa7456](9aa7456)) * chore(release): 0.21.0 [skip ci] * Ignore github managed labels and add check disable option ([#1244](#1244)) ([859fa38](859fa38)) * remove unused app client since SSH key is used to secure app authorization ([#1223](#1223)) ([4cb5cf1](4cb5cf1)) * upgrade Terraform version of module 1.0.x ([#1254](#1254)) ([2a817dc](2a817dc)) * chore(release): 0.21.1 [skip ci] * **logging:** Adjusting scale logging messages and levels ([#1286](#1286)) ([665e1a6](665e1a6)) * **logging:** Adjusting webhook logs and levels ([#1287](#1287)) ([9df5fb8](9df5fb8)) * Update launch template to use metadata service v2 ([#1278](#1278)) ([ef16287](ef16287)) * chore(release): 0.22.0 [skip ci] * adding message retention seconds ([#1354](#1354)) ([a19929f](a19929f)) * adding var for tags for ec2s ([#1357](#1357)) ([31cf02d](31cf02d)) * add validation to distribution_bucket_name variable ([#1356](#1356)) ([6522317](6522317)) * chore(release): 0.23.0 [skip ci] * add option to format logging in JSON for lambdas ([#1228](#1228)) ([a250b96](a250b96)) * add option to specify SSE config for dist bucket ([#1324](#1324)) ([ae84302](ae84302)) * reducing verbosity of role and profile ([#1358](#1358)) ([922ef99](922ef99)) * chore(release): 0.23.1 [skip ci] * configurable metadata options for runners ([#1377](#1377)) ([f37df23](f37df23)) * chore(release): 0.24.0 [skip ci] * support single line for app private key ([#1368](#1368)) ([14183ac](14183ac)) * update return codes, no error code for job that are ignored ([#1381](#1381)) ([f9f705f](f9f705f)) * chore(release): 0.25.0 [skip ci] * Add option to configure concurrent running scale up lambda ([#1415](#1415)) ([23ee630](23ee630)) * clean up non used variables in examples ([#1416](#1416)) ([fe65a5f](fe65a5f)) * chore(release): 0.25.1 [skip ci] * Add required providers to module ssm ([#1423](#1423)) ([5b68b7b](5b68b7b)) * chore(release): 0.25.2 [skip ci] * add logging context to runner lambda ([#1399](#1399)) ([0ba0930](0ba0930)) * **logging:** Add context to webhook logs ([#1401](#1401)) ([8094576](8094576)) * chore(release): 0.26.0 [skip ci] * Add hooks for prebuilt images (AMI), including amazon linux packer example ([#1444](#1444)) ([060daac](060daac)) * add runners binaries bucket as terraform output ([5809fee](5809fee)) * chore(release): 0.26.1 [skip ci] * Download lambda ([#1480](#1480)) ([f1b99d9](f1b99d9)) * **syncer:** Add tests, coverage report, and refactor lambda / naming ([#1478](#1478)) ([8266442](8266442)) * install_config_runner -> install_runner ([#1479](#1479)) ([de5b93f](de5b93f)) * chore(release): 0.27.0 [skip ci] * add windows support ([#1476](#1476)) ([dbba705](dbba705)) * chore(release): 0.27.1 [skip ci] * add --preserve-env to to enable RUNNER_ALLOW_RUNASROOT ([#1537](#1537)) ([1cd9cd3](1cd9cd3)) * remove export from install script. ([#1538](#1538)) ([d32ca1b](d32ca1b)) * chore(release): 0.27.2 [skip ci] * Dowload lambda see [#1541](#1541) for details. ([#1542](#1542)) ([7cb73c8](7cb73c8)) * chore(release): 0.28.0 [skip ci] * add option ephemeral runners ([#1374](#1374)) ([2f323d6](2f323d6)), closes [#1399](#1399) [#1444](#1444) * Change default location of runner to `/opt` and fix Ubuntu example ([#1572](#1572)) ([77f350b](77f350b)) * Replace run instance API by create fleet API ([#1556](#1556)) ([27e974d](27e974d)) * Support t4g Graviton instance type ([#1561](#1561)) ([3fa5896](3fa5896)) * Add config for windows ami ([#1525](#1525)) ([7907984](7907984)) * chore(release): 0.29.0 [skip ci] * Strict label check and replace disable_check_wokflow_job_labels by opt in enable_workflow_job_labels_check ([#1591](#1591)) ([405b11d](405b11d)) * chore(release): 0.30.0 [skip ci] * Add scheduled / pull based scaling for org level runners ([#1577](#1577)) ([8197432](8197432)) * chore(release): 0.30.1 [skip ci] * **runnrs:** Pool runners to allow multiple pool_config objects ([#1621](#1621)) ([c9c7c69](c9c7c69)) * chore(release): 0.31.0 [skip ci] * **packer:** add vars and minor clean up ([#1611](#1611)) ([1c897a4](1c897a4)) * **webhook:** depcrated warning on ts-jest mocked ([#1615](#1615)) ([56c1ece](56c1ece)) * chore(release): 0.32.0 [skip ci] * **runner:** Replace patch by install ICU package for ARM runners ([#1624](#1624)) ([74cfa51](74cfa51)) * **images:** use new runner install location ([#1628](#1628)) ([36c1bf5](36c1bf5)) * **packer:** Add missing RUNNER_ARCHITECTURE for amazn-linux2 ([#1647](#1647)) ([ec497a2](ec497a2)) * chore(release): 0.33.0 [skip ci] * **images:** Added ubuntu-focual example packer configuration ([#1644](#1644)) ([997b171](997b171)) * **examples:** Update AMI filter ([#1673](#1673)) ([39c019c](39c019c)) * chore(release): 0.34.0 [skip ci] * Add output image id used in launch template ([#1676](#1676)) ([a49fab4](a49fab4)) * chore(release): 0.34.1 [skip ci] * **syncer:** Fix for windows binaries in action runner syncer ([#1716](#1716)) ([63e0e27](63e0e27)) * chore(release): 0.34.2 [skip ci] * Limit AWS Terraform Provider to 3.* ([#1741](#1741)) ([0cf2b5d](0cf2b5d)) * **runner:** Cannot disable cloudwatch agent ([#1738](#1738)) ([0f798ca](0f798ca)) * chore(release): 0.35.0 [skip ci] * Parameterise delete_on_termination ([#1758](#1758)) ([6282351](6282351)), closes [#1745](#1745) * **runner:** Ability to disable default runner security group creation ([#1718](#1718)) ([94779f8](94779f8)) * chore(release): 0.36.0 [skip ci] * **runner:** Add option to disable auto update ([#1791](#1791)) ([c2a834f](c2a834f)) * chore(release): 0.37.0 [skip ci] * Add associate_public_ip_address variable to windows AMI too ([#1819](#1819)) ([0b8e1fc](0b8e1fc)), closes [/]( * Add associate_public_ip_address variable ([#1816](#1816)) ([052e9f8](052e9f8)) * Add option for KMS encryption for cloudwatch log groups ([#1833](#1833)) ([3f1a67f](3f1a67f)) * Add SQS queue resource policy to improve security ([#1798](#1798)) ([96def9a](96def9a)) * Add Support for Alternative Partitions in ARNs (like govcloud) ([#1815](#1815)) ([0ba06c8](0ba06c8)) * Add variable to specify custom commands while building the AMI ([#1838](#1838)) ([8f9c342](8f9c342)) * Autoupdate should be disabled by default ([#1797](#1797)) ([828bed6](828bed6)) * Create SQS DLQ policy only if DLQ is created ([#1839](#1839)) ([c88a005](c88a005)) * Upgrade Amazon base AMI to Amazon Linux 2 kernel 5x ([#1812](#1812)) ([9aa5532](9aa5532)) * chore(release): 0.38.0 [skip ci] * Add option for ephemeral to check builds status before scaling ([#1854](#1854)) ([7eb0bda](7eb0bda)) * Retention days was used instead of kms key id for pool ([#1855](#1855)) ([aa29d93](aa29d93)) * chore(release): 0.39.0 [skip ci] * Add possibility to create multiple ebs ([#1845](#1845)) ([7a2ca0d](7a2ca0d)) * Don't delete busy runners ([#1832](#1832)) ([0e9b083](0e9b083)) * chore(release): 0.40.0 [skip ci] * Support multi runner process support for runner scale down. ([#1859](#1859)) ([3658d6a](3658d6a)) * Set the minimal AWS provider to 3.50 ([#1937](#1937)) ([16095d8](16095d8)) * chore(release): 0.40.1 [skip ci] * Avoid non semantic commontes can be merged. ([#1969](#1969)) ([ad1c872](ad1c872)) * chore(release): 0.40.2 [skip ci] * Outputs for pool need to account for complexity ([#1970](#1970)) ([2d92906](2d92906)) * chore(release): 0.40.3 [skip ci] * Volume size is ingored ([#2014](#2014)) ([b733248](b733248)), closes [#1954](#1954) * chore(release): 0.40.4 [skip ci] * Wrong block device mapping ([#2019](#2019)) ([c42a467](c42a467)) * chore(release): 1.0.0 [skip ci] * var.volume_size replaced by var.block_device_mappings * The module is upgraded to AWS Terraform provider 4.x * Improve syncer s3 kms encryption ([38ed5be](38ed5be)) * Remove var.volume_size in favour of var.block_device_mappings ([4e97048](4e97048)) * Support AWS 4.x Terraform provider ([#1739](#1739)) ([cfb6da2](cfb6da2)) * Wrong block device mapping ([#2019](#2019)) ([185ef20](185ef20)) * chore(release): 1.1.0 [skip ci] * Add option to enable detailed monitoring for runner launch template ([#2024](#2024)) ([e73a267](e73a267)) * chore(release): 1.1.1 [skip ci] * **runner:** Don't treat the string "false" as true. ([#2051](#2051)) ([b67c7dc](b67c7dc)) * chore(release): 1.2.0 [skip ci] * Replace environment variable by prefix ([#1858](#1858)) ([e2f9a27](e2f9a27)) * docs: fix hyperlinks in the Terraform Registry documentation (#2085) This makes the hyperlink correct in the Terraform Registry documentation * chore(release): 1.3.0 [skip ci] * Support arm64 lambda functions ([#2121](#2121)) ([9e2a7b6](9e2a7b6)) * Support Node16 for AWS Lambda ([#2073](#2073)) ([68a2014](68a2014)) * replaced old environment variable ([#2146](#2146)) ([f2072f7](f2072f7)) * set explicit permissions on s3 for syncer lambda ([#2145](#2145)) ([aa7edd1](aa7edd1)) * set kms key on aws_s3_object when encryption is enabled ([#2147](#2147)) ([b4dc706](b4dc706)) * chore(release): 1.4.0 [skip ci] * Add option to match some of the labes instead of all [#2122](#2122) ([#2123](#2123)) ([c5e3c21](c5e3c21)) * don't apply extra labels unless defined ([#2181](#2181)) ([c0b11bb](c0b11bb)) * Remove asterik in permission for runner lambda to describe instances ([9b9da03](9b9da03)) * chore(release): 1.4.1 [skip ci] * added server_side_encryption key to download trigger for distribution ([#2207](#2207)) ([404e3b6](404e3b6)) * chore(release): 1.5.0 [skip ci] * Add ubuntu-jammy example image based on existing ubuntu-focal ([#2102](#2102)) ([486ae91](486ae91)) * **images:** avoid wrong AMI could be selected for ubuntu focal ([#2214](#2214)) ([76be94b](76be94b)) * chore(release): 1.6.0 [skip ci] * Add options extra option to ebs block device mapping ([#2052](#2052)) ([7cd2524](7cd2524)) * Enable node16 default ([#2074](#2074)) ([58aa5ed](58aa5ed)) * Incorrect path of Runner logs ([#2233](#2233)) ([98eff98](98eff98)) * Preventing that lambda webhook fails when it tries to process an installation_repositories event ([#2288](#2288)) ([8656c83](8656c83)) * Update ubuntu example to fix /opt/hostedtoolcache ([#2302](#2302)) ([8eea748](8eea748)) * Webhook lambda misleading log ([#2291](#2291)) ([c6275f9](c6275f9)) * chore(release): 1.7.0 [skip ci] * Webhook accept jobs where not all labels are provided in job. ([#2209](#2209)) ([6d9116f](6d9116f)) * Ignore case for runner labels. ([#2315](#2315)) ([014985a](014985a)) * chore(release): 1.8.0 [skip ci] * Add option to disable lambda to sync runner binaries ([#2314](#2314)) ([9f7d32d](9f7d32d)) * **examples:** Upgrading ubuntu example to 22.04 ([#2250](#2250)) ([d4b7650](d4b7650)), closes [#2103](#2103) * chore(release): 1.8.1 [skip ci] * **runners:** Pass allocation strategy ([#2345](#2345)) ([68d3445](68d3445)) * chore(release): 1.9.0 [skip ci] * Add option to enable access log for API gateway ([#2387](#2387)) ([fcd9fba](fcd9fba)) * add s3_location_runner_distribution var as expandable for userdata ([#2371](#2371)) ([05fe737](05fe737)) * Encrypted data at REST on SQS by default ([#2431](#2431)) ([7f3f4bf](7f3f4bf)) * **images:** Allow passing instance type when building windows image ([#2369](#2369)) ([eca23bf](eca23bf)) * **runners:** Fetch instance environment tag though metadata ([#2346](#2346)) ([27db290](27db290)) * **runners:** Set the default Windows AMI to Server 2022 ([#2325](#2325)) ([78e99d1](78e99d1)) * chore(release): 1.9.1 [skip ci] * **webhook:** Use `x-hub-signature-256` header as default ([#2434](#2434)) ([9c3e495](9c3e495)) * chore(release): 1.10.0 [skip ci] * Download runner release via latest release API ([#2455](#2455)) ([e75e092](e75e092)) * fix: Execute runner in own process, mask token in logs * Add option to disable user_data logging * Enforcing debug is disabled, and introduce option to enable debug logging. * add section related to security considerations * add section related to security considerations Co-authored-by: semantic-release-bot <[email protected]> Co-authored-by: Derek Crosson <[email protected]>
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